Package weka.filters.unsupervised.instance
package weka.filters.unsupervised.instance
ClassesClassDescriptionAn instance filter that converts all incoming instances into sparse format.Randomly shuffles the order of instances passed through it.Removes all duplicate instances from the first batch of data it receives.This filter takes a dataset and outputs a specified fold for cross validation.Determines which values (frequent or infrequent ones) of an (nominal) attribute are retained and filters the instances accordingly.A filter that removes instances which are incorrectly classified.A filter that removes a given percentage of a dataset.A filter that removes a given range of instances of a dataset.Filters instances according to the value of an attribute.Produces a random subsample of a dataset using either sampling with replacement or without replacement.Produces a random subsample of a dataset using the reservoir sampling Algorithm "R" by Vitter.An instance filter that converts all incoming sparse instances into non-sparse format.Filters instances according to a user-specified expression.
- extracting only mammals and birds from the 'zoo' UCI dataset:
(CLASS is 'mammal') or (CLASS is 'bird')
- extracting only animals with at least 2 legs from the 'zoo' UCI dataset:
(ATT14 >= 2)
- extracting only instances with non-missing 'wage-increase-second-year'
from the 'labor' UCI dataset:
not ismissing(ATT3)