Class BallNode
- All Implemented Interfaces:
Class representing a node of a BallTree.
- Version:
- $Revision: 8034 $
- Author:
- Ashraf M. Kibriya (amk14[at-the-rate]cs[dot]waikato[dot]ac[dot]nz)
- See Also:
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionint
The end index of the portion of the master index array, which stores indices of the instances/points the node contains.The left child of the
The node number/
The number of instances/points in the node.The right child of the
The attribute that splits this node (not always used).double
The value of m_SpiltAttrib that splits this node (not always used).int
The start index of the portion of the master index array, which stores the indices of the instances/points the node contains. -
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Instance
(int[] instList, Instances insts) Calculates the centroid pivot of a node.static Instance
(int start, int end, int[] instList, Instances insts) Calculates the centroid pivot of a node.static Instance
Calculates the centroid pivot of a node based on its two child nodes (if merging two nodes).static double
(int[] instList, Instances insts, Instance pivot, DistanceFunction distanceFunction) Calculates the radius of node.static double
(int start, int end, int[] instList, Instances insts, Instance pivot, DistanceFunction distanceFunction) Calculates the radius of a node.static double
(BallNode child1, BallNode child2, Instance pivot, DistanceFunction distanceFunction) Calculates the radius of a node based on its two child nodes (if merging two nodes).getPivot()
Returns the pivot/centre of the node's ball.double
Returns the radius of the node's ball.Returns the revision string.boolean
Returns true if the node is a leaf node (if both its left and right child are null).int
Returns the number of instances in the hyper-spherical region of this node.void
Sets the pivot/centre of this nodes ball.void
(double radius) Sets the radius of the node's ball.void
(int start, int end) Sets the the start and end index of the portion of the master index array that is assigned to this node.
Field Details
public int m_StartThe start index of the portion of the master index array, which stores the indices of the instances/points the node contains. -
public int m_EndThe end index of the portion of the master index array, which stores indices of the instances/points the node contains. -
public int m_NumInstancesThe number of instances/points in the node. -
public int m_NodeNumberThe node number/id. -
public int m_SplitAttribThe attribute that splits this node (not always used). -
public double m_SplitValThe value of m_SpiltAttrib that splits this node (not always used). -
The left child of the node. -
The right child of the node.
Constructor Details
public BallNode(int nodeNumber) Constructor.- Parameters:
- The node's number/id.
public BallNode(int start, int end, int nodeNumber) Creates a new instance of BallNode.- Parameters:
- The begining index of the portion of the master index array belonging to this node.end
- The end index of the portion of the master index array belonging to this node.nodeNumber
- The node's number/id.
Creates a new instance of BallNode.- Parameters:
- The begining index of the portion of the master index array belonging to this node.end
- The end index of the portion of the master index array belonging to this node.nodeNumber
- The node's number/id.pivot
- The pivot/centre of the node's ball.radius
- The radius of the node's ball.
Method Details
public boolean isALeaf()Returns true if the node is a leaf node (if both its left and right child are null).- Returns:
- true if the node is a leaf node.
public void setStartEndIndices(int start, int end) Sets the the start and end index of the portion of the master index array that is assigned to this node.- Parameters:
- The start index of the master index array.end
- The end index of the master indext array.
Sets the pivot/centre of this nodes ball.- Parameters:
- The centre/pivot.
Returns the pivot/centre of the node's ball.- Returns:
- The ball pivot/centre.
public void setRadius(double radius) Sets the radius of the node's ball.- Parameters:
- The radius of the nodes ball.
public double getRadius()Returns the radius of the node's ball.- Returns:
- Radius of node's ball.
public int numInstances()Returns the number of instances in the hyper-spherical region of this node.- Returns:
- The number of instances in the node.
Calculates the centroid pivot of a node. The node is given in the form of an indices array that contains the indices of the points inside the node.- Parameters:
- The indices array pointing to the instances in the node.insts
- The actual instances. The instList points to instances in this object.- Returns:
- The calculated centre/pivot of the node.
Calculates the centroid pivot of a node. The node is given in the form of the portion of an indices array that contains the indices of the points inside the node.- Parameters:
- The start index marking the start of the portion belonging to the node.end
- The end index marking the end of the portion in the indices array that belongs to the node.instList
- The indices array pointing to the instances in the node.insts
- The actual instances. The instList points to instances in this object.- Returns:
- The calculated centre/pivot of the node.
public static double calcRadius(int[] instList, Instances insts, Instance pivot, DistanceFunction distanceFunction) throws Exception Calculates the radius of node.- Parameters:
- The indices array containing the indices of the instances inside the node.insts
- The actual instances object. instList points to instances in this object.pivot
- The centre/pivot of the node.distanceFunction
- The distance fuction to use to calculate the radius.- Returns:
- The radius of the node.
- Throws:
- If there is some problem in calculating the radius.
public static double calcRadius(int start, int end, int[] instList, Instances insts, Instance pivot, DistanceFunction distanceFunction) throws Exception Calculates the radius of a node.- Parameters:
- The start index of the portion in indices array that belongs to the node.end
- The end index of the portion in indices array that belongs to the node.instList
- The indices array holding indices of instances.insts
- The actual instances. instList points to instances in this object.pivot
- The centre/pivot of the node.distanceFunction
- The distance function to use to calculate the radius.- Returns:
- The radius of the node.
- Throws:
- If there is some problem calculating the radius.
public static Instance calcPivot(BallNode child1, BallNode child2, Instances insts) throws Exception Calculates the centroid pivot of a node based on its two child nodes (if merging two nodes).- Parameters:
- The first child of the node.child2
- The second child of the node.insts
- The set of instances on which the tree is (or is to be) built.- Returns:
- The centre/pivot of the node.
- Throws:
- If there is some problem calculating the pivot.
public static double calcRadius(BallNode child1, BallNode child2, Instance pivot, DistanceFunction distanceFunction) throws Exception Calculates the radius of a node based on its two child nodes (if merging two nodes).- Parameters:
- The first child of the node.child2
- The second child of the node.pivot
- The centre/pivot of the node.distanceFunction
- The distance function to use to calculate the radius- Returns:
- The radius of the node.
- Throws:
- If there is some problem in calculating the radius.
Returns the revision string.- Specified by:
in interfaceRevisionHandler
- Returns:
- the revision