Package weka.estimators
package weka.estimators
ClassDescriptionClass for examining the capabilities and finding problems with estimators.class that contains info about the attribute types the estimator can estimate estimator work on one attribute onlypublic class that contains info about the chosen attribute type estimator work on one attribute onlyInterface for conditional probability estimators.Conditional probability estimator for a discrete domain conditional upon a discrete domain.Simple symbolic probability estimator based on symbol counts.Conditional probability estimator for a discrete domain conditional upon a numeric domain.Conditional probability estimator for a discrete domain conditional upon a numeric domain.Abstract class for all estimators.Contains static utility functions for Estimators.Interface for an incremental probability estimators.Conditional probability estimator for a numeric domain conditional upon a discrete domain (utilises separate kernel estimators for each discrete conditioning value).Simple kernel density estimator.Conditional probability estimator for a numeric domain conditional upon a numeric domain.Simple probability estimator that places a single normal distribution over the observed values.Interface to Multivariate Distribution EstimationImplementation of maximum likelihood Multivariate Distribution Estimation using Normal Distribution.Conditional probability estimator for a numeric domain conditional upon a discrete domain (utilises separate normal estimators for each discrete conditioning value).Conditional probability estimator for a numeric domain conditional upon a numeric domain (using Mahalanobis distance).Simple probability estimator that places a single normal distribution over the observed values.Simple probability estimator that places a single Poisson distribution over the observed values.Interface that can be implemented by simple weighted univariate density estimators.Simple histogram density estimator.Interface that can be implemented by simple weighted univariate interval estimators.Simple weighted kernel density estimator.Simple weighted mixture density estimator.Simple weighted normal density estimator.Interface that can be implemented by simple weighted univariate quantile estimators.