Package weka.core.xml
package weka.core.xml
ClassesClassDescriptionThis class is a helper class for XML serialization using KOML .This class handles relationships between display names of properties (or classes) and Methods that are associated with them.This class stores information about properties to ignore or properties that are allowed for a certain class.This class enables one to change the UID of a serialized object and therefore not losing the data stored in the binary format.This serializer contains some read/write methods for common classes that are not beans-conform.This class offers some methods for generating, reading and writing XML documents.
It can only handle UTF-8.XML representation of the Instances class.A class for transforming options listed in XML to a regular WEKA command line string.With this class objects can be serialized to XML instead into a binary format.This class handles relationships between display names of properties (or classes) and Methods that are associated with them.This class is a helper class for XML serialization using XStream .