Uses of Interface
Packages that use RevisionHandler
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.associations
Classes in weka.associations that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Abstract scheme for learning associations.class
Class implementing an Apriori-type algorithm.class
Class for storing a set of items.class
Class for evaluating Associaters.class
Class for examining the capabilities and finding problems with associators.class
Class for running an arbitrary associator on data that has been passed through an arbitrary filter.class
Class implementing the FP-growth algorithm for finding large item sets without candidate generation.class
Class for storing a set of items.class
Class for storing a set of items together with a class label.class
Abstract utility class for handling settings common to meta associators that use a single base associator. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.attributeSelection
Classes in weka.attributeSelection that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Abstract attribute selection evaluation classclass
Abstract attribute selection search class.class
Attribute selection class.class
Abstract attribute set evaluator.class
Searches the space of attribute subsets by greedy hillclimbing augmented with a backtracking facility.class
Class for a node in a linked list.class
CfsSubsetEval :
Evaluates the worth of a subset of attributes by considering the individual predictive ability of each feature along with the degree of redundancy between them.
Subsets of features that are highly correlated with the class while having low intercorrelation are preferred.
For more information see:
Class for examining the capabilities and finding problems with attribute selection schemes.class
ClassifierAttributeEval :
Evaluates the worth of an attribute by using a user-specified classifier.class
Classifier subset evaluator:
Evaluates attribute subsets on training data or a separate hold out testing set.class
CorrelationAttributeEval :
Evaluates the worth of an attribute by measuring the correlation (Pearson's) between it and the class.
Nominal attributes are considered on a value by value basis by treating each value as an indicator.class
GainRatioAttributeEval :
Evaluates the worth of an attribute by measuring the gain ratio with respect to the class.
GainR(Class, Attribute) = (H(Class) - H(Class | Attribute)) / H(Attribute).class
GreedyStepwise :
Performs a greedy forward or backward search through the space of attribute subsets.class
Abstract attribute subset evaluator capable of evaluating subsets with respect to a data set that is distinct from that used to initialize/ train the subset evaluator.class
InfoGainAttributeEval :
Evaluates the worth of an attribute by measuring the information gain with respect to the class.
InfoGain(Class,Attribute) = H(Class) - H(Class | Attribute).class
OneRAttributeEval :
Evaluates the worth of an attribute by using the OneR classifier.class
Performs a principal components analysis and transformation of the data.class
Ranker :
Ranks attributes by their individual evaluations.class
ReliefFAttributeEval :
Evaluates the worth of an attribute by repeatedly sampling an instance and considering the value of the given attribute for the nearest instance of the same and different class.class
SymmetricalUncertAttributeEval :
Evaluates the worth of an attribute by measuring the symmetrical uncertainty with respect to the class.class
Abstract unsupervised attribute evaluator.class
Abstract unsupervised attribute subset evaluator.class
Evaluates attribute sets by using a learning scheme. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.classifiers
Classes in weka.classifiers that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Abstract classifier.class
Subclass of Evaluation that provides a method for aggregating the results stored in another Evaluation object.class
Class for performing a Bias-Variance decomposition on any classifier using the method specified in:
Ron Kohavi, David H.class
This class performs Bias-Variance decomposion on any classifier using the sub-sampled cross-validation procedure as specified in (1).
The Kohavi and Wolpert definition of bias and variance is specified in (2).
The Webb definition of bias and variance is specified in (3).
Geoffrey I.class
Class for examining the capabilities and finding problems with classifiers.class
A simple class for checking the source generated from Classifiers implementing theweka.classifiers.Sourcable
Class for storing and manipulating a misclassification cost matrix.class
Class for evaluating machine learning models.class
Abstract utility class for handling settings common to meta classifiers that build an ensemble from a single base learner.class
Abstract utility class for handling settings common to meta classifiers that build an ensemble from multiple classifiers.class
Abstract utility class for handling settings common to meta classifiers that build an ensemble in parallel from a single base learner.class
Abstract utility class for handling settings common to meta classifiers that build an ensemble in parallel using multiple classifiers.class
Abstract utility class for handling settings common to randomizable classifiers.class
Abstract utility class for handling settings common to randomizable meta classifiers that build an ensemble from a single base learner.class
Abstract utility class for handling settings common to randomizable meta classifiers that build an ensemble from multiple classifiers based on a given random number seed.class
Abstract utility class for handling settings common to randomizable meta classifiers that build an ensemble in parallel from a single base learner.class
Abstract utility class for handling settings common to meta classifiers that build an ensemble in parallel using multiple classifiers based on a given random number seed.class
Abstract utility class for handling settings common to randomizable meta classifiers that build an ensemble from a single base learner.class
Abstract utility class for handling settings common to meta classifiers that use a single base learner. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.classifiers.bayes
Classes in weka.classifiers.bayes that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Bayes Network learning using various search algorithms and quality measures.
Base class for a Bayes Network classifier.class
Class for a Naive Bayes classifier using estimator classes.class
Class for building and using a multinomial Naive Bayes classifier.class
Multinomial naive bayes for text data.class
Class for building and using an updateable multinomial Naive Bayes classifier.class
Class for a Naive Bayes classifier using estimator classes. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in
Classes in that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The ADNode class implements the ADTree datastructure which increases the speed with which sub-contingency tables can be constructed from a data set in an Instances object.class
Bayes Network learning using various search algorithms and quality measures.
Base class for a Bayes Network classifier.class
Builds a description of a Bayes Net classifier stored in XML BIF 0.3 format.
For more details on XML BIF see:
Fabio Cozman, Marek Druzdzel, Daniel Garcia (1998).class
Bayes Network learning using various search algorithms and quality measures.
Base class for a Bayes Network classifier.class
Helper class for Bayes Network classifiers.class
Part of ADTree implementation. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in
Classes in that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
BayesNetEstimator is the base class for estimating the conditional probability tables of a Bayes network once the structure has been learned.class
BMAEstimator estimates conditional probability tables of a Bayes network using Bayes Model Averaging (BMA).class
Symbolic probability estimator based on symbol counts and a prior.class
Symbolic probability estimator based on symbol counts and a prior.class
Multinomial BMA Estimator.class
SimpleEstimator is used for estimating the conditional probability tables of a Bayes network once the structure has been learned. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in
Classes in that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This is the base class for all search algorithms for learning Bayes networks. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in
Classes in that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The CISearchAlgorithm class supports Bayes net structure search algorithms that are based on conditional independence test (as opposed to for example score based of cross validation based search algorithms).class
This Bayes Network learning algorithm uses conditional independence tests to find a skeleton, finds V-nodes and applies a set of rules to find the directions of the remaining arrows. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in
Classes in that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The FromFile reads the structure of a Bayes net from a file in BIFF format.class
The NaiveBayes class generates a fixed Bayes network structure with arrows from the class variable to each of the attribute variables. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in
Classes in that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This Bayes Network learning algorithm uses genetic search for finding a well scoring Bayes network structure.class
This Bayes Network learning algorithm uses cross validation to estimate classification accuracy.class
This Bayes Network learning algorithm uses a hill climbing algorithm adding, deleting and reversing arcs.class
This Bayes Network learning algorithm uses a hill climbing algorithm restricted by an order on the variables.
For more information see:
This Bayes Network learning algorithm repeatedly uses hill climbing starting with a randomly generated network structure and return the best structure of the various runs.class
This Bayes Network learning algorithm uses the general purpose search method of simulated annealing to find a well scoring network structure.
For more information see:
This Bayes Network learning algorithm uses tabu search for finding a well scoring Bayes network structure.class
This Bayes Network learning algorithm determines the maximum weight spanning tree and returns a Naive Bayes network augmented with a tree.
For more information see:
N. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in
Classes in that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This Bayes Network learning algorithm uses genetic search for finding a well scoring Bayes network structure.class
This Bayes Network learning algorithm uses a hill climbing algorithm adding, deleting and reversing arcs.class
This Bayes Network learning algorithm uses a hill climbing algorithm restricted by an order on the variables.
For more information see:
This Bayes Network learning algorithm uses a Look Ahead Hill Climbing algorithm called LAGD Hill Climbing.class
The ScoreBasedSearchAlgorithm class supports Bayes net structure search algorithms that are based on maximizing scores (as opposed to for example conditional independence based search algorithms).class
This Bayes Network learning algorithm repeatedly uses hill climbing starting with a randomly generated network structure and return the best structure of the various runs.class
This Bayes Network learning algorithm uses the general purpose search method of simulated annealing to find a well scoring network structure.
For more information see:
This Bayes Network learning algorithm uses tabu search for finding a well scoring Bayes network structure.class
This Bayes Network learning algorithm determines the maximum weight spanning tree and returns a Naive Bayes network augmented with a tree.
For more information see:
N. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.classifiers.evaluation
Classes in weka.classifiers.evaluation that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Subclass of Evaluation that provides a method for aggregating the results stored in another Evaluation object.class
Cells of this matrix correspond to counts of the number (or weight) of predictions for each actual value / predicted value combination.class
Generates points illustrating probablity cost tradeoffs that can be obtained by varying the threshold value between classes.class
Class for evaluating machine learning models.class
Contains utility functions for generating lists of predictions in various manners.class
Generates points illustrating the prediction margin.class
Encapsulates an evaluatable nominal prediction: the predicted probability distribution plus the actual class value.class
Encapsulates an evaluatable numeric prediction: the predicted class value plus the actual class value.class
Generates points illustrating prediction tradeoffs that can be obtained by varying the threshold value between classes.class
Encapsulates performance functions for two-class problems. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.classifiers.functions
Classes in weka.classifiers.functions that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
* Implements Gaussian processes for regression without hyperparameter-tuning.class
Class for using linear regression for prediction.class
Class for building and using a multinomial logistic regression model with a ridge estimator.
There are some modifications, however, compared to the paper of leCessie and van Houwelingen(1992):
If there are k classes for n instances with m attributes, the parameter matrix B to be calculated will be an m*(k-1) matrix.
The probability for class j with the exception of the last class is
Pj(Xi) = exp(XiBj)/((sum[j=1..(k-1)]exp(Xi*Bj))+1)
The last class has probability
= 1/((sum[j=1..(k-1)]exp(Xi*Bj))+1)
The (negative) multinomial log-likelihood is thus:
L = -sum[i=1..n]{
sum[j=1..(k-1)](Yij * ln(Pj(Xi)))
+(1 - (sum[j=1..(k-1)]Yij))
* ln(1 - sum[j=1..(k-1)]Pj(Xi))
} + ridge * (B^2)
In order to find the matrix B for which L is minimised, a Quasi-Newton Method is used to search for the optimized values of the m*(k-1) variables.class
A classifier that uses backpropagation to learn a multi-layer perceptron to classify instances.class
Implements stochastic gradient descent for learning various linear models (binary class SVM, binary class logistic regression, squared loss, Huber loss and epsilon-insensitive loss linear regression).class
Implements stochastic gradient descent for learning a linear binary class SVM or binary class logistic regression on text data.class
Learns a simple linear regression model.class
Classifier for building linear logistic regression models.class
Implements John Platt's sequential minimal optimization algorithm for training a support vector classifier.
This implementation globally replaces all missing values and transforms nominal attributes into binary ones.class
SMOreg implements the support vector machine for regression.class
Implementation of the voted perceptron algorithm by Freund and Schapire. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.classifiers.functions.neural
Classes in weka.classifiers.functions.neural that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This can be used by the neuralnode to perform all it's computations (as a Linear unit).class
Abstract unit in a NeuralNetwork.class
This class is used to represent a node in the neuralnet.class
This can be used by the neuralnode to perform all it's computations (as a sigmoid unit). -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.classifiers.functions.supportVector
Classes in weka.classifiers.functions.supportVector that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Base class for RBFKernel and PolyKernel that implements a simple LRU.class
Class for examining the capabilities and finding problems with kernels.class
Abstract kernel.class
Class for evaluating Kernels.class
The normalized polynomial kernel.
K(x,y) = <x,y>/sqrt(<x,x><y,y>) where <x,y> = PolyKernel(x,y)class
The polynomial kernel : K(x, y) = <x, y>^p or K(x, y) = (<x, y>+1)^pclass
This kernel is based on a static kernel matrix that is read from a file.class
The Pearson VII function-based universal kernel.
For more information see:
The RBF kernel : K(x, y) = exp(-gamma*(x-y)^2)
Valid options are:class
Base class implementation for learning algorithm of SMOreg Valid options are:class
Implementation of SMO for support vector regression as described in :
Learn SVM for regression using SMO with Shevade, Keerthi, et al.class
Stores a set of integer of a given size.class
Implementation of the subsequence kernel (SSK) as described in [1] and of the subsequence kernel with lambda pruning (SSK-LP) as described in [2].
For more information, see
Huma Lodhi, Craig Saunders, John Shawe-Taylor, Nello Cristianini, Christopher J. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.classifiers.lazy
Classes in weka.classifiers.lazy that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
K-nearest neighbours classifier.class
K* is an instance-based classifier, that is the class of a test instance is based upon the class of those training instances similar to it, as determined by some similarity function.class
Locally weighted learning. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.classifiers.lazy.kstar
Classes in weka.classifiers.lazy.kstar that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A class representing the caching system used to keep track of each attribute value and its corresponding scale factor or stop parameter.class
A custom hashtable class to support the caching system.class
Hashtable collision list.class
A custom class which provides the environment for computing the transformation probability of a specified test instance nominal attribute to a specified train instance nominal attribute.class
A custom class which provides the environment for computing the transformation probability of a specified test instance numeric attribute to a specified train instance numeric attribute.class
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.classifiers.meta
Classes in weka.classifiers.meta that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Class for boosting a nominal class classifier using the Adaboost M1 method.class
Meta classifier that enhances the performance of a regression base classifier.class
Dimensionality of training and test data is reduced by attribute selection before being passed on to a classifier.class
Class for bagging a classifier to reduce variance.class
Class for doing classification using regression methods.class
A metaclassifier that makes its base classifier cost sensitive.class
Class for performing parameter selection by cross-validation for any classifier.
For more information, see:
Class for running an arbitrary classifier on data that has been passed through an arbitrary filter.class
Chooses the best number of iterations for an IterativeClassifier such as LogitBoost using cross-validation or a percentage split evaluation.class
Class for performing additive logistic regression.class
A metaclassifier for handling multi-class datasets with 2-class classifiers.class
A metaclassifier for handling multi-class datasets with 2-class classifiers.class
Class for selecting a classifier from among several using cross validation on the training data or the performance on the training data.class
Class for building an ensemble of randomizable base classifiers.class
Class for running an arbitrary classifier on data that has been passed through an arbitrary filter.class
This method constructs a decision tree based classifier that maintains highest accuracy on training data and improves on generalization accuracy as it grows in complexity.class
A regression scheme that employs any classifier on a copy of the data that has the class attribute (equal-width) discretized.class
Combines several classifiers using the stacking method.class
Class for combining classifiers.class
Generic wrapper around any classifier to enable weighted instances support.
Uses resampling with weights if the base classifier is not implementing the weka.core.WeightedInstancesHandler interface and there are instance weights other 1.0 present. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.classifiers.misc
Classes in weka.classifiers.misc that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Wrapper classifier that addresses incompatible training and test data by building a mapping between the training data that a classifier has been built with and the incoming test instances' structure.class
A wrapper around a serialized classifier model. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.classifiers.pmml.consumer
Classes in weka.classifiers.pmml.consumer that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Class implementing import of PMML General Regression model.class
Class implementing import of PMML Neural Network model.class
Abstract base class for all PMML classifiers.class
Class implementing import of PMML Regression model.class
Class implementing import of PMML RuleSetModel.class
Implements a PMML SupportVectorMachineModelclass
Class implementing import of PMML TreeModel. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.classifiers.rules
Classes in weka.classifiers.rules that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Class for building and using a simple decision table majority classifier.
For more information see:
Ron Kohavi: The Power of Decision Tables.class
Class providing hash table keys for DecisionTableclass
This class implements a propositional rule learner, Repeated Incremental Pruning to Produce Error Reduction (RIPPER), which was proposed by William W.class
The single antecedent in the rule, which is composed of an attribute and the corresponding value.class
The antecedent with nominal attributeclass
The antecedent with numeric attributeclass
This class implements a single rule that predicts specified class.class
Generates a decision list for regression problems using separate-and-conquer.class
Class for building and using a 1R classifier; in other words, uses the minimum-error attribute for prediction, discretizing numeric attributes.class
Class for generating a PART decision list.class
Abstract class of generic ruleclass
This class implements the statistics functions used in the propositional rule learner, from the simpler ones like count of true/false positive/negatives, filter data based on the ruleset, etc.class
Class for building and using a 0-R classifier. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.classifiers.rules.part
Classes in weka.classifiers.rules.part that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Class for handling a partial tree structure pruned using C4.5's pruning heuristic.class
Class for handling a rule (partial tree) for a decision list.class
Class for handling a decision list.class
Class for handling a partial tree structure that can be pruned using a pruning set. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.classifiers.trees
Classes in weka.classifiers.trees that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Class for building and using a decision stump.class
A Hoeffding tree (VFDT) is an incremental, anytime decision tree induction algorithm that is capable of learning from massive data streams, assuming that the distribution generating examples does not change over time.class
Class for generating a pruned or unpruned C4.5 decision tree.class
Classifier for building 'logistic model trees', which are classification trees with logistic regression functions at the leaves.class
Class for constructing a forest of random trees.
For more information see:
Leo Breiman (2001).class
Class for constructing a tree that considers K randomly chosen attributes at each node.class
Fast decision tree learner. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.classifiers.trees.j48
Classes in weka.classifiers.trees.j48 that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Class for selecting a C4.5-like binary (!) split for a given dataset.class
Class implementing a binary C4.5-like split on an attribute.class
Class for selecting a C4.5-type split for a given dataset.class
Class for handling a tree structure that can be pruned using C4.5 procedures.class
Class implementing a C4.5-type split on an attribute.class
Abstract class for classification models that can be used recursively to split the data.class
Class for handling a tree structure used for classification.class
Class for handling a distribution of class values.class
"Abstract" class for computing splitting criteria based on the entropy of a class class
Class for computing the entropy for a given class
Class for computing the gain ratio for a given class
Class for computing the information gain for a given distribution.class
Abstract class for model selection criteria.class
Class for handling a naive bayes tree structure used for classification.class
Class for selecting a NB tree class
Class implementing a "no-split"-split (leaf node) for naive bayes trees.class
Class implementing a NBTree split on an class
Class implementing a "no-split"-split.class
Class for handling a tree structure that can be pruned using a pruning set.class
Abstract class for computing splitting criteria with respect to distributions of class values.class
Class implementing a statistical routine needed by J48 to compute its error estimate. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.classifiers.trees.lmt
Classes in weka.classifiers.trees.lmt that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Class for logistic model tree structure.class
Base/helper class for building logistic regression models with the LogitBoost algorithm.class
Helper class for logistic model trees (weka.classifiers.trees.lmt.LMT) to implement the splitting criterion based on residuals.class
Helper class for logistic model trees (weka.classifiers.trees.lmt.LMT) to implement the splitting criterion based on residuals of the LogitBoost algorithm. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.classifiers.trees.m5
Classes in weka.classifiers.trees.m5 that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
Finds split points using class
Class for handling the impurity values when spliting the instancesclass
This class encapsulates a linear regression function.class
Generates a single m5 tree or ruleclass
Constructs a node for use in an m5 tree or rulefinal class
Stores some class
Stores split information. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.classifiers.xml
Classes in weka.classifiers.xml that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This class serializes and deserializes a Classifier instance to and fro XML. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.clusterers
Classes in weka.clusterers that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Abstract clusterer.class
Abstract clustering model that produces (for each test instance) an estimate of the membership in each cluster (ie.class
Cluster data using the capopy clustering algorithm, which requires just one pass over the data.class
Class for examining the capabilities and finding problems with clusterers.class
Class for evaluating clustering models.class
Class implementing the Cobweb and Classit clustering algorithms.
Note: the application of node operators (merging, splitting etc.) in terms of ordering and priority differs (and is somewhat ambiguous) between the original Cobweb and Classit papers.class
Inner class handling node operations for Cobweb.class
Simple EM (expectation maximisation) class.
EM assigns a probability distribution to each instance which indicates the probability of it belonging to each of the clusters.class
Cluster data using the FarthestFirst algorithm.
For more information see:
Hochbaum, Shmoys (1985).class
Class for running an arbitrary clusterer on data that has been passed through an arbitrary filter.class
Hierarchical clustering class.class
Class for wrapping a Clusterer to make it return a distribution and density.class
Abstract utility class for handling settings common to randomizable clusterers.class
Abstract utility class for handling settings common to randomizable clusterers.class
Abstract utility class for handling settings common to randomizable clusterers.class
Cluster data using the k means algorithm.class
Meta-clusterer for enhancing a base clusterer. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.core
Classes in weka.core that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Abstract class providing common functionality for the original instance implementations.class
Class for performing operations on an algebraic vector of floating-point values.class
Applies all known Javadoc-derived classes to a source file.class
Class for handling an attribute.class
This class locates and records the indices of a certain type of attributes, recursively in case of Relational attributes.class
A Utility class that contains summary information on an the values that appear in a dataset for a particular attribute.class
Class for storing a binary-data-only instance as a sparse vector.class
A class that describes the capabilites (e.g., handling certain types of attributes, missing values, types of classes, etc.) of a specific classifier.class
Implements the Chebyshev distance.class
Abstract general class for testing in Weka.class
Simple command line checking of classes that are editable in the GOE.class
Simple command line checking of classes that implement OptionHandler.class
Abstract general class for testing schemes in Weka.static class
a class for postprocessing the test-dataclass
A singleton that stores all classes on the classpath.class
This class is used for discovering classes that implement a certain interface or a derived from a certain class.static class
compares two strings.class
Utility class that can add jar files to the classpath dynamically.class
This subclass of implements conjugate gradient descent rather than BFGS updates, by overriding findArgmin(), with the same tests for convergence, and applies the same line search code.class
Class implementing some statistical routines for contingency tables.class
A helper class for debug output, logging, clocking, etc.static class
A little helper class for clocking and outputting times.static class
contains debug methodsstatic class
A helper class for logging stuff.static class
This extended Random class enables one to print the generated random numbers etc., before they are returned.static class
A little, simple helper class for logging stuff.static class
A class that can be used for timestamps in files, The toString() method simply returns the associated Date object in a timestamp format.class
Class for handling an instance.class
This class encapsulates a map of all environment and java system properties.class
Implementing Euclidean distance (or similarity) function.
One object defines not one distance but the data model in which the distances between objects of that data model can be computed.
Attention: For efficiency reasons the use of consistency checks (like are the data models of the two instances exactly the same), is low.
For more information, see:
Locates all classes with certain capabilities.class
Generates Javadoc comments from the class's globalInfo method.class
A comparator for the Instance class.class
Class for handling an ordered set of weighted instances.class
Abstract superclass for classes that generate Javadoc comments and replace the content between certain comment tags.class
Lists the options of an OptionHandlerclass
Implements the Manhattan distance (or Taxicab geometry).class
A little helper class for Memory management.class
Implementing Minkowski distance (or similarity) function.
One object defines not one distance but the data model in which the distances between objects of that data model can be computed.
Attention: For efficiency reasons the use of consistency checks (like are the data models of the two instances exactly the same), is low.
For more information, see:
Represents the abstract ancestor for normalizable distance functions, like Euclidean or Manhattan distance.class
Implementation of Active-sets method with BFGS update to solve optimization problem with only bounds constraints in multi-dimensions.class
Class to store information about an option.class
Generates Javadoc comments from the OptionHandler's options.class
A helper class for accessing properties in nested objects, e.g., accessing the "getRidge" method of a LinearRegression classifier part of MultipleClassifierCombiner, e.g., Vote.static class
Contains a (property) path structurestatic class
Represents a single element of a property pathclass
Simple class that extends the Properties class so that the properties are unable to be modified.class
Class representing a FIFO class
Class implementing some simple random variates generator.class
Class representing a range of cardinal numbers.class
This class locates and records the indices of relational attributes,class
Represents a selected value from a finite set of values, where each value is a Tag (i.e.class
A helper class for determining serialVersionUIDs and checking whether classes contain one and/or need one.class
Class for storing an object in serialized form in memory.class
Class representing a single cardinal number.class
Class for storing an instance as a sparse class
Class implementing some mathematical functions.class
Class implementing some distributions, tests, etc.class
Class that can test whether a given string is a stop word.class
This class locates and records the indices of String attributes, recursively in case of Relational attributes.class
This class prints some information about the system setup, like Java version, JVM settings etc.class
simply associates a numeric ID with a String description.class
Used for paper references in the Javadoc and for BibTex generation.class
Generates Javadoc comments from the TechnicalInformationHandler's data.class
This class pipelines print/println's to several PrintStreams.class
Generates artificial datasets for testing.class
A class representing a Trie data structure for strings.static class
Represents an iterator over a triestatic class
Represents a node in the class
Class implementing some simple utility methods.class
This class contains the version number of the current WEKA release and some methods for comparing another version string.class
Class for enumerating an array list's elements.Methods in weka.core with parameters of type RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic String
(RevisionHandler handler) Extracts the revision string returned by the RevisionHandler.static RevisionUtils.Type
(RevisionHandler handler) Determines the type of a (sanitized) revision string returned by the RevisionHandler. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.core.converters
Subinterfaces of RevisionHandler in weka.core.convertersModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Interface to something that can load Instances from an input source in some format.interface
Interface to something that can save Instances to an output destination in some format.Classes in weka.core.converters that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Abstract superclass for all file loaders.class
Abstract class for Savers that save to a file Valid options are: -i input arff file
The input filw in arff format.class
Abstract class gives default implementation of setSource methods.class
Abstract class for Saverclass
Reads a source that is in arff (attribute relation file format) format.static class
Reads data from an ARFF file, either in incremental or batch mode.class
Writes to a destination in arff text format.class
Reads a file that is C45 format.class
Writes to a destination that is in the format used by the C4.5 algorithm.
Therefore it outputs a names and a data file.class
Utility routines for the converter package.static class
Helper class for saving data to files.static class
Helper class for loading data from files and URLs.class
Reads a source that is in comma separated format (the default).class
Writes to a destination that is in CSV (comma-separated values) format.class
Connects to a database.class
Reads Instances from a Database.class
Writes to a database (tested with MySQL, InstantDB, HSQLDB).class
Writes a dictionary constructed from string attributes in incoming instances to a destination.class
Reads a source that is in the JSON format.
It automatically decompresses the data if the extension is '.json.gz'.
For more information, see JSON homepage:
Writes to a destination that is in JSON format.
The data can be compressed with gzip, in order to save space.
For more information, see JSON homepage:
Reads a source that is in libsvm format.
For more information about libsvm see:
Writes to a destination that is in libsvm format.
For more information about libsvm see:
Reads a Matlab file containing a single matrix in ASCII format.class
Writes Matlab ASCII files, in single or double precision format.class
Reads a source that contains serialized Instances.class
Serializes the instances to a file with extension bsi.class
Helper class for using stream tokenizersclass
Reads a source that is in svm light format.
For more information about svm light see:
Writes to a destination that is in svm light format.
For more information about svm light see:
Loads all text files in a directory and uses the subdirectory names as class labels.class
Reads a source that is in the XML version of the ARFF format.class
Writes to a destination that is in the XML version of the ARFF format. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.core.logging
Classes in weka.core.logging that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A simple logger that outputs the logging information in the console.class
A simple file logger, that just logs to a single file.class
Abstract superclass for all loggers.class
A logger that logs all output on stdout and stderr to a file. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.core.matrix
Classes in weka.core.matrix that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Cholesky Decomposition.class
A vector specialized on doubles.class
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real matrix.class
Class for the format of floating point numbersclass
A vector specialized on integers.class
Class for performing (ridged) linear regression using Tikhonov regularization.class
LU Decomposition.class
Utility class.class
Jama = Java Matrix class.class
QR Decomposition.class
Singular Value Decomposition. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.core.neighboursearch
Classes in weka.core.neighboursearch that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Class implementing the BallTree/Metric Tree algorithm for nearest neighbour search.
The connection to dataset is only a reference.class
Class implementing the CoverTree datastructure.
The class is very much a translation of the c source code made available by the authors.
For more information and original source code see:
Alina Beygelzimer, Sham Kakade, John Langford: Cover trees for nearest neighbor.class
class representing a node of the cover tree.class
Applies the given filter before calling the given neighbour search method.class
Class implementing the KDTree search algorithm for nearest neighbour search.
The connection to dataset is only a reference.class
Class implementing the brute force search algorithm for nearest neighbour search.class
Abstract class for nearest neighbour search.class
The class that measures the performance of a nearest neighbour search (NNS) algorithm.class
The class that measures the performance of a tree based nearest neighbour search algorithm. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.core.neighboursearch.balltrees
Classes in weka.core.neighboursearch.balltrees that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Class representing a node of a BallTree.class
Abstract class for splitting a ball tree's BallNode.class
Abstract class for constructing a BallTree .class
The class that constructs a ball tree bottom up.class
Class that splits a BallNode of a ball tree using Uhlmann's described method.
For information see:
Jeffrey K.class
Class that splits a BallNode of a ball tree based on the median value of the widest dimension of the points in the ball.class
The class that builds a BallTree middle out.
For more information see also:
Andrew W.class
Implements the Moore's method to split a node of a ball tree.
For more information please see section 2 of the 1st and 3.2.3 of the 2nd:
Andrew W.class
The class implementing the TopDown construction method of ball trees. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.core.neighboursearch.covertrees
Classes in weka.core.neighboursearch.covertrees that implement RevisionHandler -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.core.neighboursearch.kdtrees
Classes in weka.core.neighboursearch.kdtrees that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A class representing a KDTree node.class
Class that splits up a KDTreeNode.class
The class that splits a node into two such that the overall sum of squared distances of points to their centres on both sides of the (axis-parallel) splitting plane is minimum.
For more information see also:
Ashraf Masood Kibriya (2007).class
The class that splits a KDTree node based on the median value of a dimension in which the node's points have the widest spread.
For more information see also:
Jerome H.class
The class that splits a KDTree node based on the midpoint value of a dimension in which the node's points have the widest spread.
For more information see also:
Andrew Moore (1991).class
The class that splits a node into two based on the midpoint value of the dimension in which the node's rectangle is widest. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.core.scripting
Classes in weka.core.scripting that implement RevisionHandler -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.core.stemmers
Subinterfaces of RevisionHandler in weka.core.stemmersClasses in weka.core.stemmers that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
An iterated version of the Lovins stemmer.class
A stemmer based on the Lovins stemmer, described here:
Julie Beth Lovins (1968).class
A dummy stemmer that performs no stemming at all.class
A wrapper class for the Snowball stemmers.class
A helper class for using the stemmers. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.core.tokenizers
Classes in weka.core.tokenizers that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Alphabetic string tokenizer, tokens are to be formed only from contiguous alphabetic sequences.class
Abstract superclass for tokenizers that take characters as delimiters.class
Splits a string into an n-gram with min and max grams.class
Splits a string into an n-gram with min and max grams.class
A superclass for all tokenizer algorithms.class
A simple tokenizer that is using the java.util.StringTokenizer class to tokenize the strings. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.core.xml
Classes in weka.core.xml that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This class is a helper class for XML serialization using KOML .class
This class handles relationships between display names of properties (or classes) and Methods that are associated with them.class
This class stores information about properties to ignore or properties that are allowed for a certain class.class
This class enables one to change the UID of a serialized object and therefore not losing the data stored in the binary format.class
This serializer contains some read/write methods for common classes that are not beans-conform.class
This class offers some methods for generating, reading and writing XML documents.
It can only handle UTF-8.class
XML representation of the Instances class.class
A class for transforming options listed in XML to a regular WEKA command line string.class
With this class objects can be serialized to XML instead into a binary format.class
This class handles relationships between display names of properties (or classes) and Methods that are associated with them.class
This class is a helper class for XML serialization using XStream . -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.datagenerators
Classes in weka.datagenerators that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Abstract class for data generators for classifiers.class
Ancestor to all ClusterDefinitions, i.e., subclasses that handle their own parameters that the cluster generator only passes on.class
Abstract class for cluster data generators.class
Abstract superclass for data generators that generate data for classifiers and clusterers.class
Abstract class for data generators for regression classifiers.class
Class to represent a test. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.datagenerators.classifiers.classification
Classes in weka.datagenerators.classifiers.classification that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Generates a people database and is based on the paper by Agrawal et al.:
Generates random instances based on a Bayes network.class
This generator produces data for a display with 7 LEDs.class
RandomRBF data is generated by first creating a random set of centers for each class.class
A data generator that produces data randomly by producing a decision list.
The decision list consists of rules.
Instances are generated randomly one by one. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.datagenerators.classifiers.regression
Classes in weka.datagenerators.classifiers.regression that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A data generator for generating y according to a given expression out of randomly generated x.
E.g., the mexican hat can be generated like this:
sin(abs(a1)) / abs(a1)
In addition to this function, the amplitude can be changed and gaussian noise can be added.class
A data generator for the simple 'Mexian Hat' function:
y = sin|x| / |x|
In addition to this simple function, the amplitude can be changed and gaussian noise can be added. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.datagenerators.clusterers
Classes in weka.datagenerators.clusterers that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Cluster data generator designed for the BIRCH System
Dataset is generated with instances in K clusters.
Instances are 2-d data points.
Each cluster is characterized by the number of data points in itits radius and its center.class
A data generator that produces data points in hyperrectangular subspace clusters.class
A single cluster for the SubspaceCluster data generator. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.estimators
Subinterfaces of RevisionHandler in weka.estimatorsModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Interface for conditional probability estimators.interface
Interface that can be implemented by simple weighted univariate density estimators.Classes in weka.estimators that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Class for examining the capabilities and finding problems with estimators.static class
class that contains info about the attribute types the estimator can estimate estimator work on one attribute onlystatic class
public class that contains info about the chosen attribute type estimator work on one attribute onlyclass
a class for postprocessing the test-dataclass
Conditional probability estimator for a discrete domain conditional upon a discrete domain.class
Simple symbolic probability estimator based on symbol counts.class
Conditional probability estimator for a discrete domain conditional upon a numeric domain.class
Conditional probability estimator for a discrete domain conditional upon a numeric domain.class
Abstract class for all estimators.class
Contains static utility functions for Estimators.class
Conditional probability estimator for a numeric domain conditional upon a discrete domain (utilises separate kernel estimators for each discrete conditioning value).class
Simple kernel density estimator.class
Conditional probability estimator for a numeric domain conditional upon a numeric domain.class
Simple probability estimator that places a single normal distribution over the observed values.class
Conditional probability estimator for a numeric domain conditional upon a discrete domain (utilises separate normal estimators for each discrete conditioning value).class
Conditional probability estimator for a numeric domain conditional upon a numeric domain (using Mahalanobis distance).class
Simple probability estimator that places a single normal distribution over the observed values.class
Simple probability estimator that places a single Poisson distribution over the observed values.class
Simple histogram density estimator.class
Simple weighted kernel density estimator.class
Simple weighted mixture density estimator.class
Simple weighted normal density estimator. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.experiment
Classes in weka.experiment that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Takes the results from a ResultProducer and submits the average to the result listener.class
A SplitEvaluator that produces results for a classification scheme on a nominal class attribute.class
SplitEvaluator that produces results for a classification scheme on a nominal class attribute, including weighted misclassification costs.class
Generates for each run, carries out an n-fold cross-validation, using the set SplitEvaluator to generate some results.class
Carries out one split of a repeated k-fold cross-validation, using the set SplitEvaluator to generate some results.class
Takes results from a result producer and assembles them into comma separated value form.class
Takes results from a result producer and sends them to a database.class
Examines a database and extracts out the results produced by the specified ResultProducer and submits them to the specified ResultListener.class
DatabaseUtils provides utility functions for accessing the experiment database.class
A SplitEvaluator that produces results for a density based clusterer.class
Holds all the necessary configuration information for a standard type experiment.class
Loads the external test set and calls the appropriate SplitEvaluator to generate some results.
The filename of the test set is constructed as follows:
<dir> + / + <prefix> + <relation-name> + <suffix>
The relation-name can be modified by using the regular expression to replace the matching sub-string with a specified replacement string.class
Convert the results of a database query into instances.class
Outputs the received results in arff format to a Writer.class
Tells a sub-ResultProducer to reproduce the current run for varying sized subsamples of the dataset.class
OutputZipper writes output to either gzipped files or to a multi entry zip file.class
Behaves the same as PairedTTester, only it uses the corrected resampled t-test statistic.class
A class for storing stats on a paired comparison (t-test and correlation)class
A class for storing stats on a paired comparison.class
Calculates T-Test statistics on data stored in a set of instances.class
Stores information on a property of an object: the class of the object with the property; the property descriptor, and the current value.class
Generates a single train/test split and calls the appropriate SplitEvaluator to generate some results.class
A SplitEvaluator that produces results for a classification scheme on a numeric class attribute.class
A general purpose server for executing Task objects sent via RMI.class
Holds all the necessary configuration information for a distributed experiment.class
Class to encapsulate an experiment as a task that can be executed on a remote host.class
This matrix is a container for the datasets and classifier setups and their statistics.class
Generates the matrix in CSV ('comma-separated values') format.class
Generates output for a data and script file for GnuPlot.class
Generates the matrix output as HTML.class
Generates the matrix output in LaTeX-syntax.class
Generates the output as plain text (for fixed width fonts).class
Only outputs the significance indicators.class
A class to store simple statistics.class
A class holding information for tasks being executed on RemoteEngines. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.experiment.xml
Classes in weka.experiment.xml that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This class serializes and deserializes an Experiment instance to and fro XML.
It omits theoptions
from the Experiment, since these are handled by the get/set-methods. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.filters
Classes in weka.filters that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A simple instance filter that passes all instances directly through.class
A simple class for checking the source generated from Filters implementing theweka.filters.Sourcable
An abstract class for instance filters: objects that take instances as input, carry out some transformation on the instance and then output the instance.class
Applies several filters successively.class
A simple filter that allows the relation name of a set of instances to be altered in various ways.class
This filter is a superclass for simple batch filters.class
This filter contains common behavior of the SimpleBatchFilter and the SimpleStreamFilter.class
This filter is a superclass for simple stream filters. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.filters.supervised.attribute
Classes in weka.filters.supervised.attribute that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A filter for adding the classification, the class distribution and an error flag to a dataset with a classifier.class
A supervised attribute filter that can be used to select attributes.class
Converts the values of nominal and/or numeric attributes into class conditional probabilities.class
Changes the order of the classes so that the class values are no longer of in the order specified in the header.class
An instance filter that discretizes a range of numeric attributes in the dataset into nominal attributes.class
Merges values of all nominal attributes among the specified attributes, excluding the class attribute, using the CHAID method, but without considering re-splitting of merged subsets.class
Converts all nominal attributes into binary numeric attributes.class
* A filter that uses a PartitionGenerator to generate partition membership values; filtered instances are composed of these values plus the class attribute (if set in the input data) and rendered as sparse instances. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.filters.supervised.instance
Classes in weka.filters.supervised.instance that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Reweights the instances in the data so that each class has the same total weight.class
Produces a random subsample of a dataset using either sampling with replacement or without replacement.
The original dataset must fit entirely in memory.class
Produces a random subsample of a dataset.class
This filter takes a dataset and outputs a specified fold for cross validation. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute
Classes in weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
An abstract instance filter that assumes instances form time-series data and performs some merging of attribute values in the current instance with attribute attribute values of some previous (or future) instance.class
An instance filter that adds a new attribute to the dataset.class
A filter that adds a new nominal attribute representing the cluster assigned to each instance by the specified clustering algorithm.
Either the clustering algorithm gets built with the first batch of data or one specifies are serialized clusterer model file to use instead.class
An instance filter that creates a new attribute by applying a mathematical expression to existing attributes.class
An instance filter that adds an ID attribute to the dataset.class
An instance filter that changes a percentage of a given attribute's values.class
A filter that adds new attributes with user specified type and constant value.class
Adds the labels from the given list to an attribute if they are missing.class
A filter for performing the Cartesian product of a set of nominal attributes.class
Centers all numeric attributes in the given dataset to have zero mean (apart from the class attribute, if set).class
Changes the date format used by a date attribute.class
Filter that can set and unset the class index.class
A filter that uses a density-based clusterer to generate cluster membership values; filtered instances are composed of these values plus the class attribute (if set in the input data).class
An instance filter that copies a range of attributes in the dataset.class
A filter for turning date attributes into numeric ones.class
An instance filter that discretizes a range of numeric attributes in the dataset into nominal attributes.class
This instance filter takes a range of N numeric attributes and replaces them with N-1 numeric attributes, the values of which are the difference between consecutive attribute values from the original instance.class
Converts String attributes into a set of attributes representing word occurrence (depending on the tokenizer) information from the text contained in the strings.class
A filter for detecting outliers and extreme values based on interquartile ranges.class
Converts the given set of data into a kernel matrix.class
A filter that creates a new dataset with a Boolean attribute replacing a nominal attribute.class
Modify numeric attributes according to a given mathematical expression.class
Merges all values of the specified nominal attributes that are insufficiently frequent.class
Merges many values of a nominal attribute into one value.class
Merges two values of a nominal attribute into one value.class
Converts all nominal attributes into binary numeric attributes.class
Converts a nominal attribute (i.e.class
Normalizes all numeric values in the given dataset (apart from the class attribute, if set).class
A filter that 'cleanses' the numeric data from values that are too small, too big or very close to a certain value, and sets these values to a pre-defined default.class
Converts all numeric attributes into binary attributes (apart from the class attribute, if set): if the value of the numeric attribute is exactly zero, the value of the new attribute will be zero.class
A filter for turning numeric attributes into date attributes.class
A filter for turning numeric attributes into nominal ones.class
Transforms numeric attributes using a given transformation method.class
A simple instance filter that renames the relation, all attribute names and all nominal attribute values.class
An attribute filter that converts ordinal nominal attributes into numeric ones
Valid options are:class
A filter that applies filters on subsets of attributes and assembles the output into a new dataset.class
Discretizes numeric attributes using equal frequency binning and forces the number of bins to be equal to the square root of the number of values of the numeric attribute.
For more information, see:
Ying Yang, Geoffrey I.class
This filter should be extended by other unsupervised attribute filters to allow processing of the class attribute if that's required.class
Performs a principal components analysis and transformation of the data.
Dimensionality reduction is accomplished by choosing enough eigenvectors to account for some percentage of the variance in the original data -- default 0.95 (95%).
Based on code of the attribute selection scheme 'PrincipalComponents' by Mark Hall and Gabi Schmidberger.class
Reduces the dimensionality of the data by projecting it onto a lower dimensional subspace using a random matrix with columns of unit length.class
Chooses a random subset of non-class attributes, either an absolute number or a percentage.class
An filter that removes a range of attributes from the dataset.class
Removes attributes based on a regular expression matched against their names.class
Removes attributes of a given type.class
This filter removes attributes that do not vary at all or that vary too much.class
This filter is used for renaming attributes.
Regular expressions can be used in the matching and replacing.
See Javadoc of java.util.regex.Pattern class for more information:
Renames the values of nominal attributes.class
A filter that generates output with a new order of the attributes.class
Replaces all missing values for nominal and numeric attributes in a dataset with the modes and means from the training data.class
Replaces all missing values for nominal, string, numeric and date attributes in the dataset with user-supplied constant values.class
A filter that can be used to introduce missing values in a dataset.class
A simple filter for sorting the labels of nominal attributes.class
Standardizes all numeric attributes in the given dataset to have zero mean and unit variance (apart from the class attribute, if set).class
Converts a range of string attributes (unspecified number of values) to nominal (set number of values).class
Converts string attributes into a set of numeric attributes representing word occurrence information from the text contained in the strings.class
Swaps two values of a nominal attribute.class
An instance filter that assumes instances form time-series data and replaces attribute values in the current instance with the difference between the current value and the equivalent attribute attribute value of some previous (or future) instance.class
An instance filter that assumes instances form time-series data and replaces attribute values in the current instance with the equivalent attribute values of some previous (or future) instance.class
Transposes the data: instances become attributes and attributes become instances. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.filters.unsupervised.instance
Classes in weka.filters.unsupervised.instance that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
An instance filter that converts all incoming instances into sparse format.class
Randomly shuffles the order of instances passed through it.class
Removes all duplicate instances from the first batch of data it receives.class
This filter takes a dataset and outputs a specified fold for cross validation.class
Determines which values (frequent or infrequent ones) of an (nominal) attribute are retained and filters the instances accordingly.class
A filter that removes instances which are incorrectly classified.class
A filter that removes a given percentage of a dataset.class
A filter that removes a given range of instances of a dataset.class
Filters instances according to the value of an attribute.class
Produces a random subsample of a dataset using either sampling with replacement or without replacement.class
Produces a random subsample of a dataset using the reservoir sampling Algorithm "R" by Vitter.class
An instance filter that converts all incoming sparse instances into non-sparse format.class
Filters instances according to a user-specified expression.
- extracting only mammals and birds from the 'zoo' UCI dataset:
(CLASS is 'mammal') or (CLASS is 'bird')
- extracting only animals with at least 2 legs from the 'zoo' UCI dataset:
(ATT14 >= 2)
- extracting only instances with non-missing 'wage-increase-second-year'
from the 'labor' UCI dataset:
not ismissing(ATT3) -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.gui.beans
Classes in weka.gui.beans that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Small utility class for executing KnowledgeFlow flows outside of the KnowledgeFlow application -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.gui.beans.xml
Classes in weka.gui.beans.xml that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This class serializes and deserializes a KnowledgeFlow setup to and fro XML. -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.gui.sql
Classes in weka.gui.sql that implement RevisionHandler -
Uses of RevisionHandler in weka.knowledgeflow
Classes in weka.knowledgeflow that implement RevisionHandlerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Extended Environment with support for storing results and property values to be set at a later date on the base schemes of WekaAlgorithmWrapper steps.
instead - only for backwards compatibility.