Package javassist

Class CtConstructor

public final class CtConstructor extends CtBehavior
An instance of CtConstructor represents a constructor. It may represent a static constructor (class initializer). To distinguish a constructor and a class initializer, call isClassInitializer().

See the super class CtBehavior as well since a number of useful methods are in CtBehavior.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • CtConstructor

      public CtConstructor(CtClass[] parameters, CtClass declaring)
      Creates a constructor with no constructor body. The created constructor must be added to a class with CtClass.addConstructor().

      The created constructor does not include a constructor body, which must be specified with setBody().

      declaring - the class to which the created method is added.
      parameters - a list of the parameter types
      See Also:
    • CtConstructor

      public CtConstructor(CtConstructor src, CtClass declaring, ClassMap map) throws CannotCompileException
      Creates a copy of a CtConstructor object. The created constructor must be added to a class with CtClass.addConstructor().

      All occurrences of class names in the created constructor are replaced with names specified by map if map is not null.

      By default, all the occurrences of the names of the class declaring src and the superclass are replaced with the name of the class and the superclass that the created constructor is added to. This is done whichever map is null or not. To prevent this replacement, call ClassMap.fix() or put() to explicitly specify replacement.

      Note: if the .class notation (for example, String.class) is included in an expression, the Javac compiler may produce a helper method. Since this constructor never copies this helper method, the programmers have the responsiblity of copying it. Otherwise, use Class.forName() in the expression.

      src - the source method.
      declaring - the class to which the created method is added.
      map - the hashtable associating original class names with substituted names. It can be null.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • isConstructor

      public boolean isConstructor()
      Returns true if this object represents a constructor.
    • isClassInitializer

      public boolean isClassInitializer()
      Returns true if this object represents a static initializer.
    • getLongName

      public String getLongName()
      Returns the constructor name followed by parameter types such as javassist.CtConstructor(CtClass[],CtClass).
      Specified by:
      getLongName in class CtBehavior
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Obtains the name of this constructor. It is the same as the simple name of the class declaring this constructor. If this object represents a class initializer, then this method returns "<clinit>".
      Specified by:
      getName in class CtMember
      See Also:
    • isEmpty

      public boolean isEmpty()
      Returns true if the constructor (or static initializer) is the default one. This method returns true if the constructor takes some arguments but it does not perform anything except calling super() (the no-argument constructor of the super class).
      Specified by:
      isEmpty in class CtBehavior
    • callsSuper

      public boolean callsSuper() throws CannotCompileException
      Returns true if this constructor calls a constructor of the super class. This method returns false if it calls another constructor of this class by this().
    • setBody

      public void setBody(String src) throws CannotCompileException
      Sets a constructor body.
      setBody in class CtBehavior
      src - the source code representing the constructor body. It must be a single statement or block. If it is null, the substituted constructor body does nothing except calling super().
    • setBody

      public void setBody(CtConstructor src, ClassMap map) throws CannotCompileException
      Copies a constructor body from another constructor.

      All occurrences of the class names in the copied body are replaced with the names specified by map if map is not null.

      src - the method that the body is copied from.
      map - the hashtable associating original class names with substituted names. It can be null.
    • insertBeforeBody

      public void insertBeforeBody(String src) throws CannotCompileException
      Inserts bytecode just after another constructor in the super class or this class is called. It does not work if this object represents a class initializer.
      src - the source code representing the inserted bytecode. It must be a single statement or block.
    • toMethod

      public CtMethod toMethod(String name, CtClass declaring) throws CannotCompileException
      Makes a copy of this constructor and converts it into a method. The signature of the mehtod is the same as the that of this constructor. The return type is void. The resulting method must be appended to the class specified by declaring. If this constructor is a static initializer, the resulting method takes no parameter.

      An occurrence of another constructor call this() or a super constructor call super() is eliminated from the resulting method.

      The immediate super class of the class declaring this constructor must be also a super class of the class declaring the resulting method. If the constructor accesses a field, the class declaring the resulting method must also declare a field with the same name and type.

      name - the name of the resulting method.
      declaring - the class declaring the resulting method.
    • toMethod

      public CtMethod toMethod(String name, CtClass declaring, ClassMap map) throws CannotCompileException
      Makes a copy of this constructor and converts it into a method. The signature of the method is the same as the that of this constructor. The return type is void. The resulting method must be appended to the class specified by declaring. If this constructor is a static initializer, the resulting method takes no parameter.

      An occurrence of another constructor call this() or a super constructor call super() is eliminated from the resulting method.

      The immediate super class of the class declaring this constructor must be also a super class of the class declaring the resulting method (this is obviously true if the second parameter declaring is the same as the class declaring this constructor). If the constructor accesses a field, the class declaring the resulting method must also declare a field with the same name and type.

      name - the name of the resulting method.
      declaring - the class declaring the resulting method. It is normally the same as the class declaring this constructor.
      map - the hash table associating original class names with substituted names. The original class names will be replaced while making a copy. map can be null.