Vector3d |
Vector3d.add(Vector3dc v) |
Add the supplied vector to this one.
Vector3d |
Vector3d.add(Vector3dc v,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector3d |
Vector3dc.add(Vector3dc v,
Vector3d dest) |
Add the supplied vector to this one and store the result in dest .
double |
Vector3d.angle(Vector3dc v) |
double |
Vector3dc.angle(Vector3dc v) |
Return the angle between this vector and the supplied vector.
double |
Vector3d.angleCos(Vector3dc v) |
double |
Vector3dc.angleCos(Vector3dc v) |
Return the cosine of the angle between this vector and
the supplied vector.
double |
Vector3d.angleSigned(Vector3dc v,
Vector3dc n) |
double |
Vector3dc.angleSigned(Vector3dc v,
Vector3dc n) |
Return the signed angle between this vector and the supplied vector with
respect to the plane with the given normal vector n .
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.arcball(double radius,
Vector3dc center,
double angleX,
double angleY) |
Apply an arcball view transformation to this matrix with the given radius and center
position of the arcball and the specified X and Y rotation angles.
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.arcball(double radius,
Vector3dc center,
double angleX,
double angleY,
Matrix4d dest) |
Matrix4d |
Matrix4dc.arcball(double radius,
Vector3dc center,
double angleX,
double angleY,
Matrix4d dest) |
Apply an arcball view transformation to this matrix with the given radius and center
position of the arcball and the specified X and Y rotation angles, and store the result in dest .
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.arcball(double radius,
Vector3dc center,
double angleX,
double angleY) |
Apply an arcball view transformation to this matrix with the given radius and center
position of the arcball and the specified X and Y rotation angles.
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.arcball(double radius,
Vector3dc center,
double angleX,
double angleY,
Matrix4x3d dest) |
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3dc.arcball(double radius,
Vector3dc center,
double angleX,
double angleY,
Matrix4x3d dest) |
Apply an arcball view transformation to this matrix with the given radius and center
position of the arcball and the specified X and Y rotation angles, and store the result in dest .
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.billboardCylindrical(Vector3dc objPos,
Vector3dc targetPos,
Vector3dc up) |
Set this matrix to a cylindrical billboard transformation that rotates the local +Z axis of a given object with position objPos towards
a target position at targetPos while constraining a cylindrical rotation around the given up vector.
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.billboardCylindrical(Vector3dc objPos,
Vector3dc targetPos,
Vector3dc up) |
Set this matrix to a cylindrical billboard transformation that rotates the local +Z axis of a given object with position objPos towards
a target position at targetPos while constraining a cylindrical rotation around the given up vector.
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.billboardSpherical(Vector3dc objPos,
Vector3dc targetPos) |
Set this matrix to a spherical billboard transformation that rotates the local +Z axis of a given object with position objPos towards
a target position at targetPos using a shortest arc rotation by not preserving any up vector of the object.
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.billboardSpherical(Vector3dc objPos,
Vector3dc targetPos,
Vector3dc up) |
Set this matrix to a spherical billboard transformation that rotates the local +Z axis of a given object with position objPos towards
a target position at targetPos .
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.billboardSpherical(Vector3dc objPos,
Vector3dc targetPos) |
Set this matrix to a spherical billboard transformation that rotates the local +Z axis of a given object with position objPos towards
a target position at targetPos using a shortest arc rotation by not preserving any up vector of the object.
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.billboardSpherical(Vector3dc objPos,
Vector3dc targetPos,
Vector3dc up) |
Set this matrix to a spherical billboard transformation that rotates the local +Z axis of a given object with position objPos towards
a target position at targetPos .
Vector3d |
Vector3d.cross(Vector3dc v) |
Set this vector to be the cross product of this and v2.
Vector3d |
Vector3d.cross(Vector3dc v,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector3d |
Vector3dc.cross(Vector3dc v,
Vector3d dest) |
Calculate the cross product of this and v2 and store the result in dest .
double |
Vector3d.distance(Vector3dc v) |
double |
Vector3dc.distance(Vector3dc v) |
Return the distance between this vector and v .
double |
Vector3d.distanceSquared(Vector3dc v) |
double |
Vector3dc.distanceSquared(Vector3dc v) |
Return the square of the distance between this vector and v .
Vector3d |
Vector3d.div(Vector3dc v,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector3d |
Vector3dc.div(Vector3dc v,
Vector3d dest) |
Divide this by v component-wise and store the result into dest .
double | v) |
double | v) |
Return the dot product of this vector and the supplied vector.
boolean |
Vector3d.equals(Vector3dc v,
double delta) |
boolean |
Vector3dc.equals(Vector3dc v,
double delta) |
Compare the vector components of this vector with the given vector using the given delta
and return whether all of them are equal within a maximum difference of delta .
static int |
Intersectiond.findClosestPointOnTriangle(Vector3dc v0,
Vector3dc v1,
Vector3dc v2,
Vector3dc p,
Vector3d result) |
Determine the closest point on the triangle with the vertices v0 , v1 , v2
between that triangle and the given point p and store that point into the given result .
Vector3d |
Vector3d.fma(double a,
Vector3dc b) |
Add the component-wise multiplication of a * b to this vector.
Vector3d |
Vector3d.fma(double a,
Vector3dc b,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector3d |
Vector3d.fma(Vector3dc a,
Vector3dc b) |
Add the component-wise multiplication of a * b to this vector.
Vector3d |
Vector3d.fma(Vector3dc a,
Vector3dc b,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector3d |
Vector3d.fma(Vector3dc a,
Vector3fc b,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector3d |
Vector3dc.fma(double a,
Vector3dc b,
Vector3d dest) |
Add the component-wise multiplication of a * b to this vector
and store the result in dest .
Vector3d |
Vector3dc.fma(Vector3dc a,
Vector3dc b,
Vector3d dest) |
Add the component-wise multiplication of a * b to this vector
and store the result in dest .
Vector3d |
Vector3dc.fma(Vector3dc a,
Vector3fc b,
Vector3d dest) |
Add the component-wise multiplication of a * b to this vector
and store the result in dest .
Quaterniond |
Quaterniond.fromAxisAngleDeg(Vector3dc axis,
double angle) |
Set this quaternion to be a representation of the supplied axis and
angle (in degrees).
Quaterniond |
Quaterniond.fromAxisAngleRad(Vector3dc axis,
double angle) |
Set this quaternion to be a representation of the supplied axis and
angle (in radians).
Vector3d |
Vector3d.half(Vector3dc other) |
Compute the half vector between this and the other vector.
Vector3d |
Vector3d.half(Vector3dc other,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector3d |
Vector3dc.half(Vector3dc other,
Vector3d dest) |
Compute the half vector between this and the other vector and store the result in dest .
Vector3d |
Vector3d.hermite(Vector3dc t0,
Vector3dc v1,
Vector3dc t1,
double t,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector3d |
Vector3dc.hermite(Vector3dc t0,
Vector3dc v1,
Vector3dc t1,
double t,
Vector3d dest) |
Compute a hermite interpolation between this vector and its
associated tangent t0 and the given vector v
with its tangent t1 and store the result in
dest .
static int |
Intersectiond.intersectLineSegmentAab(Vector3dc p0,
Vector3dc p1,
Vector3dc min,
Vector3dc max,
Vector2d result) |
Determine whether the undirected line segment with the end points p0 and p1
intersects the axis-aligned box given as its minimum corner min and maximum corner max ,
and return the values of the parameter t in the ray equation p(t) = origin + p0 * (p1 - p0) of the near and far point of intersection.
static boolean |
Intersectiond.intersectLineSegmentTriangle(Vector3dc p0,
Vector3dc p1,
Vector3dc v0,
Vector3dc v1,
Vector3dc v2,
double epsilon,
Vector3d intersectionPoint) |
Determine whether the line segment with the end points p0 and p1
intersects the triangle consisting of the three vertices (v0X, v0Y, v0Z) , (v1X, v1Y, v1Z) and (v2X, v2Y, v2Z) ,
regardless of the winding order of the triangle or the direction of the line segment between its two end points,
and return the point of intersection.
static boolean |
Intersectiond.intersectRayAab(Vector3dc origin,
Vector3dc dir,
Vector3dc min,
Vector3dc max,
Vector2d result) |
Test whether the ray with the given origin and direction dir
intersects the axis-aligned box specified as its minimum corner min and maximum corner max ,
and return the values of the parameter t in the ray equation p(t) = origin + t * dir of the near and far point of intersection..
static double |
Intersectiond.intersectRayPlane(Vector3dc origin,
Vector3dc dir,
Vector3dc point,
Vector3dc normal,
double epsilon) |
Test whether the ray with given origin and direction dir intersects the plane
containing the given point and having the given normal , and return the
value of the parameter t in the ray equation p(t) = origin + t * dir of the intersection point.
static boolean |
Intersectiond.intersectRaySphere(Vector3dc origin,
Vector3dc dir,
Vector3dc center,
double radiusSquared,
Vector2d result) |
Test whether the ray with the given origin and normalized direction dir
intersects the sphere with the given center and square radius radiusSquared ,
and store the values of the parameter t in the ray equation p(t) = origin + t * dir for both points (near
and far) of intersections into the given result vector.
static double |
Intersectiond.intersectRayTriangle(Vector3dc origin,
Vector3dc dir,
Vector3dc v0,
Vector3dc v1,
Vector3dc v2,
double epsilon) |
Determine whether the ray with the given origin and the given dir intersects the triangle consisting of the three vertices
v0 , v1 and v2 and return the value of the parameter t in the ray equation p(t) = origin + t * dir of the point of intersection.
static double |
Intersectiond.intersectRayTriangleFront(Vector3dc origin,
Vector3dc dir,
Vector3dc v0,
Vector3dc v1,
Vector3dc v2,
double epsilon) |
Determine whether the ray with the given origin and the given dir intersects the frontface of the triangle consisting of the three vertices
v0 , v1 and v2 and return the value of the parameter t in the ray equation p(t) = origin + t * dir of the point of intersection.
static boolean |
Intersectiond.intersectSphereSphere(Vector3dc centerA,
double radiusSquaredA,
Vector3dc centerB,
double radiusSquaredB,
Vector4d centerAndRadiusOfIntersectionCircle) |
Test whether the one sphere with center centerA and square radius radiusSquaredA intersects the other
sphere with center centerB and square radius radiusSquaredB , and store the center of the circle of
intersection in the (x, y, z) components of the supplied vector and the radius of that circle in the w component.
Vector3d |
Vector3d.lerp(Vector3dc other,
double t) |
Linearly interpolate this and other using the given interpolation factor t
and store the result in this .
Vector3d |
Vector3d.lerp(Vector3dc other,
double t,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector3d |
Vector3dc.lerp(Vector3dc other,
double t,
Vector3d dest) |
Linearly interpolate this and other using the given interpolation factor t
and store the result in dest .
Matrix3d |
Matrix3d.lookAlong(Vector3dc dir,
Vector3dc up) |
Apply a rotation transformation to this matrix to make -z point along dir .
Matrix3d |
Matrix3d.lookAlong(Vector3dc dir,
Vector3dc up,
Matrix3d dest) |
Apply a rotation transformation to this matrix to make -z point along dir
and store the result in dest .
Matrix3d |
Matrix3dc.lookAlong(Vector3dc dir,
Vector3dc up,
Matrix3d dest) |
Apply a rotation transformation to this matrix to make -z point along dir
and store the result in dest .
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.lookAlong(Vector3dc dir,
Vector3dc up) |
Apply a rotation transformation to this matrix to make -z point along dir .
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.lookAlong(Vector3dc dir,
Vector3dc up,
Matrix4d dest) |
Apply a rotation transformation to this matrix to make -z point along dir
and store the result in dest .
Matrix4d |
Matrix4dc.lookAlong(Vector3dc dir,
Vector3dc up,
Matrix4d dest) |
Apply a rotation transformation to this matrix to make -z point along dir
and store the result in dest .
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.lookAlong(Vector3dc dir,
Vector3dc up) |
Apply a rotation transformation to this matrix to make -z point along dir .
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.lookAlong(Vector3dc dir,
Vector3dc up,
Matrix4x3d dest) |
Apply a rotation transformation to this matrix to make -z point along dir
and store the result in dest .
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3dc.lookAlong(Vector3dc dir,
Vector3dc up,
Matrix4x3d dest) |
Apply a rotation transformation to this matrix to make -z point along dir
and store the result in dest .
Quaterniond |
Quaterniond.lookAlong(Vector3dc dir,
Vector3dc up) |
Apply a rotation to this quaternion that maps the given direction to the positive Z axis.
Quaterniond |
Quaterniond.lookAlong(Vector3dc dir,
Vector3dc up,
Quaterniond dest) |
Quaterniond |
Quaterniondc.lookAlong(Vector3dc dir,
Vector3dc up,
Quaterniond dest) |
Apply a rotation to this quaternion that maps the given direction to the positive Z axis, and store the result in dest .
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.lookAt(Vector3dc eye,
Vector3dc center,
Vector3dc up) |
Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system,
that aligns -z with center - eye .
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.lookAt(Vector3dc eye,
Vector3dc center,
Vector3dc up,
Matrix4d dest) |
Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system,
that aligns -z with center - eye and store the result in dest .
Matrix4d |
Matrix4dc.lookAt(Vector3dc eye,
Vector3dc center,
Vector3dc up,
Matrix4d dest) |
Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system,
that aligns -z with center - eye and store the result in dest .
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.lookAt(Vector3dc eye,
Vector3dc center,
Vector3dc up) |
Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system,
that aligns -z with center - eye .
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.lookAt(Vector3dc eye,
Vector3dc center,
Vector3dc up,
Matrix4x3d dest) |
Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system,
that aligns -z with center - eye and store the result in dest .
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3dc.lookAt(Vector3dc eye,
Vector3dc center,
Vector3dc up,
Matrix4x3d dest) |
Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system,
that aligns -z with center - eye and store the result in dest .
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.lookAtLH(Vector3dc eye,
Vector3dc center,
Vector3dc up) |
Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a left-handed coordinate system,
that aligns +z with center - eye .
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.lookAtLH(Vector3dc eye,
Vector3dc center,
Vector3dc up,
Matrix4d dest) |
Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a left-handed coordinate system,
that aligns +z with center - eye and store the result in dest .
Matrix4d |
Matrix4dc.lookAtLH(Vector3dc eye,
Vector3dc center,
Vector3dc up,
Matrix4d dest) |
Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a left-handed coordinate system,
that aligns +z with center - eye and store the result in dest .
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.lookAtLH(Vector3dc eye,
Vector3dc center,
Vector3dc up) |
Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a left-handed coordinate system,
that aligns +z with center - eye .
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.lookAtLH(Vector3dc eye,
Vector3dc center,
Vector3dc up,
Matrix4x3d dest) |
Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a left-handed coordinate system,
that aligns +z with center - eye and store the result in dest .
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3dc.lookAtLH(Vector3dc eye,
Vector3dc center,
Vector3dc up,
Matrix4x3d dest) |
Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a left-handed coordinate system,
that aligns +z with center - eye and store the result in dest .
Vector3d |
Vector3d.max(Vector3dc v) |
Set the components of this vector to be the component-wise maximum of this and the other vector.
Vector3d |
Vector3d.max(Vector3dc v,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector3d |
Vector3dc.max(Vector3dc v,
Vector3d dest) |
Set the components of dest to be the component-wise maximum of this and the other vector.
Vector3d |
Vector3d.min(Vector3dc v) |
Set the components of this vector to be the component-wise minimum of this and the other vector.
Vector3d |
Vector3d.min(Vector3dc v,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector3d |
Vector3dc.min(Vector3dc v,
Vector3d dest) |
Set the components of dest to be the component-wise minimum of this and the other vector.
Vector3d |
Vector3d.mul(Vector3dc v) |
Multiply this Vector3d component-wise by another Vector3dc.
Vector3d |
Vector3d.mul(Vector3dc v,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector3d |
Vector3dc.mul(Vector3dc v,
Vector3d dest) |
Multiply this by v component-wise and store the result into dest .
Vector3d |
Vector3d.mulAdd(double a,
Vector3dc b) |
Add the component-wise multiplication of this * a to b
and store the result in this .
Vector3d |
Vector3d.mulAdd(double a,
Vector3dc b,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector3d |
Vector3d.mulAdd(Vector3dc a,
Vector3dc b) |
Add the component-wise multiplication of this * a to b
and store the result in this .
Vector3d |
Vector3d.mulAdd(Vector3dc a,
Vector3dc b,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector3d |
Vector3d.mulAdd(Vector3fc a,
Vector3dc b,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector3d |
Vector3dc.mulAdd(double a,
Vector3dc b,
Vector3d dest) |
Add the component-wise multiplication of this * a to b
and store the result in dest .
Vector3d |
Vector3dc.mulAdd(Vector3dc a,
Vector3dc b,
Vector3d dest) |
Add the component-wise multiplication of this * a to b
and store the result in dest .
Vector3d |
Vector3dc.mulAdd(Vector3fc a,
Vector3dc b,
Vector3d dest) |
Add the component-wise multiplication of this * a to b
and store the result in dest .
Vector3d |
Vector3d.orthogonalize(Vector3dc v) |
Transform this vector so that it is orthogonal to the given vector v and normalize the result.
Vector3d |
Vector3d.orthogonalize(Vector3dc v,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector3d |
Vector3dc.orthogonalize(Vector3dc v,
Vector3d dest) |
Transform this vector so that it is orthogonal to the given vector v , normalize the result and store it into dest .
Vector3d |
Vector3d.orthogonalizeUnit(Vector3dc v) |
Transform this vector so that it is orthogonal to the given unit vector v and normalize the result.
Vector3d |
Vector3d.orthogonalizeUnit(Vector3dc v,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector3d |
Vector3dc.orthogonalizeUnit(Vector3dc v,
Vector3d dest) |
Transform this vector so that it is orthogonal to the given unit vector v , normalize the result and store it into dest .
Vector3d |
Matrix4d.project(Vector3dc position,
int[] viewport,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector4d |
Matrix4d.project(Vector3dc position,
int[] viewport,
Vector4d dest) |
Vector3d |
Matrix4dc.project(Vector3dc position,
int[] viewport,
Vector3d winCoordsDest) |
Project the given position via this matrix using the specified viewport
and store the resulting window coordinates in winCoordsDest .
Vector4d |
Matrix4dc.project(Vector3dc position,
int[] viewport,
Vector4d winCoordsDest) |
Project the given position via this matrix using the specified viewport
and store the resulting window coordinates in winCoordsDest .
double |
Matrix3d.quadraticFormProduct(Vector3dc v) |
double |
Matrix3dc.quadraticFormProduct(Vector3dc v) |
Compute v^T * this * v .
Matrix3d |
Matrix3d.reflect(Vector3dc normal) |
Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects through the given plane
specified via the plane normal.
Matrix3d |
Matrix3d.reflect(Vector3dc normal,
Matrix3d dest) |
Matrix3d |
Matrix3dc.reflect(Vector3dc normal,
Matrix3d dest) |
Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects through the given plane
specified via the plane normal, and store the result in dest .
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.reflect(Quaterniondc orientation,
Vector3dc point) |
Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects about a plane
specified via the plane orientation and a point on the plane.
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.reflect(Quaterniondc orientation,
Vector3dc point,
Matrix4d dest) |
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.reflect(Vector3dc normal,
Vector3dc point) |
Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects about the given plane
specified via the plane normal and a point on the plane.
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.reflect(Vector3dc normal,
Vector3dc point,
Matrix4d dest) |
Matrix4d |
Matrix4dc.reflect(Quaterniondc orientation,
Vector3dc point,
Matrix4d dest) |
Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects about a plane
specified via the plane orientation and a point on the plane, and store the result in dest .
Matrix4d |
Matrix4dc.reflect(Vector3dc normal,
Vector3dc point,
Matrix4d dest) |
Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects about the given plane
specified via the plane normal and a point on the plane, and store the result in dest .
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.reflect(Quaterniondc orientation,
Vector3dc point) |
Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects about a plane
specified via the plane orientation and a point on the plane.
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.reflect(Quaterniondc orientation,
Vector3dc point,
Matrix4x3d dest) |
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.reflect(Vector3dc normal,
Vector3dc point) |
Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects about the given plane
specified via the plane normal and a point on the plane.
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.reflect(Vector3dc normal,
Vector3dc point,
Matrix4x3d dest) |
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3dc.reflect(Quaterniondc orientation,
Vector3dc point,
Matrix4x3d dest) |
Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects about a plane
specified via the plane orientation and a point on the plane, and store the result in dest .
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3dc.reflect(Vector3dc normal,
Vector3dc point,
Matrix4x3d dest) |
Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects about the given plane
specified via the plane normal and a point on the plane, and store the result in dest .
Vector3d |
Vector3d.reflect(Vector3dc normal) |
Reflect this vector about the given normal vector.
Vector3d |
Vector3d.reflect(Vector3dc normal,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector3d |
Vector3dc.reflect(Vector3dc normal,
Vector3d dest) |
Reflect this vector about the given normal vector and store the result in dest .
Matrix3d |
Matrix3d.reflection(Vector3dc normal) |
Set this matrix to a mirror/reflection transformation that reflects through the given plane
specified via the plane normal.
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.reflection(Quaterniondc orientation,
Vector3dc point) |
Set this matrix to a mirror/reflection transformation that reflects about a plane
specified via the plane orientation and a point on the plane.
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.reflection(Vector3dc normal,
Vector3dc point) |
Set this matrix to a mirror/reflection transformation that reflects about the given plane
specified via the plane normal and a point on the plane.
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.reflection(Quaterniondc orientation,
Vector3dc point) |
Set this matrix to a mirror/reflection transformation that reflects about a plane
specified via the plane orientation and a point on the plane.
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.reflection(Vector3dc normal,
Vector3dc point) |
Set this matrix to a mirror/reflection transformation that reflects about the given plane
specified via the plane normal and a point on the plane.
Matrix3d |
Matrix3d.rotate(double angle,
Vector3dc axis) |
Apply a rotation transformation, rotating the given radians about the specified axis, to this matrix.
Matrix3d |
Matrix3d.rotate(double angle,
Vector3dc axis,
Matrix3d dest) |
Apply a rotation transformation, rotating the given radians about the specified axis and store the result in dest .
Matrix3d |
Matrix3dc.rotate(double angle,
Vector3dc axis,
Matrix3d dest) |
Apply a rotation transformation, rotating the given radians about the specified axis and store the result in dest .
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.rotate(double angle,
Vector3dc axis) |
Apply a rotation transformation, rotating the given radians about the specified axis, to this matrix.
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.rotate(double angle,
Vector3dc axis,
Matrix4d dest) |
Apply a rotation transformation, rotating the given radians about the specified axis and store the result in dest .
Matrix4d |
Matrix4dc.rotate(double angle,
Vector3dc axis,
Matrix4d dest) |
Apply a rotation transformation, rotating the given radians about the specified axis and store the result in dest .
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.rotate(double angle,
Vector3dc axis) |
Apply a rotation transformation, rotating the given radians about the specified axis, to this matrix.
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.rotate(double angle,
Vector3dc axis,
Matrix4x3d dest) |
Apply a rotation transformation, rotating the given radians about the specified axis and store the result in dest .
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3dc.rotate(double angle,
Vector3dc axis,
Matrix4x3d dest) |
Apply a rotation transformation, rotating the given radians about the specified axis and store the result in dest .
Quaterniond |
Quaterniond.rotateAxis(double angle,
Vector3dc axis) |
Apply a rotation to this quaternion rotating the given radians about the specified axis.
Quaterniond |
Quaterniond.rotateAxis(double angle,
Vector3dc axis,
Quaterniond dest) |
Quaterniond |
Quaterniondc.rotateAxis(double angle,
Vector3dc axis,
Quaterniond dest) |
Apply a rotation to this quaternion rotating the given radians about the specified axis
and store the result in dest .
Quaterniond |
Quaterniond.rotateTo(Vector3dc fromDir,
Vector3dc toDir) |
Apply a rotation to this that rotates the fromDir vector to point along toDir .
Quaterniond |
Quaterniond.rotateTo(Vector3dc fromDir,
Vector3dc toDir,
Quaterniond dest) |
Quaterniond |
Quaterniondc.rotateTo(Vector3dc fromDir,
Vector3dc toDir,
Quaterniond dest) |
Apply a rotation to this that rotates the fromDir vector to point along toDir and
store the result in dest .
Matrix3d |
Matrix3d.rotateTowards(Vector3dc direction,
Vector3dc up) |
Apply a model transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system,
that aligns the local +Z axis with direction .
Matrix3d |
Matrix3d.rotateTowards(Vector3dc direction,
Vector3dc up,
Matrix3d dest) |
Apply a model transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system,
that aligns the local +Z axis with direction
and store the result in dest .
Matrix3d |
Matrix3dc.rotateTowards(Vector3dc direction,
Vector3dc up,
Matrix3d dest) |
Apply a model transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system,
that aligns the local +Z axis with direction
and store the result in dest .
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.rotateTowards(Vector3dc direction,
Vector3dc up) |
Apply a model transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system,
that aligns the local +Z axis with direction .
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.rotateTowards(Vector3dc direction,
Vector3dc up,
Matrix4d dest) |
Apply a model transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system,
that aligns the local +Z axis with direction
and store the result in dest .
Matrix4d |
Matrix4dc.rotateTowards(Vector3dc direction,
Vector3dc up,
Matrix4d dest) |
Apply a model transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system,
that aligns the local +Z axis with direction
and store the result in dest .
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.rotateTowards(Vector3dc dir,
Vector3dc up) |
Apply a model transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system,
that aligns the local +Z axis with dir .
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.rotateTowards(Vector3dc dir,
Vector3dc up,
Matrix4x3d dest) |
Apply a model transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system,
that aligns the local +Z axis with dir
and store the result in dest .
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3dc.rotateTowards(Vector3dc dir,
Vector3dc up,
Matrix4x3d dest) |
Apply a model transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system,
that aligns the -z axis with dir
and store the result in dest .
Matrix3d |
Matrix3d.rotation(double angle,
Vector3dc axis) |
Set this matrix to a rotation matrix which rotates the given radians about a given axis.
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.rotation(double angle,
Vector3dc axis) |
Set this matrix to a rotation matrix which rotates the given radians about a given axis.
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.rotation(double angle,
Vector3dc axis) |
Set this matrix to a rotation matrix which rotates the given radians about a given axis.
Quaterniond |
Quaterniond.rotationTo(Vector3dc fromDir,
Vector3dc toDir) |
Set this quaternion to a rotation that rotates the fromDir vector to point along toDir .
Quaterniond |
Vector3d.rotationTo(Vector3dc toDir,
Quaterniond dest) |
Quaterniond |
Vector3dc.rotationTo(Vector3dc toDir,
Quaterniond dest) |
Compute the quaternion representing a rotation of this vector to point along toDir
and store the result in dest .
Matrix3d |
Matrix3d.rotationTowards(Vector3dc dir,
Vector3dc up) |
Set this matrix to a model transformation for a right-handed coordinate system,
that aligns the local -z axis with center - eye .
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.rotationTowards(Vector3dc dir,
Vector3dc up) |
Set this matrix to a model transformation for a right-handed coordinate system,
that aligns the local -z axis with dir .
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.rotationTowards(Vector3dc dir,
Vector3dc up) |
Set this matrix to a model transformation for a right-handed coordinate system,
that aligns the local -z axis with dir .
Matrix3d |
Matrix3d.scale(Vector3dc xyz) |
Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given xyz.x ,
xyz.y and xyz.z factors, respectively.
Matrix3d |
Matrix3d.scale(Vector3dc xyz,
Matrix3d dest) |
Matrix3d |
Matrix3dc.scale(Vector3dc xyz,
Matrix3d dest) |
Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given xyz.x ,
xyz.y and xyz.z factors, respectively and store the result in dest .
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.scale(Vector3dc xyz) |
Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given xyz.x ,
xyz.y and xyz.z factors, respectively.
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.scale(Vector3dc xyz,
Matrix4d dest) |
Matrix4d |
Matrix4dc.scale(Vector3dc xyz,
Matrix4d dest) |
Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given xyz.x ,
xyz.y and xyz.z factors, respectively and store the result in dest .
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.scale(Vector3dc xyz) |
Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given xyz.x ,
xyz.y and xyz.z factors, respectively.
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.scale(Vector3dc xyz,
Matrix4x3d dest) |
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3dc.scale(Vector3dc xyz,
Matrix4x3d dest) |
Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given xyz.x ,
xyz.y and xyz.z factors, respectively and store the result in dest .
Matrix3d |
Matrix3d.scaling(Vector3dc xyz) |
Set this matrix to be a simple scale matrix which scales the base axes by xyz.x , xyz.y and xyz.z respectively.
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.scaling(Vector3dc xyz) |
Set this matrix to be a simple scale matrix which scales the base axes by
xyz.x , xyz.y and xyz.z , respectively.
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.scaling(Vector3dc xyz) |
Set this matrix to be a simple scale matrix which scales the base axes by
xyz.x , xyz.y and xyz.z , respectively.
AxisAngle4d |
AxisAngle4d.set(double angle,
Vector3dc v) |
Matrix3d |
Matrix3d.set(Vector3dc col0,
Vector3dc col1,
Vector3dc col2) |
Set the three columns of this matrix to the supplied vectors, respectively.
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.set(Vector3dc col0,
Vector3dc col1,
Vector3dc col2,
Vector3dc col3) |
Set the four columns of this matrix to the supplied vectors, respectively.
Vector3d |
Vector3d.set(Vector3dc v) |
Set the x, y and z components to match the supplied vector.
Vector3f |
Vector3f.set(Vector3dc v) |
Set the x, y and z components to match the supplied vector.
Vector3i |
Vector3i.set(Vector3dc v) |
Vector3i |
Vector3i.set(Vector3dc v,
int mode) |
Vector4d |
Vector4d.set(Vector3dc v,
double w) |
Set the x, y, and z components of this to the components of
v and the w component to w .
Quaterniond |
Quaterniond.setAngleAxis(double angle,
Vector3dc axis) |
Set this quaternion to be a representation of the supplied axis and
angle (in radians).
Matrix3d |
Matrix3d.setColumn(int column,
Vector3dc src) |
Set the column at the given column index, starting with 0 .
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.setColumn(int column,
Vector3dc src) |
Set the column at the given column index, starting with 0 .
Matrix3d |
Matrix3d.setLookAlong(Vector3dc dir,
Vector3dc up) |
Set this matrix to a rotation transformation to make -z
point along dir .
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.setLookAlong(Vector3dc dir,
Vector3dc up) |
Set this matrix to a rotation transformation to make -z
point along dir .
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.setLookAlong(Vector3dc dir,
Vector3dc up) |
Set this matrix to a rotation transformation to make -z
point along dir .
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.setLookAt(Vector3dc eye,
Vector3dc center,
Vector3dc up) |
Set this matrix to be a "lookat" transformation for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns
-z with center - eye .
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.setLookAt(Vector3dc eye,
Vector3dc center,
Vector3dc up) |
Set this matrix to be a "lookat" transformation for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns
-z with center - eye .
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.setLookAtLH(Vector3dc eye,
Vector3dc center,
Vector3dc up) |
Set this matrix to be a "lookat" transformation for a left-handed coordinate system, that aligns
+z with center - eye .
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.setLookAtLH(Vector3dc eye,
Vector3dc center,
Vector3dc up) |
Set this matrix to be a "lookat" transformation for a left-handed coordinate system, that aligns
+z with center - eye .
Matrix3d |
Matrix3d.setRow(int row,
Vector3dc src) |
Set the row at the given row index, starting with 0 .
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.setTranslation(Vector3dc xyz) |
Set only the translation components (m30, m31, m32) of this matrix to the given values (xyz.x, xyz.y, xyz.z) .
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.setTranslation(Vector3dc xyz) |
Set only the translation components (m30, m31, m32) of this matrix to the given values (xyz.x, xyz.y, xyz.z) .
Vector3d |
Vector3d.smoothStep(Vector3dc v,
double t,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector3d |
Vector3dc.smoothStep(Vector3dc v,
double t,
Vector3d dest) |
Compute a smooth-step (i.e.
Vector3d |
Vector3d.sub(Vector3dc v) |
Subtract the supplied vector from this one.
Vector3d |
Vector3d.sub(Vector3dc v,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector3d |
Vector3dc.sub(Vector3dc v,
Vector3d dest) |
Subtract the supplied vector from this one and store the result in dest .
static boolean |
Intersectiond.testAabAab(Vector3dc minA,
Vector3dc maxA,
Vector3dc minB,
Vector3dc maxB) |
Test whether the axis-aligned box with minimum corner minA and maximum corner maxA
intersects the axis-aligned box with minimum corner minB and maximum corner maxB .
static boolean |
Intersectiond.testAabPlane(Vector3dc min,
Vector3dc max,
double a,
double b,
double c,
double d) |
Test whether the axis-aligned box with minimum corner min and maximum corner max
intersects the plane with the general equation a*x + b*y + c*z + d = 0.
static boolean |
Intersectiond.testAabSphere(Vector3dc min,
Vector3dc max,
Vector3dc center,
double radiusSquared) |
Test whether the axis-aligned box with minimum corner min and maximum corner max
intersects the sphere with the given center and square radius radiusSquared .
static boolean |
Intersectiond.testLineSegmentSphere(Vector3dc p0,
Vector3dc p1,
Vector3dc center,
double radiusSquared) |
Test whether the line segment with the end points p0 and p1
intersects the given sphere with center center and square radius radiusSquared .
static boolean |
Intersectiond.testLineSegmentTriangle(Vector3dc p0,
Vector3dc p1,
Vector3dc v0,
Vector3dc v1,
Vector3dc v2,
double epsilon) |
Test whether the line segment with the end points p0 and p1
intersects the triangle consisting of the three vertices (v0X, v0Y, v0Z) , (v1X, v1Y, v1Z) and (v2X, v2Y, v2Z) ,
regardless of the winding order of the triangle or the direction of the line segment between its two end points.
static boolean |
Intersectiond.testRayAab(Vector3dc origin,
Vector3dc dir,
Vector3dc min,
Vector3dc max) |
Test whether the ray with the given origin and direction dir
intersects the axis-aligned box specified as its minimum corner min and maximum corner max .
static boolean |
Intersectiond.testRaySphere(Vector3dc origin,
Vector3dc dir,
Vector3dc center,
double radiusSquared) |
Test whether the ray with the given origin and normalized direction dir
intersects the sphere with the given center and square radius.
static boolean |
Intersectiond.testRayTriangle(Vector3dc origin,
Vector3dc dir,
Vector3dc v0,
Vector3dc v1,
Vector3dc v2,
double epsilon) |
Test whether the ray with the given origin and the given dir intersects the frontface of the triangle consisting of the three vertices
v0 , v1 and v2 .
static boolean |
Intersectiond.testRayTriangleFront(Vector3dc origin,
Vector3dc dir,
Vector3dc v0,
Vector3dc v1,
Vector3dc v2,
double epsilon) |
Test whether the ray with the given origin and the given dir intersects the frontface of the triangle consisting of the three vertices
v0 , v1 and v2 .
static boolean |
Intersectiond.testSphereSphere(Vector3dc centerA,
double radiusSquaredA,
Vector3dc centerB,
double radiusSquaredB) |
Test whether the one sphere with center centerA and square radius radiusSquaredA intersects the other
sphere with center centerB and square radius radiusSquaredB .
Vector3d |
AxisAngle4d.transform(Vector3dc v,
Vector3d dest) |
Transform the given vector by the rotation transformation described by this AxisAngle4d
and store the result in dest .
Vector3d |
Matrix3d.transform(Vector3dc v,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector3d |
Matrix3dc.transform(Vector3dc v,
Vector3d dest) |
Transform the given vector by this matrix and store the result in dest .
Vector3d |
Matrix3x2d.transform(Vector3dc v,
Vector3d dest) |
Transform/multiply the given vector by this matrix by assuming a third row in this matrix of (0, 0, 1)
and store the result in dest .
Vector3d |
Matrix3x2dc.transform(Vector3dc v,
Vector3d dest) |
Transform/multiply the given vector by this matrix and store the result in dest .
Vector3d |
Quaterniond.transform(Vector3dc vec,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector3d |
Quaterniondc.transform(Vector3dc vec,
Vector3d dest) |
Transform the given vector by this quaternion and store the result in dest .
Vector3d |
Quaternionf.transform(Vector3dc vec,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector3d |
Quaternionfc.transform(Vector3dc vec,
Vector3d dest) |
Transform the given vector by this quaternion and store the result in dest .
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.transformAab(Vector3dc min,
Vector3dc max,
Vector3d outMin,
Vector3d outMax) |
Matrix4d |
Matrix4dc.transformAab(Vector3dc min,
Vector3dc max,
Vector3d outMin,
Vector3d outMax) |
Transform the axis-aligned box given as the minimum corner min and maximum corner max
by this affine matrix and compute the axis-aligned box of the result whose minimum corner is stored in outMin
and maximum corner stored in outMax .
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.transformAab(Vector3dc min,
Vector3dc max,
Vector3d outMin,
Vector3d outMax) |
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3dc.transformAab(Vector3dc min,
Vector3dc max,
Vector3d outMin,
Vector3d outMax) |
Transform the axis-aligned box given as the minimum corner min and maximum corner max
by this matrix and compute the axis-aligned box of the result whose minimum corner is stored in outMin
and maximum corner stored in outMax .
Vector3d |
Matrix4d.transformDirection(Vector3dc v,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector3d |
Matrix4dc.transformDirection(Vector3dc v,
Vector3d dest) |
Transform/multiply the given 3D-vector, as if it was a 4D-vector with w=0, by
this matrix and store the result in dest .
Vector3d |
Matrix4x3d.transformDirection(Vector3dc v,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector3d |
Matrix4x3dc.transformDirection(Vector3dc v,
Vector3d dest) |
Transform/multiply the given 3D-vector, as if it was a 4D-vector with w=0, by
this matrix and store the result in dest .
Vector3d |
Quaterniond.transformInverse(Vector3dc vec,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector3d |
Quaterniondc.transformInverse(Vector3dc vec,
Vector3d dest) |
Transform the given vector by the inverse of this quaternion and store the result in dest .
Vector3d |
Quaternionf.transformInverse(Vector3dc vec,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector3d |
Quaternionfc.transformInverse(Vector3dc vec,
Vector3d dest) |
Transform the given vector by the inverse of this quaternion and store the result in dest .
Vector3d |
Quaterniond.transformInverseUnit(Vector3dc vec,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector3d |
Quaterniondc.transformInverseUnit(Vector3dc vec,
Vector3d dest) |
Transform the given vector by the inverse of this unit quaternion and store the result in dest .
Vector3d |
Quaternionf.transformInverseUnit(Vector3dc vec,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector3d |
Quaternionfc.transformInverseUnit(Vector3dc vec,
Vector3d dest) |
Transform the given vector by the inverse of this unit quaternion and store the result in dest .
Vector3d |
Matrix4d.transformPosition(Vector3dc v,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector3d |
Matrix4dc.transformPosition(Vector3dc v,
Vector3d dest) |
Transform/multiply the given 3D-vector, as if it was a 4D-vector with w=1, by
this matrix and store the result in dest .
Vector3d |
Matrix4x3d.transformPosition(Vector3dc v,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector3d |
Matrix4x3dc.transformPosition(Vector3dc v,
Vector3d dest) |
Transform/multiply the given 3D-vector, as if it was a 4D-vector with w=1, by
this matrix and store the result in dest .
Vector3d |
Matrix4d.transformProject(Vector3dc v,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector3d |
Matrix4dc.transformProject(Vector3dc v,
Vector3d dest) |
Transform/multiply the given vector by this matrix, perform perspective divide and store the result in dest .
Vector3d |
Matrix3d.transformTranspose(Vector3dc v,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector3d |
Matrix3dc.transformTranspose(Vector3dc v,
Vector3d dest) |
Transform the given vector by the transpose of this matrix and store the result in dest .
Vector3d |
Quaterniond.transformUnit(Vector3dc vec,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector3d |
Quaterniondc.transformUnit(Vector3dc vec,
Vector3d dest) |
Transform the given vector by this unit quaternion and store the result in dest .
Vector3d |
Quaternionf.transformUnit(Vector3dc vec,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector3d |
Quaternionfc.transformUnit(Vector3dc vec,
Vector3d dest) |
Transform the given vector by this unit quaternion and store the result in dest .
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.translate(Vector3dc offset) |
Apply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of
units in x, y and z.
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.translate(Vector3dc offset,
Matrix4d dest) |
Apply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of
units in x, y and z and store the result in dest .
Matrix4d |
Matrix4dc.translate(Vector3dc offset,
Matrix4d dest) |
Apply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of
units in x, y and z and store the result in dest .
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.translate(Vector3dc offset) |
Apply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of
units in x, y and z.
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.translate(Vector3dc offset,
Matrix4x3d dest) |
Apply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of
units in x, y and z and store the result in dest .
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3dc.translate(Vector3dc offset,
Matrix4x3d dest) |
Apply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of
units in x, y and z and store the result in dest .
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.translateLocal(Vector3dc offset) |
Pre-multiply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of
units in x, y and z.
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.translateLocal(Vector3dc offset,
Matrix4d dest) |
Pre-multiply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of
units in x, y and z and store the result in dest .
Matrix4d |
Matrix4dc.translateLocal(Vector3dc offset,
Matrix4d dest) |
Pre-multiply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of
units in x, y and z and store the result in dest .
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.translateLocal(Vector3dc offset) |
Pre-multiply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of
units in x, y and z.
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.translateLocal(Vector3dc offset,
Matrix4x3d dest) |
Pre-multiply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of
units in x, y and z and store the result in dest .
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3dc.translateLocal(Vector3dc offset,
Matrix4x3d dest) |
Pre-multiply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of
units in x, y and z and store the result in dest .
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.translation(Vector3dc offset) |
Set this matrix to be a simple translation matrix.
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.translation(Vector3dc offset) |
Set this matrix to be a simple translation matrix.
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.translationRotate(Vector3dc translation,
Quaterniondc quat) |
Set this matrix to T * R , where T is the given translation and
R is a rotation transformation specified by the given quaternion.
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.translationRotate(Vector3dc translation,
Quaterniondc quat) |
Set this matrix to T * R , where T is the given translation and
R is a rotation transformation specified by the given quaternion.
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.translationRotateInvert(Vector3dc translation,
Quaterniondc quat) |
Set this matrix to (T * R)-1 , where T is the given translation and
R is a rotation transformation specified by the given quaternion.
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.translationRotateScale(Vector3dc translation,
Quaterniondc quat,
double scale) |
Set this matrix to T * R * S , where T is the given translation ,
R is a rotation transformation specified by the given quaternion, and S is a scaling transformation
which scales all three axes by scale .
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.translationRotateScale(Vector3dc translation,
Quaterniondc quat,
Vector3dc scale) |
Set this matrix to T * R * S , where T is the given translation ,
R is a rotation transformation specified by the given quaternion, and S is a scaling transformation
which scales the axes by scale .
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.translationRotateScale(Vector3dc translation,
Quaterniondc quat,
Vector3dc scale) |
Set this matrix to T * R * S , where T is the given translation ,
R is a rotation transformation specified by the given quaternion, and S is a scaling transformation
which scales the axes by scale .
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.translationRotateScaleInvert(Vector3dc translation,
Quaterniondc quat,
double scale) |
Set this matrix to (T * R * S)-1 , where T is the given translation ,
R is a rotation transformation specified by the given quaternion, and S is a scaling transformation
which scales all three axes by scale .
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.translationRotateScaleInvert(Vector3dc translation,
Quaterniondc quat,
Vector3dc scale) |
Set this matrix to (T * R * S)-1 , where T is the given translation ,
R is a rotation transformation specified by the given quaternion, and S is a scaling transformation
which scales the axes by scale .
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.translationRotateScaleMul(Vector3dc translation,
Quaterniondc quat,
Vector3dc scale,
Matrix4x3dc m) |
Set this matrix to T * R * S * M , where T is the given translation ,
R is a rotation transformation specified by the given quaternion, S is a scaling transformation
which scales the axes by scale .
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.translationRotateTowards(Vector3dc pos,
Vector3dc dir,
Vector3dc up) |
Set this matrix to a model transformation for a right-handed coordinate system,
that translates to the given pos and aligns the local -z
axis with dir .
Matrix4x3d |
Matrix4x3d.translationRotateTowards(Vector3dc pos,
Vector3dc dir,
Vector3dc up) |
Set this matrix to a model transformation for a right-handed coordinate system,
that translates to the given pos and aligns the local -z
axis with dir .
Vector3d |
Matrix4d.unproject(Vector3dc winCoords,
int[] viewport,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector4d |
Matrix4d.unproject(Vector3dc winCoords,
int[] viewport,
Vector4d dest) |
Vector3d |
Matrix4dc.unproject(Vector3dc winCoords,
int[] viewport,
Vector3d dest) |
Unproject the given window coordinates winCoords by this matrix using the specified viewport.
Vector4d |
Matrix4dc.unproject(Vector3dc winCoords,
int[] viewport,
Vector4d dest) |
Unproject the given window coordinates winCoords by this matrix using the specified viewport.
Vector3d |
Matrix4d.unprojectInv(Vector3dc winCoords,
int[] viewport,
Vector3d dest) |
Vector4d |
Matrix4d.unprojectInv(Vector3dc winCoords,
int[] viewport,
Vector4d dest) |
Vector3d |
Matrix4dc.unprojectInv(Vector3dc winCoords,
int[] viewport,
Vector3d dest) |
Unproject the given window coordinates winCoords by this matrix using the specified viewport.
Vector4d |
Matrix4dc.unprojectInv(Vector3dc winCoords,
int[] viewport,
Vector4d dest) |
Unproject the given window coordinates winCoords by this matrix using the specified viewport.
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.withLookAtUp(Vector3dc up) |
Matrix4d |
Matrix4d.withLookAtUp(Vector3dc up,
Matrix4d dest) |
Matrix4d |
Matrix4dc.withLookAtUp(Vector3dc up,
Matrix4d dest) |