All Classes and Interfaces

A support class providing static methods and constants for access modifiers such as public, private, ...
A data-flow analyzer that determines the type state of the stack and local variable table at every reachable instruction in a method.
The annotation structure.
A class representing AnnotationDefault_attribute.
Internal-use only.
Nested annotation.
A class representing RuntimeVisibleAnnotations_attribute and RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations_attribute.
A convenience class for constructing a ..Annotations_attribute.
An AppletServer object is a web server that an ObjectImporter communicates with.
Array initializer such as { 1, 2, 3 }.
Array member.
Assignment expression.
A linked list.
Abstract Syntax Tree.
attribute_info structure.
Signals that a bad bytecode sequence has been found.
Thrown when receiving an invalid HTTP request.
Binary expression.
Boolean constant value.
An element of bootstrap_methods.
A collection of static methods for reading and writing a byte array.
A ByteArrayClassPath contains bytes that is served as a class file to a ClassPool.
A utility class for producing a bytecode sequence.
Byte constant value.
Creates bytecode that when executed calls back to the instance's result method.
Method call expression.
Thrown when bytecode transformation has failed.
Signals that ClassMetaobject.newInstance() fails.
Thrown when method invocation using the reflection API has thrown an exception.
Thrown by makeReflective() in Reflection when there is an attempt to reflect a class that is either an interface or a subclass of either ClassMetaobject or Metaobject.
Explicit type cast.
Cast expression.
A support class for implementing $cflow.
Char constant value.
A search-path for obtaining a class file by getResourceAsStream() in java.lang.Class.
ClassFile represents a Java .class file, which consists of a constant pool, methods, fields, and attributes.
A utility class for priting the contents of a class file.
A quick class-file writer.
This writes attributes.
Constant Pool.
A hash table associating class names with different names.
Class value.
A runtime class metaobject.
ClassPath is an interface implemented by objects representing a class search path.
A container of CtClass objects.
An exception that may be thrown by copy() in CodeAttribute.
Simple translator of method bodies (also see the javassist.expr package).
Interface containing the method names to be used as array access replacements.
Default implementation of the ArrayAccessReplacementMethodNames interface giving default values for method names to be used for replacing accesses to array elements.
An iterator for editing a code attribute.
An inserted gap.
A bytecode translator for reflection.
Conditional expression.
Constant pool table.
Constructor call such as this() and super() within a constructor body.
Represents the control flow graph of a given method.
Basic block.
Represents a catch clause.
A node of (post) dominator trees.
CtBehavior represents a method, a constructor, or a static constructor (class initializer).
An instance of CtClass represents a class.
An instance of CtConstructor represents a constructor.
An instance of CtField represents a field.
Instances of this class specify how to initialize a field.
An instance of CtMember represents a field, a constructor, or a method.
An instance of CtMethod represents a method.
Instances of this class represent a constant parameter.
A collection of static methods for creating a CtConstructor.
A collection of static methods for creating a CtMethod.
An instance of CtPrimitiveType represents a primitive type.
Variable declarator.
A support class for implementing $sig and $type.
A support class for dealing with descriptors.
An Iterator over a descriptor.
A support class for implementing .class notation.
Double constant.
Double floating-point number constant value.
Dump is a tool for viewing the class definition in the given class file.
An exception thrown when adding a duplicate member is requested.
Enum constant value.
exception_table[] of Code_attribute.
Executor is responsible for modeling the effects of a JVM instruction on a frame.
A translator of method bodies.
A helper class for implementing ProxyFactory.
Expression for accessing a field.
field_info structure.
Floating-point number constant value.
Represents the stack frame and local variable table at a particular point in time.
framedump is a tool for viewing a merged combination of the instructions and frame state of all methods in a class.
A utility class for printing a merged view of the frame state and the instructions of a method.
A catch clause or a finally block.
A utility class for dynamically adding a new method or modifying an existing method body.
A utility class for dynamically reloading a class by the Java Platform Debugger Architecture (JPDA), or HotSwap.
A support class for compiling a method declared in an inner class.
Instanceof operator.
Instanceof expression.
Simple utility class for printing the bytecode instructions of a method.
Integer constant.
Integer constant value.
Used as a return type of toNearPc().
The class loader for Javassist.
A class loader for reflection.
A simpler class loader.
A class search-path representing a class loader.
Long integer constant value.
Member name.
The value of a member declared in an annotation.
Visitor for traversing member values included in an annotation.
An interface to access a metaobject and a class metaobject.
A runtime metaobject.
Method invocation (caller-side expression).
Selector of the methods implemented by a handler.
The interface implemented by the invocation handler of a proxy instance.
method_info structure.
JVM Instruction Names.
The Modifier class provides static methods and constants to decode class and member access modifiers.
Represents an array of MultiType instances.
MultiType represents an unresolved type.
Array creation.
New Expression.
Object creation (new expression).
Thrown if the linkage fails.
Signals that something could not be found.
The object importer enables applets to call a method on a remote object running on the Webserver (the main class of this package).
JVM Instruction Set.
A node of a a binary tree.
A class representing RuntimeVisibleAnnotations_attribute and RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations_attribute.
An interface implemented by proxy classes.
The interface implemented by proxy classes.
Factory of dynamic proxy classes.
A provider of class loaders.
A unique class name generator.
The interface implemented by proxy classes.
An input stream class which knows how to deserialize proxies created via ProxyFactory and serializedo via a ProxyObjectOutputStream.
An input stream class which knows how to serialize proxies created via ProxyFactory.
The class implementing the behavioral reflection mechanism.
RemoteException represents any exception thrown during remote method invocation.
Remote reference.
Runtime support routines that the classes generated by ProxyFactory use.
A template used for defining a reflective class.
A template used for defining a proxy class.
Utility for calculating serialVersionUIDs for Serializable classes.
Short integer constant value.
Array types.
Primitive types.
Class signature.
Class types.
Method type signature.
Nested class types.
Class types, array types, and type variables.
Primitive types and object types.
Type argument.
Formal type parameters.
Type variables.
Another stack_map attribute defined in CLDC 1.1 for J2ME.
A code walker for a StackMap attribute.
Internal use only.
stack_map attribute.
An exception that may be thrown by copy() in StackMapTable.
A code walker for a StackMapTable attribute.
A writer of stack map tables.
String literal.
String constant value.
A stub-code generator.
Represents a nested method subroutine (marked by JSR and RET).
Discovers the subroutines in a method, and tracks all callers.
An observer of Loader.
Represents a JVM type in data-flow analysis.
A class representing RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations attribute and RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations attribute.
A convenience class for constructing a ..TypeAnnotations_attribute.
A class search-path specified with URL (http).
A set of common utility methods.
A sample applet viewer.
The visitor pattern.
A web server for running sample programs.