public class ImageRendererJ3D extends DefaultRendererJ3D
enabled, pickCrawlToCursor
Constructor and Description |
ImageRendererJ3D() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
clear any scene graph created by this DataRenderer, and
clear all instance variables
Object |
clone() |
BranchGroup |
create a BranchGroup scene graph for Data in links[0]
VisADImageNode |
getImageNode() |
boolean |
getLastAdjustProjectionSeam() |
float |
getLastAlphaValue() |
int |
getLastCurveSize() |
long |
getLastDataHashCode() |
float |
getLastZAxisValue() |
boolean |
getReUseFrames() |
boolean |
getSetSetOnReUseFrames() |
static boolean |
isByRefUsable(DataDisplayLink link,
ShadowType shadow) |
static boolean |
isImageType(MathType type)
determine whether the given MathType is usable with ImageRendererJ3D
static boolean |
isRendererUsable(MathType type,
ScalarMap[] maps)
determine whether the given MathType and collection of ScalarMaps
meets the criteria to use ImageRendererJ3D.
static void |
main(String[] args)
run 'java len step'
to test animation behavior of ImageRendererJ3D
renders a loop of len at step ms per frame
then updates loop by deleting first time and adding a new last time
ShadowType |
makeShadowFunctionType(FunctionType type,
DataDisplayLink link,
ShadowType parent)
factory method for constructing a subclass of ShadowType appropriate
for the graphics API, that also adapts ShadowFunctionType;
ShadowType trees are constructed that 'shadow' the MathType trees of
Data to be depicted, via recursive calls to buildShadowType() methods
of MathType sub-classes, to DataRenderer.makeShadow*Type() methods,
to Shadow*Type constructors, then back to buildShadowType() methods;
the recursive call chain is initiated by DataDisplayLink.prepareData()
calls to buildShadowType() methods of MathType sub-classes;
void |
setImageNode(VisADImageNode node) |
void |
setLastAdjustProjectionSeam(boolean adjust) |
void |
setLastAlphaValue(float alpha) |
void |
setLastCurveSize(int csize) |
void |
setLastDataHashCode(long lastdata_hashcode) |
void |
setLastZAxisValue(float zaxis_value) |
void |
- use setReUseFrames(boolean reuse)
void |
setReUseFrames(boolean reuse)
Toggle the re-using of frames when a new image or set of images
is set in the datareference.
void |
setSetSetOnReUseFrames(boolean ss) |
void |
suggestBufImageType(int imageType)
Suggest to the underlying shadow type the buffered image type
to use.
static void |
verifyImageRendererUsable(MathType type,
ScalarMap[] maps)
Use isRendererUsable(MathType, ScalarMap[]) instead.
addSwitch, getLink, setLinks
clearBranch, doAction, flush, getBranch, makeShadowRealTupleType, makeShadowRealType, makeShadowSetType, makeShadowTextType, makeShadowTupleType, setBranchEarly, toggle
addException, addPoint, checkAction, checkClose, checkDirect, clearAVControls, clearExceptions, computeRanges, constrainDragPoint, drag_direct, earthToSpatial, earthToSpatial, findRayManifoldIntersection, get_all_feasible, get_any_changed, get_any_transform_control, getBadScale, getDisplay, getDisplayCoordinateSystem, getDisplayRenderer, getEarthDimension, getEarthUnits, getEnabled, getExceptionVector, getIsDirectManipulation, getLastMouseModifiers, getLatLonIndices, getLatLonRange, getLinks, getPickCrawlToCursor, getPolygonOffset, getPolygonOffsetFactor, getProjectionControlListeners, getRanges, getRealVectorTypes, getWhyNotDirect, hasPolygonOffset, isLegalTextureMap, isTransformControl, prepareAction, realCheckDirect, release_direct, removeLink, set_all_feasible, setDisplay, setDisplayRenderer, setEarthSpatialData, setEarthSpatialDisplay, setHasPolygonOffset, setIsDirectManipulation, setLastMouseModifiers, setLatLonIndices, setLinks, setPickCrawlToCursor, setPolygonOffset, setPolygonOffsetFactor, setSpatialValues, spatialToEarth, spatialToEarth, stop_direct, suppressExceptions
public static boolean isImageType(MathType type)
public static void verifyImageRendererUsable(MathType type, ScalarMap[] maps) throws VisADException
public static boolean isRendererUsable(MathType type, ScalarMap[] maps) throws VisADException
public static boolean isByRefUsable(DataDisplayLink link, ShadowType shadow) throws VisADException, RemoteException
public ShadowType makeShadowFunctionType(FunctionType type, DataDisplayLink link, ShadowType parent) throws VisADException, RemoteException
in class RendererJ3D
- FunctionType that returned ShadowType will shadowlink
- DataDisplayLink linking Data to be depictedparent
- parent in ShadowType tree structureVisADException
- a VisAD error occurredRemoteException
- an RMI error occurredpublic void setReUseFrames(boolean reuse)
WARNING - when reUseFrames is true during doTransform() ImageRendererJ3D makes these assumptions:
public void suggestBufImageType(int imageType)
public void setImageNode(VisADImageNode node)
public VisADImageNode getImageNode()
public void setReUseFrames()
public boolean getReUseFrames()
public void setSetSetOnReUseFrames(boolean ss)
public boolean getSetSetOnReUseFrames()
public void clearScene()
in class DefaultRendererJ3D
public BranchGroup doTransform() throws VisADException, RemoteException
in class DefaultRendererJ3D
public Object clone()
in class DefaultRendererJ3D
public static void main(String[] args) throws VisADException, RemoteException, IOException
public int getLastCurveSize()
public void setLastCurveSize(int csize)
public float getLastZAxisValue()
public void setLastZAxisValue(float zaxis_value)
public float getLastAlphaValue()
public void setLastAlphaValue(float alpha)
public long getLastDataHashCode()
public void setLastDataHashCode(long lastdata_hashcode)
public boolean getLastAdjustProjectionSeam()
public void setLastAdjustProjectionSeam(boolean adjust)
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