public abstract class MathType extends Object implements Serializable
VisAD Data objects are finite approximations to math objects. Every Data object possesses a MathType, which characterizes the mathematical object that the data approximate. This MathType is not synonymous with the class of the Data object, even though the class names for a Data object and its corresponding MathType object (Set and SetType, e.g.) may be similar.
MathType objects are immutable; one implication is that the setDefaultSet method (in RealTupleType) can be invoked only prior to using the related getDefaultSet method.
Constructor and Description |
this constructor assumes it is not creating an instrinsic MathType
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
addTimeAlias(String name)
Adds a ScalarType name that guessMaps should map to Animation.
abstract MathType |
binary(MathType type,
int op,
Vector names) |
abstract ShadowType |
buildShadowType(DataDisplayLink link,
ShadowType parent) |
abstract MathType |
cloneDerivative(RealType d_partial) |
abstract boolean |
equals(Object type)
ScalarTypes are equal if they have the same name;
TupleTypes are equal if their components are equal;
FunctionTypes are equal if their domains and ranges
are equal
abstract boolean |
equalsExceptName(MathType type)
this is useful for determining compatibility of
Data objects for binary mathematical operations;
any RealTypes are equal; any TextTypes are equal;
TupleTypes are equal if their components are equal;
FunctionTypes are equal if their domains and ranges
are equal
abstract boolean |
equalsExceptNameButUnits(MathType type) |
static boolean |
findScalarType(MathType mt,
ScalarType st)
return true if st occurs in mt
ScalarMap[] |
guessMaps(boolean threeD)
Guesses at a set of "default" mappings for this MathType.
static void |
main(String[] args)
run 'java visad.MathType' to test MathType.prettyString()
and MathType.guessMaps()
abstract Data |
returns a missing Data object for any MathType
String |
return a String that indents complex MathTypes
for human readability
abstract String |
prettyString(int indent) |
static MathType |
stringToType(String s)
create a MathType from its string representation;
essentially the inverse of the prettyString method
String |
toString() |
abstract MathType |
unary(int op,
Vector names) |
public MathType()
public abstract boolean equals(Object type)
public abstract boolean equalsExceptName(MathType type)
public abstract boolean equalsExceptNameButUnits(MathType type) throws VisADException
public abstract MathType cloneDerivative(RealType d_partial) throws VisADException
public abstract MathType binary(MathType type, int op, Vector names) throws VisADException
public abstract MathType unary(int op, Vector names) throws VisADException
public abstract Data missingData() throws VisADException, RemoteException
public abstract ShadowType buildShadowType(DataDisplayLink link, ShadowType parent) throws VisADException, RemoteException
public String prettyString()
public abstract String prettyString(int indent)
public static MathType stringToType(String s) throws VisADException
public static void addTimeAlias(String name)
public ScalarMap[] guessMaps(boolean threeD)
public static boolean findScalarType(MathType mt, ScalarType st) throws VisADException
public static void main(String[] args) throws VisADException, RemoteException
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