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add(String, String, long) - Static method in class org.bonej.utilities.SharedTable
Adds new value as a Double to the shared table.
add(String, String, double) - Static method in class org.bonej.utilities.SharedTable
Adds new value as a Double to the shared table
add(String, String, Double) - Static method in class org.bonej.utilities.SharedTable
Adds new data to the shared table according to the shared table policy.
adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent) - Method in class org.bonej.plugins.Orienteer
alignImage(ImagePlus, Matrix, int) - Static method in class org.bonej.plugins.Moments
only use from a deprecated class
AnalyseSkeletonWrapper - Class in org.bonej.wrapperPlugins
A wrapper plugin to bundle AnalyzeSkeleton into BoneJ2
AnalyseSkeletonWrapper() - Constructor for class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.AnalyseSkeletonWrapper
AnchorEllipsoidConstrain - Class in org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.constrain
AnchorEllipsoidConstrain() - Constructor for class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.constrain.AnchorEllipsoidConstrain
anisotropy(ImagePlus) - Static method in class org.bonej.utilities.ImagePlusUtil
Calculates the degree of spatial calibration anisotropy.
AnisotropyWrapper<T extends RealType<T> & NativeType<T>> - Class in org.bonej.wrapperPlugins
A command that analyses the degree of anisotropy in an image.
AnisotropyWrapper() - Constructor for class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.AnisotropyWrapper
axisStream(S) - Static method in class org.bonej.utilities.Streamers
Generates a Stream from the axes in the given space.
AxisUtils - Class in org.bonej.utilities
Various utils for inspecting image axis properties


BACK - Static variable in class org.bonej.plugins.ConnectedComponents
Background value
BoneJCommand - Class in org.bonej.wrapperPlugins
BoneJCommand() - Constructor for class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.BoneJCommand
BoneJMain - Class in org.bonej.wrapperPlugins
A main class for quickly testing the wrapper plugins
BoneJMain() - Constructor for class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.BoneJMain
BoneList - Class in org.bonej.util
Utility methods for making lists of bones and guessing which bone is in an image


calculate(Ellipsoid, Vector3dc) - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.DistanceFromEllipsoidSurfaceOp
Calculates the shortest distance between a point and the surface of an ellipsoid
calculate(Img<FloatType>) - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.EllipsoidFactorErrorTracking
calculate(IterableInterval<IntType>, List<QuickEllipsoid>) - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.EllipsoidFactorOutputGenerator
calculate(byte[][], Vector3d) - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.EllipsoidOptimisationStrategy
calculate(double[], Long) - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.EllipsoidPoints
Creates random points on an ellipsoid surface.
calculate(Matrix4dc) - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.QuadricToEllipsoid
calculate(RandomAccessibleInterval<B>, ParallelLineGenerator) - Method in class
Calculates the MIL vector of the interval.
calculate(RandomAccessibleInterval<BitType>) - Method in class org.bonej.ops.skeletonize.FindRidgePoints
calibratedSpatialElementSize(T, UnitService) - Static method in class org.bonej.utilities.ElementUtil
Returns the calibrated size of a single spatial element in the given space, e.g.
cancelMacroSafe(ContextCommand, String) - Static method in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.wrapperUtils.Common
Cancels a command so that it won't show a dialog if a macro is running
Centroid - Class in org.bonej.geometry
cleanDuplicate(ImagePlus) - Static method in class org.bonej.utilities.ImagePlusUtil
Duplicates the image without changing the title of the copy, or cropping it to the ROI.
close() - Method in class org.bonej.plugins.Orienteer
Common - Class in org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.wrapperUtils
Miscellaneous utility methods.
Common() - Constructor for class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.wrapperUtils.Common
CommonMessages - Class in org.bonej.wrapperPlugins
Common messages displayed for the user
conforms() - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.EllipsoidPoints
conforms() - Method in class
ConnectedComponents - Class in org.bonej.plugins
Performs connected components labelling (sequential region labelling) in two-passes.
ConnectedComponents() - Constructor for class org.bonej.plugins.ConnectedComponents
Connectivity - Class in org.bonej.plugins
Connectivity() - Constructor for class org.bonej.plugins.Connectivity
ConnectivityWrapper<T extends RealType<T> & NativeType<T>> - Class in org.bonej.wrapperPlugins
A wrapper UI class for the Connectivity Ops
ConnectivityWrapper() - Constructor for class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.ConnectivityWrapper
contactSensitivity - Variable in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.OptimisationParameters
contains(double, double, double) - Method in class org.bonej.geometry.Ellipsoid
Method based on the inequality (X-X0)^T H (X-X0) ≤ 1 Where X is the test point, X0 is the centroid, H is the ellipsoid's 3x3 matrix
contains(double, double, double) - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.QuickEllipsoid
Method based on the inequality (X-X0)^T H (X-X0) ≤ 1 Where X is the test point, X0 is the centroid, H is the ellipsoid's 3x3 matrix
contract(double) - Method in class org.bonej.geometry.Ellipsoid
Constrict all three axes by a fractional increment
contract(double) - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.QuickEllipsoid
Constrict all three axes by a fractional increment
copy() - Method in class org.bonej.geometry.Ellipsoid
Perform a deep copy of this Ellipsoid
copy() - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.QuickEllipsoid
Perform a deep copy of this QuickEllipsoid
countSpatialDimensions(S) - Static method in class org.bonej.utilities.AxisUtils
Counts the number of spatial dimensions in the given space.


DeleteSliceRange - Class in org.bonej.plugins
DeleteSliceRange() - Constructor for class org.bonej.plugins.DeleteSliceRange
DensityCalibrator - Class in org.bonej.plugins
DensityCalibrator() - Constructor for class org.bonej.plugins.DensityCalibrator
diag(Matrix) - Static method in class org.bonej.util.MatrixUtils
Get the diagonal of the matrix as a column vector
dialogItemChanged(GenericDialog, AWTEvent) - Method in class org.bonej.plugins.Moments
dialogItemChanged(GenericDialog, AWTEvent) - Method in class org.bonej.plugins.ParticleCounter
dialogItemChanged(GenericDialog, AWTEvent) - Method in class org.bonej.plugins.SliceGeometry
dialogItemChanged(GenericDialog, AWTEvent) - Method in class org.bonej.plugins.SphereFitter
DialogModifier - Class in org.bonej.util
dicomVoxelDepth(ImagePlus) - Static method in class org.bonej.util.ImageCheck
Check that the voxel thickness is correct in the DICOM image metadata.
dilate(double, double, double) - Method in class org.bonej.geometry.Ellipsoid
Dilate the ellipsoid semiaxes by independent absolute amounts
dilate(double, double, double) - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.QuickEllipsoid
Dilate the ellipsoid semiaxes by independent absolute amounts
display3DPoints(Collection<Vector3dc>, String) - Static method in class org.bonej.utilities.Visualiser
Plot a set of 3D coordinates in Benjamin Schmidt's ImageJ 3D Viewer
distance3D(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.bonej.geometry.Trig
Calculate the distance between 2 3D points p(x, y, z) and q (x, y, z) using Pythagoras' theorem
distance3D(double, double, double) - Static method in class org.bonej.geometry.Trig
Calculate the distance to the origin, (0,0,0).
DistanceFromEllipsoidSurfaceOp - Class in org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid
An Op that calculates the distance between a point and an ellipsoid surface
DistanceFromEllipsoidSurfaceOp() - Constructor for class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.DistanceFromEllipsoidSurfaceOp


ElementFractionWrapper<T extends RealType<T> & NativeType<T>> - Class in org.bonej.wrapperPlugins
This command estimates the size of the given sample by counting its foreground elements, and the whole stack by counting all the elements (bone) and the whole image stack.
ElementFractionWrapper() - Constructor for class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.ElementFractionWrapper
ElementUtil - Class in org.bonej.utilities
Various utility methods for inspecting image element properties
Ellipsoid - Class in org.bonej.geometry
Represents an ellipsoid defined by its centroid, eigenvalues and 3x3 eigenvector matrix.
Ellipsoid(Object[]) - Constructor for class org.bonej.geometry.Ellipsoid
Instantiate an ellipsoid from the result of FitEllipsoid
Ellipsoid(double, double, double, double, double, double, double[][]) - Constructor for class org.bonej.geometry.Ellipsoid
Construct an Ellipsoid from the radii (a,b,c), centroid (cx, cy, cz) and Eigenvectors.
Ellipsoid - Class in org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid
A class that stores the properties of an ellipsoid.
Ellipsoid(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.Ellipsoid
Constructs an Ellipsoid.
Ellipsoid(Vector3dc, Vector3dc, Vector3dc) - Constructor for class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.Ellipsoid
Constructs an Ellipsoid from semi-axes.
EllipsoidConstrainStrategy - Interface in org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.constrain
EllipsoidFactorErrorTracking - Class in org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid
Class for tracking descriptive statistics of the change in EF from iteration to iteration
EllipsoidFactorErrorTracking(OpService) - Constructor for class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.EllipsoidFactorErrorTracking
EllipsoidFactorOutputGenerator - Class in org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid
EllipsoidFactorOutputGenerator() - Constructor for class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.EllipsoidFactorOutputGenerator
EllipsoidFactorWrapper - Class in org.bonej.wrapperPlugins
ImageJ plugin to describe the local geometry of a binary image in an oblate/prolate spheroid space.
EllipsoidFactorWrapper() - Constructor for class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.EllipsoidFactorWrapper
EllipsoidOptimisationStrategy - Class in org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid
An Op that handles the stochastic optimisation of local ellipsoids for the Ellipsoid Factor algorithm
EllipsoidOptimisationStrategy() - Constructor for class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.EllipsoidOptimisationStrategy
EllipsoidPoints - Class in org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid
Generates isotropically located random points on an ellipsoid surface.
EllipsoidPoints() - Constructor for class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.EllipsoidPoints
EMPTY_CELL - Static variable in class org.bonej.utilities.SharedTable


filterParticles(ImagePlus, int[][], byte[][], int, int, boolean, double, double) - Method in class org.bonej.plugins.ParticleAnalysis
Remove edge-touching, too small and too big particles.
find3DSubspaces(ImgPlus<C>) - Method in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.BoneJCommand
FindRidgePoints<R extends RealType<R> & NativeType<R>> - Class in org.bonej.ops.skeletonize
FindRidgePoints() - Constructor for class org.bonej.ops.skeletonize.FindRidgePoints
FitEllipsoid - Class in org.bonej.geometry
Ellipsoid fitting methods.
FitEllipsoidWrapper - Class in org.bonej.wrapperPlugins
A command that takes point ROIs from the ROI manager, and tries to fit an ellipsoid on them.
FitEllipsoidWrapper() - Constructor for class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.FitEllipsoidWrapper
FitSphere - Class in org.bonej.geometry
Find the best fitting sphere Ported from Angelo Tardugno's C++
fitSphere(double[][]) - Static method in class org.bonej.geometry.FitSphere
Fit a sphere to 3D coordinates
FORE - Static variable in class org.bonej.plugins.ConnectedComponents
Foreground value
FractalDimensionWrapper<T extends RealType<T> & NativeType<T>> - Class in org.bonej.wrapperPlugins
This command estimates the fractal dimension of a binary image with the box-counting algorithm.
FractalDimensionWrapper() - Constructor for class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.FractalDimensionWrapper


get() - Static method in class org.bonej.util.BoneList
Return the array of bone names
getA() - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.Ellipsoid
Gets the smallest radius of the ellipsoid.
getAxisAlignedBoundingBox() - Method in class org.bonej.geometry.Ellipsoid
Calculate the minimal axis-aligned bounding box of this ellipsoid Thanks to Tavian Barnes for the simplification of the maths
getAxisAlignRandomlyDistributedSurfacePoints(int) - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.QuickEllipsoid
getAxisTypes() - Method in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.wrapperUtils.HyperstackUtils.Subspace
Types of the additional hyperspace dimensions
getB() - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.Ellipsoid
Gets the second radius of the ellipsoid.
getC() - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.Ellipsoid
Gets the largest radius of the ellipsoid.
getCentre() - Method in class org.bonej.geometry.Ellipsoid
getCentre() - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.QuickEllipsoid
getCentroid() - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.Ellipsoid
Gets a copy of center point of the ellipsoid.
getConnDensity(ImagePlus, double) - Method in class org.bonej.plugins.Connectivity
Calculate connectivity density
getConnectivity(double) - Method in class org.bonej.plugins.Connectivity
Return the connectivity of the image, which is 1 - deltaChi.
getDeltaChi(ImagePlus, double) - Method in class org.bonej.plugins.Connectivity
Get the contribution of the stack's foreground particles to the Euler characteristic of the universe the stack was cut from.
getDirection() - Method in interface
getDirection() - Method in class
Returns the direction of the lines this generator creates
getExponent(S) - Static method in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.wrapperUtils.ResultUtils
Returns the exponent character of the elements in this space, e.g.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.bonej.util.ResultInserter
getInstance(PrefService, PluginService, CommandService, Logger) - Static method in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.wrapperUtils.UsageReporter
getLocalThickness(ImagePlus, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.bonej.menuWrappers.ThicknessHelper
Get a local thickness map from an ImagePlus with optional masking correction A convenience method for legacy code
getLocalThickness(ImagePlus, boolean) - Static method in class org.bonej.menuWrappers.ThicknessHelper
Get a local thickness map from an ImagePlus, without masking correction A convenience method for legacy code
getNParticles() - Method in class org.bonej.plugins.ConnectedComponents
getOrientation() - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.Ellipsoid
Gets a copy of the orientation unit vectors of the ellipsoid.
getParticleSizes() - Method in class org.bonej.plugins.ParticleAnalysis
getParticleSizes(int[][], int) - Method in class org.bonej.plugins.ParticleAnalysis
Run the particle size analysis.
getPosition() - Method in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.wrapperUtils.HyperstackUtils.Subspace
Position of the subspace in each additional dimension of the hyperspace.
getRadii() - Method in class org.bonej.geometry.Ellipsoid
Gets a copy of the radii.
getRadii() - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.QuickEllipsoid
Gets a copy of the radii.
getRotation() - Method in class org.bonej.geometry.Ellipsoid
Return a copy of the ellipsoid's eigenvector matrix
getRotation() - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.QuickEllipsoid
Return a copy of the ellipsoid's eigenvector matrix
getSemiAxes() - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.Ellipsoid
Returns a copy of the semi-axes of the ellipsoid.
getSizeDescription(S) - Static method in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.wrapperUtils.ResultUtils
Returns a verbal description of the size of the elements in the given space, e.g.
getSkeleton(ImagePlus) - Static method in class org.bonej.util.SkeletonUtils
Gets a medial axis skeleton from a binary imp using a topology-preserving iterative algorithm
getSortedRadii() - Method in class org.bonej.geometry.Ellipsoid
Get the radii sorted in ascending order.
getSortedRadii() - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.QuickEllipsoid
Get the radii sorted in ascending order.
getSpatialUnit(S, UnitService) - Static method in class org.bonej.utilities.AxisUtils
Returns the common unit of the spatial calibrations of the given space.
getSubScripts() - Method in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.wrapperUtils.HyperstackUtils.Subspace
Subscripts of the additional hyperspace dimensions
getSumEuler(ImagePlus) - Method in class org.bonej.plugins.Connectivity
Calculate the Euler characteristic of the foreground in a binary stack
getSurfacePoints(int) - Method in class org.bonej.geometry.Ellipsoid
getSurfacePoints(double[][]) - Method in class org.bonej.geometry.Ellipsoid
getSurfacePoints(double[][]) - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.QuickEllipsoid
getTable() - Static method in class org.bonej.utilities.SharedTable
Gets a copy of the singleton Table.
getUnitHeader(S, UnitService, String) - Static method in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.wrapperUtils.ResultUtils
Returns the common unit string, e.g.
getUnitHeader(ImagePlus) - Static method in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.wrapperUtils.ResultUtils
Gets the unit of the image calibration, which can be displayed to the user.
getVolume() - Method in class org.bonej.geometry.Ellipsoid
Gets the volume of this ellipsoid, calculated as PI * a * b * c * 4 / 3
getVolume() - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.Ellipsoid
Gets the volume of the ellipsoid.
getVolume() - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.QuickEllipsoid
Gets the volume of this ellipsoid, calculated as PI * a * b * c * 4 / 3
getWorkArray() - Method in class org.bonej.plugins.ConnectedComponents
getYMinAndMax() - Method in class org.bonej.geometry.Ellipsoid
Calculate the minimal and maximal y values bounding this ellipsoid
getZMinAndMax() - Method in class org.bonej.geometry.Ellipsoid
Calculate the minimal and maximal z values bounding this ellipsoid
guessBone(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.bonej.util.BoneList
Return the boneID of a bone in boneList that matches the input string


hasChannelDimensions(S) - Static method in class org.bonej.utilities.AxisUtils
Checks if the given space has a channel dimension.
hasData() - Static method in class org.bonej.utilities.SharedTable
hasInvalidNumber(Iterable<?>) - Static method in class org.bonej.util.DialogModifier
Check all the numeric text fields in a dialog and return false if any of them cannot be parsed into a number.
hasSpatialDimensions(S) - Static method in class org.bonej.utilities.AxisUtils
Checks if the given space has any spatial dimensions.
hasTimeDimensions(S) - Static method in class org.bonej.utilities.AxisUtils
Checks if the given space has a time dimension.
huCalibrated(ImagePlus) - Static method in class org.bonej.util.ImageCheck
Guess whether an image is Hounsfield unit calibrated
HyperstackUtils - Class in org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.wrapperUtils
A static class containing utilities for splitting an n-dimensional hyperstack into arbitrary subspaces
HyperstackUtils.Subspace<T extends RealType<T> & NativeType<T>> - Class in org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.wrapperUtils
A class which stores a subspace interval of an n-dimensional hyperspace, and metadata
HyperstackUtils.Subspace.HyperAxisMeta - Class in org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.wrapperUtils
Describes the metadata of the subspace in relation to one of the axes in the hyperspace


id - Variable in class org.bonej.geometry.Ellipsoid
ID field for tracking this particular ellipsoid
ImageBoundsUtil - Class in org.bonej.utilities
ImageBoundsUtil() - Constructor for class org.bonej.utilities.ImageBoundsUtil
ImageCheck - Class in org.bonej.util
Check if an image conforms to the type defined by each method.
ImagePlusUtil - Class in org.bonej.utilities
Utility methods for checking ImagePlus properties
initSampling(OpEnvironment) - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.Ellipsoid
Initializes the ellipsoid point sampling function.
IntertrabecularAngleWrapper - Class in org.bonej.wrapperPlugins
A wrapper UI class to calculate the inter-trabecular angles based on the study by Reznikov et al (2016): ( ).
IntertrabecularAngleWrapper() - Constructor for class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.IntertrabecularAngleWrapper
interval - Variable in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.wrapperUtils.HyperstackUtils.Subspace
is3D(ImagePlus) - Static method in class org.bonej.utilities.ImagePlusUtil
Checks if the image is 3D.
isActiveOnAllSlices(int) - Static method in class org.bonej.utilities.RoiManagerUtil
Checks if a ROI is active on all slices.
isBinary(ImagePlus) - Static method in class org.bonej.util.ImageCheck
Check if image is binary
isBinary(IterableInterval<T>) - Static method in class org.bonej.utilities.ElementUtil
Checks whether the interval contains only two distinct values.
isBinaryColour(ImagePlus) - Static method in class org.bonej.utilities.ImagePlusUtil
Checks if the image has only two different colours.
isSingleSlice(ImagePlus) - Static method in class org.bonej.util.ImageCheck
Checks if an image is a single slice image.
isSpatialCalibrationsIsotropic(S, double, UnitService) - Static method in class org.bonej.utilities.AxisUtils
Checks if the spatial axes in the space have the same i.e.
isVoxelIsotropic(ImagePlus, double) - Static method in class org.bonej.util.ImageCheck
Check if the image's voxels are isotropic in all 3 dimensions (i.e.
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class org.bonej.plugins.Orienteer


Line(Vector3dc, Vector3dc) - Constructor for class


main(String...) - Static method in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.BoneJMain
makeFire() - Static method in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.wrapperUtils.Common
Generates the 'fire' look-up table (LUT) and returns it as an IJ1 LUT object
MatrixUtils - Class in org.bonej.util
Utility methods for working with Matrixes
MAX_FINAL_LABEL - Static variable in class org.bonej.plugins.ConnectedComponents
2^23 - greatest integer that can be represented precisely by a float
maxDrift - Variable in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.OptimisationParameters
maxIterations - Variable in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.OptimisationParameters
Moments - Class in org.bonej.plugins
Calculate centroid and principal axes of a thresholded stack; originally designed for 16-bit CT scans of a bone in air so default thresholds are 0 and 4000 HU, but most greyscale images should be handled
Moments() - Constructor for class org.bonej.plugins.Moments
mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent) - Method in class org.bonej.plugins.Orienteer
Multithreader - Class in org.bonej.util
Multithreader utility class for convenient multithreading of ImageJ plugins


newThreads() - Static method in class org.bonej.util.Multithreader
nextLine() - Method in interface
nextLine() - Method in class
Generates the next random line.
NO_RESULTS_MSG - Static variable in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.IntertrabecularAngleWrapper
NoEllipsoidConstrain - Class in org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.constrain
NoEllipsoidConstrain() - Constructor for class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.constrain.NoEllipsoidConstrain
nVectors - Variable in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.OptimisationParameters


OptimisationParameters - Class in org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid
A class wrapping the optimisation parameters for EllipsoidOptimisationStrategy.
OptimisationParameters(double, int, int, int, double) - Constructor for class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.OptimisationParameters
org.bonej - package org.bonej
org.bonej.geometry - package org.bonej.geometry
org.bonej.menuWrappers - package org.bonej.menuWrappers
org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid - package org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid
org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.constrain - package org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.constrain - package
org.bonej.ops.skeletonize - package org.bonej.ops.skeletonize
org.bonej.plugins - package org.bonej.plugins
org.bonej.util - package org.bonej.util
org.bonej.utilities - package org.bonej.utilities
org.bonej.wrapperPlugins - package org.bonej.wrapperPlugins
org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.tableTools - package org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.tableTools
org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.wrapperUtils - package org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.wrapperUtils
Orienteer - Class in org.bonej.plugins
Indicator to show directions such as medial, proximal, cranial, north, left
Orienteer() - Constructor for class org.bonej.plugins.Orienteer
outOfBounds(Dimensions, long[]) - Static method in class org.bonej.utilities.ImageBoundsUtil


ParallelLineGenerator - Interface in
An interface for random parallel line generators.
ParallelLineGenerator.Line - Class in
A line defined as a direction and point it passes through.
ParallelLineMIL<B extends BooleanType<B>> - Class in
An op that finds the mean intercept length (MIL) vector of an interval.
ParallelLineMIL() - Constructor for class
ParticleAnalysis - Class in org.bonej.plugins
Perform analysis of particles
ParticleAnalysis() - Constructor for class org.bonej.plugins.ParticleAnalysis
ParticleCounter - Class in org.bonej.plugins
This class implements mutithreaded linear O(n) 3D particle identification and shape analysis.
ParticleCounter() - Constructor for class org.bonej.plugins.ParticleCounter
ParticleDisplay - Class in org.bonej.plugins
Display stacks and 3D visualisation of particles and particle analysis
ParticleDisplay() - Constructor for class org.bonej.plugins.ParticleDisplay
PlaneParallelLineGenerator - Class in
A class that generates random lines that pass through a plane.
PlaneParallelLineGenerator(I, Quaterniondc, BinaryHybridCFI1<Vector3d, Quaterniondc, Vector3d>, long) - Constructor for class
Creates and initializes an instance for generating lines.
pointROICoordinates(RoiManager) - Static method in class org.bonej.utilities.RoiManagerUtil
Gets the coordinates of all point ROIs in the manager.
postConstrain(QuickEllipsoid) - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.constrain.AnchorEllipsoidConstrain
postConstrain(QuickEllipsoid) - Method in interface org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.constrain.EllipsoidConstrainStrategy
postConstrain(QuickEllipsoid) - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.constrain.NoEllipsoidConstrain
preConstrain(QuickEllipsoid, Vector3d) - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.constrain.AnchorEllipsoidConstrain
preConstrain(QuickEllipsoid, Vector3d) - Method in interface org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.constrain.EllipsoidConstrainStrategy
preConstrain(QuickEllipsoid, Vector3d) - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.constrain.NoEllipsoidConstrain
printToIJLog(Matrix, String) - Static method in class org.bonej.util.MatrixUtils
Print the Matrix to the ImageJ log
Purify - Class in org.bonej.plugins
Purify_ plugin for ImageJ
Purify() - Constructor for class org.bonej.plugins.Purify


QuadricToEllipsoid - Class in org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid
Tries to create an Ellipsoid from a general equation of a quadratic surface i.e.
QuadricToEllipsoid() - Constructor for class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.QuadricToEllipsoid
QuickEllipsoid - Class in org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid
Represents an ellipsoid defined by its centroid, eigenvalues and 3x3 eigenvector matrix.
QuickEllipsoid(double[], double[], double[][]) - Constructor for class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.QuickEllipsoid
Construct an QuickEllipsoid from the radii (a,b,c), centroid (cx, cy, cz) and Eigenvectors.


randomVector() - Static method in class org.bonej.geometry.Vectors
Generate a single randomly-oriented vector on the unit sphere
randomVectors(int) - Static method in class org.bonej.geometry.Vectors
Generate an array of randomly-oriented 3D unit vectors
registerMacroValues(GenericDialog, Component[]) - Static method in class org.bonej.util.DialogModifier
Go through all values in a GenericDialog's Components and call the appropriate get method.
regularVectors(int) - Static method in class org.bonej.geometry.Vectors
Generate an array of regularly-spaced 3D unit vectors.
replaceUnitString(GenericDialog, CharSequence, CharSequence) - Static method in class org.bonej.util.DialogModifier
Replace the unit string to the right of all numeric textboxes in a GenericDialog
ReporterOptions - Class in org.bonej.plugins
ReporterOptions() - Constructor for class org.bonej.plugins.ReporterOptions
reportEvent(Object) - Static method in class org.bonej.plugins.UsageReporter
Prepare the instance for sending a report on a specific class; Class.getName() is added to the 'action' field of the report, category is "Plugin Usage" and label is the version string generated by VersionUtils.getVersion(java.lang.Class<?>).
reportEvent(String) - Method in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.wrapperUtils.UsageReporter
Reports a the usage of a plug-in to
reportUsage() - Method in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.BoneJCommand
reset() - Method in class
Resets the cycle of the line generation
reset() - Static method in class org.bonej.utilities.SharedTable
Initializes the table into a new empty table
ResultInserter - Class in org.bonej.util
Receive results from analytic methods and insert them into the Results table in a sensible way.
resultsTable - Variable in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.BoneJCommand
The results of the command in a Table.
ResultUtils - Class in org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.wrapperUtils
Static utility methods that help display results to the user
RoiManagerUtil - Class in org.bonej.utilities
A class containing utility methods for the ImageJ RoiManager
rotate(double[][]) - Method in class org.bonej.geometry.Ellipsoid
Rotate the ellipsoid by the given 3x3 Matrix
rotate(double[][]) - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.QuickEllipsoid
Rotate the ellipsoid by the given 3x3 Matrix
run(ImagePlus, int) - Method in class org.bonej.plugins.ConnectedComponents
Run connected components filter on a binary image
run(String) - Method in class org.bonej.plugins.Connectivity
run(String) - Method in class org.bonej.plugins.DeleteSliceRange
run(String) - Method in class org.bonej.plugins.DensityCalibrator
run(String) - Method in class org.bonej.plugins.Moments
run(String) - Method in class org.bonej.plugins.ParticleCounter
run(String) - Method in class org.bonej.plugins.Purify
run(String) - Method in class org.bonej.plugins.ReporterOptions
run(String) - Method in class org.bonej.plugins.SliceGeometry
run(String) - Method in class org.bonej.plugins.SphereFitter
run(String) - Method in class org.bonej.plugins.VoxelDepthChecker
run() - Method in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.AnalyseSkeletonWrapper
run() - Method in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.AnisotropyWrapper
run() - Method in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.ConnectivityWrapper
run() - Method in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.ElementFractionWrapper
run() - Method in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.EllipsoidFactorWrapper
run() - Method in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.FitEllipsoidWrapper
run() - Method in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.FractalDimensionWrapper
run() - Method in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.IntertrabecularAngleWrapper
run() - Method in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.SkeletoniseWrapper
run() - Method in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.SurfaceAreaWrapper
run() - Method in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.SurfaceFractionWrapper
run() - Method in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.tableTools.SharedTableCleaner
run() - Method in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.ThicknessWrapper
run() - Method in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.wrapperUtils.UsageReporterOptions


samplePoints(long) - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.Ellipsoid
Return a random collection of points on the ellipsoid surface.
send() - Method in class org.bonej.plugins.UsageReporter
Send the report to Google Analytics in the form of an HTTP request for a 1-pixel GIF with lots of parameters set
setA(double) - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.Ellipsoid
Sets the smallest radius of the ellipsoid.
setB(double) - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.Ellipsoid
Sets the second radius of the ellipsoid.
setC(double) - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.Ellipsoid
Sets the largest radius of the ellipsoid.
setCentroid(double, double, double) - Method in class org.bonej.geometry.Ellipsoid
Translate the ellipsoid to a given new centroid
setCentroid(Vector3dc) - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.Ellipsoid
Sets the coordinates of the centroid of the ellipsoid.
setCentroid(double, double, double) - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.QuickEllipsoid
Translate the ellipsoid to a given new centroid
setDefaultThreshold(ImagePlus) - Static method in class org.bonej.util.ThresholdGuesser
Set up default thresholds and report them to the user as HU values if the image has HU calibration or plain values if not.
setOrientation(Matrix3dc) - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.Ellipsoid
Sets the values of the orientation vectors of the ellipsoid.
setResultInRow(ImagePlus, String, double) - Method in class org.bonej.util.ResultInserter
Finds the first available space for a result, avoiding lots of empty space when measurements of different types are made on the same image
setRotation(double[][]) - Method in class org.bonej.geometry.Ellipsoid
Set rotation to the supplied rotation matrix.
setRotation(double[][]) - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.QuickEllipsoid
Set rotation to the supplied rotation matrix.
setSeed(long) - Static method in class
Sets the seed of the underlying random number generator
setSeed(long) - Method in class
Sets the seed of the underlying random number generator
setSemiAxes(Vector3dc, Vector3dc, Vector3dc) - Method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.Ellipsoid
Sets the semi-axes of the ellipsoid.
SharedTable - Class in org.bonej.utilities
Stores a Table, which is ordered according to the following rules: Each row has a header label, which tells you which image was measured, e.g.
SharedTableCleaner - Class in org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.tableTools
A command that allows the user to clear the SharedTable
SharedTableCleaner() - Constructor for class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.tableTools.SharedTableCleaner
SkeletoniseWrapper - Class in org.bonej.wrapperPlugins
A wrapper plugin to bundle Skeletonize3D into BoneJ2
SkeletoniseWrapper() - Constructor for class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.SkeletoniseWrapper
SkeletonUtils - Class in org.bonej.util
Utility methods for working with the Skeletonize3D_ plugin
SliceGeometry - Class in org.bonej.plugins
Calculate 2D geometrical parameters
SliceGeometry() - Constructor for class org.bonej.plugins.SliceGeometry
spatialAxisStream(S) - Static method in class org.bonej.utilities.Streamers
Generates a Stream from the spatial axes in the given space.
SphereFitter - Class in org.bonej.plugins
Takes point selections from ROI manager and returns the centroid and radius of a best fit sphere Ported from Angelo Tardugno's C++
SphereFitter() - Constructor for class org.bonej.plugins.SphereFitter
split3DSubspaces(ImgPlus<T>) - Static method in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.wrapperUtils.HyperstackUtils
Splits the hyperstack into {X, Y, Z} subspaces.
splitSubspaces(ImgPlus<T>, Collection<AxisType>) - Static method in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.wrapperUtils.HyperstackUtils
Splits the hyperstack into subspaces defined by the given axes.
startAndJoin(Thread[]) - Static method in class org.bonej.util.Multithreader
Streamers - Class in org.bonej.utilities
Utility functions to generate streams from various ImageJ2 collections
subspaces - Variable in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.BoneJCommand
SurfaceAreaWrapper<T extends RealType<T> & NativeType<T>> - Class in org.bonej.wrapperPlugins
A wrapper command to calculate mesh surface area
SurfaceAreaWrapper() - Constructor for class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.SurfaceAreaWrapper
SurfaceFractionWrapper<T extends RealType<T> & NativeType<T>> - Class in org.bonej.wrapperPlugins
First this command creates a surface mesh from both all foreground voxels (bone) and the whole image stack.
SurfaceFractionWrapper() - Constructor for class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.SurfaceFractionWrapper


testEllipsoid(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.bonej.geometry.FitEllipsoid
Return points on an ellipsoid with optional noise.
textValueChanged(TextEvent) - Method in class org.bonej.plugins.Orienteer
ThicknessHelper - Class in org.bonej.menuWrappers
Replaced by ThicknessWrapper in BoneJ2
ThicknessHelper() - Constructor for class org.bonej.menuWrappers.ThicknessHelper
ThicknessWrapper - Class in org.bonej.wrapperPlugins
An ImageJ2 command that wraps the sc.fiji.localThickness plugin
ThicknessWrapper() - Constructor for class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.ThicknessWrapper
ThresholdGuesser - Class in org.bonej.util
toBitTypeImgPlus(OpEnvironment, ImgPlus<C>) - Static method in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.wrapperUtils.Common
Converts the ImgPlus to a new ImgPlus with BitType elements.
toConventionalIndex(AxisType, long) - Static method in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.wrapperUtils.ResultUtils
If needed, converts the given index to the ImageJ1 convention where Z, Channel and Time axes start from 1.
toString() - Method in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.wrapperUtils.HyperstackUtils.Subspace.HyperAxisMeta
toString() - Method in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.wrapperUtils.HyperstackUtils.Subspace
transpose(double[][]) - Static method in class org.bonej.geometry.Ellipsoid
Transpose a 3x3 matrix in double[][] format.
transpose(double[][]) - Static method in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.QuickEllipsoid
Transpose a 3x3 matrix in double[][] format.
Trig - Class in org.bonej.geometry
Provides simple trigonometric calculations


updateTable() - Method in class org.bonej.util.ResultInserter
Show the table
UsageReporter - Class in org.bonej.plugins
Prepare and send a report to be logged by Google Analytics event tracking
UsageReporter - Class in org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.wrapperUtils
Prepares and sends a report about BoneJ usage to be logged by Google Analytics event tracking
UsageReporterOptions - Class in org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.wrapperUtils
Handles persistent settings such as user permission state.
UsageReporterOptions() - Constructor for class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.wrapperUtils.UsageReporterOptions


vectorIncrement - Variable in class org.bonej.ops.ellipsoid.OptimisationParameters
Vectors - Class in org.bonej.geometry
Visualiser - Class in org.bonej.utilities
Convenience methods for displaying data.
Visualiser() - Constructor for class org.bonej.utilities.Visualiser
VoxelDepthChecker - Class in org.bonej.plugins
VoxelDepthChecker() - Constructor for class org.bonej.plugins.VoxelDepthChecker


warnAnisotropy(ImagePlus, UIService) - Static method in class org.bonej.wrapperPlugins.wrapperUtils.Common
Shows a warning dialog about image anisotropy, and asks if the user wants to continue.
windowActivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class org.bonej.plugins.Orienteer
windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class org.bonej.plugins.Orienteer


yuryPetrov(double[][]) - Static method in class org.bonej.geometry.FitEllipsoid
Ellipsoid fitting method by Yury Petrov.
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