public class DisplayTupleType extends RealTupleType
Generic2D, Generic3D, LatitudeLongitudeAltitude, LatitudeLongitudeTuple, SpatialCartesian2DTuple, SpatialCartesian3DTuple, SpatialEarth2DTuple, SpatialEarth3DTuple, Time1DTuple
Constructor and Description |
DisplayTupleType(DisplayRealType[] types)
construct a DisplayTupleType with null CoordinateSystem
DisplayTupleType(DisplayRealType[] types,
CoordinateSystem coord_sys)
construct a DisplayTupleType
binary, buildShadowType, equalsExceptName, equalsExceptNameButUnits, getCoordinateSystem, getDefaultSet, getDefaultUnits, makeArray, makeArray, makeArray, makeArray, missingData, prettyString, setDefaultSet, unary
__getitem__, __len__, cloneDerivative, equals, getComponent, getComponents, getDimension, getFlat, getIndex, getIndex, getNumberOfRealComponents, getRealComponents, hashCode
addTimeAlias, findScalarType, guessMaps, main, prettyString, stringToType, toString
public DisplayTupleType(DisplayRealType[] types) throws VisADException
- array of DisplayRealType to be components
note a DisplayRealType may not be a component
of more than one DisplayTupleTypeVisADException
- a VisAD error occurredpublic DisplayTupleType(DisplayRealType[] types, CoordinateSystem coord_sys) throws VisADException
- array of DisplayRealType to be components
note a DisplayRealType may not be a component
of more than one DisplayTupleTypecoord_sys
- CoordinateSystem; if non-null, its reference
must be another DisplayTupleTypeVisADException
- a VisAD error occurredCopyright © 1996–2023 The SSEC Visualization Project. All rights reserved.