boolean isEastPositive
double loff
double coff
double lfac
double cfac
double plon
double bres
int itype
int lpsi2
double h
double re
double a
double rp
double cdr
double crd
double deltax
double deltay
double rflon
int[] ioff
double sublon
double nstepfullres
double nstep
int[] dir
Date nominalTime
Date startTime
int[] bands
double centerLatitude
double centerLongitude
double centerLatitudeResolution
double centerLongitudeResolution
Vector<E>[] calInfo
String calType
String srcType
String srcTypeOrig
String calTypeUnit
int calTypeScaleFactor
String memo
String[] sensors
boolean flipwords
boolean fileok
boolean hasReadData
int navLoc
int calLoc
int auxLoc
int datLoc
int navbytes
int calbytes
int auxbytes
int lineDataLen
int lineLength
int origNumLines
int origNumElements
int origNumBands
int linePrefixLength
long position
int skipByteCount
long newPosition
int[] dir
int[] nav
int[] cal
int[] aux
int[][][] data
AreaDirectory areaDirectory
String imageSource
AREAnav areaNav
int calType
boolean isRemote
edu.wisc.ssec.mcidas.AreaFile.Subset subset
int indexLine
int indexEle
int indexLat
int indexLon
boolean isLineFlipped
float lineOffset
float resLine
float resElement
float magLine
float magElement
float startLine
float startElement
float startImageLine
float startImageElement
int loff
int coff
int lfac
int cfac
int plon
int bres
int pixelOffsetFlag
double radpol
double radeq
double X42
boolean isEastPositive
byte[] bParms
float subLon
float subLat
float[] resLin
float[] resEle
float[] rlic
float[] relmfc
float[] senssu
float[] rline
float[] relem
float[] vmis
float[][] elmis
double dtims
double dspin
double sitagt
double sunalp
double sundel
double[] sat
double[] sp
double[] ss
double[][] orbt1
double[][] atit
boolean isEastPositive
int navday
int lintot
double deglin
int ieltot
double degele
double spinra
int ietimy
int ietimh
double semima
double oeccen
double orbinc
double perhel
double asnode
double nopcln
double declin
double rascen
double piclin
double prerat
double predir
double pitch
double yaw
double roll
double skew
int iajust
int ibtcon
int negbet
int iseang
double scan1
double time1
double scan2
double time2
double emega
double ab
double asq
double bsq
double r
double rsq
double rdpdg
int numsen
double totlin
double radlin
double totele
double radele
double picele
double cpitch
double cyaw
double croll
double pskew
double rfact
double roasin
double tmpscl
double b11
double b12
double b13
double b21
double b22
double b23
double b31
double b32
double b33
double gamma
double gamdot
double rotm11
double rotm13
double rotm21
double rotm23
double rotm31
double rotm33
double pictim
double xref
int iold
double tdife
double xmmc
double epsiln
double srome2
double pz
double py
double px
double qz
double qy
double qx
int NO_NAV
double xrad
int indexRow
int indexCol
int indexLat
int indexLon
int startRow
int startColumn
boolean isRowFlipped
double rowOffset
int navType
double xnr
double xnc
double xnrow
double xncol
boolean wierd
double glamx
double glomx
double ginct
double gincn
double xrowi
double xcoli
double xqlon
double xspace
double xh
double xfac
double xblat
double xrot
double yspace
double xblon
boolean isEastPositive
double DEG
double RAD
double NOMORB
double AE
double FER
float AEBE2
float AEBE3
float AEBE4
double[] xs
double[][] bt
double q3
double pitch
double roll
double yaw
float pma
float rma
int[] incmax
float[] elvmax
float[] scnmax
float[] elvinc
float[] scninc
float[] elvln
float[] scnpx
float[] nsnom
float[] ewnom
int LDR1
int LDR2
int LDR3
int LDR4
int LDR5
int LDR6
int LDR7
int LDR8
int LDR9
int LDR10
int LDR11
int LDR12
int LDR13
int RDDR1
int RDDR2
int RDDR3
int RDDR4
int RDDR5
int RDDR6
int RDDR7
int RDDR8
int RDDR9
int RDDR10
int RDDR11
int DGL1
int DGL2
int DGL3
int DGL4
int DGL5
int DGL6
int DGL7
int DGL8
int DGL9
int DOY1
int DOY2
int DOY3
int DOY4
int DOY5
int DOY6
int DOY7
int DOY8
int DOY9
int CUTOF1
int CUTOF2
int iflip
double aec
double ts
double dr
double lam
double dlat
double dyaw
double phi
double aebe2c
double aebe3c
double aebe4c
double ferc
int instr
int itype
double sublat
double sublon
double[] subpoint
int[][] RELLST
double h
double a
double rp
double re
double cdr
double crd
double lpsi2
double deltax
double deltay
double sublat
double sublon
double cenlin
double cenele
double altitude
boolean isEastPositive
int rows
int cols
int latres
int lonres
int latpoint
int lonpoint
int numPoints
int ulline
int ulelem
int aux_size
int lat_aux_offset
int lon_aux_offset
int lrlin
int lrele
double minlat
double maxlat
double minlon
double maxlon
float[] latData
float[] lonData
boolean debug
int count
Gridded2DSet gs
int iwest
int ihem
double xrow
double xcol
double xlat1
double xlat2
double xspace
double xqlon
double xblat
double xfac
double xpole
int iwest
int leftlon
double xrow
double xcol
double xlat1
double xspace
double xqlon
double xblat
double xblon
boolean isEastPositive
double drad
double decc
double[] tlat
double[] t
double[][] coef
double[] lattbl
double xrow
double xcol
double rpix
double xqlon
int itype
int iwest
int icord
double asq
double bsq
double ab
double ecc
double eccsqr
int kwest
int kcord
int KMPP
int PPMK
boolean isEastPositive
double NOMORB
int itype
double h
double a
double rp
double lpsi2
double deltax
double deltay
double rflon
double sublon
int[] ioff
boolean isEastPositive
double NOMORB
int itype
double h
double a
double rp
double cdr
double crd
double rs
double yk
double deltax
double deltay
int[] ioff
int count
double sublon
boolean isEastPositive
double NOMORB
int itype
double h
double a
double rp
double cdr
double crd
double rs
double yk
double deltax
double deltay
int LOFF
int COFF
int LFAC
int CFAC
int[] ioff
boolean first
int count
double sublon
int iwest
int ihem
double xrow
double xcol
double xpole
double xlat1
double xspace
double xqlon
double xblat
double fac
boolean isEastPositive
int MISS
int itype
double xrow
double xcol
double xlat
double xlon
double xrot
double xblat
double xblon
int itype
int iwest
double xrow
double xcol
double zslat
double zslon
double zdlat
double zdlon
double drad
double decc
double r
double xrow
double xcol
double xlat
double xlon
double xblat
double xblon
double xspace
double yspace
int itype
int iwest
boolean isEastPositive
int iwest
int ihem
double lin0
double ele0
double scale
double lon0
double lat0
double coscl
double tancl
double tancl2
double mxtheta
int addeErrorCode
boolean hasAddeErrorCode
AddeServerInfo asi
String[] sl
String selectedServer
String selectedGroup
String selectedDescr
String selectedDateTime
String coordType
String actionButtonString
String userName
String projectNumber
boolean serverUpdated
boolean groupUpdated
boolean descrUpdated
boolean multipleImages
ActionListener al
int baseNumLines
int baseNumEles
double resLat
double resLon
int[] bandListIndex
String[] bandList
String selectedBand
String selectedUnit
int selectedBandIndex
String[][][] calInfo
boolean doingRes
NumberFormat nf3
Properties dataProp
StringBuffer serverList
AreaDirectory[][] ad
int areaIndex
String[] bandNames
AddeSatBands asb
boolean closeOnAction
boolean useDefaults
boolean gotUserDefaults
String propFile
String cmdout
ArrayList<E> imageList
JDialog dialog
JPanel PanelSGD
JPanel PanelSG
JPanel PanelServer
JLabel ServerLabel
JComboBox<E> ServerSelector
JPanel PanelGroup
JLabel jLabel2
JComboBox<E> GroupSelector
JPanel PanelDescr
JLabel jLabel3
JComboBox<E> DescrSelector
JPanel PanelListMag
JPanel PanelMag
JPanel jPanel13
JPanel jPanel9
JSlider LMagSlider
JLabel LMagLabel
JPanel jPanel10
JLabel EMagLabel
JSlider EMagSlider
JLabel DateTimeLabel
JPanel PanelList
JScrollPane DateTimeScrollPanel
JList<E> DateTimeList
JPanel LinesElesPanel
JLabel SizeLabel
JPanel jPanel7
JLabel NumLinesLabel
JTextField NumLinesText
JLabel NumElesLabel
JTextField NumElesText
JCheckBox userDefaultsCheckBox
JPanel PanelBandUnit
JPanel BandPanel
JLabel BandLabel
JComboBox<E> BandBox
JPanel UnitsPanel
JLabel UnitLabel
JComboBox<E> UnitBox
JPanel UserActionPanel
JButton userActionButton
JPanel PanelStatus
JTextField statusLabel
JPanel PanelLoc
JPanel jPanel11
JLabel PlaceLabel
JRadioButton LatLonButton
JRadioButton LinEleButton
JRadioButton IDButton
JPanel jPanel12
JLabel LatLineLabel
JLabel LonEleLabel
JTextField LatLineText
JTextField LonEleText
ButtonGroup buttGroupLoc
int LMagValue
int EMagValue
String calText
Set set
boolean isManual
boolean screenBased
boolean gridLinesVisible
boolean ticksVisible
boolean labelBothSides
VisADLineArray scaleArray
VisADTriangleArray labelArray
ScalarMap scalarMap
Color myColor
double[] dataRange
int myAxis
int axisOrdinal
String myTitle
Hashtable<K,V> labelTable
double[] majorTicks
double[] minorTicks
double majorTickSpacing
double minorTickSpacing
double tickBase
boolean autoComputeTicks
boolean baseLineVisible
boolean snapToBox
boolean userLabels
boolean visibility
boolean labelAllTicks
Object labelFont
int labelSize
int axisSide
int tickOrient
NumberFormat labelFormat
boolean labelRelief
float[][] table
int tableLength
Function function
int components
String name
int index
String unitName
String quantityName
DerivedUnit derivedUnit
boolean isDimless
CoordinateSystem myCS
ArrayCache arrayCache
int mycnt
CoordinateSystem[] csArray
double Constant
boolean mainContours
float surfaceValue
float contourInterval
float lowLimit
float hiLimit
float base
boolean labels
int labelFreq
int everyNth
boolean public_set
boolean arithmeticProgression
float[] levels
int lineStyle
boolean dash
boolean horizontalContourSlice
boolean verticalContourSlice
float horizontalSliceLow
float horizontalSliceHi
float horizontalSliceStep
float verticalSliceLow
float verticalSliceHi
float verticalSliceStep
boolean contourFill
boolean autoSizeLabels
boolean alignLabels
double labelSizeFactor
ProjectionControl pcntrl
ControlListener projListener
double ratio
byte[] labelColor
boolean colorSet
Object labelFont
VisADGeometryArray label
VisADLineArray labelAnchor
VisADLineArray expSegLeft
VisADLineArray segLeftAnchor
float[] segLeftScaleInfo
VisADLineArray expSegRight
VisADLineArray segRightAnchor
float[] segRightScaleInfo
boolean isStyled
long NewTick
long OldTick
boolean tickFlag
boolean isSet
int Index
int Instance
Control control
RealTupleType Reference
int DomainDimension
Unit[] CoordinateSystemUnits
MathType Type
double[][] ranges
Set animationSampling
GregorianCalendar utcCalendar
int[][] Tri
Tri = new int[ntris][dim + 1]
This is the key output, a list of triangles (in two dimensions, tetrahedra in three dimensions, etc). ntris is the number of triangles.
In 2-D, Tri[i] is an array of 3 integers, which are three indices into the samples[0] and samples[1] arrays to get the x and y values of the three vertices of the triangle.
In 3-D, Tri[i] is an array of 4 integers, which are four indices into the samples[0], samples[1] and samples[2] arrays to get the x, y and z values of the four vertices of the tetrahedron.
This pattern continues for higher dimensionalities.
int[][] Vertices
Vertices = new int[nrs][nverts[i]]
nrs is the number of samples (the length of the samples[0] and samples[1] arrays. For sample i, Vertices[i] is a (variable length) list of indices into the Tri array above, giving the indices of the triangles that include vertex i.
nverts is an array as the second index of the Vertices array since different vertices may be part of different numbers of triangles.
You can use Tri and Vertices together to traverse the triangulation. If you don't need to traverse, then you can probably ignore all arrays except Tri.
int[][] Walk
Walk = new int[ntris][dim + 1]
Also useful for traversing the triangulation, in this case giving the indices of triangles that share edges with the current triangle.
int[][] Edges
Edges = new int[ntris][3 * (dim - 1)];
'global edge number' is the number of an edge that is unique among the whole triangulation. This number is not an index into any array, but will match for a shared edge between two triangles.
int NumEdges
boolean nonConvex
float[][] site_blocks
int[][] a3s
int a3size
int nts
int dim
int p
long pnum
int rdim
int cdim
int exact_bits
double b_err_min
double b_err_min_sq
double ldetbound
int failcount
int lscale
double max_scale
float Sb
int nsb
int nbb
int ss
int ss2
long vnum
int p_neigh_vert
int[] voidp
int[] voidp_bn
int[][] bbt_next
int[][] bbt_next_bn
int[][] bbt_ref_count
int[][] bbt_lscale
double[][] bbt_sqa
double[][] bbt_sqb
double[][][] bbt_vecs
int ttbp
int ttbp_bn
int ib
int ib_bn
int basis_s_list
int basis_s_list_bn
int pnb
int pnb_bn
int b
int b_bn
int[][] sbt_next
int[][] sbt_next_bn
long[][] sbt_visit
short[][] sbt_mark
int[][] sbt_normal
int[][] sbt_normal_bn
int[][] sbt_peak_vert
int[][] sbt_peak_simp
int[][] sbt_peak_simp_bn
int[][] sbt_peak_basis
int[][] sbt_peak_basis_bn
int[][][] sbt_neigh_vert
int[][][] sbt_neigh_simp
int[][][] sbt_neigh_simp_bn
int[][][] sbt_neigh_basis
int[][][] sbt_neigh_basis_bn
int simplex_list
int simplex_list_bn
int ch_root
int ch_root_bn
int ns
int ns_bn
int[] st
int[] st_bn
int[] st2
int[] st2_bn
boolean sig
visad.Factor[] factors
int id
InputEvent input_event
Display display
ScalarMap map
boolean range
double LowValue
double HiValue
double DefaultValue
DisplayTupleType tuple
int tupleIndex
boolean Single
boolean system
boolean text
boolean circular
DataDisplayLink link
Data[] prototypes
double[] doubles
RealTupleType tt
Unit[] units
Data[] components
GridCoordinateSystem worldCS
GridCoordinateSystem referenceCS
double Error
double Mean
long NumberNotMissing
Unit unit
Set DomainSet
CoordinateSystem DomainCoordinateSystem
Unit[] DomainUnits
int Length
Data[] MyRange
VisADRay RangeLock
boolean MissingFlag
int TupleDimension
Set[] RangeSet
int[] RangeMode
CoordinateSystem RangeCoordinateSystem
CoordinateSystem[] RangeCoordinateSystems
boolean MissingFlag
Unit[] RangeUnits
ErrorEstimate[] RangeErrors
double[][] DoubleRange
float[][] FloatRange
long[][] LongRange
int[][] IntRange
short[][] ShortRange
byte[][] ByteRange
float flowScale
int barbOrientation
boolean adjustFlowToEarth
boolean HorizontalVectorSlice
boolean VerticalVectorSlice
boolean HorizontalStreamSlice
boolean VerticalStreamSlice
double HorizontalVectorSliceHeight
double HorizontalStreamSliceHeight
boolean autoScale
visad.FlowControl.ProjectionControlListener pcl
boolean streamlinesEnabled
float streamlineDensity
float arrowScale
float stepFactor
float packingFactor
float cntrWeight
int n_pass
float reduction
boolean trajectoryEnabled
TrajectoryParams trajParams
RealTupleType Domain
MathType Range
RealTupleType FlatRange
boolean Real
boolean Flat
RealType[] realComponents
TextType[] textComponents
int[] textIndices
GriddedSet set
int dimension
double[] Low
double[] Hi
double LowX
double HiX
double[][] Samples
int LengthX
float LowX
float HiX
boolean Ascending
double[] Low
double[] Hi
double LowX
double HiX
double LowY
double HiY
double[][] Samples
int LengthX
int LengthY
float LowX
float HiX
float LowY
float HiY
double[] Low
double[] Hi
double LowX
double HiX
double LowY
double HiY
double LowZ
double HiZ
double[][] Samples
int LengthX
int LengthY
int LengthZ
float LowX
float HiX
float LowY
float HiY
float LowZ
float HiZ
int LengthX
int LengthY
int TrackLen
int latI
int lonI
float LowX
float HiX
float LowY
float HiY
float[] lons
float[] lats
float[][] mySamples
GriddedLatLonSet[] granules
int[] yStart
int[] lgxy
int[] Lengths
float EPS
boolean Pos
BufferedImage image
int num
int width
int height
CoordinateSystem inverse
int dimension
float LowX
float HiX
Gridded1DSet SortedSet
float LowX
float HiX
float LowY
float HiY
float LowX
float HiX
float LowY
float HiY
float LowZ
float HiZ
Delaunay Delan
int[] oldToNew
int[] newToOld
double First
double Last
double Step
double Invstep
boolean cacheSamples
Linear1DSet X
Linear1DSet Y
boolean cacheSamples
Linear1DSet X
Linear1DSet Y
Linear1DSet Z
boolean cacheSamples
boolean LongitudeWrap
double WrapStep
double WrapFactor
int latI
int lonI
double halfPiLat
double halfPiLon
double twoPiLon
Linear1DSet lat
Linear1DSet lon
Linear1DSet[] L
boolean cacheSamples
double[] data
float[] data
Unit reference
double base
double base
boolean SystemIntrinsic
Unit underUnit
double offset
SampledSet[] Sets
double[] matrix
double[] savedProjectionMatrix
double[] asp
byte[] exponents
boolean initialized
double RangeLow
double RangeHi
double Value
Unit unit
ErrorEstimate Error
CoordinateSystem TupleCoordinateSystem
boolean checkRealUnits
Unit[] TupleUnits
CoordinateSystem DefaultCoordinateSystem
Unit[] DefaultUnits
Set DefaultSet
boolean DefaultSetEverAccessed
Unit DefaultUnit
Set DefaultSet
boolean DefaultSetEverAccessed
int attrMask
DataDisplayLink link
RemoteDataReferenceImpl[] refs
RemoteDisplayImpl[] dpys
RemoteDisplay display
BufferedImage image
JComponent component
Vector<E> listen
long Tick
float[] backgroundColor
float[] boxColor
float[] cursorColor
float[] foregroundColor
boolean boxOn
int mycnt
Object cacheId
float[][] Samples
float[] Low
float[] Hi
Unit overrideUnit
double override_scale
double override_offset
ScalarType Scalar
DisplayRealType DisplayScalar
int ScalarIndex
int DisplayScalarIndex
int ValueIndex
boolean isManual
boolean isScaled
double[] displayRange
double[] dataRange
double[] defaultUnitRange
double scale
double offset
long NewTick
long OldTick
boolean tickFlag
String scalarName
boolean scale_flag
boolean back_scale_flag
boolean scale_on
boolean underscore_to_blank
AxisScale axisScale
Control control
int id
ScalarMap map
protected final Object readResolve() throws InvalidObjectException
Returns the instance corresponding to this newly deserialized instance. If a ScalarType with the same name as this instance already exists and is compatible with this instance, then it is returned. Otherwise, this instance is returned.
This method is protected so that it is always invoked during deserialization and final to prevent subclasses from evading it.
- if an incompatible ScalarType with the same
name as this instance already exists.String Name
double amount
Unit underUnit
int DomainDimension
int Length
CoordinateSystem DomainCoordinateSystem
Unit[] SetUnits
ErrorEstimate[] SetErrors
RealTupleType Domain
ShadowRealTupleType Domain
ShadowType Range
ShadowRealType[] RangeComponents
ShadowRealType[] DomainComponents
ShadowRealType[] DomainReferenceComponents
boolean Flat
int[] inherited_values
ShadowRealTupleType Reference
boolean allSpatial
boolean allSpatialReference
DisplayTupleType DisplaySpatialTuple
boolean spatialReference
int[] permutation
int Index
Vector<E> SelectedMapVector
DisplayTupleType DisplaySpatialTuple
int[] DisplaySpatialTupleIndex
int DisplaySpatialTupleIndexIndex
int[] inherited_values
ShadowType[] tupleComponents
ShadowRealType[] RealComponents
int[] inherited_values
boolean Flat
MathType Type
ShadowType Parent
int[] DisplayIndices
int[] ValueIndices
boolean MultipleSpatialDisplayScalar
boolean MultipleDisplayScalar
boolean MappedDisplayScalar
boolean isTerminal
int LevelOfDifficulty
boolean isTextureMap
boolean curvedTexture
boolean isTexture3D
boolean isLinearContour3D
boolean adjustProjectionSeam
int Dtype
int Rtype
DisplayTupleType spatialTuple
int spatialDimension
boolean anyContour
boolean anyFlow
boolean anyShape
boolean anyText
boolean streamline1
boolean streamline2
float streamlineDensity1
float streamlineDensity2
float arrowScale1
float arrowScale2
float stepFactor1
float stepFactor2
float packingFactor1
float packingFactor2
float cntrWeight1
float cntrWeight2
int n_pass1
int n_pass2
float reduction1
float reduction2
boolean trajectory1
boolean trajectory2
ArrayList<E> flowInfoList
int[] cnt
ProjectionControl p_cntrl
ContourControl c_cntrl
float[][] spatial_offset_values
int[] refToComponent
ShadowRealTupleType[] componentWithRef
int[] componentIndex
SimpleSet shapeSet
VisADGeometryArray[] shapes
float scale
boolean autoScale
visad.ShapeControl.ProjectionControlListener pcl
int ManifoldDimension
RealTuple data
String Value
Object font
double size
double factor
double autoSizeFactor
boolean sphere
NumberFormat format
double rotation
double characterRotation
double scale
double[] offset
boolean autoSize
visad.TextControl.ProjectionControlListener pcl
TextControl.Justification justification
TextControl.Justification verticalJustification
long id
long Tick
boolean on
Control parent
Data[] tupleComponents
MathType[] tupleComponents
boolean Flat
RealType[] realComponents
int[] lows
int[] his
SampledSet[] Sets
String identifier
VisADGeometryArray array
boolean color_flag
float red
float green
float blue
float alpha
float lineWidth
float pointSize
int lineStyle
int image_type
int image_width
int image_height
int[] image_pixels
int texture_width
int texture_height
int remoteId
int vertexCount
int vertexFormat
float[] coordinates
float[] normals
byte[] colors
float[] texCoords
boolean any_longitude_rotate
int longitude_axis
ScalarMap longitude_map
CoordinateSystem longitude_cs
float[][] longitude_coords
int indexCount
int[] indices
int[] stripVertexCounts
int[] stripVertexCounts
double[] position
double[] vector
VisADGroup parent
int which
Set set
int[] stripVertexCounts
float centlat
float centlon
float radlow
float radres
float azlow
float azres
double coscentlat
double lonscale
double latscale
float centlat
float centlon
float centalt
float radlow
float radres
float azlow
float azres
float elevlow
float elevres
double coscentlat
double lonscale
double latscale
VisADImageNode imgNode
VisADImageNode prevImgNode
byte[][] scaled_Bytes
float[][] scaled_Floats
int[][] rset_scalarmap_lookup
byte[][] itable
byte[][] fast_table
byte[][][] threeD_itable
float[][] color_values
boolean first_time
AnimationControlJ3D animControl
boolean reuseImages
int[] inherited_values
ShadowFunctionOrSetType adaptedShadowType
int levelOfDifficulty
boolean regen_colbytes
boolean regen_geom
boolean apply_alpha
DisplayImplJ3D display
Checkbox contours
Checkbox labels
Checkbox dashed
TextField interval
TextField base
Label surfaceLabel
Slider surface
visad.browser.ContourWidget.ContourRangeSlider contourRange
String cwName
double cwMinValue
double cwMaxValue
boolean cwMainContours
boolean cwLabels
float cwSurfaceValue
float cwContourInterval
float cwLowLimit
float cwHiLimit
float cwBase
int orientation
Checkbox scale
Checkbox point
Checkbox texture
TextField lineWidth
TextField pointSize
boolean gmcScaleEnable
boolean gmcPointMode
boolean gmcTextureEnable
float gmcLineWidth
float gmcPointSize
int gmcTransparencyMode
int gmcProjectionPolicy
int gmcPolygonMode
boolean gmcMissingTransparent
int gmcCurvedSize
float minValue
float maxValue
float minLimit
float maxLimit
int minGrip
int maxGrip
boolean minSlide
boolean maxSlide
boolean lSlideMoved
boolean rSlideMoved
boolean textChanged
String name
float lastMinLimit
float lastMaxLimit
String lastCurStr
Dimension minSize
Dimension prefSize
Dimension maxSize
int oldX
int width
float value
float minimum
float maximum
int grip
boolean slide
boolean moved
Dimension minSize
Dimension prefSize
Dimension maxSize
int gripX
Vector<E> listeners
String command
boolean connected
String address
int port
Socket socket
DataOutputStream out
int id
Image image
TextField addressField
TextField portField
Button connectButton
Component canvas
Frame frame
GridBagLayout widgetLayout
GridBagConstraints constraints
Thread commThread
Hashtable<K,V> hashtable
Applet myself
Widget widget
String rmtDpyName
ConstantMap[] cmaps
RemoteNodeDataImpl data
DisplayImplJ3D display
NodeDisplayRendererJ3D ndr
DataReferenceImpl ref
NodeRendererJ3D nr
RemoteDisplayImpl remote_display
Object object
RemoteClientAgent source
RemoteAgentContactImpl contact
Serializable message
NodeAgent agent
RemoteClientAgentImpl focus_agent
int index
boolean not_all
Serializable[] responses
long time_out
Field adaptedField
int length
FunctionType type
Set set
int length
Tuple adaptedTuple
DataReferenceImpl adaptedTupleRef
boolean allReal
Set partitionSet
int dimension
RemoteClusterData[] jvmTable
RemoteClusterData me
RemoteClusterDataImpl parent
ThingImpl adaptedThingImpl
RemoteThingImpl adaptedRemoteThingImpl
Field adaptedField
int length
boolean flat
FieldImpl adaptedField
DataReferenceImpl adaptedFieldRef
int length
Tuple adaptedTuple
DataReferenceImpl adaptedTupleRef
RemoteClientDataImpl rcdi
boolean sent_node_agents
RemoteClientAgentImpl[] agents
RemoteClientAgentImpl focus_agent
RemoteAgentContact[] contacts
int[] resolutions
ConstantMap[] cmaps
ScalarMap[] maps
Control[] controls
RemoteDataReferenceImpl remote_ref
RemoteProxyAgent agent
int[] res
RemoteDataReferenceImpl remote_ref
int[] res
RemoteDataReferenceImpl remote_ref
int[] res
RemoteClientData adaptedRemoteClientData
RemoteDataReferenceImpl rref
CellImpl cell
RemoteCellImpl rcell
UserDummyDataImpl uddi
Control ctl
int nextListenerID
String Name
DisplayImpl myDisplay
being monitored.ArrayList<E> listeners
.DisplaySync sync
ScalarMap map
int id
String str
RemoteData data
int seqNum
int type
int originator
RemoteReferenceLink link
visad.collab.MonitorSyncer syncer
FlatFieldCacheAccessor fileAccessor
FlatFieldCache cache
SatelliteImage adapted
Object cacheId
boolean inCache
DataRange[] ranges
DataRange[] sampleRanges
CachedFlatField parent
int mycnt
double min
double max
FieldImpl adaptedField
FileAccessor fileAccessor
int[][] fileLocations
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream oos) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException
AmandaFile fileData
DataReferenceImpl eventRef
AnimationControl animCtl
GregorianCalendar cal
DateFormat fmt
VisADSlider slider
int sliderLength
JLabel dateLabel
TrackWidget trackWidget
HistogramWidget histoWidget
Event thisEvent
ScalarMap dpyColorMap
DataReferenceImpl ref
ScalarMap xMap
ScalarMap yMap
ScalarMap cMap
ScalarMap map
DataReferenceImpl ref
Event event
int trackIndex
JLabel lengthLabel
JLabel energyLabel
MathType field_type
RealTupleType domain
RealTupleType range
DataImpl dataField
Object data
HDF5Datatype datatype
HDF5Dataspace dataspace
int rank
long[] dims
long[] maxdims
long[] count
Vector<E> member_names
int rank
long[] dims
long[] maxdims
long[] start
long[] stride
long[] count
double R
double lon_center
double lat_center
double false_easting
double false_northing
double sin_lat_o
double cos_lat_o
Unit[] reference_units
double r_major
double es
double e
double r_minor
double lon_center
double lat_center
double ns
double f0
double rh
double false_easting
double false_northing
double r_major
double r_minor
double es
double e
double e4
double center_lon
double center_lat
double fac
double ind
double mcs
double tcs
double false_northing
double false_easting
AREAnav anav
int lines
int elements
int[] dirBlock
int[] navBlock
int[] auxBlock
boolean useSpline
AREAnav anav
int lines
int elements
int[] dirBlock
int[] navBlock
int[] auxBlock
boolean useSpline
GRIDnav gnav
int rows
int columns
int[] dirBlock
String pathname
String pathname
DataImpl data
QuantityDB quantityDB
PropertyChangeSupport changes
String pathname
DataImpl data
PropertyChangeSupport changes
String unitSpec
String name
CollationKey nameCookie
Unit unit
UnitPrefix[] prefixNames
UnitPrefix[] prefixSymbols
boolean specialConstructor
Token currentToken
int[][] expectedTokenSequences
String[] tokenImage
String eol
int kind
int beginLine
int beginColumn
int endLine
int endColumn
String image
Token next
Token specialToken
int errorCode
String name
double value
int Projection
double NorthBound
double SouthBound
double WestBound
double EastBound
double RowInc
double ColInc
double Lat1
double Lat2
double PoleRow
double PoleCol
double CentralLat
double CentralLon
double CentralRow
double CentralCol
double Rotation
double Cone
double Hemisphere
double ConeFactor
double CosCentralLat
double SinCentralLat
double StereoScale
double InvScale
double CylinderScale
double Nr
double Nc
double[] projargs
Method method
RealType realType
LatLonTuple latlon
Real alt
Linear2DSet domainSet
Linear2DSet transSet
Gridded2DSet lonlatSet
boolean neg180pos180
boolean extNeg180pos180
int lonIdx
int latIndex
int lonIndex
float x
float y
float width
float height
visad.install.FileListAccessory accessory
String fullString
int major
int minor
Font labelFont
JLabel phaseLabel
visad.install.ProgressMonitor.DetailLabel detailLabel
JCheckBox detailBox
int current
boolean direction
long step
long[] stepValues
ToggleControl animate
RealType real
boolean no_tick
boolean computeSet
DisplayImplJ2D display
DisplayRendererJ2D renderer
float lineWidth
float pointSize
int lineStyle
int colorMode
boolean pointMode
boolean textureEnable
boolean scaleEnable
int transparencyMode
int projectionPolicy
int polygonMode
boolean missingTransparent
int curvedSize
float polygonOffset
float polygonOffsetFactor
boolean adjustProjectionSeam
int texture3DMode
boolean cacheAppearances
boolean mergeGeometries
ShadowRealTupleTypeJ2D Domain
ShadowTypeJ2D Range
Vector<E> AccumulationVector
ShadowTypeJ2D[] tupleComponents
Vector<E> AccumulationVector
MathType Type
ShadowTypeJ2D Parent
String inheritedText
TextControl inheritedTextControl
ShadowType adaptedShadowType
double Value
VisADCanvasJ2D canvas
float[][] LINE_PATTERN
DisplayRendererJ2D displayRenderer
DisplayImplJ2D display
Component component
Dimension prefSize
VisADGroup direct
VisADGroup non_direct
Rectangle2D.Float clip_rectangle
BufferedImage[] images
boolean[] valid_images
int width
int height
int length
AffineTransform tgeometry
Image aux_image
boolean captureFlag
BufferedImage captureImage
MouseHelper helper
boolean wakeup
boolean timeout
boolean autoAspect
int current
boolean direction
long step
WakeupOnElapsedTime[] stepValues
ToggleControl animate
RealType real
boolean computeSet
int interval
DisplayImplJ3D display
DisplayRendererJ3D renderer
UniverseBuilderJ3D universe
DisplayImplJ3D display
DisplayRendererJ3D renderer
UniverseBuilderJ3D universe
VisADCanvasJ3D canvas
float lineWidth
float pointSize
int lineStyle
int colorMode
boolean pointMode
boolean textureEnable
boolean scaleEnable
int transparencyMode
int projectionPolicy
boolean anti_alias_flag
int polygonMode
float polygonOffset
float polygonOffsetFactor
boolean missingTransparent
int curvedSize
boolean adjustProjectionSeam
int texture3DMode
boolean cacheAppearances
boolean mergeGeometries
boolean depthBufferEnable
boolean autoDepthOffsetEnable
float depthOffsetInc
int maxNumWithOffset
int which_child
ShadowRealTupleTypeJ3D Domain
ShadowTypeJ3D Range
Vector<E> AccumulationVector
boolean post
boolean doTrajectory
boolean isAnimation1d
int domainLength
Set anim1DdomainSet
Set domainSet
double trajVisibilityTimeWindow
FlowControl flowCntrl
ScalarMap flowMap
TrajectoryParams trajParams
ScalarMap altitudeToDisplayZ
CoordinateSystem dspCoordSys
List<E> branches
Switch swit
Switch switB
TrajectoryAVHandlerJ3D avHandler
ShadowTypeJ3D[] tupleComponents
Vector<E> AccumulationVector
boolean cacheAppearances
boolean mergeShapes
MathType Type
ShadowTypeJ3D Parent
String inheritedText
TextControl inheritedTextControl
ShadowType adaptedShadowType
visad.java3d.ProjectionControlListener projListener
Object MUTEX
double Value
DisplayRendererJ3D displayRenderer
DisplayImplJ3D display
Component component
Dimension prefSize
boolean captureFlag
BufferedImage captureImage
int width
int height
boolean offscreen
GraphicsConfiguration myConfig
boolean stopCalled
CoordinateSystem c
double n
double C
double rho0
double lat0
double lon0
double par1
double par2
double false_easting
double false_northing
double R
CoordinateSystem c
double spac
double row0
double col0
double scale
int nrows
int ncols
double R
double cos30
CoordinateSystem c
double spacing
boolean isLambert
boolean isLatLon
boolean isPolarStereo
double La1
double Lo1
double LoMax
double Di
double Dj
double aspectRatio
double[] range
int myInstance
JSlider levelSlider
JSlider speedSlider
JTextField intervalText
JLabel levelSliderLabel
JLabel intervalUnits
int levelValue
double intervalValue
JComboBox<E> paramBox
DataReference ref
ContourControl ci
RealType Values
Tuple[] tup
NetcdfGrids ncg
JLabel statLabel
JTabbedPane tabby
JButton butColor
float[][] colorTable
String paramName
JCheckBox showHide
DisplayImpl di
ValueControl control
ColorControl ccon
Color nc
ScalarMap map
RealType enable
FieldImpl field
String valueName
String enableName
String dataName
ScalarMap valueMap
ScalarMap valueColorMap
boolean isAloft
int ndx
Vector<E> paramInfo
double[] pressureLevels
double[][] range
double cbeg
BaseMapAdapter baseMap
ColorControl ccmap
float[][] colorTable
Container cf
JSlider speedSlider
JLabel speedSliderLabel
int speedValue
int frameValue
int maxFrames
JButton start_stop
JButton snapButton
JButton forward
JButton backward
JButton mapColor
boolean isLooping
ContourControl ci
ProjectionControl pc
AnimationControl ca
double[] pcMatrix
GraphicsModeControl gmc
LocalDisplay display
NetcdfGrids ng
JPanel vdisplay
RealType x
RealType y
RealType level
RealType time_type
RealType pres
RealType Values
RealType SfcValues
boolean firstFile
boolean gotSfcGrids
boolean gotAloftGrids
JLabel statLabel
String cmd
NCEPPanel[] ncp
JTabbedPane tabby
FieldImpl mapField
ValueControl mapControl
DataReference mapRef
RealType enableMap
ScalarMap mapMap
ScalarMap xAxis
ScalarMap yAxis
JCheckBox showMap
String directory
String MapFile
boolean isServer
boolean isClient
String clientHost
Object cd
Object ed
Object lud
Object qrd
Object svd
NavigatedCoordinateSystem navigation
String sensorName
RunJPython python
boolean warnBeforeSave
boolean runSeparate
JMenuItem runItem
boolean canRunSeparate
JCheckBoxMenuItem separateProcess
JTextField Formula1
JTextField Formula2
Vector<E> soundingDisplay_s
DataReferenceImpl sounding_ref
Vector<E> spectrumDisplay_s
DataReferenceImpl spectrum_ref
Unit domain_unit
Unit range_unit
String Name
FormulaManager fm
Vector<E> Servers
DisplayImpl MDisplay
RemoteDisplay RemoteMDisplay
RemoteDisplay RemoteVDisplay
RemoteSlaveDisplayImpl RemoteVSlave
RemoteServer RemoteVServer
int CollabID
boolean IsRemote
boolean IsSlave
boolean NewClient
int Loading
Vector<E> CellData
DisplayImpl VDisplay
int Dim
boolean HasMappings
Object Lock
Component VDPanel
String[] Errors
boolean HasDisplay
boolean DisplayEnabled
JPanel WaitPanel
Vector<E> SListen
Vector<E> DListen
Frame Parent
JFrame WidgetFrame
boolean Selected
boolean AutoSwitch
boolean AutoDetect
boolean AutoShowControls
Object MapLock
int MapCount
boolean mapDialogUp
boolean Confirm
ScalarMap[] ScalarMaps
JComponent MathCanvas
JScrollPane MathCanvasView
JComponent CoordCanvas
JScrollPane CoordCanvasView
boolean CoordRefs
JList<E> MathList
JComponent DisplayCanvas
DefaultListModel<E> CurMaps
JList<E> CurrentMaps
JScrollPane CurrentMapsView
JLabel description
ScalarType[] MathTypes
String[] Scalars
int[] ScW
Vector<E>[] ScP
int ScH
Dimension StrSize
Dimension CoordSize
boolean[][][] Maps
String[][][] CurMapLabel
Object Lock
boolean[][] Illegal
Image MapTo
MathType[] Types
boolean AllowAlpha
boolean Allow3D
JFileChooser SSFileDialog
String bTitle
int NumVisX
int NumVisY
FormulaManager fm
String serverName
String cloneAddress
RemoteServerImpl rsi
boolean IsRemote
boolean IsSlave
double CollabID
RemoteDataReference RemoteColRow
RemoteDataReference RemoteCanDo3D
boolean AutoSwitch
boolean AutoDetect
boolean AutoShowControls
Panel DisplayPanel
JPanel ScrollPanel
ScrollPane SCPane
JViewport HorizLabels
JViewport VertLabels
JPanel[] HorizLabel
JPanel[] VertLabel
JComponent[] HorizDrag
JComponent[] VertDrag
JPanel HorizPanel
JPanel VertPanel
FancySSCell[][] DisplayCells
JComboBox<E> FormulaBox
ComboBoxEditor FormulaEditor
JTextField FormulaText
ActionListener FormulaListener
JToolBar Toolbar
JMenu FileExport
JMenuItem FileSave1
JMenuItem FileSave2
JMenuItem FileSave3
JMenuItem FileSave4
JMenuItem FileSave5
JMenuItem FileSnap
JMenuItem EditPaste
JMenuItem EditClear
JMenuItem CellDel
JMenuItem CellPrint
JMenuItem CellEdit
JMenuItem CellReset
JMenuItem CellShow
JMenuItem LayAddCol
JMenuItem LayDelCol
JMenuItem LayDelRow
JCheckBoxMenuItem CellDim3D3D
JCheckBoxMenuItem CellDim2D2D
JCheckBoxMenuItem CellDim2D3D
JCheckBoxMenuItem AutoSwitchBox
JCheckBoxMenuItem AutoDetectBox
JCheckBoxMenuItem AutoShowBox
JButton ToolSave
JButton ToolPaste
JButton Tool3D
JButton Tool2D
JButton ToolJ2D
JButton ToolMap
JButton ToolShow
JButton ToolReset
JButton FormulaAdd
JButton FormulaDel
int CurX
int CurY
String Clipboard
File CurrentFile
Object Lock
boolean commandKey
boolean shiftHeld
int oldX
int oldY
ImageRendererJ3D imgRend
BranchGroup scene
Switch swit
boolean aDir
boolean aAnim
int aMs
JRadioButton forward
JRadioButton reverse
JButton onOff
JButton step
JTextField ms
JSlider TimeSlider
AnimationControl control
BaseColorControl ctl
int valLeft
int valRight
Object mutex
int state
int resolution
boolean hasAlpha
Dimension preferredSize
int oldX
int oldY
Object mouseMutex
float updateLeft
float updateRight
ColorMapWidget wrappedWidget
float[][] original
JComboBox<E> choice
JTextArea lineNumbers
int numLines
int numDigits
float start
float end
JPanel buttonPanel
float[][] undoTable
BaseColorControl control
BaseColorControl realControl
ColorMap map
int height
float updateLeft
float updateRight
boolean previewVisible
ColorMap map
ColorPreview colorPreview
Vector<E> listeners
Object listeners_lock
ContourControl control
float cInterval
float cBase
float cSurface
float cLo
float cHi
String name
JTextField Interval
JTextField Base
JLabel SurfaceLabel
JSlider Surface
JCheckBox Labels
JCheckBox Contours
JCheckBox Dashed
visad.util.ContourWidget.ContourRangeSlider ContourRange
JCheckBox Fill
double sliderScale
Dimension prefSize
GraphicsModeControl control
JCheckBox scale
JCheckBox point
JCheckBox texture
JTextField lineWidth
JTextField pointSize
float gmcLineWidth
float gmcPointSize
ColorMapWidget wrappedWidget
float[][] original
float[][] grey
ProjectionControl control
JComboBox<E> savedViewList
JButton save
double[][] savedViews
JTextField dataLow
JTextField dataHi
ScalarMap map
RangeControl rangeControl
BaseRGBMap baseMap
ColorPreview preview
ArrowSlider slider
SliderLabel label
String name
Vector<E> listeners
Object listeners_lock
Slider slider
String label
boolean rangeVisible
Color background
Color text
Dimension minSize
Dimension prefSize
Dimension maxSize
boolean rangeChanged
String drawmin
String drawmax
String drawval
String[] javaFontNames
String[] hersheyFontNames
String[] visadFontNames
String textToPreview
TextControl previewDisplayTC
TextControl textControl
DisplayImpl display
ScalarMap textMap
FieldImpl textField
TextType textType
JLabel jLabel8
JLabel jLabel4
JComboBox<E> vertJustificationJComboBox
JTextField offsetYField
JTextField offsetZField
JScrollPane jScrollPane1
JLabel jLabel1
JLabel jLabel3
JRadioButton labelFontJRadioButton
JTextField textOrientationField
JLabel jLabel2
JScrollPane jScrollPane4
JLabel jLabel9
JScrollPane jScrollPane2
JPanel fontTypeJPanel
JRadioButton hersheyFontjRadioButton
JPanel displayTextToPreview
JPanel leftPanel
JList<E> fontNamesJList
JComboBox<E> horizJustificationJComboBox
JList<E> fontStylesJList
JCheckBox autoSizeJCheckBox
JPanel previewPanel
JPanel fontSelectionJPanel
JRadioButton javaFontJRadioButton
JLabel jLabel7
JTextField offsetXField
JPanel textPanelAttributes
JList<E> fontSizesJList
JTextField characterRotationField
JLabel jLabel6
JTextField scaleTextField
ButtonGroup fontTypeButtonGroup
JTextField textToPreviewField
JScrollPane jScrollPane3
JPanel rightPanel
JPanel bottomPanel
JLabel jLabel5
JTextArea text
JFileChooser fileChooser
UndoManager undo
File currentFile
boolean changed
TextEditor textPane
String title
JSlider slider
JLabel label
ScalarMap map
ValueControl control
DataReference sRef
RealType realType
String sName
double sMinimum
double sMaximum
double sCurrent
int sTicks
boolean autoScale
if the widget will auto-scaleboolean integralValues
if the slider ticks should be integersboolean dynamicLabelWidth
if the label width should be dynamically scaledCopyright © 1996–2023 The SSEC Visualization Project. All rights reserved.