Package weka.classifiers.trees.j48
package weka.classifiers.trees.j48
ClassesClassDescriptionClass for selecting a C4.5-like binary (!) split for a given dataset.Class implementing a binary C4.5-like split on an attribute.Class for selecting a C4.5-type split for a given dataset.Class for handling a tree structure that can be pruned using C4.5 procedures.Class implementing a C4.5-type split on an attribute.Abstract class for classification models that can be used recursively to split the data.Class for handling a tree structure used for classification.Class for handling a distribution of class values."Abstract" class for computing splitting criteria based on the entropy of a class distribution.Class for computing the entropy for a given distribution.Class for computing the gain ratio for a given distribution.Class for computing the information gain for a given distribution.Abstract class for model selection criteria.Class for handling a naive bayes tree structure used for classification.Class for selecting a NB tree split.Class implementing a "no-split"-split (leaf node) for naive bayes trees.Class implementing a NBTree split on an attribute.Class implementing a "no-split"-split.Class for handling a tree structure that can be pruned using a pruning set.Abstract class for computing splitting criteria with respect to distributions of class values.Class implementing a statistical routine needed by J48 to compute its error estimate.