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above(int) - Method in class
above(MatrixStore<N>...) - Method in class
above(N...) - Method in class
ABS - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
abs() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
ABS - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
abs() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
abs() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
ABS - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
abs() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
ABS - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
abs() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
ABS - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
abs() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
AbstractInverter - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix.task
accept(Access1D<?>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate1D.Receiver
accept(Access2D<?>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Receiver
accept(AccessAnyD<?>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.MutateAnyD.Receiver
accept(double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.VoidFunction
accept(N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.VoidFunction
accept(Access2D<?>) - Method in class
accept(Access2D<?>) - Method in class
accept(Access2D<?>) - Method in class
accept(Access2D<?>) - Method in class
accept(Access2D<?>) - Method in class
Access1D<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
1-dimensional accessor (get) methods.
Access1D.Aggregatable<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
This interface complements Access1D.Visitable but does not extend it.
Access1D.Collectable<N extends Number,R extends Mutate1D.Receiver<N>> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
Access1D.Elements - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
Access1D.ElementView<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.access
Access1D.IndexOf - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
Access1D.Sliceable<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
Access1D.Visitable<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
Access2D<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
2-dimensional accessor methods
Access2D.Aggregatable<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
Access2D.Collectable<N extends Number,R extends Mutate2D.Receiver<N>> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
Access2D.Elements - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
Access2D.ElementView<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.access
Access2D.IndexOf - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
Access2D.Sliceable<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
Access2D.Visitable<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
AccessAnyD<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
N-dimensional accessor methods
AccessAnyD.Aggregatable<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
AccessAnyD.Collectable<N extends Number,R extends MutateAnyD.Receiver<N>> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
AccessAnyD.Elements - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
AccessAnyD.IndexOf - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
AccessAnyD.Sliceable<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
AccessAnyD.Visitable<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
accessKeys() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.NumberSeries
AccessScalar<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
accessValues() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.NumberSeries
ACOS - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
acos() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
ACOS - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
acos() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
acos() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
ACOS - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
acos() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
ACOS - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
acos() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
ACOS - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
acos() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
ACOSH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
acosh() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
ACOSH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
acosh() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
acosh() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
ACOSH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
acosh() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
ACOSH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
acosh() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
ACOSH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
acosh() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
add(N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Iterator1D
add(long, double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate1D
add(long, Number) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate1D
add(long, double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D
add(long, long, double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D
add(long, long, Number) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D
add(long, Number) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D
add(long, double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.MutateAnyD
add(long, Number) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.MutateAnyD
add(long[], double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.MutateAnyD
add(long[], Number) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.MutateAnyD
add(T) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.algebra.Operation.Addition
add(double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.algebra.ScalarOperation.Addition
add(N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.algebra.ScalarOperation.Addition
add(long, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
add(long, Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
add(long, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
add(long, long, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
add(long, long, Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
add(long, Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
add(long, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
add(long, Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
add(long[], double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
add(long[], Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
add(int, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BigArray
add(int, Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BigArray
add(int, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
add(int, Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
add(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
add(int, N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
add(long, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
add(long, Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
add(N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
add(int, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
add(int, Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
add(int, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
add(int, Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
add(int, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ScalarArray
add(int, Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ScalarArray
add(long, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
add(long, Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
ADD - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
add() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
ADD - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
add() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
add() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
ADD - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
add() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
ADD - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
add() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
ADD - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
add() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
add(Class<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.machine.MemoryEstimator
add(JavaType) - Method in class org.ojalgo.machine.MemoryEstimator
add(int, int, Access2D<?>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.BasicMatrix
add(int, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Vector2
add(int, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Vector3
add(int, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Vector4
add(int, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Vector2
add(int, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Vector3
add(int, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Vector4
add(long, long, double) - Method in class
add(long, long, Number) - Method in class
add(long, long, double) - Method in class
add(long, long, Number) - Method in class
add(long, long, double) - Method in class
add(long, long, Number) - Method in class
add(long, long, double) - Method in class
add(long, long, Number) - Method in class
add(long, long, double) - Method in class
add(long, long, Number) - Method in class
add(long, long, double) - Method in class
add(long, long, Number) - Method in class
add(long, long, double) - Method in class
add(long, long, Number) - Method in class
add(long, long, double) - Method in class
add(long, long, Number) - Method in class
add(MatrixStore<N>) - Method in interface
add(long, long, double) - Method in class
add(long, long, Number) - Method in class
add(long, long, double) - Method in class
add(long, long, Number) - Method in class
add(long, long, double) - Method in class
add(long, long, Number) - Method in class
add(long, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.Equation
add(long, Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.Equation
add(Equation) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.MutableSolver
add(String) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.Batch
add(String, String) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.Batch
add(String, String, String) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.Batch
add(String[]) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.Batch
add(Structure1D.IntIndex, Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
add(Structure2D.IntRowColumn, Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
add(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.BigScalar
add(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.BigScalar
add(ComplexNumber) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
add(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
add(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
add(Double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
add(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
add(Quaternion) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
add(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
add(RationalNumber) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
add(Scalar<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.scalar.Scalar
add(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ExplicitTimeSeries
add(PrimitiveSeries) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ExplicitTimeSeries
add(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ImplicitTimeSeries
add(PrimitiveSeries) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ImplicitTimeSeries
add(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveSeries
add(PrimitiveSeries) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveSeries
addAll(Collection<? extends N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
addAll(double[]) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
addAll(int, Collection<? extends N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
addColumn() - Method in class
addColumns(int) - Method in class
addEmptyLines(int, int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.DelimitedData
addExpression() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
addExpression(String) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
addIntegration(ExpressionsBasedModel.Integration<?>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
addLine(List<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.DelimitedData
addObservation(K, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.process.GaussianField
addPresolver(ExpressionsBasedModel.Presolver) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
addRow() - Method in class
addRows(int) - Method in class
addSeries(Number, CalendarDateSeries<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.SeriesInterpolator
addSpecialOrderedSet(Collection<Variable>, int, Expression) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
Creates a special ordered set (SOS) presolver instance and links that to the supplied expression.
addSpecialOrderedSet(Collection<Variable>, int, int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
Calling this method will create 2 things: A simple expression meassuring the sum of the (binary) variable values (the number of binary variables that are "ON").
addTo(Temporal) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateDuration
addTo(R, long) - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
addVariable() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
addVariable(String) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
addVariable(Variable) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
addVariables(Collection<? extends Variable>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
addVariables(Variable[]) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
adjust(PhysicalStore<Double>, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.Equation
Will perform a (relaxed) GaussSeidel update.
adjustInto(Calendar) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
adjustInto(Date) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
adjustInto(T) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
adjustInto(Calendar) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate.Resolution
adjustInto(Date) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate.Resolution
adjustInto(Temporal) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate.Resolution
adjustInto(Calendar) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateDuration
adjustInto(Date) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateDuration
adjustInto(Temporal) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateDuration
adjustInto(Calendar) - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
adjustInto(Date) - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
adjustInto(Temporal) - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
aggregateAll(Aggregator) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access1D.Aggregatable
aggregateAll(Aggregator) - Method in class
aggregateAll(Aggregator) - Method in class
aggregateAll(Aggregator) - Method in class
aggregateAll(Aggregator) - Method in interface
AggregateAll - Class in
aggregateAll(Aggregator) - Method in class
aggregateAll(Aggregator) - Method in class
aggregateColumn(long, Aggregator) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.Aggregatable
aggregateColumn(long, long, Aggregator) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.Aggregatable
aggregateColumn(long, long, Aggregator) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
aggregateColumn(long, long, Aggregator) - Method in interface
aggregateDiagonal(long, long, Aggregator) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.Aggregatable
aggregateDiagonal(long, long, Aggregator) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
aggregateDiagonal(long, long, Aggregator) - Method in interface
aggregateRange(long, long, Aggregator) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access1D.Aggregatable
aggregateRange(long, long, Aggregator) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
aggregateRange(long, long, Aggregator) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
aggregateRange(long, long, Aggregator) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
aggregateRange(long, long, Aggregator) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
aggregateRange(long, long, Aggregator) - Method in interface
aggregateRow(long, Aggregator) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.Aggregatable
aggregateRow(long, long, Aggregator) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.Aggregatable
aggregateRow(long, long, Aggregator) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
aggregateRow(long, long, Aggregator) - Method in interface
aggregateSet(int, long, Aggregator) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.AccessAnyD.Aggregatable
aggregateSet(long[], int, Aggregator) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.AccessAnyD.Aggregatable
aggregateSet(int, long, Aggregator) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
aggregateSet(long[], int, Aggregator) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
aggregator() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BasicArray.Factory
Aggregator - Enum in org.ojalgo.function.aggregator
aggregator() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
aggregator() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
aggregator() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
aggregator() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
aggregator() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
aggregator() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
aggregator() - Method in interface
AggregatorFunction<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.function.aggregator
AggregatorSet<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.function.aggregator
Do not cache instances of this class! The methods BigAggregator.getSet(), ComplexAggregator.getSet() and PrimitiveAggregator.getSet() return threadlocal instances, and when you access the individual aggregators they are AggregatorFunction.reset() for you.
AggregatorSet() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.AggregatorSet
Alternator<T> - Class in org.ojalgo.type
Alternator(T, T) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.Alternator
AMAX - Class in org.ojalgo.array.blas
Given a vector x, the i?amax functions return the position of the vector element x[i] that has the largest absolute value for real flavors, or the largest sum |Re(x[i])|+|Im(x[i])| for complex flavors.
AMAX() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.blas.AMAX
AMIN - Class in org.ojalgo.array.blas
Given a vector x, the i?amin functions return the position of the vector element x[i] that has the smallest absolute value for real flavors, or the smallest sum |Re(x[i])|+|Im(x[i])| for complex flavors.
AMIN() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.blas.AMIN
AMOUNT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
Precision: 16 Scale: 2 Rounding Mode: RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN Locale: JVM Default Style: NumberStyle.CURRENCY Fits within the Sybase (and MS SQL Server) money type which is (19,4).
amount(Locale) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
andThen(UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.BinaryFunction
andThen(UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.multiary.MultiaryFunction
andThen(UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.NullaryFunction
andThen(UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.ParameterFunction
andThen(UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.UnaryFunction
angle() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
append(char) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharacterRing
append(CharSequence) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharacterRing
append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharacterRing
AppendablePrinter(Appendable) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.AppendablePrinter
appendMiddlePart(StringBuilder, Access1D<BigDecimal>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
appendMiddlePart(StringBuilder) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Variable
apply(N, N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.BinaryFunction
apply(Access1D<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.multiary.MultiaryFunction
apply(N, Integer) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.ParameterFunction
apply(N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.UnaryFunction
applyAsDouble(double, double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.BinaryFunction
applyAsDouble(double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.UnaryFunction
applyCholesky(int, BasicArray<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.DecompositionStore
Cholesky transformations
applyCholesky(int, BasicArray<BigDecimal>) - Method in class
applyCholesky(int, BasicArray<ComplexNumber>) - Method in class
applyCholesky(int, BasicArray<N>) - Method in class
ApplyCholesky - Class in
applyCholesky(int, BasicArray<Double>) - Method in class
applyLDL(int, BasicArray<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.DecompositionStore
LDL transformations
applyLDL(int, BasicArray<BigDecimal>) - Method in class
applyLDL(int, BasicArray<ComplexNumber>) - Method in class
applyLDL(int, BasicArray<N>) - Method in class
ApplyLDL - Class in
applyLDL(int, BasicArray<Double>) - Method in class
ApplyLDU - Class in
applyLU(int, BasicArray<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.DecompositionStore
LU transformations
applyLU(int, BasicArray<BigDecimal>) - Method in class
applyLU(int, BasicArray<ComplexNumber>) - Method in class
applyLU(int, BasicArray<N>) - Method in class
ApplyLU - Class in
applyLU(int, BasicArray<Double>) - Method in class
arity() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.CompoundFunction
arity() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.ConstantFunction
arity() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.FirstOrderApproximation
arity() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.LinearFunction
arity() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.multiary.MultiaryFunction
arity() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.QuadraticFunction
arity() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.SecondOrderApproximation
array() - Method in interface
Array1D<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.array
Array1D.Factory<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.array
Array2D<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.array
Array2D.Factory<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.array
ArrayAnyD<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.array
ArrayAnyD.Factory<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.array
asArray1D() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
v39 Not needed
asArray1D() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
v39 Not needed
ASCII - Class in org.ojalgo.netio
ASCII codes 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 NUL SOH STX ETX EOT ENQ ACK BEL 8 BS HT LF VT FF CR SO SI 16 DLE DC1 DC2 DC3 DC4 NAK SYN ETB 24 CAN EM SUB ESC FS GS RS US 32 SP ! " # $ % & ' 40 ( ) * + , - . / 48 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 56 8 9 : ; < = > ? 64 @ A B C D E F G 72 H I J K L M N O 80 P Q R S T U V W 88 X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ 96 ` a b c d e f g 104 h i j k l m n o 112 p q r s t u v w 120 x y z { | ~ DEL
asCollectable1D() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access1D
Transforms this Access1D to a Access1D.Collectable of a different Number type.
asCollectable2D() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D
asCollectableAnyD() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.AccessAnyD
ASIN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
asin() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
ASIN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
asin() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
asin() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
ASIN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
asin() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
ASIN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
asin() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
ASIN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
asin() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
ASINH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
asinh() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
ASINH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
asinh() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
asinh() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
ASINH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
asinh() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
ASINH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
asinh() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
ASINH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
asinh() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
asList() - Method in class
asList() - Method in class
asList() - Method in class
asList() - Method in interface
asList() - Method in class
asList() - Method in class
asOutputStream() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharacterRing
asPrimitive() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries
asPrimitive() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries.NaturallySequenced
asPrimitive1D(Access1D<?>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access1D
asPrimitive2D(Access2D<?>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D
asPrimitiveAnyD(AccessAnyD<?>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.AccessAnyD
asPrinter() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharacterRing
ASUM - Class in org.ojalgo.array.blas
The ?asum routine computes the sum of the magnitudes of elements of a real vector, or the sum of magnitudes of the real and imaginary parts of elements of a complex vector: res = |Re x1| + |Im x1| + |Re x2| + |Im x2|+ ...
ASUM() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.blas.ASUM
asWriter() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharacterRing
ATAN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
atan() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
ATAN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
atan() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
atan() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
ATAN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
atan() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
ATAN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
atan() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
ATAN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
atan() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
ATAN2 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
atan2() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
ATAN2 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
atan2() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
atan2() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
ATAN2 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
atan2() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
ATAN2 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
atan2() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
ATAN2 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
atan2() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
ATANH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
atanh() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
ATANH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
atanh() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
atanh() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
ATANH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
atanh() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
ATANH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
atanh() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
ATANH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
atanh() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
ATTO - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigPrefix
ATTO - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitivePrefix
average() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.AggregatorSet
Average value
AVERAGE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.BigAggregator
average() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.BigAggregator
AVERAGE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.ComplexAggregator
average() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.ComplexAggregator
AVERAGE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.PrimitiveAggregator
average() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.PrimitiveAggregator
AVERAGE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.QuaternionAggregator
average() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.QuaternionAggregator
AVERAGE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.RationalAggregator
average() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.RationalAggregator
axpy(double, Mutate1D) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access1D
Will calculate y = y + a x, will add "a" times "this" to "y"
axpy(double, Mutate1D) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BigArray
AXPY - Class in org.ojalgo.array.blas
The ?axpy routines perform a vector-vector operation defined as y := a*x + y where: a is a scalar x and y are vectors each with a number of elements that equals n.
AXPY() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.blas.AXPY
axpy(double, Mutate1D) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
axpy(double, Mutate1D) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
axpy(double, Mutate1D) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ScalarArray
axpy(double, Mutate1D) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray


BAMAX - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.array.blas.BLAS1
BasicArray<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.array
A BasicArray is 1-dimensional, but designed to easily be extended or encapsulated, and then treated as arbitrary-dimensional.
BasicArray(ArrayFactory<N, ?>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.BasicArray
BasicArray.Factory<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.array
BasicFunction<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.function
BasicFunction.Differentiable<N extends Number,F extends BasicFunction<N>> - Interface in org.ojalgo.function
BasicFunction.Integratable<N extends Number,F extends BasicFunction<N>> - Interface in org.ojalgo.function
BasicLogger - Class in org.ojalgo.netio
BasicLogger is not meant to replace any other logging library.
BasicLogger.AppendablePrinter - Class in org.ojalgo.netio
BasicLogger.Buffer - Interface in org.ojalgo.netio
Temporarily store data/text.
BasicLogger.Printer - Interface in org.ojalgo.netio
BasicLogger.PrintStreamPrinter - Class in org.ojalgo.netio
BasicLogger.PrintWriterPrinter - Class in org.ojalgo.netio
BasicMachine - Class in org.ojalgo.machine
How much memory, and how many threads share that memory.
BasicMachine(long, int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.machine.BasicMachine
BasicMatrix - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix
This interface declares a set of high level methods for linear algebra.
BasicMatrix.Builder<I extends BasicMatrix> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix
BasicMatrix.Factory<I extends BasicMatrix> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix
BasicParser<T> - Interface in org.ojalgo.netio
BasicSeries<K extends Comparable<? super K>,V extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.series
A BasicSeries is a SortedMap with: Keys restricted to Comparable (the keys have a natural order) Values restricted to Number (you can do maths on the values) The option to associate a name and colour with the data The option to define an accumlator function to be used with multilple/subsequent put operations on the same key Some additional methods to work with primitive keys and values more efficiently A few additional methods to help access and modify series entries The extension BasicSeries.NaturallySequenced is typically used with time series data.
BasicSeries.NaturallySequenced<K extends Comparable<? super K>,V extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.series
A series with naturally sequenced keys - given any key there is a natural "next" key, e.g.
BasicSeries.TimeSeriesBuilder<K extends Comparable<? super K>> - Class in org.ojalgo.series
Batch - Class in org.ojalgo.netio
Batch() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.netio.Batch
Batch(Collection<? extends Message>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.netio.Batch
Batch(int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.netio.Batch
below(int) - Method in class
below(MatrixStore<N>...) - Method in class
below(N...) - Method in class
beta - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Big
beta - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Complex
beta - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Generic
beta - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Primitive
between(Temporal, Temporal) - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
Bidiagonal<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition
A general matrix [A] can be factorized by similarity transformations into the form [A]=[Q1][D][Q2] -1 where: [A] (m-by-n) is any, real or complex, matrix [D] (r-by-r) or (m-by-n) is, upper or lower, bidiagonal [Q1] (m-by-r) or (m-by-m) is orthogonal [Q2] (n-by-r) or (n-by-n) is orthogonal r = min(m,n)
bidiagonal(boolean, boolean) - Method in class
Bidiagonal.Factory<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition
BIG - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
BIG - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
BIG - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
BIG - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Bidiagonal
BIG - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Cholesky
v45 Use Cholesky.RATIONAL instead.
BIG - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Eigenvalue
BIG - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Hessenberg
BIG - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.LDL
BIG - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.LU
BIG - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.QR
BIG - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.SingularValue
BIG - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Tridiagonal
BIG - Static variable in interface
BIG - Static variable in class
BIG - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.task.DeterminantTask
BIG - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.task.InverterTask
BIG - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.task.SolverTask
Big(Householder<BigDecimal>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Big
Big(int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Big
Big(int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Big
Big(int, int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Big
Big(int, int, BigDecimal, BigDecimal) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Big
Big(Rotation<BigDecimal>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Big
BigAggregator - Class in org.ojalgo.function.aggregator
BigArray - Class in org.ojalgo.array
A one- and/or arbitrary-dimensional array of BigDecimal.
BigArray(BigDecimal[]) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.BigArray
BigArray(int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.BigArray
BigDenseStore - Class in
v45 Use GenericDenseStore instead
BigDenseStore.BigMultiplyBoth - Interface in
BigDenseStore.BigMultiplyLeft - Interface in
BigDenseStore.BigMultiplyNeither - Interface in
BigDenseStore.BigMultiplyRight - Interface in
BigFunction - Class in org.ojalgo.function
Only the reference type parameter (BigDecimal) methods are actually implemented.
BigFunction.Binary - Interface in org.ojalgo.function
BigFunction.Parameter - Interface in org.ojalgo.function
BigFunction.Unary - Interface in org.ojalgo.function
BigMath - Class in org.ojalgo.constant
BigMatrix - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix
v45 Use RationalMatrix instead.
BigPolynomial - Class in org.ojalgo.function.polynomial
BigPolynomial(int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.BigPolynomial
BigPrefix - Class in org.ojalgo.constant
BigScalar - Class in org.ojalgo.scalar
v44 In the future there will only be primitives based implementations of the Scalar interface
BigScalar() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.scalar.BigScalar
binary() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Variable
BINARY_VALUE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Presolvers
If an expression contains at least 1 binary variable and all non-fixed variable weights are of the same sign (positive or negative) then it is possible the check the validity of "1" for each of the binary variables.
BinaryContext - Class in org.ojalgo.type.context
BinaryContext() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.context.BinaryContext
BinaryFormat - Class in org.ojalgo.type.format
BinaryFormat() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.format.BinaryFormat
BinaryFunction<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.function
BinaryFunction.FixedFirst<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.function
A BinaryFunction with a set/fixed first argument.
BinaryFunction.FixedSecond<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.function
A BinaryFunction with a set/fixed second argument.
Binomial - Class in org.ojalgo.random
The frequency in aCount indepedent trials, each with probability aProbability, has a binomial distribution.
Binomial() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.Binomial
Binomial(int, double) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.Binomial
BLACK - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.type.ColourData
BLAS1 - Interface in org.ojalgo.array.blas
Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) Level 1 contains vector operations.
BLAS1.GenericToInt<T> - Interface in org.ojalgo.array.blas
BLAS1.PrimitiveToDouble - Interface in org.ojalgo.array.blas
BLAS1.PrimitiveToInt - Interface in org.ojalgo.array.blas
BLAS2 - Interface in org.ojalgo.array.blas
Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) Level 2 contains matrix-vector operations.
BLAS3 - Interface in org.ojalgo.array.blas
Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) Level 3 contains matrix-matrix operations.
BooleanContext - Class in org.ojalgo.type.context
BooleanContext() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.context.BooleanContext
BooleanContext(String, String) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.context.BooleanContext
BooleanFormat - Class in org.ojalgo.type.format
BooleanFormat doesn't do anything useful, but it was needed for BooleanContext (that doesn't do much either).
BooleanFormat() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.format.BooleanFormat
BooleanFormat(String, String) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.format.BooleanFormat
BooleanFormat(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.format.BooleanFormat
bounds() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
BufferArray - Class in org.ojalgo.array
The odd member among the array implementations.
BufferedParsingReader - Class in org.ojalgo.netio
BufferedParsingReader(Reader) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.netio.BufferedParsingReader
build() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.BasicMatrix.Builder
build(ExpressionsBasedModel) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver.ModelIntegration
build() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.GenericSolver.Builder
build(Optimisation.Options) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.GenericSolver.Builder
build(ExpressionsBasedModel) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.IntegerSolver.ModelIntegration
build(ConvexSolver.Builder, Optimisation.Options) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.linear.LinearSolver.ModelIntegration
build(ExpressionsBasedModel) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.linear.LinearSolver.ModelIntegration
build(M) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Integration
An integration must be able to instantiate a solver that can handle (any) model instance.
build(DenseArray.Factory<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries.TimeSeriesBuilder
build(DenseArray.Factory<N>, BinaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries.TimeSeriesBuilder
buildDerivative() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.BasicFunction.Differentiable
builder() - Method in interface
Builder() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver.Builder
Builder(MatrixStore<Double>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver.Builder
Builder(MatrixStore<Double>, MatrixStore<Double>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver.Builder
Builder(ConvexSolver.Builder) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.optimisation.GenericSolver.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.optimisation.linear.LinearSolver.Builder
Builder(MatrixStore<Double>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.optimisation.linear.LinearSolver.Builder
buildPrimitive() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.BasicFunction.Integratable
buildResult() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.GenericSolver
buildResult() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.linear.SimplexSolver
byteValue() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.AccessScalar


CABS1 - Class in org.ojalgo.array.blas
The ?cabs1 is an auxiliary routine for a few BLAS Level 1 routines.
CABS1() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.blas.CABS1
calculateDeterminant(Access2D<?>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.task.DeterminantTask
calculateFrobeniusNorm(BasicMatrix) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.BasicMatrix
The Frobenius norm is the square root of the sum of the squares of each element, or the square root of the sum of the square of the singular values.
calculateInfinityNorm(BasicMatrix) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.BasicMatrix
calculateOneNorm(BasicMatrix) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.BasicMatrix
calculateVariance(double, double, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.random.RandomUtils
CALENDAR - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries
CALENDAR - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.type.TimeIndex
CALENDAR_DATE - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries
CALENDAR_DATE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.type.TimeIndex
CalendarDate - Class in org.ojalgo.type
Originally, long before Java 8 and its new Date and Time API, this class was designed to provide an immutable complement to the existing Date and Calendar classes and to have easy/direct access to the underlying millisecond value.
CalendarDate() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
CalendarDate(Calendar) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
CalendarDate(Date) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
CalendarDate(long) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
CalendarDate(String) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
CalendarDate.Resolution - Interface in org.ojalgo.type
Extends TemporalAdjuster but also loosely corresponds to a TemporalUnit and/or TemporalAmount
CalendarDateDuration - Class in org.ojalgo.type
Designed to complement CalendarDate.
CalendarDateDuration(double, CalendarDateUnit) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateDuration
CalendarDateSeries<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.series
CalendarDateSeries() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.series.CalendarDateSeries
CalendarDateSeries(CalendarDateUnit) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.series.CalendarDateSeries
CalendarDateUnit - Enum in org.ojalgo.type
Designed to complement CalendarDate.
calibrate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.process.GaussianField
calibrate(Collection<ComparableToDouble<K>>, GaussianField.Mean<K>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.random.process.GaussianField.Covariance
calibrate(Collection<ComparableToDouble<K>>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.random.process.GaussianField.Mean
calibrate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.process.GaussianProcess
call(long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure1D.IndexCallback
call(long, long, long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure1D.LoopCallback
for(long i = first; i < limit; i += step)
call(long, long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D.RowColumnCallback
call(long[]) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD.ReferenceCallback
CAMAX - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.array.blas.BLAS1
capacity() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap
The current capacity of the underlying data structure.
capacity() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
The current capacity of the underlying data structure.
cardinality() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.AggregatorSet
Count of non-zero elements
CARDINALITY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.BigAggregator
cardinality() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.BigAggregator
CARDINALITY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.ComplexAggregator
cardinality() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.ComplexAggregator
CARDINALITY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.PrimitiveAggregator
cardinality() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.PrimitiveAggregator
CARDINALITY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.QuaternionAggregator
cardinality() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.QuaternionAggregator
CARDINALITY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.RationalAggregator
cardinality() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.RationalAggregator
CARDINALITY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
cardinality() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
CARDINALITY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
cardinality() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
cardinality() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
CARDINALITY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
cardinality() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
CARDINALITY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
cardinality() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
CARDINALITY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
cardinality() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
cast(double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.scalar.Scalar.Factory
cast(Number) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.scalar.Scalar.Factory
caxpy(double, int, int, int) - Method in class
CBRT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
cbrt() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
CBRT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
cbrt() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
cbrt() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
CBRT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
cbrt() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
CBRT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
cbrt() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
CBRT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
cbrt() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
CEIL - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
ceil() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
CEIL - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
ceil() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
ceil() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
CEIL - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
ceil() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
CEIL - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
ceil() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
CEIL - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
ceil() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
CENTI - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigPrefix
CENTI - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitivePrefix
CHARACTERISTICS - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.access.ElementView1D
characteristics() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.ElementView1D
CharacterRing - Class in org.ojalgo.netio
A circular char buffer - an Appendable CharSequence that always hold exactly 65536 characters.
CharacterRing() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.netio.CharacterRing
CharacterRing.OutputStreamBuffer - Class in org.ojalgo.netio
CharacterRing.PrinterBuffer - Class in org.ojalgo.netio
CharacterRing.WriterBuffer - Class in org.ojalgo.netio
CharArraySegment - Class in org.ojalgo.netio
charAt(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharacterRing
charAt(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharArraySegment
checkAndCompute(MatrixStore<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.MatrixDecomposition.Hermitian
Absolutely must check if the matrix is hermitian or not.
checkProbabilty(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.RandomNumber
checkSolvability() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.HermitianEvD
Cholesky<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition
Cholesky: [A] = [L][L]H (or [R]H[R])
Cholesky.Factory<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition
clear() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
clear() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
clear() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
clear() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap
clear() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
clear() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.MutableSolver
clear() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.Buffer
clear() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharacterRing
clear() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharacterRing.OutputStreamBuffer
clear() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharacterRing.PrinterBuffer
clear() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharacterRing.WriterBuffer
clearIntegrations() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
clearPresolvers() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
clone() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Options
Since v45 Don't copy or clone these, create them the waynyou need them.
close() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
close() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BufferedParsingReader
close() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharacterRing.WriterBuffer
collect(Factory1D<I>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access1D.Collectable
collect(Factory2D<I>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.Collectable
collect(FactoryAnyD<I>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.AccessAnyD.Collectable
collectGarbage() - Method in class org.ojalgo.machine.VirtualMachine
collectMessages() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.ProcessInputStream
collector(DenseArray.Factory<N>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
colour(ColourData) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries
ColourData - Class in org.ojalgo.type
ColourData(float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.ColourData
ColourData(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.ColourData
ColourData(int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.ColourData
ColourData(int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.ColourData
ColourData(int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.ColourData
ColourData(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.ColourData
column() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.ElementView
column() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.ColumnView
column() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.ElementView2D
column(int, int) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D
column(int, int[]) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D
column(long, int) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D
column(long, long) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D
column(long, long[]) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D
column - Variable in class org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D.IntRowColumn
column - Variable in class org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D.LongRowColumn
column - Variable in class org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D.RowColumnKey
column(int...) - Method in class
columns() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D
columns(Access1D<?>...) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Factory2D
columns(double[]...) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Factory2D
columns(List<? extends Number>...) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Factory2D
columns(Number[]...) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Factory2D
columns(Access1D<?>...) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D.Factory
columns(double[]...) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D.Factory
columns(List<? extends Number>...) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D.Factory
columns(Number[]...) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D.Factory
ColumnsRegion(ElementsConsumer<N>, ElementsConsumer.FillByMultiplying<N>, int...) - Constructor for class
ColumnsSupplier<N extends Number> - Class in
ColumnView<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.access
ColumnView(Access2D<N>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.access.ColumnView
COMMA - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.netio.ASCII
communicate(List<Message>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.SystemProcess
communicate(Message) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.SystemProcess
ComparableToDouble<K extends Comparable<? super K>> - Class in org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue
ComparableToDouble(K, double) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.ComparableToDouble
ComparableToObject<K extends Comparable<? super K>,V> - Class in org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue
ComparableToObject(K, V) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.ComparableToObject
comparator() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap
compare(double, double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
Variation of, double) that returns 0 if arg1 == arg2.
compare(float, float) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
Variation of, float) that returns 0 if arg1 == arg2.
compareTo(V) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.ElementView1D
compareTo(Structure1D.IntIndex) - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Structure1D.IntIndex
compareTo(Structure1D.LongIndex) - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Structure1D.LongIndex
compareTo(Structure2D.IntRowColumn) - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D.IntRowColumn
compareTo(Structure2D.LongRowColumn) - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D.LongRowColumn
compareTo(StructureAnyD.IntReference) - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD.IntReference
compareTo(StructureAnyD.LongReference) - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD.LongReference
compareTo(Hardware) - Method in class org.ojalgo.machine.Hardware
compareTo(Eigenvalue.Eigenpair) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Eigenvalue.Eigenpair
compareTo(Equation) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.Equation
compareTo(Expression) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
compareTo(Optimisation.Result) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Result
compareTo(Variable) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Variable
compareTo(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.BigScalar
compareTo(ComplexNumber) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
compareTo(Double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
compareTo(Quaternion) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
compareTo(RationalNumber) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
compareTo(CalendarDate) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
compareTo(CalendarDateDuration) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateDuration
compareTo(KeyValue<K, ?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.ComparableToDouble
compareTo(KeyValue<K, ?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.ComparableToObject
compareTo(IntToDouble) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.IntToDouble
compareTo(KeyValue<Integer, ?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.IntToDouble
compareTo(IntToObject<V>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.IntToObject
compareTo(KeyValue<Integer, ?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.IntToObject
compareTo(KeyValue<Long, ?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.LongToDouble
compareTo(LongToDouble) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.LongToDouble
compareTo(KeyValue<Long, ?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.LongToObject
compareTo(LongToObject<V>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.LongToObject
compareTo(KeyValue<K, ?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.MapEntry
compareTo(KeyValue<Method, ?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.MethodToAtomicLong
compareTo(KeyValue<String, ?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.StringToDouble
compareTo(KeyValue<String, ?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.StringToInt
compareTo(KeyValue<String, ?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.StringToObject
compensate(Set<Structure1D.IntIndex>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
Will return an Expression with factors corresponding to fixed variables removed, and lower/upper limits compensated for the fixed part of the expression.
complete() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries.NaturallySequenced
Will fill in missing values, inbetween the first and last keys.
complete() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CoordinationSet
Will call BasicSeries.NaturallySequenced.complete() on each of the instances in this set.
COMPLEX - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
COMPLEX - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
COMPLEX - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
COMPLEX - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Bidiagonal
COMPLEX - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Cholesky
COMPLEX - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Eigenvalue
COMPLEX - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Hessenberg
COMPLEX - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.LDL
COMPLEX - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.LU
COMPLEX - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.QR
COMPLEX - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.SingularValue
COMPLEX - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Tridiagonal
COMPLEX - Static variable in class
COMPLEX - Static variable in interface
COMPLEX - Static variable in class
COMPLEX - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.task.DeterminantTask
COMPLEX - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.task.InverterTask
COMPLEX - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.task.SolverTask
Complex(Householder<ComplexNumber>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Complex
Complex(int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Complex
Complex(int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Complex
Complex(int, int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Complex
Complex(int, int, ComplexNumber, ComplexNumber) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Complex
Complex(Rotation<ComplexNumber>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Complex
ComplexAggregator - Class in org.ojalgo.function.aggregator
ComplexArray - Class in org.ojalgo.array
A one- and/or arbitrary-dimensional array of ComplexNumber.
ComplexArray(ComplexNumber[]) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.ComplexArray
ComplexArray(int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.ComplexArray
ComplexDenseStore - Class in
v45 Use GenericDenseStore instead
ComplexFunction - Class in org.ojalgo.function
ComplexFunction.Binary - Interface in org.ojalgo.function
ComplexFunction.Parameter - Interface in org.ojalgo.function
ComplexFunction.Unary - Interface in org.ojalgo.function
ComplexMatrix - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix
ComplexNumber - Class in org.ojalgo.scalar
ComplexNumber is an immutable complex number class.
ComplexNumber() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
ComplexNumber.Normalised - Class in org.ojalgo.scalar
ComplexPolynomial - Class in org.ojalgo.function.polynomial
ComplexPolynomial(int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.ComplexPolynomial
compose(UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.ParameterFunction
compose(UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.UnaryFunction
compose(UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.VoidFunction
CompoundFunction<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.function.multiary
[x]T[Q][x] + [l]T[x] + c
compute(Access2D.Collectable<N, ? super PhysicalStore<N>>, boolean) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Hessenberg
compute(Access2D.Collectable<N, ? super PhysicalStore<N>>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.MatrixDecomposition.Solver
computeGeneral(Access2D.Collectable<Double, ? super PhysicalStore<Double>>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
computeInPlaceSchur(PhysicalStore<N>, boolean) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.DecompositionStore
computeInPlaceSchur(PhysicalStore<BigDecimal>, boolean) - Method in class
computeInPlaceSchur(PhysicalStore<ComplexNumber>, boolean) - Method in class
computeInPlaceSchur(PhysicalStore<N>, boolean) - Method in class
computeInPlaceSchur(PhysicalStore<Double>, boolean) - Method in class
computeQ(Access2D.Collectable<Double, ? super PhysicalStore<Double>>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
computeValuesOnly(Access2D.Collectable<N, ? super PhysicalStore<N>>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.MatrixDecomposition.Values
computeWithoutPivoting(ElementsSupplier<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.LU
The normal MatrixDecomposition.decompose(Access2D.Collectable) method must handle cases where pivoting is required.
configureFormat(Format, Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.BinaryContext
configureFormat(Format, Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.BooleanContext
configureFormat(Format, Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.DateContext
configureFormat(Format, Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.GenericContext
configureFormat(NumberFormat, Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
configureFormat(Format, Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.StringContext
conjugate() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.algebra.VectorSpace
This method will (most likely) be moved to some other interface in the future! Just have to figure out where it fits...
CONJUGATE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
conjugate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
CONJUGATE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
conjugate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
conjugate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
CONJUGATE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
conjugate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
CONJUGATE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
conjugate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
CONJUGATE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
conjugate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
conjugate() - Method in class
conjugate() - Method in class
conjugate() - Method in class
conjugate() - Method in interface
Returns the conjugate transpose of this matrix.
conjugate() - Method in class
conjugate(BigDecimal[], int, int, int, Access2D<?>) - Static method in class
conjugate(double[], int, int, int, Access2D<?>) - Static method in class
conjugate(N[], int, int, int, Access2D<?>, Scalar.Factory<N>) - Static method in class
conjugate(Access2D<?>) - Method in interface
conjugate() - Method in class
conjugate() - Method in class
conjugate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.BigScalar
conjugate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
conjugate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
conjugate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
conjugate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
ConjugateGradientSolver - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative
A (Jacobi) preconditioned conjugate gradient solver.
ConjugateGradientSolver() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.ConjugateGradientSolver
conquer(int, int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.concurrent.DivideAndConquer
constant(Number) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.multiary.MultiaryFunction.Constant
ConstantFunction<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.function.multiary
Constant valued function - always returns the same value.
constraints() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
constructWithCopy(double[][]) - Static method in class
Construct a matrix from a copy of a 2-D array.
ConsumerRegion(ElementsConsumer.FillByMultiplying<N>, long, long) - Constructor for class
contains(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
contains(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
containsKey(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap
containsValue(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap
ContinuousDistribution - Interface in org.ojalgo.random
convert(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.process.GeometricBrownianMotion
convert(double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.scalar.Scalar.Factory
convert(Number) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.scalar.Scalar.Factory
convert(CalendarDateDuration) - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
convert(CalendarDateUnit) - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
convert(double, CalendarDateUnit) - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
convert(long, CalendarDateUnit) - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
convertTo(CalendarDateUnit) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateDuration
ConvexSolver - Class in org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex
ConvexSolver solves optimisation problems of the form:
ConvexSolver(ConvexSolver.Builder, Optimisation.Options) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
ConvexSolver.Builder - Class in org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex
ConvexSolver.ModelIntegration - Class in org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex
cookies(CookieHandler) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.ResourceLocator
coordinate(List<? extends BasicSeries<K, ?>>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries
CoordinatedSet<K extends Comparable<? super K>> - Class in org.ojalgo.series.primitive
CoordinationSet<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.series
A CoordinationSet is used to coordinate a set of CalendarDateSeries instances.
CoordinationSet() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.series.CoordinationSet
CoordinationSet(CalendarDateUnit) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.series.CoordinationSet
CoordinationSet(Collection<CalendarDateSeries<N>>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.series.CoordinationSet
CoordinationSet(Collection<CalendarDateSeries<N>>, CalendarDateUnit) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.series.CoordinationSet
CoordinationSet(int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.series.CoordinationSet
CoordinationSet(int, float) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.series.CoordinationSet
CoordinationSet(Map<? extends String, ? extends CalendarDateSeries<N>>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.series.CoordinationSet
copy(Access1D<?>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Factory1D
copy(double...) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Factory1D
copy(List<? extends Number>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Factory1D
copy(Number...) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Factory1D
copy(Access2D<?>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Factory2D
copy(AccessAnyD<?>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.FactoryAnyD
copy() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
copy(int...) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
Creates a copy of this containing only the selected elements, in the specified order.
copy(Access1D<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D.Factory
copy(double...) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D.Factory
copy(List<? extends Number>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D.Factory
copy(Number...) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D.Factory
copy(Access2D<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D.Factory
copy(AccessAnyD<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD.Factory
COPY - Class in org.ojalgo.array.blas
The ?copy routines perform a vector-vector operation defined as y = x, where x and y are vectors.
COPY() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.blas.COPY
copy() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.BasicMatrix
copy(Access2D<?>, int, int, double[][]) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.MatrixUtils
copy() - Method in class
copy() - Method in class
copy() - Method in class
copy() - Method in interface
Each call must produce a new instance.
copy() - Method in class
copy(BigDecimal[], int, int, int, Access2D<? extends Number>) - Static method in class
copy(double[], int, int, int, Access2D<? extends Number>) - Static method in class
copy(N[], int, int, int, Access2D<?>, Scalar.Factory<N>) - Static method in class
copy() - Method in class
copy() - Method in class
Make a deep copy of a matrix
copy(Householder<BigDecimal>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Big
copy(Householder<BigDecimal>, BigDecimal) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Big
copy(Householder<ComplexNumber>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Complex
copy(Householder<ComplexNumber>, ComplexNumber) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Complex
copy(Householder<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Generic
copy(Householder<N>, N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Generic
copy(Householder<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Primitive
copy(Householder<Double>, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Primitive
copy(ExpressionsBasedModel, ConvexSolver.Builder) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
copy() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
copy() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Options
Since v45 Wont be Cloneable either
copy() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Variable
copy() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CoordinationSet
copy(Access1D<?>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.DataSeries
copy(double[]) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.DataSeries
copy() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ExplicitTimeSeries
copy() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ImplicitTimeSeries
copy(Access1D<?>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveSeries
copy() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveSeries
copyComplexArgument(Access2D<ComplexNumber>, ElementsConsumer<?>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.MatrixUtils
Copies the argument of the ComplexNumber elements to the destination.
copyComplexImaginary(Access2D<ComplexNumber>, ElementsConsumer<?>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.MatrixUtils
Copies the imaginary part of the ComplexNumber elements to the destination.
copyComplexModulus(Access2D<ComplexNumber>, ElementsConsumer<?>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.MatrixUtils
Copies the modulus of the ComplexNumber elements to the destination.
copyComplexModulusAndArgument(Access2D<ComplexNumber>, ElementsConsumer<?>, ElementsConsumer<?>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.MatrixUtils
Simultaneously copies the modulus and argument of the ComplexNumber elements to the destinations.
copyComplexReal(Access2D<ComplexNumber>, ElementsConsumer<?>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.MatrixUtils
Copies the real part of the ComplexNumber elements to the destination.
copyComplexRealAndImaginary(Access2D<ComplexNumber>, ElementsConsumer<?>, ElementsConsumer<?>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.MatrixUtils
Simultaneously copies the real and imaginary parts of the ComplexNumber elements to the destinations.
copyEigenvector(int, Array1D<ComplexNumber>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Eigenvalue
With Java 9 this will be made private. Use Eigenvalue.getEigenvectors() or Eigenvalue.getEigenvector(int) instead.
copyOf(double[]) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Raw1D
copyOf(float[]) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Raw1D
copyOf(int[]) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Raw1D
copyOf(long[]) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Raw1D
copyOf(T[]) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Raw1D
copyOfData() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
copyOfData() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
copyOfData() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
copyOfData() - Method in class
Copy the internal two-dimensional array.
COS - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
cos() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
COS - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
cos() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
cos() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
COS - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
cos() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
COS - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
cos() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
COS - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
cos() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
cos - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Big
cos - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Complex
cos - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Generic
cos - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Primitive
COSH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
cosh() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
COSH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
cosh() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
cosh() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
COSH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
cosh() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
COSH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
cosh() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
COSH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
cosh() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
count() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.ColumnView
count() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.RowView
count() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure1D
count() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D
count() == countRows() * countColumns()
count(int[]) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD
count(int[], int) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD
count(long[]) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD
count(long[], int) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD
count() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD
count() == count(0) * count(1) * count(2) * count(3) * ...
count(int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD
count() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
count() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
count() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
count(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
count() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap
count() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
count() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
count() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Vector2
count() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Vector3
count() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Vector4
count() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Vector2
count() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Vector3
count() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Vector4
count() - Method in class
count() - Method in class
count() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.Equation
count() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Big
count() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Complex
count() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Generic
count() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Primitive
count() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Result
count() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.SampleSet
count() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
count() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
count() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries.NaturallySequenced
count() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveSeries
count(int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.tensor.Tensor
count(Calendar, Calendar) - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
count(Date, Date) - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
count(long, long) - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
count - Variable in class org.ojalgo.type.IntCount
countColumns() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D
countColumns() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
countColumns() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix2
countColumns() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix3
countColumns() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix4
countColumns() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix2
countColumns() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix3
countColumns() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix4
countColumns() - Method in class
countColumns() - Method in class
countColumns() - Method in class
countColumns() - Method in class
countColumns() - Method in class
countColumns() - Method in class
countColumns() - Method in class
countColumns() - Method in class
countColumns() - Method in class
countColumns() - Method in class
countColumns() - Method in class
countColumns() - Method in class
countColumns() - Method in class
countColumns() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
countColumns() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
countConstraints() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver.Builder
countConstraints() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.GenericSolver.Builder
countConstraints() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.linear.LinearSolver.Builder
countEqualityConstraints() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver.Builder
countEqualityConstraints() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
countExcluded() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.IndexSelector
countExpressions() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
countIncluded() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.IndexSelector
countInequalityConstraints() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver.Builder
countInequalityConstraints() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
countIntegerSolutions() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.IntegerSolver
countIterations() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.GenericSolver
countNonzeros() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
countRows() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D
countRows() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
countRows() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix2
countRows() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix3
countRows() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix4
countRows() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix2
countRows() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix3
countRows() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix4
countRows() - Method in class
countRows() - Method in class
countRows() - Method in class
countRows() - Method in class
countRows() - Method in class
countRows() - Method in class
countRows() - Method in class
countRows() - Method in class
countRows() - Method in class
countRows() - Method in class
countRows() - Method in class
countRows() - Method in class
countRows() - Method in class
countRows() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
countRows() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
countSampleSets() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.process.RandomProcess.SimulationResults
countScenarios() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.process.RandomProcess.SimulationResults
countTime() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.GenericSolver
countVariables() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver.Builder
countVariables() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
countVariables() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
countVariables() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.GenericSolver.Builder
countVariables() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.linear.LinearSolver.Builder
countZeros() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
CPU_CACHE_LINE_SIZE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.machine.Hardware
Cache-line size is (typically) 64 bytes
CR - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.netio.ASCII


DaemonPoolExecutor - Class in org.ojalgo.concurrent
DAMAX - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.array.blas.BLAS1
DAMIN - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.array.blas.BLAS1
DASUM - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.array.blas.BLAS1
data - Variable in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
data - Variable in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
data - Variable in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
data - Variable in class
DataSeries - Class in org.ojalgo.series.primitive
DATE - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries
DATE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
date() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
DATE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.type.TimeIndex
DateContext - Class in org.ojalgo.type.context
This TypeContext deals with the old Date.
DateContext() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.context.DateContext
DateContext(DatePart) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.context.DateContext
DateContext(DatePart, DateStyle, Locale) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.context.DateContext
DatePart - Enum in org.ojalgo.type.format
DateStyle - Enum in org.ojalgo.type.format
DATETIME - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
'datetime' and/or 'timestamp' as in StandardType.DATE and StandardType.TIME.
DEBUG - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger
debug() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger
debug(Object) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger
debug(String, Access2D<?>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger
debug(String, Access2D<?>, NumberContext) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger
debug(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger
debug(Class<? extends Optimisation.Solver>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Options
Will configure detailed dubug logging and validation
DECI - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigPrefix
DECI - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitivePrefix
decimal032() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
decimal064() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
DECIMAL_032 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
Precision: 7 Scale: 3 Rounding Mode: RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN Locale: JVM Default Style: NumberStyle.GENERAL
DECIMAL_064 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
Precision: 16 Scale: 8 Rounding Mode: RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN Locale: JVM Default Style: NumberStyle.GENERAL
DECIMAL_128 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
Precision: 34 Scale: 17 Rounding Mode: RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN Locale: JVM Default Style: NumberStyle.GENERAL
DECIMAL_NINE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.netio.ASCII
DECIMAL_ZERO - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.netio.ASCII
decompose(Access2D.Collectable<N, ? super PhysicalStore<N>>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.MatrixDecomposition
DecompositionStore<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition
Only classes that will act as a delegate to a MatrixDecomposition implementation from this package should implement this interface.
decrement() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.IntCount
decrement(K) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.KeyCounter
DEFAULT_COOKIE_MANAGER - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.netio.ResourceLocator
degree() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.PolynomialFunction
DEKA - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigPrefix
DEKA - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitivePrefix
DEL - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.netio.ASCII
DelimitedData - Class in org.ojalgo.netio
DelimitedData(char, LineTerminator) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.netio.DelimitedData
DenseArray<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.array
Each and every element occupies memory and holds a value.
DenseArray(DenseArray.Factory<N>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.DenseArray
DenseArray.Factory<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.array
destroy() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
destroy() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Variable
DeterminantTask<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.task
DeterminantTask.Factory<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix.task
Deterministic - Class in org.ojalgo.random
Deterministic() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.Deterministic
Deterministic(double) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.Deterministic
Deterministic(Number) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.Deterministic
diagonal(boolean) - Method in class
diagonally(MatrixStore<N>...) - Method in class
differences() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ExplicitTimeSeries
differences(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ExplicitTimeSeries
differences() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ImplicitTimeSeries
differences(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ImplicitTimeSeries
differences() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveSeries
period == 1
differences(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveSeries
dimensions() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.tensor.Tensor
DIRECT32 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
DIRECT32 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
DIRECT32 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
DIRECT32 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
DIRECT64 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
DIRECT64 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
DIRECT64 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
DIRECT64 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
DiscreteDistribution - Interface in org.ojalgo.random
Disposable - Interface in org.ojalgo.type
dispose() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
dispose() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
dispose() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.MathProgSysModel
dispose() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Model
Cleanup when a model instance is no longer needed.
dispose() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Solver
Cleanup when a solver instance is no longer needed.
dispose() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.type.Disposable
Distribution - Interface in org.ojalgo.random
divide(T) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.algebra.Operation.Division
divide(double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.algebra.ScalarOperation.Division
divide(N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.algebra.ScalarOperation.Division
DIVIDE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
divide() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
DIVIDE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
divide() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
divide() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
DIVIDE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
divide() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
DIVIDE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
divide() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
DIVIDE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
divide() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
divide(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.BigScalar
divide(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.BigScalar
divide(ComplexNumber) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
divide(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
divide(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
divide(Double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
divide(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
divide(Quaternion) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
Will calculate this * reciprocal(arg) which is not the same as reciprocal(arg) * this.
divide(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
divide(RationalNumber) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
divide(Scalar<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.scalar.Scalar
divide(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ExplicitTimeSeries
divide(PrimitiveSeries) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ExplicitTimeSeries
divide(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ImplicitTimeSeries
divide(PrimitiveSeries) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ImplicitTimeSeries
divide(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveSeries
divide(PrimitiveSeries) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveSeries
DivideAndConquer - Class in org.ojalgo.concurrent
DivideAndConquer() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.concurrent.DivideAndConquer
divideAndCopyColumn(int, int, BasicArray<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.DecompositionStore
divideAndCopyColumn(int, int, BasicArray<BigDecimal>) - Method in class
divideAndCopyColumn(int, int, BasicArray<ComplexNumber>) - Method in class
divideAndCopyColumn(int, int, BasicArray<N>) - Method in class
divideAndCopyColumn(int, int, BasicArray<Double>) - Method in class
divideElements(Access2D<?>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.BasicMatrix
Divides the elements of this with the elements of aMtrx.
doBuild(Optimisation.Options) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver.Builder
doBuild(Optimisation.Options) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.GenericSolver.Builder
doBuild(Optimisation.Options) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.linear.LinearSolver.Builder
doGeneral(Access2D.Collectable<N, ? super PhysicalStore<N>>, boolean) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.HermitianEvD
doHermitian(Access2D.Collectable<N, ? super PhysicalStore<N>>, boolean) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.HermitianEvD
dot(Access1D<?>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access1D
Will calculate and return the dot product of this 1D-structure and another input 1D-vector.
DOT - Class in org.ojalgo.array.blas
The ?dot routines perform a vector-vector reduction operation defined as Equation where xi and yi are elements of vectors x and y.
DOT() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.blas.DOT
dot(Access1D<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
dot(Access1D<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
dot(Access1D<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
dot(Access1D<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.Equation
DOTC - Class in org.ojalgo.array.blas
The ?dotc routines perform a vector-vector operation defined as: Equation
DOTC() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.blas.DOTC
DOTU - Class in org.ojalgo.array.blas
The ?dotu routines perform a vector-vector reduction operation defined as Equation where xi and yi are elements of complex vectors x and y.
DOTU() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.blas.DOTU
DOUBLE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.netio.TypeParser
doubleCosineValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Big
doubleCosineValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Complex
doubleCosineValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation
doubleCosineValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Generic
doubleCosineValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Primitive
doubleSineValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Big
doubleSineValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Complex
doubleSineValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation
doubleSineValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Generic
doubleSineValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Primitive
doubleValue(long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access1D
doubleValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Access1D.ElementView
doubleValue(long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D
doubleValue(long, long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D
Extracts one element of this matrix as a double.
doubleValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.ElementView
doubleValue(long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.AccessAnyD
Will pass through each matching element position calling the through function.
doubleValue(long[]) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.AccessAnyD
doubleValue() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.AccessScalar
doubleValue(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.ColumnView
doubleValue(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.RowView
doubleValue(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
doubleValue(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
doubleValue(long, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
doubleValue(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
doubleValue(long[]) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
doubleValue(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap
doubleValue(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
doubleValue(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
doubleValue(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
doubleValue(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
doubleValue(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
doubleValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray.NonzeroView
doubleValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BinaryFunction.FixedFirst
doubleValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BinaryFunction.FixedSecond
doubleValue() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.NullaryFunction
doubleValue(int, int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix2
doubleValue(int, int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix3
doubleValue(int, int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix4
doubleValue(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Vector2
doubleValue(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Vector3
doubleValue(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Vector4
doubleValue(int, int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix2
doubleValue(int, int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix3
doubleValue(int, int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix4
doubleValue(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Vector2
doubleValue(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Vector3
doubleValue(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Vector4
doubleValue(long, long) - Method in class
doubleValue(long, long) - Method in class
doubleValue(long, long) - Method in class
doubleValue(long, long) - Method in class
doubleValue(long, long) - Method in interface
doubleValue(long, long) - Method in class
doubleValue(long, long) - Method in class
doubleValue(long, long) - Method in class
doubleValue(long, long) - Method in class
doubleValue(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.Equation
doubleValue(int, int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.MutableSolver
doubleValue(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Big
doubleValue(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Complex
doubleValue(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Generic
doubleValue(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Primitive
doubleValue(R, String) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.TableData
doubleValue(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Result
doubleValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Normal1D
doubleValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.RandomNumber
doubleValue(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.SampleSet
doubleValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.BigScalar
doubleValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
doubleValue(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
doubleValue(long, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
doubleValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
doubleValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
doubleValue(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
doubleValue(long, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
doubleValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
doubleValue(K) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries
doubleValue(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CalendarDateSeries
doubleValue(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveSeries
doubleValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateDuration
duplicate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.IntCount


E - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
E - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
Eigenpair(ComplexNumber, Access1D<ComplexNumber>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Eigenvalue.Eigenpair
Eigenvalue<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition
[A] = [V][D][V]-1 ([A][V] = [V][D]) [A] = any square matrix. [V] = contains the eigenvectors as columns. [D] = a diagonal matrix with the eigenvalues on the diagonal (possibly in blocks).
Eigenvalue.Eigenpair - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition
Eigenvalue.Factory<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition
EIGHT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
EIGHT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
EIGHTH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
EIGHTH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
elements() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access1D
Returns an Iterable of ElementView1D.
elements() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D
ElementsConsumer<N extends Number> - Interface in
ElementsConsumer.ColumnsRegion<N extends Number> - Class in
ElementsConsumer.ConsumerRegion<N extends Number> - Class in
ElementsConsumer.FillByMultiplying<N extends Number> - Interface in
ElementsConsumer.LimitRegion<N extends Number> - Class in
ElementsConsumer.OffsetRegion<N extends Number> - Class in
ElementsConsumer.RowsRegion<N extends Number> - Class in
ElementsConsumer.TransposedRegion<N extends Number> - Class in
ElementsSupplier<N extends Number> - Interface in
An elements supplier is not (yet) a matrix, but there are several matrix related things you can do with them: You can query the size/shape of the (future) matrix. You can supply the elements to an already existing matrix (or more precisely to an ElementsConsumer) or collect them using a Factory2D. You can define a stream of additional operations to be executed when the elements are extracted. You can get that matrix
ElementView(ElementView1D<N, ?>, long) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.ElementView
ElementView1D<N extends Number,V extends ElementView1D<N,V>> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
ElementView2D<N extends Number,V extends ElementView2D<N,V>> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
ELEVEN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
ELEVEN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
ELEVENTH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
ELEVENTH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
encrypt(String) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.netio.Password
encrypt(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.netio.Password
enforce(NumberContext) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
enforce(NumberContext) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
enforce(NumberContext) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
enforce(NumberContext) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
enforce(NumberContext) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
enforce(NumberContext) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
enforce(NumberContext) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.BasicMatrix
Will enforce this number context on the elements
enforce(NumberContext) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.BigScalar
enforce(NumberContext) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
Will call NumberContext.enforce(double) on the real and imaginary parts separately.
enforce(NumberContext) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
enforce(NumberContext) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
enforce(NumberContext) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
enforce(byte[]) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.BinaryContext
enforce(Boolean) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.BooleanContext
enforce(Date) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.DateContext
enforce(T) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.GenericContext
enforce(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
Will first enforce the precision, and then the scale.
enforce(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
Does not enforce the precision and does not use the specified rounding mode.
enforce(Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
enforce(NumberContext) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext.Enforceable
enforce(String) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.StringContext
enforce(T) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.TemporalContext
enforce(T) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.type.context.TypeContext
Will force the object to conform to the context's specification.
entrySet() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap
ENVIRONMENT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.OjAlgoUtils
This is set for you, but you may want to set it to something different/better.
epsilon() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
equalities(MatrixStore<Double>, MatrixStore<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver.Builder
equalities(MatrixStore<Double>, MatrixStore<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.linear.LinearSolver.Builder
equals(Access1D<?>, Access1D<?>, NumberContext) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access1D
equals(Access2D<?>, Access2D<?>, NumberContext) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D
equals(AccessAnyD<?>, AccessAnyD<?>, NumberContext) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.AccessAnyD
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Structure1D.IntIndex
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Structure1D.LongIndex
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D.IntRowColumn
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D.LongRowColumn
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D.RowColumnKey
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD.IntReference
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD.LongReference
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BigArray
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ComplexArray
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.QuaternionArray
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.RationalArray
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.FirstOrderApproximation
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.SecondOrderApproximation
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.machine.BasicMachine
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.machine.Hardware
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.machine.VirtualMachine
equals(Access2D<?>, NumberContext) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.BasicMatrix
equals(MatrixStore<N>, Bidiagonal<N>, NumberContext) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Bidiagonal
equals(MatrixStore<N>, Cholesky<N>, NumberContext) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Cholesky
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Eigenvalue.Eigenpair
equals(MatrixStore<N>, Eigenvalue<N>, NumberContext) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Eigenvalue
equals(MatrixStore<N>, Hessenberg<N>, NumberContext) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Hessenberg
equals(MatrixStore<N>, LDL<N>, NumberContext) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.LDL
equals(MatrixStore<N>, NumberContext) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.LDL
equals(MatrixStore<N>, LU<N>, NumberContext) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.LU
equals(MatrixStore<N>, QR<N>, NumberContext) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.QR
equals(MatrixStore<N>, Schur<N>, NumberContext) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Schur
equals(MatrixStore<N>, SingularValue<N>, NumberContext) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.SingularValue
equals(MatrixStore<N>, Tridiagonal<N>, NumberContext) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Tridiagonal
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix2
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix3
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix4
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Vector2
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Vector3
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Vector4
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix2
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix3
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix4
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Vector2
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Vector3
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Vector4
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(MatrixStore<N>, NumberContext) - Method in interface
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.Equation
EQUALS - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.netio.ASCII
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharacterRing
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharacterRing.OutputStreamBuffer
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharacterRing.PrinterBuffer
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharacterRing.WriterBuffer
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.MathProgSysModel
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Result
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.BigScalar
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateDuration
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.IntCount
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.KeyCounter
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.ComparableToDouble
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.ComparableToObject
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.IntToDouble
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.IntToObject
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.LongToDouble
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.LongToObject
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.MapEntry
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.MethodToAtomicLong
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.StringToDouble
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.StringToInt
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.StringToObject
Equation - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative
Equation(int, long, double) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.Equation
Equation(int, long, double, int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.Equation
erf(double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.random.RandomUtils
erfc(double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.random.RandomUtils
erfi(double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.random.RandomUtils
Erlang - Class in org.ojalgo.random
Distribution of the sum of aCount random variables with an exponential distribution with parameter aLambda.
Erlang() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.Erlang
Erlang(int, double) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.Erlang
ERROR - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger
error() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger
error(Object) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger
error(String, Access2D<?>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger
error(String, Access2D<?>, NumberContext) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger
error(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger
error(String, Object...) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.GenericSolver
estimate(Access1D<?>, Access1D<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.BigPolynomial
estimate(Access1D<?>, Access1D<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.ComplexPolynomial
estimate(Access1D<?>, Access1D<?>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.PolynomialFunction
estimate(List<? extends Number>, List<? extends Number>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.PolynomialFunction
estimate(NumberSeries<?>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.PolynomialFunction
estimate(Access1D<?>, Access1D<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.PrimitivePolynomial
estimate(Access1D<?>, Access1D<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.RationalPolynomial
estimate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.machine.MemoryEstimator
estimate(Access1D<?>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.random.LogNormal
estimate(Access1D<?>, double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.random.process.GeometricBrownianMotion
estimateArray(Class<?>, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.machine.MemoryEstimator
estimateObject(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.machine.MemoryEstimator
estimateSize() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Access1D.ElementView
estimateSize() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.ElementView
estimateSize() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray.NonzeroView
estimateSizeOfWrapperClass() - Method in enum org.ojalgo.machine.JavaType
evaluate(Access1D<BigDecimal>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
evaluateFunction(Access1D<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
evaluateFunction(Access1D<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.GenericSolver
evaluateFunction(Access1D<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.IntegerSolver
evaluateFunction(Access1D<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.linear.SimplexSolver
EvD1D - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition
EvD1D() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.EvD1D
EvD2D - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition
EvD2D() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.EvD2D
EXA - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigPrefix
EXA - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitivePrefix
exchange(long, long, long, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BasicArray
exchange(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
exchange(float[], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
exchange(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
exchange(double[], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
exchange(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
exchange(N[], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
exchange(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
exchange(long, long, long, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
exchangeColumns(long, long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Exchangeable
exchangeColumns(long, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
exchangeColumns(double[][], int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Raw2D
exchangeColumns(int, int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.DecompositionStore
ExchangeColumns - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.function
exchangeColumns(int, int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.function.ExchangeColumns
exchangeColumns(long, long) - Method in class
exchangeColumns(long, long) - Method in class
exchangeColumns(long, long) - Method in class
exchangeColumns(long, long) - Method in class
exchangeColumns(long, long) - Method in class
exchangeHermitian(int, int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.DecompositionStore
exchangeHermitian(int, int) - Method in class
exchangeHermitian(int, int) - Method in class
exchangeHermitian(int, int) - Method in class
exchangeHermitian(int, int) - Method in class
exchangeRows(long, long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Exchangeable
exchangeRows(long, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
exchangeRows(double[][], int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Raw2D
exchangeRows(long, long) - Method in class
exchangeRows(long, long) - Method in class
exchangeRows(long, long) - Method in class
exchangeRows(long, long) - Method in class
exchangeRows(long, long) - Method in class
exclude(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.IndexSelector
exclude(int[]) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.IndexSelector
excludeAll() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.IndexSelector
EXP - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
exp() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
EXP - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
exp() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
exp() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
EXP - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
exp() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
EXP - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
exp() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
EXP - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
exp() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
exp() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ExplicitTimeSeries
exp() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ImplicitTimeSeries
exp() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveSeries
ExplicitTimeSeries - Class in org.ojalgo.series.primitive
ExplicitTimeSeries(long[], PrimitiveSeries) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ExplicitTimeSeries
EXPM1 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
expm1() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
EXPM1 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
expm1() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
expm1() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
EXPM1 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
expm1() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
EXPM1 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
expm1() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
EXPM1 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
expm1() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
Exponential - Class in org.ojalgo.random
Distribution of length of life when no aging.
Exponential() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.Exponential
Exponential(double) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.Exponential
Expression - Class in org.ojalgo.optimisation
Think of an Expression as one constraint or a component to the objective function.
Expression(Expression, ExpressionsBasedModel, boolean) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
ExpressionsBasedModel - Class in org.ojalgo.optimisation
Lets you construct optimisation problems by combining (mathematical) expressions in terms of variables.
ExpressionsBasedModel() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
ExpressionsBasedModel(Collection<? extends Variable>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
ExpressionsBasedModel(Optimisation.Options) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
ExpressionsBasedModel(Variable...) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
ExpressionsBasedModel.Integration<S extends Optimisation.Solver> - Class in org.ojalgo.optimisation
ExpressionsBasedModel.Presolver - Class in org.ojalgo.optimisation
extractSolution() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
extractSolution() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.GenericSolver
Should be able to feed this to GenericSolver.evaluateFunction(Access1D).
extractSolution() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.NewIntegerSolver
extractSolution() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.OldIntegerSolver
extractSolution() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.linear.SimplexSolver
Extract solution MatrixStore from the tableau
extractSolverState(ExpressionsBasedModel) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel.Integration
extractSolverState(M) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Integration
Extract state from the model and convert it to solver state.


factorial(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.random.RandomUtils
factory(DenseArray.Factory<N>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
factory(DenseArray.Factory<N>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
factory(DenseArray.Factory<N>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
factory(DenseArray.Factory<N>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.BasicArray
FACTORY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.array.BigArray
FACTORY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.array.ComplexArray
Factory() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.DenseArray.Factory
factory(DenseArray.Factory<N>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap
factory(DenseArray.Factory<N>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
FACTORY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
FACTORY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
FACTORY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.array.QuaternionArray
FACTORY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.array.RationalArray
factory(DenseArray.Factory<N>, long) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
factory() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.CompoundFunction
factory() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.ConstantFunction
factory() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.FirstOrderApproximation
factory() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.LinearFunction
factory() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.QuadraticFunction
factory() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.SecondOrderApproximation
FACTORY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.BigMatrix
v45 Use RationalMatrix.FACTORY instead.
FACTORY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.ComplexMatrix
FACTORY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.PrimitiveMatrix
FACTORY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.QuaternionMatrix
FACTORY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.RationalMatrix
FACTORY - Static variable in class
FACTORY - Static variable in class
FACTORY - Static variable in class
FACTORY - Static variable in class
Factory() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.DeterminantTask.Factory
Factory() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.InverterTask.Factory
Factory() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.SolverTask.Factory
FACTORY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.BigScalar
FACTORY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
FACTORY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
FACTORY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
FACTORY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
Factory1D<I extends Structure1D> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
Factory2D<I extends Structure2D> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
FactoryAnyD<I extends StructureAnyD> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
feasibility - Variable in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Options
Used to determine/validate feasibility.
FEMTO - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigPrefix
FEMTO - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitivePrefix
Field<S> - Interface in org.ojalgo.algebra
A field is a commutative ring (even the multiplication operation) with notions of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
fill(long, long, long, N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BasicArray
fill(long, long, long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BasicArray
fill(BufferArray, Access1D<?>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
fill(BufferArray, int, int, int, double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
fill(BufferArray, int, int, int, NullaryFunction<?>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
fill(int, int, Access1D<Double>, BinaryFunction<Double>, Access1D<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
fill(int, int, Access1D<Double>, BinaryFunction<Double>, Double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
fill(int, int, Double, BinaryFunction<Double>, Access1D<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
fill(int, int, int, Double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
fill(int, int, int, NullaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
fill(float[], Access1D<?>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
fill(float[], int, int, int, float) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
fill(float[], int, int, int, NullaryFunction<Double>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
fill(int, int, Access1D<Double>, BinaryFunction<Double>, Access1D<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
fill(int, int, Access1D<Double>, BinaryFunction<Double>, Double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
fill(int, int, Double, BinaryFunction<Double>, Access1D<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
fill(int, int, int, Double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
fill(int, int, int, NullaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
fill(double[], Access1D<?>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
fill(double[], int, int, int, double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
fill(double[], int, int, int, NullaryFunction<Double>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
fill(int, int, Access1D<Double>, BinaryFunction<Double>, Access1D<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
fill(int, int, Access1D<Double>, BinaryFunction<Double>, Double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
fill(int, int, Double, BinaryFunction<Double>, Access1D<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
fill(int, int, int, Double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
fill(int, int, int, NullaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
fill(N[], int, int, int, N) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
fill(N[], int, int, int, NullaryFunction<N>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
fill(int, int, Access1D<N>, BinaryFunction<N>, Access1D<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
fill(int, int, Access1D<N>, BinaryFunction<N>, N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
fill(int, int, int, N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
fill(int, int, int, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
fill(int, int, N, BinaryFunction<N>, Access1D<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
fill(long, long, long, N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
fill(long, long, long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
fillAll(N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate1D.Fillable
fillAll(NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate1D.Fillable
fillAll(N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
fillAll(NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
fillAll(N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
fillAll(NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
fillAll(N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
fillAll(NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
fillAll(double[][], double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Raw2D
fillAll(double[][], DoubleSupplier) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Raw2D
fillAll(N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
fillAll(NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
fillAll(N) - Method in class
fillAll(NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
fillAll(Double) - Method in class
fillAll(NullaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class
fillByMultiplying(Access1D<BigDecimal>, Access1D<BigDecimal>) - Method in class
fillByMultiplying(Access1D<ComplexNumber>, Access1D<ComplexNumber>) - Method in class
fillByMultiplying(Access1D<N>, Access1D<N>) - Method in class
fillByMultiplying(Access1D<N>, Access1D<N>) - Method in interface
fillByMultiplying(Access1D<N>, Access1D<N>) - Method in class
fillByMultiplying(Access1D<Double>, Access1D<Double>) - Method in class
fillByMultiplying(Access1D<Double>, Access1D<Double>) - Method in class
fillByMultiplying(Access1D<N>, Access1D<N>) - Method in class
fillColumn(long, Access1D<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Fillable
fillColumn(long, long, Access1D<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Fillable
fillColumn(long, long, N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Fillable
fillColumn(long, long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Fillable
fillColumn(long, N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Fillable
fillColumn(long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Fillable
fillColumn(long, long, Access1D<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
fillColumn(long, long, N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
fillColumn(long, long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
fillColumn(double[][], int, int, double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Raw2D
fillColumn(double[][], int, int, DoubleSupplier) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Raw2D
fillColumn(long, long, Access1D<BigDecimal>) - Method in class
fillColumn(long, long, BigDecimal) - Method in class
fillColumn(long, long, NullaryFunction<BigDecimal>) - Method in class
fillColumn(long, long, Access1D<ComplexNumber>) - Method in class
fillColumn(long, long, ComplexNumber) - Method in class
fillColumn(long, long, NullaryFunction<ComplexNumber>) - Method in class
fillColumn(long, long, Access1D<N>) - Method in class
fillColumn(long, long, N) - Method in class
fillColumn(long, long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
fillColumn(long, long, N) - Method in class
fillColumn(long, long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
fillColumn(long, long, N) - Method in class
fillColumn(long, long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
fillColumn(long, long, Access1D<N>) - Method in class
fillColumn(long, long, N) - Method in class
fillColumn(long, long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
fillColumn(long, long, Access1D<Double>) - Method in class
fillColumn(long, long, Double) - Method in class
fillColumn(long, long, NullaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class
fillColumn(long, long, Double) - Method in class
fillColumn(long, long, NullaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class
fillDiagonal(Access1D<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Fillable
fillDiagonal(long, long, Access1D<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Fillable
fillDiagonal(long, long, N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Fillable
fillDiagonal(long, long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Fillable
fillDiagonal(N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Fillable
fillDiagonal(NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Fillable
fillDiagonal(long, long, N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
fillDiagonal(long, long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
fillDiagonal(double[][], int, int, double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Raw2D
fillDiagonal(double[][], int, int, DoubleSupplier) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Raw2D
fillDiagonal(long, long, BigDecimal) - Method in class
fillDiagonal(long, long, NullaryFunction<BigDecimal>) - Method in class
fillDiagonal(long, long, ComplexNumber) - Method in class
fillDiagonal(long, long, NullaryFunction<ComplexNumber>) - Method in class
fillDiagonal(long, long, N) - Method in class
fillDiagonal(long, long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
fillDiagonal(long, long, N) - Method in class
fillDiagonal(long, long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
fillDiagonal(long, long, N) - Method in class
fillDiagonal(long, long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
fillDiagonal(long, long, Double) - Method in class
fillDiagonal(long, long, NullaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class
fillDiagonal(long, long, Double) - Method in class
fillDiagonal(long, long, NullaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class
fillMatching(Access1D<?>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate1D.Fillable
Will fill the elements of [this] with the corresponding input values, and in the process (if necessary) convert the elements to the correct type:
fillMatching(Access1D<N>, BinaryFunction<N>, Access1D<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate1D.Fillable
fillMatching(UnaryFunction<N>, Access1D<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate1D.Fillable
fillMatching(Access1D<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
fillMatching(Access1D<Double>, BinaryFunction<Double>, Access1D<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
fillMatching(UnaryFunction<Double>, Access1D<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
fillMatching(Access1D<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
fillMatching(Access1D<Double>, BinaryFunction<Double>, Access1D<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
fillMatching(UnaryFunction<Double>, Access1D<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
fillMatching(double[][], double, DoubleBinaryOperator, double[][]) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Raw2D
fillMatching(double[][], double[][], DoubleBinaryOperator, double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Raw2D
fillMatching(double[][], double[][], DoubleBinaryOperator, double[][]) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Raw2D
fillMatching(Access1D<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
fillMatching(Access1D<N>, BinaryFunction<N>, Access1D<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
fillMatching(UnaryFunction<N>, Access1D<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
fillMatching(Access1D<?>) - Method in class
fillMatching(Access1D<N>, BinaryFunction<N>, Access1D<N>) - Method in class
fillMatching(UnaryFunction<N>, Access1D<N>) - Method in class
fillMatching(Access1D<?>) - Method in class
fillMatching(Access1D<Double>, BinaryFunction<Double>, Access1D<Double>) - Method in class
fillMatching(UnaryFunction<Double>, Access1D<Double>) - Method in class
fillMatching(Access1D<?>) - Method in class
fillMatching(Access1D<Double>, BinaryFunction<Double>, Access1D<Double>) - Method in class
fillMatching(Access1D<Double>, BinaryFunction<Double>, Double) - Method in class
fillMatching(Double, BinaryFunction<Double>, Access1D<Double>) - Method in class
FillMatchingDual - Class in
FillMatchingSingle - Class in
fillOne(long, Access1D<?>, long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate1D.Fillable
fillOne(long, N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate1D.Fillable
fillOne(long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate1D.Fillable
fillOne(long, Access1D<?>, long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Fillable
fillOne(long, long, Access1D<?>, long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Fillable
fillOne(long, long, N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Fillable
fillOne(long, long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Fillable
fillOne(long, N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Fillable
fillOne(long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Fillable
fillOne(long[], N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.MutateAnyD.Fillable
fillOne(long[], NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.MutateAnyD.Fillable
fillOne(long, Access1D<?>, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
fillOne(long, N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
fillOne(long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
fillOne(long, Access1D<?>, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
fillOne(long, long, Access1D<?>, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
fillOne(long, long, N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
fillOne(long, long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
fillOne(long, N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
fillOne(long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
fillOne(long, Access1D<?>, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
fillOne(long, N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
fillOne(long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
fillOne(long[], N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
fillOne(long[], NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
fillOne(int, Access1D<?>, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
fillOne(int, Double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
fillOne(int, NullaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
fillOne(int, Access1D<?>, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
fillOne(int, Double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
fillOne(int, NullaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
fillOne(int, Access1D<?>, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
fillOne(int, Double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
fillOne(int, NullaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
fillOne(int, Access1D<?>, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
fillOne(int, N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
fillOne(int, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
fillOne(long, Access1D<?>, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
fillOne(long, N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
fillOne(long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
fillOne(long, long, Access1D<?>, long) - Method in class
fillOne(long, long, BigDecimal) - Method in class
fillOne(long, long, NullaryFunction<BigDecimal>) - Method in class
fillOne(long, long, Access1D<?>, long) - Method in class
fillOne(long, long, ComplexNumber) - Method in class
fillOne(long, long, NullaryFunction<ComplexNumber>) - Method in class
fillOne(long, long, Access1D<?>, long) - Method in class
fillOne(long, long, N) - Method in class
fillOne(long, long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
fillOne(long, long, Access1D<?>, long) - Method in class
fillOne(long, long, N) - Method in class
fillOne(long, long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
fillOne(long, long, Access1D<?>, long) - Method in class
fillOne(long, long, N) - Method in class
fillOne(long, long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
fillOne(long, long, Access1D<?>, long) - Method in class
fillOne(long, long, N) - Method in class
fillOne(long, long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
fillOne(long, long, Access1D<?>, long) - Method in class
fillOne(long, long, N) - Method in class
fillOne(long, long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
fillOne(long, long, Access1D<?>, long) - Method in class
fillOne(long, long, N) - Method in class
fillOne(long, long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
fillOne(long, long, Access1D<?>, long) - Method in class
fillOne(long, long, Double) - Method in class
fillOne(long, long, NullaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class
fillOne(long, long, Access1D<?>, long) - Method in class
fillOne(long, long, Double) - Method in class
fillOne(long, long, NullaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class
fillOne(long, long, Access1D<?>, long) - Method in class
fillOne(long, long, N) - Method in class
fillOne(long, long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
fillRange(long, long, N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate1D.Fillable
fillRange(long, long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate1D.Fillable
fillRange(long, long, N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
fillRange(long, long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
fillRange(long, long, N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
fillRange(long, long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
fillRange(long, long, N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
fillRange(long, long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
fillRange(double[][], int, int, double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Raw2D
fillRange(double[][], int, int, DoubleSupplier) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Raw2D
fillRange(long, long, N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
fillRange(long, long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
fillRange(long, long, Double) - Method in class
fillRange(long, long, NullaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class
fillRow(long, Access1D<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Fillable
fillRow(long, long, Access1D<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Fillable
fillRow(long, long, N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Fillable
fillRow(long, long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Fillable
fillRow(long, N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Fillable
fillRow(long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Fillable
fillRow(long, long, Access1D<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
fillRow(long, long, N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
fillRow(long, long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
fillRow(double[][], int, int, double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Raw2D
fillRow(double[][], int, int, DoubleSupplier) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Raw2D
fillRow(long, long, Access1D<BigDecimal>) - Method in class
fillRow(long, long, BigDecimal) - Method in class
fillRow(long, long, NullaryFunction<BigDecimal>) - Method in class
fillRow(long, long, Access1D<ComplexNumber>) - Method in class
fillRow(long, long, ComplexNumber) - Method in class
fillRow(long, long, NullaryFunction<ComplexNumber>) - Method in class
fillRow(long, long, N) - Method in class
fillRow(long, long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
fillRow(long, long, Access1D<N>) - Method in class
fillRow(long, long, N) - Method in class
fillRow(long, long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
fillRow(long, long, N) - Method in class
fillRow(long, long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
fillRow(long, long, Access1D<N>) - Method in class
fillRow(long, long, N) - Method in class
fillRow(long, long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
fillRow(long, long, Access1D<Double>) - Method in class
fillRow(long, long, Double) - Method in class
fillRow(long, long, NullaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class
fillRow(long, long, Double) - Method in class
fillRow(long, long, NullaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class
fillSet(int, long, N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.MutateAnyD.Fillable
fillSet(int, long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.MutateAnyD.Fillable
fillSet(long[], int, N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.MutateAnyD.Fillable
fillSet(long[], int, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.MutateAnyD.Fillable
fillSet(int, long, N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
fillSet(int, long, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
fillSet(long[], int, N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
fillSet(long[], int, NullaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
filter(CalendarDateUnit) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
findEarliestFirstKey(Collection<? extends BasicSeries<K, ?>>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries
findEarliestLastKey(Collection<? extends BasicSeries<K, ?>>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries
findLatestFirstKey(Collection<? extends BasicSeries<K, ?>>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries
findLatestLastKey(Collection<? extends BasicSeries<K, ?>>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries
first(double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.BinaryFunction
first(N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.BinaryFunction
Turns this binary function into a unary function with the first argument fixed/locked to the specified value.
first - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Big
first() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Big
first - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Complex
first() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Complex
first() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder
Regardless of what is actually returned by Access1D.doubleValue(long) and/or Access1D.get(long) vector elements with indeces less than 'first' should be assumed to be, and treated as if they are, zero.
first - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Generic
first() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Generic
first - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Primitive
first() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Primitive
first() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ExplicitTimeSeries
first() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ImplicitTimeSeries
first() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveTimeSeries
firstInColumn(Access1D<?>, int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.MatrixUtils
firstInColumn(Access1D<?>, long, long) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.MatrixUtils
firstInColumn(int) - Method in interface
The default value is simply 0, and if all elements are zeros then this.countRows().
firstInColumn(int) - Method in class
firstInRange(long, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
firstInRow(Access1D<?>, int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.MatrixUtils
firstInRow(Access1D<?>, long, long) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.MatrixUtils
firstInRow(int) - Method in interface
The default value is simply 0, and if all elements are zeros then this.countColumns().
firstInRow(int) - Method in class
firstKey() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap
FirstOrderApproximation<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.function.multiary
FirstOrderApproximation(MultiaryFunction.TwiceDifferentiable<N>, Access1D<N>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.FirstOrderApproximation
firstValue() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries
FITH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
FITH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
FIVE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
FIVE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
FIXED_OR_UNBOUNDED - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Presolvers
Verifies that the variable is actually referenced/used in some expression.
floatValue() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.AccessScalar
floatValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.RandomNumber
floatValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.BigScalar
floatValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
floatValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
floatValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
floatValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
floatValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateDuration
FLOOR - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
floor() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
FLOOR - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
floor() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
floor() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
FLOOR - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
floor() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
FLOOR - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
floor() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
FLOOR - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
floor() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
flush(Appendable) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.Buffer
flush(BasicLogger.Printer) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.Buffer
flush(PrintStream) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.Buffer
flush(PrintWriter) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.Buffer
flush(BasicLogger.Printer) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharacterRing
flush(BasicLogger.Printer) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharacterRing.OutputStreamBuffer
flush(BasicLogger.Printer) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharacterRing.PrinterBuffer
flush() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharacterRing.WriterBuffer
flush(BasicLogger.Printer) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharacterRing.WriterBuffer
flushCache() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.BasicMatrix
BasicMatrix instances are intended to be immutable.
flushCache() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.TypeCache
fma(double, double, double) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.array.blas.BLAS1
forEachRemaining(Consumer<? super V>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.ElementView1D
forEachRemaining(Consumer<? super SparseArray.NonzeroView<N>>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray.NonzeroView
format(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
format(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
format(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.TemporalContext
format(Object) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.type.context.TypeContext
format(Object, StringBuffer, FieldPosition) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.format.BinaryFormat
format(Object, StringBuffer, FieldPosition) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.format.BooleanFormat
format(Object, StringBuffer, FieldPosition) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.format.StringFormat
format(double, StringBuffer, FieldPosition) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.format.TransformationFormat
format(long, StringBuffer, FieldPosition) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.format.TransformationFormat
format(Object, StringBuffer, FieldPosition) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.format.TransformationFormat
format(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.TypeUtils
Compatible with slf4j.
FOUR - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
FOUR - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
fragment(String) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.ResourceLocator
from(List<? extends BasicSeries<K, ?>>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.CoordinatedSet
from(TemporalAccessor) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
from(T) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.TimeIndex
from(T, CalendarDate.Resolution) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.TimeIndex
function() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D.Factory
function() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D.Factory
function() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD.Factory
function() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BasicArray.Factory
function() - Method in interface
FunctionSet<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.function
A predefined/standard set of functions.
FunctionSet() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
FunctionUtils - Class in org.ojalgo.function


Gamma - Class in org.ojalgo.random
Distribution of the sum of aCount random variables with an exponential distribution with parameter aLambda.
Gamma() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.Gamma
Gamma(double, double) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.Gamma
gamma(double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.random.RandomUtils
Lanczos approximation.
GaussianField<K extends Comparable<? super K>> - Class in org.ojalgo.random.process
A Gaussian process is a stochastic process whose realizations consist of random values associated with every point in a range of times (or of space) such that each such random variable has a normal distribution.
GaussianField(GaussianField.Covariance<K>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.process.GaussianField
GaussianField(GaussianField.Mean<K>, GaussianField.Covariance<K>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.process.GaussianField
GaussianField.Covariance<K extends Comparable<? super K>> - Interface in org.ojalgo.random.process
GaussianField.Mean<K extends Comparable<? super K>> - Interface in org.ojalgo.random.process
GaussianProcess - Class in org.ojalgo.random.process
A Gaussian process is a stochastic process whose realizations consist of random values associated with every point in a range of times (or of space) such that each such random variable has a normal distribution.
GaussianProcess(GaussianField.Covariance<Double>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.process.GaussianProcess
GaussianProcess(GaussianField.Mean<Double>, GaussianField.Covariance<Double>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.process.GaussianProcess
GaussSeidelSolver - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative
GaussSeidelSolver() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.GaussSeidelSolver
generate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Binomial
generate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Deterministic
generate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Erlang
generate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Exponential
generate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Gamma
A Convenient Way of Generating Gamma Random Variables Using Generalized Exponential Distribution
generate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Geometric
generate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.LogNormal
generate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Normal
generate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Poisson
generate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.RandomNumber
generate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Uniform
generate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Weibull
generateApplyAndCopyHouseholderColumn(int, int, Householder<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.DecompositionStore
generateApplyAndCopyHouseholderColumn(int, int, Householder<BigDecimal>) - Method in class
generateApplyAndCopyHouseholderColumn(int, int, Householder<ComplexNumber>) - Method in class
generateApplyAndCopyHouseholderColumn(int, int, Householder<N>) - Method in class
GenerateApplyAndCopyHouseholderColumn - Class in
generateApplyAndCopyHouseholderColumn(int, int, Householder<Double>) - Method in class
generateApplyAndCopyHouseholderRow(int, int, Householder<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.DecompositionStore
generateApplyAndCopyHouseholderRow(int, int, Householder<BigDecimal>) - Method in class
generateApplyAndCopyHouseholderRow(int, int, Householder<ComplexNumber>) - Method in class
generateApplyAndCopyHouseholderRow(int, int, Householder<N>) - Method in class
GenerateApplyAndCopyHouseholderRow - Class in
generateApplyAndCopyHouseholderRow(int, int, Householder<Double>) - Method in class
generateCut(Expression, Optimisation.Result) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
Generic(Scalar.Factory<N>, Householder<N>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Generic
Generic(Scalar.Factory<N>, int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Generic
Generic(int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Generic
Generic(int, int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Generic
Generic(int, int, N, N) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Generic
Generic(Rotation<N>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Generic
GenericContext<T> - Class in org.ojalgo.type.context
GenericContext(Format) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.context.GenericContext
GenericDenseStore<N extends Number & Scalar<N>> - Class in
A N implementation of PhysicalStore.
GenericDenseStore.GenericMultiplyBoth<N extends Number & Scalar<N>> - Interface in
GenericDenseStore.GenericMultiplyLeft<N extends Number & Scalar<N>> - Interface in
GenericDenseStore.GenericMultiplyNeither<N extends Number & Scalar<N>> - Interface in
GenericDenseStore.GenericMultiplyRight<N extends Number & Scalar<N>> - Interface in
GenericSolver - Class in org.ojalgo.optimisation
GenericSolver(Optimisation.Options) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.optimisation.GenericSolver
GenericSolver.Builder<B extends GenericSolver.Builder<?,?>,S extends GenericSolver> - Class in org.ojalgo.optimisation
Geometric - Class in org.ojalgo.random
The number of required trials until an event with probability aProbability occurs has a geometric distribution.
Geometric() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.Geometric
Geometric(double) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.Geometric
GeometricBrownian1D - Class in org.ojalgo.random.process
GeometricBrownian1D(Access2D<?>, List<? extends GeometricBrownianMotion>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.process.GeometricBrownian1D
GeometricBrownian1D(List<? extends GeometricBrownianMotion>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.process.GeometricBrownian1D
GeometricBrownianMotion - Class in org.ojalgo.random.process
Diffusion process defined by a stochastic differential equation: dX = r X dt + s X dW A stochastic process is said to follow a geometric Brownian motion if it satisfies this stochastic differential equation.
GeometricBrownianMotion(double, double) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.process.GeometricBrownianMotion
get() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Access1D.ElementView
get(long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access1D
get() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.ElementView
get(long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D
get(long, long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D
get(long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.AccessAnyD
get(long[]) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.AccessAnyD
get() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.AccessScalar
get(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.ColumnView
get(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.RowView
get(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
get(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
get(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
get(long, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
get(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
get(long[]) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
get(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
get(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap
get(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap
get(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
get(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
get(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
get(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
get(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
get(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
get() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray.NonzeroView
get(Aggregator) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.AggregatorSet
get() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.NullaryFunction
get() - Method in class
get(long, long) - Method in class
get(long, long) - Method in class
get() - Method in class
get(long, long) - Method in class
get() - Method in interface
get() - Method in class
get(long, long) - Method in class
get() - Method in interface
get() - Method in class
get() - Method in class
get(long, long) - Method in class
get() - Method in class
get(long, long) - Method in class
get(long, long) - Method in class
get(long, long) - Method in class
get(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.Equation
get(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Big
get(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Complex
get(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Generic
get(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Primitive
get(Structure1D.IntIndex) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
get(Structure2D.IntRowColumn) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
get(Variable) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
get(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Result
get(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.SampleSet
get() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.BigScalar
get() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
get(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
get(long, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
get() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
get() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
get(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
get(long, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
get() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
get(K) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries
get(CalendarDate) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CalendarDateSeries
get(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CalendarDateSeries
get(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CoordinationSet
get(String) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CoordinationSet
get(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.NumberSeries
get(N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.NumberSeries
get(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveSeries
get(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveSeries
get() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.Alternator
get(TemporalUnit) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateDuration
get(TemporalUnit) - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
get(K) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.KeyCounter
getAdjustedGradient(Access1D<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
getAdjustedHessian() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
getAdjustedLinearFactor(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
getAdjustedLinearFactor(Structure1D.IntIndex) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
getAdjustedLinearFactor(Variable) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
getAdjustedQuadraticFactor(int, int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
getAdjustedQuadraticFactor(Structure2D.IntRowColumn) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
getAdjustedQuadraticFactor(Variable, Variable) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
getAE() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver.Builder
[AE][X] == [BE]
getAE() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.linear.LinearSolver.Builder
getAI() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver.Builder
getAI(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver.Builder
getAllCalendarDates() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CoordinationSet
getAllSeriesNames() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CoordinationSet
getAllSeriesNames() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.function.SeriesFunction
getAlpha() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.ColourData
getAmount() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
getArchitecture() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.machine.VirtualMachine
getArgument() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.ComplexMatrix
getArgument() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.Message
getArgument() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
getAsDouble() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.NullaryFunction
getAvailableDim1D(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.machine.VirtualMachine
getAvailableDim2D(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.machine.VirtualMachine
getAvailableMemory() - Method in class org.ojalgo.machine.VirtualMachine
getAverageStepSize() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CalendarDateSeries
getAverageStepSize() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ExplicitTimeSeries
getAverageStepSize() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ImplicitTimeSeries
getAverageStepSize() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveTimeSeries
getBE() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver.Builder
[AE][X] == [BE]
getBE() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.linear.LinearSolver.Builder
getBestResultSoFar() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.IntegerSolver
getBI() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver.Builder
[AI][X] <= [BI]
getBig(long, long) - Static method in class
getBig(long, long) - Static method in class
getBig(long, long) - Static method in class
getBig(long, long) - Static method in class
getBlue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.ColourData
getBoolean() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
getBuilder(int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.BasicMatrix.Factory
getBuilder(int, int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.BasicMatrix.Factory
getBuilder() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
getBuilder(MatrixStore<Double>, MatrixStore<Double>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
getBuilder() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.linear.LinearSolver
getBuilder(MatrixStore<Double>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.linear.LinearSolver
getC() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver.Builder
Linear objective: [C]
getC() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.linear.LinearSolver.Builder
getCachedObject() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.TypeCache
getCharArray() - Method in enum org.ojalgo.netio.LineTerminator
getChronoUnit() - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
getColour() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries
getColumn(int) - Method in class
getColumnsRange(int, int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.BasicMatrix
getCombination(Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.SeriesInterpolator
getCommand() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.Message
getComparator() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.ElementView1D
getComplexArgument(Access2D<ComplexNumber>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.MatrixUtils
Extracts the argument of the ComplexNumber elements to a new primitive double valued matrix.
getComplexImaginary(Access2D<ComplexNumber>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.MatrixUtils
Extracts the imaginary part of the ComplexNumber elements to a new primitive double valued matrix.
getComplexModulus(Access2D<ComplexNumber>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.MatrixUtils
Extracts the modulus of the ComplexNumber elements to a new primitive double valued matrix.
getComplexReal(Access2D<ComplexNumber>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.MatrixUtils
Extracts the real part of the ComplexNumber elements to a new primitive double valued matrix.
getCondition() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.BasicMatrix
getCondition() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.SingularValue
The condition number.
getConfigurator(Class<T>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Options
getConstant() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.multiary.MultiaryFunction.Constant
getContributionWeight() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Objective
The weight/factor by which this model entity's value contributes to the objective function - may return null.
getCorrelation(SampleSet) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.SampleSet
getCosine() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Big
getCosine() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Complex
getCosine() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Generic
getCosine() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation
getCosine() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Primitive
getCovariance(SampleSet) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.SampleSet
getCurrency(Locale) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
getD() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Bidiagonal
getD() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Eigenvalue
The only requirements on [D] are that it should contain the eigenvalues and that [A][V] = [V][D].
getD() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.LDL
getD() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.SingularValue
getD() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Tridiagonal
getDate() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.OjAlgoUtils
getDate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
getDecimal032() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
getDecimal064() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
getDecimal128() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
getDelegate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.MutableSolver
getDerivativeFactor(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.BigPolynomial
getDerivativeFactor(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.ComplexPolynomial
getDerivativeFactor(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.PrimitivePolynomial
getDerivativeFactor(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.RationalPolynomial
getDeterminant() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.BasicMatrix
getDeterminant() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.HermitianEvD
getDeterminant() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.MatrixDecomposition.Determinant
A matrix' determinant is the product of its eigenvalues.
getDeterminant() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
The fourth power of the norm of a quaternion is the determinant of the corresponding matrix.
getDiagonal() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Schur
getDimensionalEpsilon() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.HermitianEvD
getDistribution(double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.random.ContinuousDistribution
In probability theory and statistics, the cumulative distribution function (CDF), or just distribution function, describes the probability that a real-valued random variable X with a given probability distribution will be found at a value less than or equal to x.
getDistribution(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Exponential
getDistribution(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.LogNormal
getDistribution(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Normal
getDistribution(boolean, K...) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.process.GaussianField
getDistribution(K...) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.process.GaussianField
getDistribution(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.process.GaussianProcess
getDistribution(Double...) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.process.GaussianProcess
getDistribution(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.process.GeometricBrownianMotion
getDistribution(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.process.PoissonProcess
getDistribution(double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.random.process.RandomProcess
getDistribution(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.process.WienerProcess
getDistribution(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Uniform
getDuration() - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
getEarliestFirstKey() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CoordinationSet
getEarliestLastKey() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CoordinationSet
getEigenpair(int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Eigenvalue
getEigenvalues() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.BasicMatrix
getEigenvalues() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Eigenvalue
Even for real matrices the eigenvalues (and eigenvectors) are potentially complex numbers.
getEigenvalues(double[], Optional<double[]>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Eigenvalue
getEigenvalues(double[], Optional<double[]>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.HermitianEvD
getEigenvector(int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Eigenvalue
getEigenvectors() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Eigenvalue
getExcluded() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.IndexSelector
getExpected() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Binomial
getExpected() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Deterministic
getExpected() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.random.Distribution
getExpected() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Erlang
getExpected() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Exponential
getExpected() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Gamma
getExpected() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Geometric
getExpected() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.LogNormal
getExpected() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Normal
getExpected() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Normal1D
getExpected() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Poisson
getExpected() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Uniform
getExpected() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Weibull
getExpression(String) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
getExpressions() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
getExpressionsBasedModel() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.MathProgSysModel
getFirst() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.SampleSet
getFirstKey() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.CoordinatedSet
getFixedVariables() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
getFormat() - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.format.DatePart
getFormat(DateStyle) - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.format.DatePart
getFormat(DateStyle, Locale) - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.format.DatePart
getFormat(Locale) - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.format.DatePart
getFormat() - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.format.DateStyle
getFormat(DatePart) - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.format.DateStyle
getFormat(DatePart, Locale) - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.format.DateStyle
getFormat(Locale) - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.format.DateStyle
getFormat() - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.format.NumberStyle
getFormat(Locale) - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.format.NumberStyle
getFreeVariables() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
getFrobeniusNorm() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.SingularValue
Sometimes also called the Schatten 2-norm or Hilbert-Schmidt norm.
getFunction(AggregatorSet<N>) - Method in enum org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.Aggregator
getFunction() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BinaryFunction.FixedFirst
getFunction() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BinaryFunction.FixedSecond
getFunction() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ParameterFunction.FixedParameter
getFunction(FunctionSet<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
getGeneral(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
getGeneral(int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
getGeneral(int, RoundingMode) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
getGeneral(MathContext) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
The scale will be set to half the precision.
getGeneric(long, long) - Static method in class
getGeneric(long, long) - Static method in class
getGeneric(long, long) - Static method in class
getGeneric(long, long) - Static method in class
getGeometricMean() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.LogNormal
The geometric mean is also the median
getGeometricStandardDeviation() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.LogNormal
getGradient(Access1D<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.CompoundFunction
getGradient(Access1D<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.ConstantFunction
getGradient(Access1D<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.FirstOrderApproximation
getGradient(Access1D<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.LinearFunction
getGradient(Access1D<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.multiary.MultiaryFunction.TwiceDifferentiable
The gradient of a scalar field is a vector field that points in the direction of the greatest rate of increase of the scalar field, and whose magnitude is that rate of increase.
getGradient(Access1D<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.QuadraticFunction
getGradient(Access1D<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.SecondOrderApproximation
getGradient(Access1D<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.IntegerSolver
getGreen() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.ColourData
getH() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Hessenberg
getHessian(Access1D<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.CompoundFunction
getHessian(Access1D<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.ConstantFunction
getHessian(Access1D<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.FirstOrderApproximation
getHessian(Access1D<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.LinearFunction
getHessian(Access1D<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.multiary.MultiaryFunction.TwiceDifferentiable
The Hessian matrix or Hessian is a square matrix of second-order partial derivatives of a function.
getHessian(Access1D<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.QuadraticFunction
getHessian(Access1D<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.SecondOrderApproximation
getHundredYearsAgo() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.TypeUtils
getImaginary() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.ComplexMatrix
getImaginary() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
getIncluded() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.IndexSelector
getInitialValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.process.RandomProcess.SimulationResults
getInputStream() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.ResourceLocator
Open a connection and get a stream reader.
getInteger(Locale) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
getIntegerModel() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.IntegerSolver
getIntegerVariables() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
getInterquartileRange() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.SampleSet
getInverse() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.HermitianEvD
getInverse(PhysicalStore<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.HermitianEvD
getInverse() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.MatrixDecomposition.Solver
The output must be a "right inverse" and a "generalised inverse".
getInverse(PhysicalStore<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.MatrixDecomposition.Solver
Implementiong this method is optional.
getIterationKKT() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
getIterationRHS() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
getKey() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.ComparableToDouble
getKey() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.ComparableToObject
getKey() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.IntToDouble
getKey() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.IntToObject
getKey() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.KeyValue
getKey() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.LongToDouble
getKey() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.LongToObject
getKey() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.MapEntry
getKey() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.MethodToAtomicLong
getKey() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.StringToDouble
getKey() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.StringToInt
getKey() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.StringToObject
getKyFanNorm(int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.SingularValue
Ky Fan k-norm.
getL() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Cholesky
Must implement either Cholesky.getL() or Cholesky.getR().
getL() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.LDL
Must implement either LDL.getL() or LDL.getR().
getL() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.LU
getLabel() - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
getLargest() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.SampleSet
getLast() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.SampleSet
getLastArgument() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.ProcessInputStream
getLastArgument() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.ProcessOutputStream
getLastCommand() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.ProcessInputStream
getLastCommand() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.ProcessOutputStream
getLastExcluded() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.IndexSelector
getLastIncluded() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.IndexSelector
getLastKey() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.function.SeriesForecaster
getLastKey() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.CoordinatedSet
getLastReturnArgument() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.SystemProcess
getLatestFirstKey() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CoordinationSet
getLatestLastKey() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CoordinationSet
getLinearEntrySet() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
getLinearFactors() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.multiary.MultiaryFunction.TwiceDifferentiable
getLinearKeySet() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
getLong(TemporalField) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
getLowerLimit() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Constraint
The lower limit/bound - may return null.
getLowerSlack() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Variable
getMath(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
getMath(int, RoundingMode) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
getMath(MathContext) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
The scale will be undefined/unlimited.
getMath032() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
getMath064() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
getMath128() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
getMathContext() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
getMatrix(int, int, int, int) - Method in class
getMatrix(int[], int, int) - Method in class
getMatrixAE() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
getMatrixAI() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
getMatrixAI(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
getMatrixAI(int[]) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
getMatrixBE() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
getMatrixBI() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
getMatrixBI(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
getMatrixBI(int[]) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
getMatrixC() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
getMatrixQ() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
getMaximum() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.SampleSet
getMean() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.SampleSet
getMedian() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.SampleSet
Potentially expensive as it requires copying and sorting of the samples.
getMemory() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.machine.VirtualMachine
getMinimum() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.SampleSet
getModulus() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.ComplexMatrix
getModulus() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
getMoment() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
getMoney() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
getMultipliers() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Result
The dual variables or Lagrange multipliers associated with the problem.
getName() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.MathProgSysModel
getName() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries
getNegativeVariables() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
getNormalisedRandomIncrement() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.process.GaussianProcess
getNormalisedRandomIncrement() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.process.GeometricBrownianMotion
getNormalisedRandomIncrement() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.process.PoissonProcess
getNormalisedRandomIncrement() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.process.WienerProcess
getNumber() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.AccessScalar
v45 Use AccessScalar.get() instead
getNumber() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BinaryFunction.FixedFirst
getNumber() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BinaryFunction.FixedSecond
getOperatorNorm() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.SingularValue
getParameter() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ParameterFunction.FixedParameter
getParameter() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
getPart() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.DateContext
getPercent(int, Locale) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
getPercent(Locale) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
getPercent() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
getPivot() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.Equation
getPivotOrder() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.LU
This can be used to create a [P] matrix..
getPositiveVariables() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
getPrecision() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
getPrice() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
getPrimeNumber(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
getPrimitive(long, long) - Static method in class
getPrimitive(long, long) - Static method in class
getPrimitive(long, long) - Static method in class
getPrimitive(long, long) - Static method in class
getPrimitiveFactor(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.BigPolynomial
getPrimitiveFactor(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.ComplexPolynomial
getPrimitiveFactor(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.PrimitivePolynomial
getPrimitiveFactor(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.RationalPolynomial
getPrimitiveKeys() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CalendarDateSeries
getPrimitiveTimeSeries() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CalendarDateSeries
getProbability(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Binomial
getProbability(double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.random.ContinuousDistribution
In probability theory, a probability density function (pdf), or density of a continuous random variable is a function that describes the relative likelihood for this random variable to occur at a given point.
getProbability(int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.random.DiscreteDistribution
Probability density function
getProbability(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Exponential
getProbability(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Geometric
getProbability(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.LogNormal
getProbability(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Normal
getProbability(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Poisson
getProbability(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Uniform
getPureVersor() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
getQ() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Hessenberg
getQ() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.QR
getQ() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Schur
getQ() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Tridiagonal
getQ() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver.Builder
Quadratic objective: [Q]
getQ1() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Bidiagonal
getQ1() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.SingularValue
If [A] is m-by-n and its rank is r, then: The first r columns of [Q1] span the column space, range or image of [A]. The last m-r columns of [Q1] span the left nullspace or cokernel of [A]. Calculating the QR decomposition of [A] is a faster alternative.
getQ2() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Bidiagonal
getQ2() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.SingularValue
If [A] is m-by-n and its rank is r, then: The first r columns of [Q2] span the row space or coimage of [A]. The last n-r columns of [Q2] span the nullspace or kernel of [A]. Calculating the QR decomposition of [A]T is a faster alternative.
getQuadraticEntrySet() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
getQuadraticKeySet() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
getQuantile(double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.random.ContinuousDistribution
The quantile function, for any distribution, is defined for real variables between zero and one and is mathematically the inverse of the cumulative distribution function.
getQuantile(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Exponential
getQuantile(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.LogNormal
getQuantile(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Normal
getQuantile(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Uniform
getQuantity() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
getQuartile1() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.SampleSet
Potentially expensive as it requires copying and sorting of the samples.
getQuartile2() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.SampleSet
Potentially expensive as it requires copying and sorting of the samples.
getQuartile3() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.SampleSet
Potentially expensive as it requires copying and sorting of the samples.
getR() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Cholesky
Must implement either Cholesky.getL() or Cholesky.getR().
getR() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.LDL
Must implement either LDL.getL() or LDL.getR().
getR() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.QR
getRank() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.BasicMatrix
getRank() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.LU
getRank() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.MatrixDecomposition.RankRevealing
The best (and most expensive) way to get the effective numerical rank is by calculating a SingularValue decomposition and then find the number of nonnegligible singular values.
getRankGeneral() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
getReal() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.ComplexMatrix
getReal() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
getRed() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.ColourData
getRelaxedModel() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.IntegerSolver
getResolution() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CalendarDateSeries
getResolution() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CoordinationSet
getResolution() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.function.SeriesForecaster
getRGB() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.ColourData
getRHS() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.Equation
getRoundingMode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
getRow(int) - Method in class
getRowsRange(int, int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.BasicMatrix
getSampleSet(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.process.RandomProcess.SimulationResults
getScale() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
getScenario(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.process.RandomProcess.SimulationResults
A series representing one scenario.
getSE() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
getSeries(String) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.function.SeriesFunction
getSeries(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.CoordinatedSet
getSet() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.BigAggregator
getSet() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.ComplexAggregator
getSet() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.PrimitiveAggregator
getSet() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.QuaternionAggregator
getSet() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.RationalAggregator
getSet() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
getSet() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
getSet() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
getSet() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
getSet() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
getSine() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Big
getSine() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Complex
getSine() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Generic
getSine() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation
getSine() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Primitive
getSingularValues() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.BasicMatrix
getSingularValues() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.SingularValue
getSingularValues(double[]) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.SingularValue
getSmallest() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.SampleSet
getSolution(Access2D.Collectable<N, ? super PhysicalStore<N>>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.HermitianEvD
getSolution(Access2D.Collectable<N, ? super PhysicalStore<N>>, PhysicalStore<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.HermitianEvD
getSolution(Access2D.Collectable<N, ? super PhysicalStore<N>>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.MatrixDecomposition.Solver
[A][X]=[B] or [this][return]=[rhs]
getSolution(Access2D.Collectable<N, ? super PhysicalStore<N>>, PhysicalStore<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.MatrixDecomposition.Solver
Implementiong this method is optional.
getSolutionGeneral(Access2D.Collectable<Double, ? super PhysicalStore<Double>>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
getSolutionGeneral(Access2D.Collectable<Double, ? super PhysicalStore<Double>>, PhysicalStore<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
getSolutionQ(Access2D.Collectable<Double, ? super PhysicalStore<Double>>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
getSolutionQ(Access2D.Collectable<Double, ? super PhysicalStore<Double>>, PhysicalStore<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
getSolutionX() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
Solution / Variables: [X]
getStandardDeviation() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Deterministic
getStandardDeviation() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.random.Distribution
getStandardDeviation() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Exponential
getStandardDeviation() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Normal
getStandardDeviation() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Normal1D
getStandardDeviation() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.RandomNumber
Subclasses must override either getStandardDeviation() or getVariance()!
getStandardDeviation() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.SampleSet
getStandardScore(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.SampleSet
The standard score is the (signed) number of standard deviations an observation or datum is above the mean.
getState() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.GenericSolver
getState() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Result
getStreamReader() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.ResourceLocator
Open connection and return an input stream reader.
getString1() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
getString3() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
getString9() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
getStringM() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
getStyle() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.DateContext
getSumOfSquares() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.SampleSet
Sum of squares is a concept that permeates much of inferential statistics and descriptive statistics.
getText() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
getThousandYearsAgo() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.TypeUtils
getThousandYearsFromNow() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.TypeUtils
getThreads() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.machine.VirtualMachine
getTime() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
getTimeBetweenConsecutiveEvents() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.process.PoissonProcess
getTimestamp() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
getTimeUnit() - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
getTitle() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.OjAlgoUtils
getTrace() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.BasicMatrix
The sum of the diagonal elements.
getTrace() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Eigenvalue
A matrix' trace is the sum of the diagonal elements.
getTrace() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.HermitianEvD
getTraceNorm() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.SingularValue
getU() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.LU

This is the same as [D][U].
getU() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Schur
getUnit() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.DateContext
getUnits() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateDuration
getUnits() - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
getUpperLimit() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Constraint
The upper limit/bound - may return null.
getUpperSlack() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Variable
getV() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Eigenvalue
The columns of [V] represent the eigenvectors of [A] in the sense that [A][V] = [V][D].
getValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Result
Objective Function Value
getValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Variable
getValue(String, CalendarDate) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CoordinationSet
getValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.ComparableToDouble
getValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.ComparableToObject
getValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.IntToDouble
getValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.IntToObject
getValue() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.KeyValue
getValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.LongToDouble
getValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.LongToObject
getValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.MapEntry
getValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.MethodToAtomicLong
getValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.StringToDouble
getValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.StringToInt
getValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.StringToObject
getValues() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.SampleSet
getValueSeries() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveTimeSeries
getVariable(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
getVariable(Structure1D.IntIndex) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
getVariables() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
getVariableValues() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
getVariableValues(NumberContext) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
Null variable values are replaced with 0.0.
getVariance() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Binomial
getVariance() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Deterministic
getVariance() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.random.Distribution
getVariance() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Erlang
getVariance() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Gamma
getVariance() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Geometric
getVariance() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.LogNormal
getVariance() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Poisson
getVariance() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.RandomNumber
Subclasses must override either getStandardDeviation() or getVariance()!
getVariance() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.SampleSet
getVariance() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Uniform
getVariance() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Weibull
getVectorLength() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
getVendor() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.OjAlgoUtils
getVersion() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.OjAlgoUtils
getWorker(PhysicalStore.Factory<N, ?>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.HouseholderReference
GIGA - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigPrefix
GIGA - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitivePrefix
GOLDEN_RATIO - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
GOLDEN_RATIO - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
Group - Interface in org.ojalgo.algebra
A group is a set of elements paired with a binary operation.
Group.Additive<S> - Interface in org.ojalgo.algebra
Group.Multiplicative<S> - Interface in org.ojalgo.algebra
grow() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.IndexSelector
Randomly include 1 of the currently excluded


HALF - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
HALF - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
HALF_PI - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
HALF_PI - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
halve() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.IntCount
handleFormatException(Format, Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.BinaryContext
handleFormatException(Format, Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.BooleanContext
handleFormatException(Format, Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.DateContext
handleFormatException(Format, Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.GenericContext
handleFormatException(NumberFormat, Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
handleFormatException(Format, Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.StringContext
handleParseException(Format, String) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.BinaryContext
handleParseException(Format, String) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.BooleanContext
handleParseException(Format, String) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.DateContext
handleParseException(Format, String) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.GenericContext
handleParseException(NumberFormat, String) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
handleParseException(Format, String) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.StringContext
Hardware - Class in org.ojalgo.machine
The first element in the array should correspond to total system resources; the total amount of RAM and the total number of threads (Typically the same as what is returned by Runtime.availableProcessors()). The last element in the array should describe the L1 cache.
Hardware(String, BasicMachine[]) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.machine.Hardware
new BasicMachine[] { SYSTEM, L3, L2, L1 } or new BasicMachine[] { SYSTEM, L2, L1 } or in worst case new BasicMachine[] { SYSTEM, L1 }
hasEqualityConstraints() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver.Builder
hasEqualityConstraints() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
hashCode(Access1D<?>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access1D
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Structure1D.IntIndex
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Structure1D.LongIndex
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D.IntRowColumn
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D.LongRowColumn
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D.RowColumnKey
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD.IntReference
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD.LongReference
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BigArray
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ComplexArray
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.QuaternionArray
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.RationalArray
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.FirstOrderApproximation
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.SecondOrderApproximation
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.machine.BasicMachine
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.machine.Hardware
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.machine.VirtualMachine
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Eigenvalue.Eigenpair
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix2
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix3
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix4
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Vector2
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Vector3
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Vector4
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix2
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix3
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix4
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Vector2
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Vector3
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Vector4
hashCode(BasicMatrix) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.MatrixUtils
hashCode(MatrixStore<N>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.MatrixUtils
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.Equation
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharacterRing
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharacterRing.OutputStreamBuffer
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharacterRing.PrinterBuffer
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharacterRing.WriterBuffer
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.MathProgSysModel
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Result
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.BigScalar
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateDuration
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.IntCount
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.KeyCounter
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.ComparableToDouble
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.ComparableToObject
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.IntToDouble
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.IntToObject
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.LongToDouble
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.LongToObject
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.MapEntry
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.MethodToAtomicLong
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.StringToDouble
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.StringToInt
hashCode() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.StringToObject
hasInequalityConstraints() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver.Builder
hasInequalityConstraints() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
hasNext() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Access1D.ElementView
hasNext() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.ElementView
hasNext() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.ColumnView
hasNext() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Iterator1D
hasNext() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.RowView
hasNext() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray.NonzeroView
hasObjective() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver.Builder
hasObjective() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
hasPrevious() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Access1D.ElementView
hasPrevious() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.ElementView
hasPrevious() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.ColumnView
hasPrevious() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.ElementView1D
hasPrevious() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Iterator1D
hasPrevious() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.RowView
hasPrevious() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray.NonzeroView
headMap(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap
headMap(Long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap
headMap(CalendarDate) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CalendarDateSeries
headMap(CalendarDate, boolean) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CalendarDateSeries
HECTO - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigPrefix
HECTO - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitivePrefix
hermitian(boolean) - Method in class
HermitianEvD<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real matrix.
HermitianEvD(PhysicalStore.Factory<N, ? extends DecompositionStore<N>>, TridiagonalDecomposition<N>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.HermitianEvD
HermitianRank2Update - Class in
[A] -= ([a][b]c+[b][a]c)
[A] is assumed to be hermitian (square symmetric) [A] = [A]C.
Hessenberg<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition
Hessenberg: [A] = [Q][H][Q]T A general square matrix [A] can be decomposed by orthogonal similarity transformations into the form [A]=[Q][H][Q]T where [H] is upper (or lower) hessenberg matrix [Q] is orthogonal/unitary
hessenberg(boolean) - Method in class
Hessenberg.Factory<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition
high - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation
HOURS_PER_CENTURY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.type.TypeUtils
Householder<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation
Householder.Big - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation
Householder.Complex - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation
Householder.Generic<N extends Number & Scalar<N>> - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation
Householder.Primitive - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation
HouseholderHermitian - Class in
Performs Householder transformation from both sides simultaneously assuming that [A] is hermitian (square symmetric) [A] = [A]H.
HouseholderLeft - Class in
HouseholderReference<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation
HouseholderRight - Class in
hqr2(double[], double[], boolean) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.EvD1D
hqr2(double[][], double[], double[], double[][]) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.EvD2D
HT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.netio.ASCII
HUNDRED - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
HUNDRED - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
HUNDREDTH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
HUNDREDTH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
HYPOT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
hypot() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
HYPOT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
hypot() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
hypot() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
HYPOT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
hypot() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
HYPOT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
hypot() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
HYPOT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
hypot() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction


I - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
i - Variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
I - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
i - Variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
IJK - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
ImplicitTimeSeries - Class in org.ojalgo.series.primitive
ImplicitTimeSeries(Calendar, CalendarDateUnit, PrimitiveSeries) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ImplicitTimeSeries
ImplicitTimeSeries(CalendarDate, CalendarDateUnit, PrimitiveSeries) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ImplicitTimeSeries
ImplicitTimeSeries(Date, CalendarDateUnit, PrimitiveSeries) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ImplicitTimeSeries
include(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.IndexSelector
include(int[]) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.IndexSelector
includeAll() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.IndexSelector
increment() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.IntCount
increment(K) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.KeyCounter
incrementIterationsCount() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.GenericSolver
Should be called after a completed iteration.
index() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Access1D.ElementView
index() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.ElementView
index() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.ElementView1D
index - Variable in class org.ojalgo.access.Structure1D.IntIndex
index - Variable in class org.ojalgo.access.Structure1D.LongIndex
index(int, int, int) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D
index(long, long, long) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D
index(int[], int[]) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD
index(int[], long[]) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD
index(long[], long[]) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD
index() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray.NonzeroView
index - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.Equation
The row index of the original body matrix, [A].
indexOf(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
indexOf(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
indexOf(Variable) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
indexOfFirst(char) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharacterRing
indexOfFreeVariable(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
indexOfFreeVariable(Structure1D.IntIndex) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
indexOfFreeVariable(Variable) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
indexOfIntegerVariable(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
indexOfIntegerVariable(Structure1D.IntIndex) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
indexOfIntegerVariable(Variable) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
indexOfLargest() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access1D.IndexOf
indexOfLargest() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
indexOfLargest() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
indexOfLargest() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
indexOfLargest() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BasicArray
indexOfLargest(long, long, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BasicArray
indexOfLargest(int, int, int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BigArray
indexOfLargest(int, int, int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
indexOfLargest(int, int, int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
indexOfLargest(int, int, int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
indexOfLargest(int, int, int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ScalarArray
indexOfLargest(long, long, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
indexOfLargest() - Method in class
indexOfLargestInColumn(long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.IndexOf
indexOfLargestInColumn(long, long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.IndexOf
indexOfLargestInColumn(long, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
indexOfLargestInColumn(long, long) - Method in class
indexOfLargestInColumn(long, long) - Method in class
indexOfLargestInColumn(long, long) - Method in class
indexOfLargestInColumn(long, long) - Method in class
indexOfLargestInColumn(long, long) - Method in class
indexOfLargestInRange(long, long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access1D.IndexOf
indexOfLargestInRange(long, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
indexOfLargestInRange(long, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
indexOfLargestInRange(long, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
indexOfLargestInRange(long, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BasicArray
indexOfLargestInRange(long, long) - Method in class
indexOfLargestInRow(long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.IndexOf
indexOfLargestInRow(long, long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.IndexOf
indexOfLargestInRow(long, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
indexOfLargestInRow(long, long) - Method in class
indexOfLargestInRow(long, long) - Method in class
indexOfLargestInRow(long, long) - Method in class
indexOfLargestInRow(long, long) - Method in class
indexOfLargestInRow(long, long) - Method in class
indexOfLargestOnDiagonal() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.IndexOf
indexOfLargestOnDiagonal(long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.IndexOf
indexOfLargestOnDiagonal(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
indexOfLargestOnDiagonal(long) - Method in class
indexOfLargestOnDiagonal(long) - Method in class
indexOfLargestOnDiagonal(long) - Method in class
indexOfLargestOnDiagonal(long) - Method in class
indexOfLargestOnDiagonal(long) - Method in class
indexOfLast(char) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharacterRing
indexOfNegativeVariable(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
indexOfNegativeVariable(Structure1D.IntIndex) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
indexOfNegativeVariable(Variable) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
indexOfPositiveVariable(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
indexOfPositiveVariable(Structure1D.IntIndex) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
indexOfPositiveVariable(Variable) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
IndexSelector - Class in org.ojalgo.type
IndexSelector(int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.IndexSelector
IndexSelector(int, int[]) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.IndexSelector
inequalities(Access2D<Double>, MatrixStore<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver.Builder
INFINITY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
INFINITY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
initialise(PhysicalStore<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.Equation
initialise(Optimisation.Result) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
initialise(Optimisation.Result) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.IntegerSolver
initialise(Optimisation.Result) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.NewIntegerSolver
initialise(Optimisation.Result) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.OldIntegerSolver
initialise(Optimisation.Result) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.linear.LinearSolver
initialise(Optimisation.Result) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.linear.SimplexSolver
INSTANT - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries
INSTANT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.type.TimeIndex
INT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.netio.TypeParser
IntCount - Class in org.ojalgo.type
IntCount(int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.IntCount
integer(boolean) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Variable
integer() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
IntegerSolver - Class in org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer
IntegerSolver(ExpressionsBasedModel, Optimisation.Options) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.IntegerSolver
IntegerSolver.ModelIntegration - Class in org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer
integrate(N, N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.BasicFunction.Integratable
integrate(BigDecimal, BigDecimal) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.BigPolynomial
integrate(ComplexNumber, ComplexNumber) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.ComplexPolynomial
integrate(Double, Double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.PrimitivePolynomial
integrate(RationalNumber, RationalNumber) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.RationalPolynomial
Integration() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel.Integration
Integration() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.optimisation.MathProgSysModel.Integration
IntIndex(int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.access.Structure1D.IntIndex
IntReference(int...) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD.IntReference
IntRowColumn(int, int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D.IntRowColumn
IntToDouble - Class in org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue
IntToDouble(int, double) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.IntToDouble
IntToDouble(int, Double) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.IntToDouble
IntToDouble(Integer, double) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.IntToDouble
IntToDouble(Integer, Double) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.IntToDouble
IntToObject<V> - Class in org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue
IntToObject(int, V) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.IntToObject
IntToObject(Integer, V) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.IntToObject
intValue() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.AccessScalar
intValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.RandomNumber
intValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.BigScalar
intValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
intValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
intValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
intValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
intValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateDuration
intValue() - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.format.DateStyle
invert() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.algebra.Group.Multiplicative
The multiplicative inverse.
INVERT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
invert() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
INVERT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
invert() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
invert() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
INVERT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
invert() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
INVERT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
invert() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
INVERT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
invert() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
invert() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.BasicMatrix
About inverting matrices:
invert(Access2D<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.HermitianEvD
invert(Access2D<?>, PhysicalStore<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.HermitianEvD
invert(Access2D<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.AbstractInverter
invert(Access2D<?>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.task.InverterTask
The output must be a "right inverse" and a "generalised inverse".
invert(Access2D<?>, PhysicalStore<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.task.InverterTask
Exactly how (if at all) a specific implementation makes use of preallocated is not specified by this interface.
invert() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Big
invert() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Complex
invert() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Generic
invert() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation
invert() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Primitive
invert() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.BigScalar
invert() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
invert() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
invert() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
invert() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
InverterTask<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.task
InverterTask.Factory<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix.task
invoke(BasicArray<N>, long, long, long) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.blas.AMAX
invoke(BigDecimal[], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.blas.AMAX
invoke(double[], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.blas.AMAX
invoke(float[], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.blas.AMAX
invoke(N[], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.blas.AMAX
invoke(double[], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.blas.AMIN
invoke(double[], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.blas.ASUM
invoke(BigDecimal[], int, BigDecimal, BigDecimal[], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.blas.AXPY
invoke(double[], int, double, double[], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.blas.AXPY
invoke(Mutate1D, double, BigDecimal[]) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.blas.AXPY
invoke(Mutate1D, double, double[]) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.blas.AXPY
invoke(Mutate1D, double, float[]) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.blas.AXPY
invoke(Mutate1D, double, N[]) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.blas.AXPY
invoke(N[], int, N, N[], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.blas.AXPY
invoke(T[], int, int, int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.array.blas.BLAS1.GenericToInt
invoke(double[], int, int, int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.array.blas.BLAS1.PrimitiveToDouble
invoke(double[], int, int, int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.array.blas.BLAS1.PrimitiveToInt
invoke(double[], int, double[], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.blas.COPY
invoke(BigDecimal[], int, BigDecimal[], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.blas.DOT
invoke(ComplexNumber[], int, ComplexNumber[], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.blas.DOT
invoke(double[], int, double[], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.blas.DOT
invoke(N[], int, N[], int, int, int, Scalar.Factory<N>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.blas.DOT
invoke(BufferArray, int, int, int, Access1D<Double>, BinaryFunction<Double>, Access1D<Double>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
invoke(BufferArray, int, int, int, Access1D<Double>, BinaryFunction<Double>, double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
invoke(BufferArray, int, int, int, Access1D<Double>, ParameterFunction<Double>, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
invoke(BufferArray, int, int, int, Access1D<Double>, UnaryFunction<Double>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
invoke(BufferArray, int, int, int, double, BinaryFunction<Double>, Access1D<Double>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
invoke(BufferArray, int, int, int, VoidFunction<Double>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
invoke(float[], int, int, int, Access1D<Double>, BinaryFunction<Double>, Access1D<Double>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
invoke(float[], int, int, int, Access1D<Double>, BinaryFunction<Double>, double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
invoke(float[], int, int, int, Access1D<Double>, ParameterFunction<Double>, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
invoke(float[], int, int, int, Access1D<Double>, UnaryFunction<Double>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
invoke(float[], int, int, int, double, BinaryFunction<Double>, Access1D<Double>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
invoke(float[], int, int, int, VoidFunction<Double>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
invoke(double[], int, int, int, Access1D<Double>, BinaryFunction<Double>, Access1D<Double>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
invoke(double[], int, int, int, Access1D<Double>, BinaryFunction<Double>, double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
invoke(double[], int, int, int, Access1D<Double>, ParameterFunction<Double>, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
invoke(double[], int, int, int, Access1D<Double>, UnaryFunction<Double>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
invoke(double[], int, int, int, double, BinaryFunction<Double>, Access1D<Double>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
invoke(double[], int, int, int, VoidFunction<Double>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
invoke(N[], int, int, int, Access1D<N>, BinaryFunction<N>, Access1D<N>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
invoke(N[], int, int, int, Access1D<N>, BinaryFunction<N>, N) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
invoke(N[], int, int, int, Access1D<N>, ParameterFunction<N>, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
invoke(N[], int, int, int, Access1D<N>, UnaryFunction<N>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
invoke(N[], int, int, int, N, BinaryFunction<N>, Access1D<N>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
invoke(N[], int, int, int, VoidFunction<N>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
invoke(Callable<T>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.concurrent.DaemonPoolExecutor
invoke(Runnable) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.concurrent.DaemonPoolExecutor
invoke(Runnable, T) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.concurrent.DaemonPoolExecutor
invoke(int, int, int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.concurrent.DivideAndConquer
Synchronous execution - wait until it's finished.
invoke(double, double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction.Binary
invoke(double, int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction.Parameter
invoke(double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction.Unary
invoke(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BinaryFunction.FixedFirst
invoke(N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BinaryFunction.FixedFirst
invoke(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BinaryFunction.FixedSecond
invoke(N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BinaryFunction.FixedSecond
invoke(double, double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.BinaryFunction
invoke(N, N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.BinaryFunction
invoke(double, double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction.Binary
invoke(double, int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction.Parameter
invoke(double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction.Unary
invoke(Access1D<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.CompoundFunction
invoke(Access1D<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.ConstantFunction
invoke(Access1D<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.FirstOrderApproximation
invoke(Access1D<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.LinearFunction
invoke(Access1D<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.multiary.MultiaryFunction
invoke(Access1D<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.QuadraticFunction
invoke(Access1D<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.SecondOrderApproximation
invoke() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.NullaryFunction
invoke(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ParameterFunction.FixedParameter
invoke(N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ParameterFunction.FixedParameter
invoke(double, int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.ParameterFunction
invoke(N, int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.ParameterFunction
invoke(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.BigPolynomial
invoke(ComplexNumber) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.ComplexPolynomial
invoke(Double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.PrimitivePolynomial
invoke(RationalNumber) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.RationalPolynomial
invoke(Double, Double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction.Binary
invoke(Double, int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction.Parameter
invoke(Double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction.Unary
invoke(double, double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction.Binary
invoke(double, int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction.Parameter
invoke(double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction.Unary
invoke(double, double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction.Binary
invoke(double, int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction.Parameter
invoke(double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction.Unary
invoke(double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.UnaryFunction
invoke(N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.UnaryFunction
invoke(double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.VoidFunction
invoke(N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.VoidFunction
invoke(BigDecimal[], Access1D<BigDecimal>, int, BigDecimal[]) - Method in interface
invoke(BigDecimal[], BigDecimal[], int, BigDecimal[]) - Method in interface
invoke(BigDecimal[], BigDecimal[], int, Access1D<BigDecimal>) - Method in interface
invoke(ElementsConsumer<N>, Access1D<N>, int, Access1D<N>) - Method in interface
invoke(N[], Access1D<N>, int, N[], Scalar.Factory<N>) - Method in interface
invoke(N[], N[], int, N[], Scalar.Factory<N>) - Method in interface
invoke(N[], N[], int, Access1D<N>, Scalar.Factory<N>) - Method in interface
invoke(BigDecimal[], int, int, int, BigDecimal[]) - Static method in class
invoke(double[], int, int, int, double[]) - Static method in class
invoke(N[], int, int, int, N[]) - Static method in class
invoke(BigDecimal[], int, int, int, BigDecimal[], int) - Static method in class
invoke(double[], int, int, int, double[], int) - Static method in class
invoke(N[], int, int, int, N[], int) - Static method in class
invoke(BigDecimal[], int, int, int, BigDecimal[], int, boolean) - Static method in class
invoke(double[], int, int, int, double[], int, boolean) - Static method in class
invoke(N[], int, int, int, N[], int, boolean) - Static method in class
invoke(BigDecimal[], int, int, int, BigDecimal[], int) - Static method in class
invoke(double[], int, int, int, double[], int) - Static method in class
invoke(N[], int, int, int, N[], int) - Static method in class
invoke(BigDecimal[], int, int, int, Householder.Big) - Static method in class
invoke(ComplexNumber[], int, int, int, Householder.Complex) - Static method in class
invoke(double[], int, int, int, Householder.Primitive) - Static method in class
invoke(N[], int, int, int, Householder.Generic<N>, Scalar.Factory<N>) - Static method in class
invoke(BigDecimal[], int, int, int, Householder.Big) - Static method in class
invoke(ComplexNumber[], int, int, int, Householder.Complex) - Static method in class
invoke(double[], int, int, int, Householder.Primitive) - Static method in class
invoke(N[], int, int, int, Householder.Generic<N>, Scalar.Factory<N>) - Static method in class
invoke(BigDecimal[], int, int, BigDecimal[], BigDecimal[]) - Static method in class
invoke(double[], int, int, double[], double[]) - Static method in class
invoke(N[], int, int, N[], N[]) - Static method in class
invoke(BigDecimal[], Householder.Big, BigDecimal[]) - Static method in class
invoke(ComplexNumber[], Householder.Complex, ComplexNumber[]) - Static method in class
invoke(double[], Householder.Primitive, double[]) - Static method in class
invoke(N[], Householder.Generic<N>, N[], Scalar.Factory<N>) - Static method in class
invoke(BigDecimal[], int, int, int, Householder.Big) - Static method in class
invoke(ComplexNumber[], int, int, int, Householder.Complex) - Static method in class
invoke(double[], int, int, int, Householder.Primitive) - Static method in class
invoke(N[], int, int, int, Householder.Generic<N>, Scalar.Factory<N>) - Static method in class
invoke(BigDecimal[], int, int, int, Householder.Big) - Static method in class
invoke(ComplexNumber[], int, int, int, Householder.Complex) - Static method in class
invoke(double[], int, int, int, int, Householder.Primitive, double[]) - Static method in class
invoke(N[], int, int, int, Householder.Generic<N>, Scalar.Factory<N>) - Static method in class
invoke(BigDecimal[], int, int, BigDecimal[], BigDecimal[], int) - Static method in class
invoke(double[], int, int, double[], double[], int) - Static method in class
invoke(N[], int, int, N[], N[], int, Scalar.Factory<N>) - Static method in class
invoke(BigDecimal[], int, int, int, BigDecimal, BigDecimal) - Static method in class
invoke(double[], int, int, int, double, double) - Static method in class
invoke(N[], int, int, int, N, N) - Static method in class
invoke(BigDecimal[], int, int, int, BigDecimal, BigDecimal) - Static method in class
invoke(double[], int, int, int, double, double) - Static method in class
invoke(N[], int, int, int, N, N) - Static method in class
invoke(BigDecimal[], int, int, int, Access2D<BigDecimal>, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class
invoke(double[], int, int, int, Access2D<Double>, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class
invoke(N[], int, int, int, Access2D<N>, boolean, boolean, boolean, Scalar.Factory<N>) - Static method in class
invoke(BigDecimal[], int, int, int, Access2D<BigDecimal>, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class
invoke(double[], int, int, int, Access2D<Double>, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class
invoke(N[], int, int, int, Access2D<N>, boolean, boolean, boolean, Scalar.Factory<N>) - Static method in class
invoke(double[], Access1D<?>, int, double[]) - Method in interface
invoke(double[], double[], int, double[]) - Method in interface
invoke(double[], double[], int, Access1D<?>) - Method in interface
invoke(K, K) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.random.process.GaussianField.Covariance
invoke(K) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.random.process.GaussianField.Mean
invoke() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.RandomNumber
invoke(CalendarDate...) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.function.SeriesForecaster
invoke(CalendarDateDuration...) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.function.SeriesForecaster
invoke(K...) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.function.SeriesFunction
invoke(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.NumberSeries
invoke(N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.NumberSeries
invoke2(double[], int, double[], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.blas.DOT
isAbsolute(long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access1D.Elements
isAbsolute(long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.Elements
isAbsolute(long, long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.Elements
isAbsolute(long[]) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.AccessAnyD.Elements
isAbsolute(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
isAbsolute(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
isAbsolute(long, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
isAbsolute(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
isAbsolute(long[]) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
isAbsolute(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BigArray
isAbsolute(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
isAbsolute(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
isAbsolute(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
isAbsolute(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ScalarArray
isAbsolute(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
isAbsolute(long, long) - Method in class
isAbsolute(long, long) - Method in class
isAbsolute(long, long) - Method in class
isAbsolute(long, long) - Method in interface
isAbsolute(long, long) - Method in class
isAbsolute(long) - Method in class
isAbsolute(long, long) - Method in class
isAbsolute(BigDecimal) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.BigScalar
isAbsolute() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.BigScalar
isAbsolute(ComplexNumber) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
isAbsolute() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
isAbsolute(double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
isAbsolute() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
isAbsolute(Quaternion) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
isAbsolute() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
isAbsolute(RationalNumber) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
isAbsolute() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
isAbsolute() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.scalar.Scalar
isAcceptable(Structure1D) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate1D.Receiver
isAcceptable(Structure2D) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Receiver
isAcceptable(StructureAnyD) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.MutateAnyD.Receiver
isAllSmall(double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access1D.Elements
isAllSmall(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
isAllSmall(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
isAlphabetic(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.netio.ASCII
isAlphanumeric(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.netio.ASCII
isAnyConstraintQuadratic() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
isAnyExpressionQuadratic() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
isAnyLinearFactorNonZero() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
isAnyObjectiveQuadratic() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
isAnyQuadraticFactorNonZero() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
isAnyVariableFixed() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
isAnyVariableInteger() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
isApproximate() - Method in enum org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.State
isAscii(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.netio.ASCII
isBinary() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Variable
Variable can only be 0 or 1.
isCacheSet() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.TypeCache
isCalendarUnit() - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
isCapable(ExpressionsBasedModel) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver.ModelIntegration
isCapable(ExpressionsBasedModel) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.IntegerSolver.ModelIntegration
isCapable(ExpressionsBasedModel) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.linear.LinearSolver.ModelIntegration
isCapable(M) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Integration
isColumnSmall(long, double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.Elements
isColumnSmall(long, long, double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.Elements
isColumnSmall(long, long, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
isColumnSmall(long, long, double) - Method in class
isColumnSmall(long, long, double) - Method in class
isColumnSmall(long, long, double) - Method in class
isColumnSmall(long, long, double) - Method in class
isComputed() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.MatrixDecomposition
isConstraint() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Constraint
The Constraint has a lower or an upper limit actually set (possibly both) - it actually is constained.
isControl(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.netio.ASCII
isDaemonAvailable() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.concurrent.DaemonPoolExecutor
isDateBased() - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
isDebug() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.GenericSolver
isDifferent(double, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
isDigit(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.netio.ASCII
isDirty() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.TypeCache
isDistinct() - Method in enum org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.State
isDurationEstimated() - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
isEmpty() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D
2D data structures are either square, tall, fat or empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
isEmpty() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap
isEmpty() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
isEqualityConstraint() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Constraint
The Constraint has both a lower limit and an upper limit, and they are equal.
isFailure() - Method in enum org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.State
isFat() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D
2D data structures are either square, tall, fat or empty.
isFeasible() - Method in enum org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.State
isFullColumnRank() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.QR
isFullRank() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.BasicMatrix
isFullRank() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.MatrixDecomposition.RankRevealing
isFullSize() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.LDL
isFullSize() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.MatrixDecomposition.EconomySize
isFunctionCompound() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
isFunctionLinear() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
isFunctionQuadratic() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
isFunctionSet() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.IntegerSolver
isFunctionZero() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
isGoodEnoughToContinueBranching(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.IntegerSolver
isGraph(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.netio.ASCII
isHermitian() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.BasicMatrix
isHermitian() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Eigenvalue
If [A] is hermitian then [V][D][V]-1 becomes [Q][D][Q]H...
isHermitian() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.HermitianEvD
isHermitian(Access2D<?>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.MatrixUtils
isInfinite(ComplexNumber) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
isInfinite(double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
isInfinite(Quaternion) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
isInfinite(RationalNumber) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
isInteger() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Variable
isIntegerSolutionFound() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.IntegerSolver
isIterationAllowed() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.GenericSolver
Should be called at the start of an iteration (before it actually starts) to check if you should abort instead.
isIterationNecessary() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.IntegerSolver
isL2Specified() - Method in class org.ojalgo.machine.Hardware
isL3Specified() - Method in class org.ojalgo.machine.Hardware
isLastExcluded() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.IndexSelector
Is the last excluded index still excluded, or has it been included by a later operation?
isLastIncluded() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.IndexSelector
Is the last included index still included, or has it been excluded by a later operation?
isLessThan(BigDecimal, BigDecimal) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
isLinearAndAllBinary() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
isLinearAndAllInteger() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
isLinearAndAnyBinary() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
isLinearAndAnyInteger() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
isLowercase(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.netio.ASCII
isLowerConstraint() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Constraint
The Constraint has a lower limit, and the upper limit (if it exists) is different.
isMergeable() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.AggregatorFunction
isModelSet() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.IntegerSolver
isMoreThan(BigDecimal, BigDecimal) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
isNaN(ComplexNumber) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
isNaN(double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
isNaN(Quaternion) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
isNaN(RationalNumber) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
isNegative() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Variable
isNormal(MatrixStore<N>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.MatrixUtils
isObjective() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Objective
isOptimal() - Method in enum org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.State
isOrdered() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Eigenvalue
The eigenvalues in D (and the eigenvectors in V) are not necessarily ordered.
isOrdered() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.HermitianEvD
isOrdered() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.LDU
isOrdered() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.MatrixDecomposition.Ordered
This is a property of the algorithm/implementation, not the data.
isOrdered() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.QR
isOrdered() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Schur
isPositive() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Variable
isPowerOf2(long) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
isPrintable(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.netio.ASCII
isProgress() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.GenericSolver
isPunctuation(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.netio.ASCII
Not sure this is correct
isPure() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
isReal(ComplexNumber) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
isReal() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
isReal(Quaternion) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
isReal() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
isRowSmall(long, double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.Elements
isRowSmall(long, long, double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.Elements
isRowSmall(long, long, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
isRowSmall(long, long, double) - Method in class
isRowSmall(long, long, double) - Method in class
isRowSmall(long, long, double) - Method in class
isRowSmall(long, long, double) - Method in class
isScalar() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D
isSmall(long, double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access1D.Elements
isSmall(long, double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.Elements
isSmall(long, long, double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.Elements
isSmall(long[], double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.AccessAnyD.Elements
isSmall(double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.algebra.NormedVectorSpace
isSmall(long, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
isSmall(long, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
isSmall(long, long, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
isSmall(long, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
isSmall(long[], double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
isSmall(long, long, long, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BasicArray
isSmall(int, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BigArray
isSmall(int, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
isSmall(int, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
isSmall(int, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
isSmall(int, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ScalarArray
isSmall(long, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
isSmall(long, long, long, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
isSmall(long, long, double) - Method in class
isSmall(long, long, double) - Method in class
isSmall(long, long, double) - Method in class
isSmall(double) - Method in interface
isSmall(long, long, double) - Method in interface
isSmall(long, long, double) - Method in class
isSmall(long, double) - Method in class
isSmall(long, long, double) - Method in class
isSmall(double, BigDecimal) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.BigScalar
isSmall(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.BigScalar
isSmall(double, ComplexNumber) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
isSmall(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
isSmall(double, double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
isSmall(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
isSmall(double, Quaternion) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
isSmall(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
isSmall(double, RationalNumber) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
isSmall(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
isSmall(double, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
isSolutionMapped() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver.ModelIntegration
isSolutionMapped() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel.Integration
isSolutionMapped() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.IntegerSolver.ModelIntegration
isSolutionMapped() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.linear.LinearSolver.ModelIntegration
isSolvable() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.MatrixDecomposition.Solver
Please note that producing a pseudoinverse and/or a least squares solution is ok! The return value, of this method, is not an indication of if the decomposed matrix is square, has full rank, is postive definite or whatever.
isSolvableGeneral() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
isSolvableQ() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
isSpace(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.netio.ASCII
isSPD() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Cholesky
To use the Cholesky decomposition rather than the LU decomposition the matrix must be symmetric and positive definite.
isSquare() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D
2D data structures are either square, tall, fat or empty.
isSuccess() - Method in enum org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.State
isSupported(TemporalField) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
isSupported(TemporalUnit) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
isSymmetric() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.BasicMatrix
isTall() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D
2D data structures are either square, tall, fat or empty.
isTimeBased() - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
isUnexplored() - Method in enum org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.State
isUpper() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Bidiagonal
isUpper() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Hessenberg
isUppercase(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.netio.ASCII
isUpperConstraint() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Constraint
The Constraint has an upper limit, and the lower limit (if it exists) is different.
isValid() - Method in enum org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.State
isValueSet() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Variable
isVector() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D
isWorkCopy() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
isZero() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.HouseholderReference
isZero(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
isZeroModified(UnaryFunction<N>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionUtils
iterations_abort - Variable in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Options
The maximmum number of iterations allowed for the solve() command.
iterations_suffice - Variable in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Options
Calculations will be terminated after this number of iterations if a feasible solution has been found.
iterator() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access1D
iterator() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.ElementView
iterator() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.ElementView1D
iterator() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
Iterator1D<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.access
Iterator1D(Access1D<? extends N>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.access.Iterator1D
Iterator1D(Access1D<? extends N>, long) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.access.Iterator1D


J - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
j - Variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
JacobiSolver - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative
JacobiSolver() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.JacobiSolver
JavaType - Enum in org.ojalgo.machine


K - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
k - Variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
key(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ExplicitTimeSeries
key - Variable in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.ComparableToDouble
key - Variable in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.ComparableToObject
key - Variable in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.IntToDouble
key - Variable in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.IntToObject
key - Variable in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.LongToDouble
key - Variable in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.LongToObject
key - Variable in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.MethodToAtomicLong
key - Variable in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.StringToDouble
key - Variable in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.StringToInt
key - Variable in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.StringToObject
KeyCounter<K> - Class in org.ojalgo.type
KeyCounter() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.KeyCounter
keys() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ExplicitTimeSeries
keys() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ImplicitTimeSeries
keys() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveTimeSeries
keySet() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap
KeyValue<K,V> - Interface in org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue
A key-value pair or key-to-value map.
KILO - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigPrefix
KILO - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitivePrefix


largest() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.AggregatorSet
Largest absolute value
LARGEST - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.BigAggregator
largest() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.BigAggregator
LARGEST - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.ComplexAggregator
largest() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.ComplexAggregator
LARGEST - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.PrimitiveAggregator
largest() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.PrimitiveAggregator
LARGEST - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.QuaternionAggregator
largest() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.QuaternionAggregator
LARGEST - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.RationalAggregator
largest() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.RationalAggregator
last() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ExplicitTimeSeries
last() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ImplicitTimeSeries
last() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveTimeSeries
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
lastKey() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap
lastValue() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries
LCB - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.netio.ASCII
LDL<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition
LDL: [A] = [L][D][L]H (or [R]H[D][R])
LDL.Factory<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition
LDU<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition
LDU: [A] = [L][D][U] ( [P1][L][D][U][P2] )
left(int) - Method in class
left(MatrixStore<N>...) - Method in class
left(N...) - Method in class
length - Variable in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
length - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharacterRing
length() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharacterRing
length() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharArraySegment
length - Variable in class org.ojalgo.random.Random1D
LF - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.netio.ASCII
limitObjective(BigDecimal, BigDecimal) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
limitOfColumn(Access1D<?>, int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.MatrixUtils
limitOfColumn(Access1D<?>, long, long) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.MatrixUtils
limitOfColumn(int) - Method in interface
The default value is simply this.countRows(), and if all elements are zeros then 0.
limitOfColumn(int) - Method in class
limitOfRange(long, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
limitOfRow(Access1D<?>, int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.MatrixUtils
limitOfRow(Access1D<?>, long, long) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.MatrixUtils
limitOfRow(int) - Method in interface
The default value is simply this.countColumns(), and if all elements are zeros then 0.
limitOfRow(int) - Method in class
LimitRegion(ElementsConsumer<N>, ElementsConsumer.FillByMultiplying<N>, int, int) - Constructor for class
limits(int, int) - Method in class
Setting either limit to < 0 is interpreted as "no limit" (useful when you only want to limit either the rows or columns, and don't know the size of the other)
linear() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.CompoundFunction
linear() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.FirstOrderApproximation
linear() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.LinearFunction
linear() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.multiary.MultiaryFunction.Linear
LINEAR_OBJECTIVE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Presolvers
If the expression is linear and contributes to the objective function, then the contributions are transferred to the variables and the weight of the expression set to null.
LinearFunction<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.function.multiary
[l]T[x] + c
LinearSolver - Class in org.ojalgo.optimisation.linear
LinearSolver(Optimisation.Options) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.optimisation.linear.LinearSolver
LinearSolver.Builder - Class in org.ojalgo.optimisation.linear
LinearSolver.ModelIntegration - Class in org.ojalgo.optimisation.linear
LineSplittingParser - Class in org.ojalgo.netio
LineSplittingParser() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.netio.LineSplittingParser
LineSplittingParser(String) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.netio.LineSplittingParser
LineSplittingParser(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.netio.LineSplittingParser
LineTerminator - Enum in org.ojalgo.netio
listIterator() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
listIterator(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
LOCAL_DATE - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries
LOCAL_DATE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.type.TimeIndex
LOCAL_DATE_TIME - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries
LOCAL_DATE_TIME - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.type.TimeIndex
LOCAL_TIME - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries
LOCAL_TIME - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.type.TimeIndex
LOG - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
log() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
LOG - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
log() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
log() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
LOG - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
log() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
LOG - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
log() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
LOG - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
log() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
log(String, Access2D<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.GenericSolver
log(String, Object...) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.GenericSolver
log() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ExplicitTimeSeries
log() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ImplicitTimeSeries
log() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveSeries
LOG10 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
log10() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
LOG10 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
log10() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
log10() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
LOG10 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
log10() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
LOG10 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
log10() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
LOG10 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
log10() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
LOG1P - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
log1p() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
LOG1P - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
log1p() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
log1p() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
LOG1P - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
log1p() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
LOG1P - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
log1p() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
LOG1P - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
log1p() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
logger_appender - Variable in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Options
If this is null nothing is printed, if it is not null then progress/debug messages are printed to that BasicLogger.Printer.
logger_detailed - Variable in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Options
Detailed (debug) logging or not.
logger_solver - Variable in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Options
Which Optimisation.Solver to debug.
logical() - Method in interface
LOGISTIC - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
logistic() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
LOGISTIC - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
logistic() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
logistic() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
LOGISTIC - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
logistic() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
LOGISTIC - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
logistic() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
LOGISTIC - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
logistic() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
LOGIT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
logit() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
LOGIT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
logit() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
logit() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
LOGIT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
logit() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
LOGIT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
logit() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
LOGIT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
logit() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
LogNormal - Class in org.ojalgo.random
A continuous distribution in which the logarithm of a variable has a normal distribution.
LogNormal() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.LogNormal
LogNormal(double, double) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.LogNormal
The aMean and aStdDev parameters are the mean and standard deviation of the variable's logarithm (by definition, the variable's logarithm is normally distributed).
LONG - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.netio.TypeParser
LongIndex(long) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.access.Structure1D.LongIndex
LongReference(long...) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD.LongReference
LongRowColumn(long, long) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D.LongRowColumn
LongToDouble - Class in org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue
LongToDouble(long) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.LongToDouble
LongToDouble(long, double) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.LongToDouble
LongToDouble(long, Double) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.LongToDouble
LongToDouble(Long, double) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.LongToDouble
LongToDouble(Long, Double) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.LongToDouble
LongToNumberMap<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.array
A SortedMap with primitive valued long keys and Number values (incl.
LongToNumberMap.MapFactory<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.array
LongToObject<V> - Class in org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue
LongToObject(long, V) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.LongToObject
LongToObject(Long, V) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.LongToObject
longValue() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.AccessScalar
longValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.RandomNumber
longValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.BigScalar
longValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
longValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
longValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
longValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
longValue() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateDuration
loop(int, long, Structure1D.LoopCallback) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD
Will loop through this multidimensional data structure so that one index value of one dimension is fixed.
loop(long[], int, Structure1D.LoopCallback) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD
loop(Predicate<long[]>, Structure1D.IndexCallback) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD
loopAll(Structure1D.IndexCallback) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure1D
loopAll(Structure2D.RowColumnCallback) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D
loopAll(StructureAnyD.ReferenceCallback) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD
loopColumn(long, long, Structure2D.RowColumnCallback) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D
loopColumn(long, Structure2D.RowColumnCallback) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D
loopDiagonal(long, long, Structure2D.RowColumnCallback) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D
loopMatching(Structure1D, Structure1D, Structure1D.IndexCallback) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure1D
loopMatching(Structure2D, Structure2D, Structure2D.RowColumnCallback) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D
loopMatching(StructureAnyD, StructureAnyD, Structure1D.IndexCallback) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD
loopRange(long, long, Structure1D.IndexCallback) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure1D
loopRow(long, long, Structure2D.RowColumnCallback) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D
loopRow(long, Structure2D.RowColumnCallback) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D
low - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation
LOWERCASE_A - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.netio.ASCII
LOWERCASE_Z - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.netio.ASCII
LU<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition
LU: [A] = [L][U]
LU.Factory<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition


m00 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix2
The matrix elements
m00 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix3
The matrix elements
m00 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix4
The matrix elements
m00 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix2
The matrix elements
m00 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix3
The matrix elements
m00 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix4
The matrix elements
m01 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix2
The matrix elements
m01 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix3
The matrix elements
m01 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix4
The matrix elements
m01 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix2
The matrix elements
m01 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix3
The matrix elements
m01 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix4
The matrix elements
m02 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix3
The matrix elements
m02 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix4
The matrix elements
m02 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix3
The matrix elements
m02 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix4
The matrix elements
m03 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix4
The matrix elements
m03 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix4
The matrix elements
m10 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix2
The matrix elements
m10 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix3
The matrix elements
m10 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix4
The matrix elements
m10 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix2
The matrix elements
m10 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix3
The matrix elements
m10 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix4
The matrix elements
m11 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix2
The matrix elements
m11 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix3
The matrix elements
m11 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix4
The matrix elements
m11 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix2
The matrix elements
m11 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix3
The matrix elements
m11 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix4
The matrix elements
m12 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix3
The matrix elements
m12 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix4
The matrix elements
m12 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix3
The matrix elements
m12 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix4
The matrix elements
m13 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix4
The matrix elements
m13 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix4
The matrix elements
m20 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix3
The matrix elements
m20 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix4
The matrix elements
m20 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix3
The matrix elements
m20 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix4
The matrix elements
m21 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix3
The matrix elements
m21 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix4
The matrix elements
m21 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix3
The matrix elements
m21 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix4
The matrix elements
m22 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix3
The matrix elements
m22 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix4
The matrix elements
m22 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix3
The matrix elements
m22 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix4
The matrix elements
m23 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix4
The matrix elements
m23 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix4
The matrix elements
m30 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix4
The matrix elements
m30 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix4
The matrix elements
m31 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix4
The matrix elements
m31 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix4
The matrix elements
m32 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix4
The matrix elements
m32 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix4
The matrix elements
m33 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix4
The matrix elements
m33 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix4
The matrix elements
MACHINE_EPSILON - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
MACHINE_LARGEST - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
MACHINE_SMALLEST - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
Refers to "min normal" rather than "min value"
make(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.BigArray
make(File, long) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
make(File, long...) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
make(File, long, long) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
make(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
make(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.ComplexArray
make() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap.MapFactory
make() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList.ListFactory
make(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
make(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
make(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.PrimitiveArray
make(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.QuaternionArray
make(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.RationalArray
make() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray.SparseFactory
make(boolean) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Bidiagonal.Factory
make(Structure2D) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Bidiagonal.Factory
make(Structure2D, boolean) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Bidiagonal.Factory
make(Access2D<N>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Bidiagonal
make(Access2D<N>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Cholesky
make(boolean) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Eigenvalue.Factory
make(int, boolean) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Eigenvalue.Factory
make(Structure2D) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Eigenvalue.Factory
make(Structure2D, boolean) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Eigenvalue.Factory
make(Access2D<N>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Eigenvalue
make(Access2D<N>, boolean) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Eigenvalue
make(Access2D<N>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Hessenberg
make(Access2D<N>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.LDL
make(Access2D<N>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.LU
make() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.MatrixDecomposition.Factory
make(int, int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.MatrixDecomposition.Factory
make(Structure2D) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.MatrixDecomposition.Factory
make(boolean) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.QR.Factory
make(Structure2D) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.QR.Factory
make(Structure2D, boolean) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.QR.Factory
make(Access2D<N>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.QR
make(Access2D<N>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Schur
make(boolean) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.SingularValue.Factory
make(Structure2D) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.SingularValue.Factory
make(Structure2D, boolean) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.SingularValue.Factory
make(Access2D<N>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.SingularValue
make(Access2D<N>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Tridiagonal
make(long, long) - Method in interface
make(int, boolean) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.DeterminantTask.Factory
make(MatrixStore<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.DeterminantTask.Factory
make(Structure2D, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.DeterminantTask.Factory
make(int, boolean) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.InverterTask.Factory
make(MatrixStore<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.InverterTask.Factory
make(Structure2D, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.InverterTask.Factory
make(int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.SolverTask.Factory
make(MatrixStore<N>, MatrixStore<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.SolverTask.Factory
make(Structure2D, Structure2D, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.SolverTask.Factory
make(MatrixStore<N>, boolean) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.HouseholderReference
make(ExpressionsBasedModel) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.IntegerSolver
make(File) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.MathProgSysModel
make(String) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Variable
make(double, double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.random.LogNormal
make(double, double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.random.process.GeometricBrownianMotion
Assuming initial value = 1.0 and horizon = 1.0.
make(double, double, double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.random.process.GeometricBrownianMotion
Assuming initial value = 1.0.
make(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.random.process.GeometricBrownianMotion
make() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.random.SampleSet
make(RandomNumber, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.random.SampleSet
make(DenseArray.Factory<Double>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries
make(DenseArray.Factory<Double>, BinaryFunction<Double>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries
make(DenseArray.Factory<N>, Structure1D.IndexMapper<N>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries
make(DenseArray.Factory<N>, Structure1D.IndexMapper<N>, BinaryFunction<N>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries
make(DenseArray.Factory<N>, int, int) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.tensor.Tensor
make(Calendar, CalendarDateUnit) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
make(CalendarDateUnit) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
make(Date, CalendarDateUnit) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
make(long, CalendarDateUnit) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
makeBig(Access2D<? extends Number>, Access1D<? extends Number>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.CompoundFunction
makeBig(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.CompoundFunction
makeBig(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.ConstantFunction
makeBig(int, Number) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.ConstantFunction
makeBig(Access1D<? extends Number>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.LinearFunction
makeBig(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.LinearFunction
makeBig(Access2D<? extends Number>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.QuadraticFunction
makeBig(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.QuadraticFunction
makeBig(int, int) - Static method in class
makeBig(int, int, BigDecimal) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation
makeBinary(String) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Variable
makeClearText(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.netio.Password
makeColumn(MatrixStore<N>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.HouseholderReference
makeColumnsSupplier(int) - Method in interface
makeCommaDelimited() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.netio.DelimitedData
makeComplex(Access2D<? extends Number>, Access1D<? extends Number>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.CompoundFunction
makeComplex(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.CompoundFunction
makeComplex(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.ConstantFunction
makeComplex(int, Number) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.ConstantFunction
makeComplex(Access1D<? extends Number>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.LinearFunction
makeComplex(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.LinearFunction
makeComplex(Access2D<? extends Number>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.QuadraticFunction
makeComplex(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.QuadraticFunction
makeComplex(int, int) - Static method in class
makeComplex(int, int, ComplexNumber) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation
makeD() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.HermitianEvD
makeDecreasingRange(int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.BasicArray
makeDecreasingRange(long, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.BasicArray
makeDirty() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.TypeCache
makeEigenvalues() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.HermitianEvD
makeEye(long, long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Factory2D
makeEye(Structure2D) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Factory2D
makeEye(long, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D.Factory
makeFilled(long, NullaryFunction<?>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Factory1D
makeFilled(Structure1D, NullaryFunction<?>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Factory1D
makeFilled(long, long, NullaryFunction<?>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Factory2D
makeFilled(Structure2D, NullaryFunction<?>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Factory2D
makeFilled(long[], NullaryFunction<?>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.FactoryAnyD
makeFilled(StructureAnyD, NullaryFunction<?>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.FactoryAnyD
makeFilled(long, NullaryFunction<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D.Factory
makeFilled(long, long, NullaryFunction<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D.Factory
makeFilled(long[], NullaryFunction<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD.Factory
makeForClassExtendingObject() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.machine.MemoryEstimator
makeForSubclass(MemoryEstimator) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.machine.MemoryEstimator
makeGeneric(FunctionSet<N>, int, int, N) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation
makeHouseholder(int) - Method in interface
makeIdentity(int) - Method in interface
makeIncreasingRange(int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.BasicArray
makeIncreasingRange(long, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.BasicArray
makeInstance(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.BigPolynomial
makeInstance(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.ComplexPolynomial
makeInstance(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.PrimitivePolynomial
makeInstance(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.RationalPolynomial
makeIterable(Access2D<S>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.access.ColumnView
makeIterable(Access2D<S>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.access.RowView
makePolar(double, double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
makePolar(double, double[], double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
makePrimitive(Access2D<? extends Number>, Access1D<? extends Number>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.CompoundFunction
makePrimitive(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.CompoundFunction
makePrimitive(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.ConstantFunction
makePrimitive(int, Number) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.ConstantFunction
makePrimitive(Access1D<? extends Number>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.LinearFunction
makePrimitive(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.LinearFunction
makePrimitive(Access2D<? extends Number>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.QuadraticFunction
makePrimitive(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.QuadraticFunction
makePrimitive() - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Schur
makePrimitive(int, int) - Static method in class
makePrimitive(int, int, double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation
makePrimitive(int, int) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.tensor.Tensor
makeRandomComplexStore(int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.MatrixUtils
makeRotation(int, int, double, double) - Method in interface
makeRotation(int, int, N, N) - Method in interface
makeRotation(double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
makeRotation(Quaternion.RotationAxis, double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
makeRow(MatrixStore<N>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.HouseholderReference
makeRowsSupplier(int) - Method in interface
makeSemicolonDelimited() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.netio.DelimitedData
makeSimple() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.machine.Hardware
makeSimple(String, long, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.machine.Hardware
makeSingle(N) - Method in interface
makeSpaceDelimited() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.netio.DelimitedData
makeSPD(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.MatrixUtils
Make a random symmetric positive definite matrix
makeTabDelimited() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.netio.DelimitedData
makeV() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.HermitianEvD
makeWrapper(Access2D<?>) - Method in interface
makeZero(long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Factory1D
makeZero(Structure1D) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Factory1D
makeZero(long, long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Factory2D
makeZero(Structure2D) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Factory2D
makeZero(long...) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.FactoryAnyD
makeZero(StructureAnyD) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.FactoryAnyD
makeZero(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D.Factory
makeZero(long, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D.Factory
makeZero(long...) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD.Factory
makeZero(int, int) - Method in interface
MapEntry<K extends Comparable<? super K>,V> - Class in org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue
This class is primarily an implementation of Map.Entry, but also implemnts KeyValue.
MapEntry(K, V) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.MapEntry
MapEntry(Map.Entry<K, V>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.MapEntry
MapEntry(Map<K, V>, K) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.MapEntry
mapper() - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure1D
mapper() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries.NaturallySequenced
mapper() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CalendarDateSeries
mapperOf(Structure2D, Structure1D.IndexMapper<R>, Structure1D.IndexMapper<C>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D
mapperOf(StructureAnyD, Structure1D.IndexMapper<Object>[]) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD
markInteger(NodeKey, ExpressionsBasedModel, Optimisation.Result) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.IntegerSolver
match(Class<?>) - Static method in enum org.ojalgo.machine.JavaType
MATH_032 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
Precision: 7 Scale: 7 Rounding Mode: RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN Locale: JVM Default Style: NumberStyle.GENERAL
MATH_064 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
Precision: 16 Scale: 16 Rounding Mode: RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN Locale: JVM Default Style: NumberStyle.GENERAL
MATH_128 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
Precision: 34 Scale: 34 Rounding Mode: RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN Locale: JVM Default Style: NumberStyle.GENERAL
MathProgSysModel - Class in org.ojalgo.optimisation
Mathematical Programming System (MPS) Model
MathProgSysModel.Integration<S extends Optimisation.Solver> - Class in org.ojalgo.optimisation
MatrixDecomposition<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition
Notation used to describe the various matrix decompositions: [A] could be any matrix.
MatrixDecomposition.Determinant<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition
MatrixDecomposition.EconomySize<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition
Several matrix decompositions can be expressed "economy sized" - some rows or columns of the decomposed matrix parts are not needed for the most releveant use cases, and can therefore be left out.
MatrixDecomposition.Factory<D extends MatrixDecomposition<?>> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition
MatrixDecomposition.Hermitian<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition
Some matrix decompositions are only available with hermitian (symmetric) matrices or different decomposition algorithms could be used depending on if the matrix is hemitian or not.
MatrixDecomposition.Ordered<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition
MatrixDecomposition.RankRevealing<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition
A rank-revealing matrix decomposition of a matrix [A] is a decomposition that is, or can be transformed to be, on the form [A]=[X][D][Y]T where: [X] and [Y] are square and well conditioned. [D] is diagonal with nonnegative and non-increasing values on the diagonal.
MatrixDecomposition.Solver<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition
MatrixDecomposition.Values<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition
Eigenvalue and Singular Value decompositions can calculate the "values" only, and the resulting matrices and arrays can have their elements sorted (descending) or not.
MatrixOperation - Class in
MatrixOperation() - Constructor for class
MatrixStore<N extends Number> - Interface in
A MatrixStore is a two dimensional store of numbers/scalars.
MatrixStore.Factory<N extends Number> - Interface in
MatrixStore.LogicalBuilder<N extends Number> - Class in
A builder that lets you logically construct matrices and/or encode element structure.
MatrixTask<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.task
MatrixUtils - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix
MAX - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.BigAggregator
MAX - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.ComplexAggregator
MAX - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.PrimitiveAggregator
MAX - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.QuaternionAggregator
MAX - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.RationalAggregator
MAX - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
max() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
MAX - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
max() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
max() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
max(double...) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionUtils
max(double, double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionUtils
max(double, double, double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionUtils
max(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionUtils
max(int...) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionUtils
max(int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionUtils
max(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionUtils
max(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionUtils
max(long...) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionUtils
max(long, long) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionUtils
max(long, long, long) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionUtils
max(long, long, long, long) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionUtils
MAX - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
max() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
MAX - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
max() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
MAX - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
max() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
MAX_ARRAY_SIZE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.array.DenseArray
Exists as a private constant in ArrayList.
MAX_VALUE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
maximise() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
maximise() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.MathProgSysModel
Will disregard the OBJSENSE and maximise.
maximise() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Model
maximum() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.AggregatorSet
Max value
maximum() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.BigAggregator
maximum() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.ComplexAggregator
maximum() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.PrimitiveAggregator
maximum() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.QuaternionAggregator
maximum() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.RationalAggregator
meassure(Runnable) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.Stopwatch
Meassure task duration using this class' stopwatch functionality.
meassure(Runnable, CalendarDateUnit) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.Stopwatch
measure - Variable in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateDuration
MEGA - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigPrefix
MEGA - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitivePrefix
memory - Variable in class org.ojalgo.machine.BasicMachine
memory() - Method in enum org.ojalgo.machine.JavaType
MemoryEstimator - Class in org.ojalgo.machine
merge(N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.AggregatorFunction
merge(N, N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.AggregatorFunction
mergeColumns(Access2D<?>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.BasicMatrix
[belowRows] is appended below [this].
mergeRows(Access2D<?>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.BasicMatrix
[rightColumns] is appended to the right of [this].
Message - Class in org.ojalgo.netio
Message(String) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.netio.Message
Message(String, String) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.netio.Message
Message(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.netio.Message
Message(String[]) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.netio.Message
MethodToAtomicLong - Class in org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue
MethodToAtomicLong(Method) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.MethodToAtomicLong
MethodToAtomicLong(Method, AtomicLong) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.MethodToAtomicLong
MICRO - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigPrefix
MICRO - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitivePrefix
MILLI - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigPrefix
MILLI - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitivePrefix
millis - Variable in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
An "instant" with ms precision.
MILLIS_PER_HOUR - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.type.TypeUtils
MIN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.BigAggregator
MIN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.ComplexAggregator
MIN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.PrimitiveAggregator
MIN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.QuaternionAggregator
MIN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.RationalAggregator
MIN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
min() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
MIN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
min() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
min() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
min(double...) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionUtils
min(double, double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionUtils
min(double, double, double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionUtils
min(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionUtils
min(int...) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionUtils
min(int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionUtils
min(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionUtils
min(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionUtils
min(long...) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionUtils
min(long, long) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionUtils
min(long, long, long) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionUtils
min(long, long, long, long) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionUtils
MIN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
min() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
MIN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
min() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
MIN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
min() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
MIN_VALUE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
minimise() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
minimise() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.MathProgSysModel
Will disregard the OBJSENSE and minimise.
minimise() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Model
minimum() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.AggregatorSet
Min value
minimum() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.BigAggregator
minimum() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.ComplexAggregator
minimum() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.PrimitiveAggregator
minimum() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.QuaternionAggregator
minimum() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.RationalAggregator
mip_gap - Variable in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Options
The (relative) MIP gap is the difference between the best integer solution found so far and a node's non-integer solution, relative to the optimal value (approximated by the currently best integer solution).
mix(long, BinaryFunction<N>, double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate1D.Mixable
mix(long, BinaryFunction<N>, N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate1D.Mixable
mix(long, BinaryFunction<N>, double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Mixable
mix(long, BinaryFunction<N>, N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Mixable
mix(long, long, BinaryFunction<N>, double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Mixable
mix(long, long, BinaryFunction<N>, N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Mixable
mix(long, BinaryFunction<N>, double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.MutateAnyD.Mixable
mix(long, BinaryFunction<N>, N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.MutateAnyD.Mixable
mix(long[], BinaryFunction<N>, double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.MutateAnyD.Mixable
mix(long[], BinaryFunction<N>, N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.MutateAnyD.Mixable
mix(long, BinaryFunction<N>, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
mix(long, BinaryFunction<N>, N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
mix(long, long, BinaryFunction<N>, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
mix(long, long, BinaryFunction<N>, N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
mix(long[], BinaryFunction<N>, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
mix(long[], BinaryFunction<N>, N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
mix(long, BinaryFunction<N>, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap
mix(long, BinaryFunction<N>, N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap
mix(long, BinaryFunction<N>, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
mix(long, BinaryFunction<N>, N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
ModelIntegration() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver.ModelIntegration
ModelIntegration() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.IntegerSolver.ModelIntegration
ModelIntegration() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.optimisation.linear.LinearSolver.ModelIntegration
modified - Variable in class org.ojalgo.type.IntCount
modify(long, long, long, Access1D<N>, BinaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BasicArray
modify(long, long, long, BinaryFunction<N>, Access1D<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BasicArray
modify(long, long, long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BasicArray
modify(int, int, int, Access1D<Double>, BinaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
modify(int, int, int, BinaryFunction<Double>, Access1D<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
modify(int, int, int, BinaryFunction<Double>, Double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
modify(int, int, int, Double, BinaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
modify(int, int, int, ParameterFunction<Double>, int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
modify(int, int, int, UnaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
modify(int, int, int, Access1D<Double>, BinaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
modify(int, int, int, BinaryFunction<Double>, Access1D<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
modify(int, int, int, BinaryFunction<Double>, Double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
modify(int, int, int, Double, BinaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
modify(int, int, int, ParameterFunction<Double>, int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
modify(int, int, int, UnaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
modify(int, int, int, Access1D<Double>, BinaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
modify(int, int, int, BinaryFunction<Double>, Access1D<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
modify(int, int, int, BinaryFunction<Double>, Double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
modify(int, int, int, Double, BinaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
modify(int, int, int, ParameterFunction<Double>, int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
modify(int, int, int, UnaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
modify(int, int, int, Access1D<N>, BinaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
modify(int, int, int, BinaryFunction<N>, Access1D<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
modify(int, int, int, BinaryFunction<N>, N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
modify(int, int, int, N, BinaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
modify(int, int, int, ParameterFunction<N>, int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
modify(int, int, int, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
modify(long, long, long, Access1D<N>, BinaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
modify(long, long, long, BinaryFunction<N>, Access1D<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
modify(long, long, long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
modify(UnaryFunction<? extends Number>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.BasicMatrix
modify(BinaryFunction<Double>, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.DataSeries
modify(double, BinaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.DataSeries
modify(ParameterFunction<Double>, int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.DataSeries
modify(UnaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.DataSeries
modifyAll(UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate1D.Modifiable
modifyAll(UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
modifyAll(UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
modifyAll(UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
modifyAll(UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BasicArray
modifyAll(double[][], DoubleUnaryOperator) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Raw2D
modifyAll(UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
modifyAll(UnaryFunction<BigDecimal>) - Method in class
modifyAll(UnaryFunction<ComplexNumber>) - Method in class
modifyAll(UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
modifyAll(UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
ModifyAll - Class in
modifyAll(UnaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class
modifyAll(UnaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class
modifyAll(UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
modifyColumn(long, long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Modifiable
modifyColumn(long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Modifiable
modifyColumn(long, long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
modifyColumn(double[][], int, int, DoubleUnaryOperator) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Raw2D
modifyColumn(long, long, UnaryFunction<BigDecimal>) - Method in class
modifyColumn(long, long, UnaryFunction<ComplexNumber>) - Method in class
modifyColumn(long, long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
modifyColumn(long, long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
modifyColumn(long, long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
modifyColumn(long, long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
modifyColumn(long, long, UnaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class
modifyColumn(long, long, UnaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class
modifyDiagonal(long, long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Modifiable
modifyDiagonal(UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Modifiable
modifyDiagonal(long, long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
modifyDiagonal(double[][], int, int, DoubleUnaryOperator) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Raw2D
modifyDiagonal(long, long, UnaryFunction<BigDecimal>) - Method in class
modifyDiagonal(long, long, UnaryFunction<ComplexNumber>) - Method in class
modifyDiagonal(long, long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
modifyDiagonal(long, long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
modifyDiagonal(long, long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
modifyDiagonal(long, long, UnaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class
modifyDiagonal(long, long, UnaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class
modifyMatching(Access1D<N>, BinaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate1D.BiModifiable
modifyMatching(BinaryFunction<N>, Access1D<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate1D.BiModifiable
modifyMatching(Access1D<N>, BinaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
modifyMatching(BinaryFunction<N>, Access1D<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
modifyMatching(Access1D<N>, BinaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
modifyMatching(BinaryFunction<N>, Access1D<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
modifyMatching(Access1D<N>, BinaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
modifyMatching(BinaryFunction<N>, Access1D<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
modifyMatching(Access1D<BigDecimal>, BinaryFunction<BigDecimal>) - Method in class
modifyMatching(BinaryFunction<BigDecimal>, Access1D<BigDecimal>) - Method in class
modifyMatching(Access1D<ComplexNumber>, BinaryFunction<ComplexNumber>) - Method in class
modifyMatching(BinaryFunction<ComplexNumber>, Access1D<ComplexNumber>) - Method in class
modifyMatching(Access1D<N>, BinaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
modifyMatching(BinaryFunction<N>, Access1D<N>) - Method in class
modifyMatching(Access1D<N>, BinaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
modifyMatching(BinaryFunction<N>, Access1D<N>) - Method in class
modifyMatching(Access1D<N>, BinaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
modifyMatching(BinaryFunction<N>, Access1D<N>) - Method in class
modifyMatching(Access1D<Double>, BinaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class
modifyMatching(BinaryFunction<Double>, Access1D<Double>) - Method in class
modifyMatching(Access1D<Double>, BinaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class
modifyMatching(BinaryFunction<Double>, Access1D<Double>) - Method in class
modifyMatching(Access1D<N>, BinaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
modifyMatching(BinaryFunction<N>, Access1D<N>) - Method in class
modifyOne(long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate1D.Modifiable
modifyOne(long, long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Modifiable
modifyOne(long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Modifiable
modifyOne(long[], UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.MutateAnyD.Modifiable
modifyOne(long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
modifyOne(long, long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
modifyOne(long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
modifyOne(long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
modifyOne(long[], UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
modifyOne(int, UnaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
modifyOne(int, UnaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
modifyOne(int, UnaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
modifyOne(int, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
modifyOne(long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
modifyOne(int, UnaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Vector2
modifyOne(int, UnaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Vector3
modifyOne(int, UnaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Vector4
modifyOne(int, UnaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Vector2
modifyOne(int, UnaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Vector3
modifyOne(int, UnaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Vector4
modifyOne(long, long, UnaryFunction<BigDecimal>) - Method in class
modifyOne(long, long, UnaryFunction<ComplexNumber>) - Method in class
modifyOne(long, long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
modifyOne(long, long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
modifyOne(long, long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
modifyOne(long, long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
modifyOne(long, long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
modifyOne(long, long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
modifyOne(long, long, UnaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class
modifyOne(long, long, UnaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class
modifyOne(long, long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
modifyRange(long, long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate1D.Modifiable
modifyRange(long, long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
modifyRange(long, long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
modifyRange(long, long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
modifyRange(long, long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BasicArray
modifyRange(long, long, UnaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class
modifyRow(long, long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Modifiable
modifyRow(long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D.Modifiable
modifyRow(long, long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
modifyRow(double[][], int, int, DoubleUnaryOperator) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Raw2D
modifyRow(long, long, UnaryFunction<BigDecimal>) - Method in class
modifyRow(long, long, UnaryFunction<ComplexNumber>) - Method in class
modifyRow(long, long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
modifyRow(long, long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
modifyRow(long, long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
modifyRow(long, long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class
modifyRow(long, long, UnaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class
modifyRow(long, long, UnaryFunction<Double>) - Method in class
modifySet(int, long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.MutateAnyD.Modifiable
modifySet(long[], int, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.MutateAnyD.Modifiable
modifySet(int, long, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
modifySet(long[], int, UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
MultiaryFunction<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.function.multiary
MultiaryFunction.Constant<N extends Number,F extends MultiaryFunction.Constant<N,?>> - Interface in org.ojalgo.function.multiary
MultiaryFunction.Convex<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.function.multiary
MultiaryFunction.Linear<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.function.multiary
MultiaryFunction.Quadratic<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.function.multiary
MultiaryFunction.TwiceDifferentiable<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.function.multiary
Twice (Continuously) Differentiable Multiary Function
multipliers(Access1D<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Result
multiply(T) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.algebra.Operation.Multiplication
multiply(double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.algebra.ScalarOperation.Multiplication
multiply(N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.algebra.ScalarOperation.Multiplication
MULTIPLY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
multiply() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
MULTIPLY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
multiply() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
multiply() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
MULTIPLY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
multiply() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
MULTIPLY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
multiply() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
MULTIPLY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
multiply() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
multiply(Primitive32Vector2, Primitive32Vector2) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix2
multiply(Primitive32Vector2, float, Primitive32Vector2) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix3
multiply(Primitive32Vector3, Primitive32Vector3) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix3
multiply(Primitive32Vector3, float, Primitive32Vector3) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix4
multiply(Primitive32Vector4, Primitive32Vector4) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix4
multiply(Primitive64Vector2, Primitive64Vector2) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix2
multiply(Primitive64Vector2, double, Primitive64Vector2) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix3
multiply(Primitive64Vector3, Primitive64Vector3) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix3
multiply(Primitive64Vector3, double, Primitive64Vector3) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix4
multiply(Primitive64Vector4, Primitive64Vector4) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix4
multiply(MatrixStore<BigDecimal>) - Method in class
multiply(MatrixStore<ComplexNumber>) - Method in class
multiply(MatrixStore<N>) - Method in class
multiply(Access1D<N>, ElementsConsumer<N>) - Method in interface
multiply(double) - Method in interface
multiply(MatrixStore<N>) - Method in interface
multiply(N) - Method in interface
multiply(MatrixStore<Double>) - Method in class
multiply(MatrixStore<Double>) - Method in class
multiply(Access1D<N>, ElementsConsumer<N>) - Method in class
multiply(double) - Method in class
multiply(MatrixStore<N>) - Method in class
multiply(N) - Method in class
multiply(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.BigScalar
multiply(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.BigScalar
multiply(ComplexNumber) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
multiply(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
multiply(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
multiply(Double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
multiply(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
multiply(Quaternion) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
multiply(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
multiply(RationalNumber) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
multiply(Scalar<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.scalar.Scalar
multiply(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ExplicitTimeSeries
multiply(PrimitiveSeries) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ExplicitTimeSeries
multiply(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ImplicitTimeSeries
multiply(PrimitiveSeries) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ImplicitTimeSeries
multiply(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveSeries
multiply(PrimitiveSeries) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveSeries
multiplyBoth(Access1D<BigDecimal>) - Method in class
multiplyBoth(Access1D<ComplexNumber>) - Method in class
multiplyBoth(Access1D<N>) - Method in class
multiplyBoth(Access1D<N>) - Method in interface
Assumes [leftAndRight] is a vector and will calulate [leftAndRight]H[this][leftAndRight]
MultiplyBoth - Class in
multiplyBoth(Access1D<Double>) - Method in class
multiplyBoth(Access1D<Double>) - Method in class
multiplyBoth(Access1D<N>) - Method in class
multiplyElements(Access2D<?>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.BasicMatrix
Multiplies the elements of this matrix with the elements of aMtrx.
MultiplyHermitianAndVector - Class in
Multiplies an hermitian (square symmetric) matrix with a vector.
MultiplyLeft - Class in
MultiplyNeither - Class in
MultiplyRight - Class in
MutableSolver<D extends org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.IterativeSolverTask & org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.IterativeSolverTask.SparseDelegate> - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative
MutableSolver(D, long) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.MutableSolver
Mutate1D - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
1-dimensional mutator methods
Mutate1D.BiModifiable<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
Mutate1D.Fillable<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
Fills the target
Mutate1D.Mixable<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
Mix/combine the previously existing value, at index, with the supplied addend.
Mutate1D.Modifiable<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
Mutate1D.Receiver<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
Anything/everything that does not require interaction with already existing elements.
Mutate1D.Sortable - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
Mutate2D - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
2-dimensional mutator methods
Mutate2D.BiModifiable<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
Mutate2D.Exchangeable - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
A few operations with no 1D or AnyD counterpart.
Mutate2D.Fillable<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
Mutate2D.Mixable<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
Mutate2D.Modifiable<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
Mutate2D.Receiver<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
MutateAnyD - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
N-dimensional mutator methods
MutateAnyD.BiModifiable<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
MutateAnyD.Fillable<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
MutateAnyD.Mixable<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
MutateAnyD.Modifiable<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
MutateAnyD.Receiver<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access


name(String) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries
NaN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
NaN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
NaN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
NANO - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigPrefix
NANO - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitivePrefix
NBSP - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.netio.ASCII
needsAnotherIteration() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
needsAnotherIteration() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.IntegerSolver
needsAnotherIteration() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.NewIntegerSolver
needsAnotherIteration() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.OldIntegerSolver
needsAnotherIteration() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.linear.LinearSolver
needsAnotherIteration() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.linear.SimplexSolver
NEG - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
NEG - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
NEG - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
NEG - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
negate() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.algebra.Group.Additive
The additive inverse of this.
NEGATE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
negate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
NEGATE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
negate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
negate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
NEGATE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
negate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
NEGATE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
negate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
NEGATE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
negate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
negate(Primitive32Matrix2) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix2
negate(Primitive32Matrix3) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix3
negate(Primitive32Matrix4) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix4
negate(Primitive64Matrix2) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix2
negate(Primitive64Matrix3) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix3
negate(Primitive64Matrix4) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix4
negate() - Method in interface
negate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.BigScalar
negate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
negate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
negate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
negate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
NegateColumn - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.function
negateColumn(int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.function.NegateColumn
negateColumn(int) - Method in class
negateColumn(int) - Method in class
negateColumn(int) - Method in class
negateColumn(int) - Method in class
NEGATIVE_INFINITY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
NEGATIVE_INFINITY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
NEGATIVE_INFINITY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
newAdjuster(TemporalAdjuster) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.TemporalContext
newArrayInstance(int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.scalar.Scalar.Factory
newEquationSystemNotSolvable() - Static method in exception org.ojalgo.RecoverableCondition
newFailedToParseString(String, Class<?>) - Static method in exception org.ojalgo.RecoverableCondition
newFormat(DatePart, DateStyle, Locale) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.DateContext
newFormat(NumberStyle, Locale) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
newFormatter(DateTimeFormatter) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.TemporalContext
NewIntegerSolver - Class in org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer
newMathContext(MathContext) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
newMatrixNotInvertible() - Static method in exception org.ojalgo.RecoverableCondition
newPrecision(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
newPrimitiveColumnCollectable(Access1D<?>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D
newPrimitiveRowCollectable(Access1D<?>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D
newRoundingMode(RoundingMode) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
newScale(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
next() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Access1D.ElementView
next() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.ElementView
next() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.ColumnView
next() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Iterator1D
next() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.RowView
next(T) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure1D.IndexMapper
This default implementation assumes that the index is incremented by 1 when incrementing the key to the next value.
next() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray.NonzeroView
nextDouble() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Random1D
An array of correlated random numbers, provided that you gave a correlations matrix to the constructor.
nextGaussian() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Random1D
An array of correlated random numbers, provided that you gave a correlations matrix to the constructor.
nextIndex() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.ElementView1D
nextIndex() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Iterator1D
nextKey() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries.NaturallySequenced
nextKey() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CalendarDateSeries
NINE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
NINE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
NINTH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
NINTH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
nonzeros() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access1D
nonzeros() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
nonzeros() - Method in class
norm() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.algebra.NormedVectorSpace
this == this.signum().multiply(this.norm())
norm(double...) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionUtils
norm(double, double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionUtils
norm(double, double, double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionUtils
norm(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionUtils
norm() - Method in interface
norm() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.BigScalar
norm() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
norm() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber.Normalised
norm() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
norm() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
norm() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion.Versor
norm() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
norm1() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.AggregatorSet
Equivalent to, but probably faster than, norm(1);
NORM1 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.BigAggregator
norm1() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.BigAggregator
NORM1 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.ComplexAggregator
norm1() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.ComplexAggregator
NORM1 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.PrimitiveAggregator
norm1() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.PrimitiveAggregator
NORM1 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.QuaternionAggregator
norm1() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.QuaternionAggregator
NORM1 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.RationalAggregator
norm1() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.RationalAggregator
norm2() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.AggregatorSet
Equivalent to, but probably faster than, norm(2);
NORM2 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.BigAggregator
norm2() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.BigAggregator
NORM2 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.ComplexAggregator
norm2() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.ComplexAggregator
NORM2 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.PrimitiveAggregator
norm2() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.PrimitiveAggregator
NORM2 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.QuaternionAggregator
norm2() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.QuaternionAggregator
NORM2 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.RationalAggregator
norm2() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.RationalAggregator
Normal - Class in org.ojalgo.random
Under general conditions, the sum of a large number of random variables is approximately normally distributed (the central limit theorem).
Normal() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.Normal
Normal(double, double) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.Normal
Normal1D - Class in org.ojalgo.random
Normal1D(Access1D<?>, Access2D<?>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.Normal1D
NormedVectorSpace<V,F extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.algebra
now() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
NRM2 - Class in org.ojalgo.array.blas
The ?nrm2 routines perform a vector reduction operation defined as res = ||x||, where: x is a vector, res is a value containing the Euclidean norm of the elements of x.
NRM2() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.blas.NRM2
NULL - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.function.ExchangeColumns
NULL - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.function.NegateColumn
NULL - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.function.RotateRight
NULL - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.netio.ASCII
NULL - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger
NullaryFunction<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.function
NumberContext - Class in org.ojalgo.type.context
Think of this as a MathContext that specifies both precision and scale.
NumberContext() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
NumberContext(int, int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
NumberContext(int, int, RoundingMode) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
NumberContext(int, RoundingMode) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
NumberContext(NumberFormat, int, int, RoundingMode) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
NumberContext(RoundingMode) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
NumberContext.Enforceable<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.type.context
NumberContext.FormatPattern - Interface in org.ojalgo.type.context
NumberList<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.array
Think of this as an ArrayList that can only contain numbers, but with a few extra features.
NumberList.ListFactory<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.array
NumberSeries<N extends Number & Comparable<N>> - Class in org.ojalgo.series
NumberSeries() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.series.NumberSeries
NumberSeries(Map<? extends N, ? extends N>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.series.NumberSeries
NumberSeries(SortedMap<N, ? extends N>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.series.NumberSeries
NumberStyle - Enum in org.ojalgo.type.format


objective(MatrixStore<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver.Builder
objective(MatrixStore<Double>, MatrixStore<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver.Builder
objective() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
This is generated on demend – you should not cache this.
objective(MatrixStore<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.linear.LinearSolver.Builder
of(R, C) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D.RowColumnKey
of(BigDecimal) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.BigScalar
of(double, double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
of(double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
of(double, double, double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
of(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
of(long, long) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
of(DateTimeFormatter) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.TemporalContext
of(DateTimeFormatter, TemporalAdjuster) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.TemporalContext
OFFSET_DATE_TIME - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries
OFFSET_DATE_TIME - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.type.TimeIndex
OffsetRegion(ElementsConsumer<N>, ElementsConsumer.FillByMultiplying<N>, int, int) - Constructor for class
offsets(int, int) - Method in class
OjAlgoUtils - Class in org.ojalgo
OldIntegerSolver - Class in org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer
ONE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
ONE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
ONE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.BigScalar
ONE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
ONE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
ONE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
ONE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
one() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.scalar.Scalar.Factory
openConnection() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.ResourceLocator
operateOnAll(BinaryFunction<N>, double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Stream1D
operateOnAll(BinaryFunction<N>, N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Stream1D
operateOnAll(double, BinaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Stream1D
operateOnAll(N, BinaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Stream1D
operateOnAll(ParameterFunction<N>, int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Stream1D
operateOnAll(UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Stream1D
operateOnAll(BinaryFunction<N>, double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Stream2D
operateOnAll(BinaryFunction<N>, N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Stream2D
operateOnAll(double, BinaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Stream2D
operateOnAll(N, BinaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Stream2D
operateOnAll(ParameterFunction<N>, int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Stream2D
operateOnAll(UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Stream2D
operateOnAll(BinaryFunction<N>, double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.StreamAnyD
operateOnAll(BinaryFunction<N>, N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.StreamAnyD
operateOnAll(double, BinaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.StreamAnyD
operateOnAll(N, BinaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.StreamAnyD
operateOnAll(ParameterFunction<N>, int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.StreamAnyD
operateOnAll(UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.StreamAnyD
operateOnAll(UnaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface
operateOnMatching(A, BinaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Stream1D
operateOnMatching(BinaryFunction<N>, A) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Stream1D
operateOnMatching(A, BinaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Stream2D
operateOnMatching(BinaryFunction<N>, A) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Stream2D
operateOnMatching(A, BinaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.StreamAnyD
operateOnMatching(BinaryFunction<N>, A) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.StreamAnyD
operateOnMatching(BinaryFunction<N>, MatrixStore<N>) - Method in interface
operateOnMatching(MatrixStore<N>, BinaryFunction<N>) - Method in interface
Operation - Interface in org.ojalgo.algebra
Operation - Enum in org.ojalgo.type
Operation.Addition<T> - Interface in org.ojalgo.algebra
Operation.Division<T> - Interface in org.ojalgo.algebra
Operation.Multiplication<T> - Interface in org.ojalgo.algebra
Operation.Subtraction<T> - Interface in org.ojalgo.algebra
OPPOSITE_SIGN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Presolvers
Checks the sign of the limits and the sign of the expression parameters to deduce variables that in fact can only be zero.
Optimisation - Interface in org.ojalgo.optimisation
Optimisation.Constraint - Interface in org.ojalgo.optimisation
Optimisation.Integration<M extends Optimisation.Model,S extends Optimisation.Solver> - Interface in org.ojalgo.optimisation
Optimisation.Model - Interface in org.ojalgo.optimisation
Optimisation.Objective - Interface in org.ojalgo.optimisation
Optimisation.Options - Class in org.ojalgo.optimisation
Optimisation.Result - Class in org.ojalgo.optimisation
Optimisation.Solver - Interface in org.ojalgo.optimisation
An Optimisation.Solver instance implements a specific optimisation algorithm.
Optimisation.State - Enum in org.ojalgo.optimisation
options - Variable in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.GenericSolver
Options() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Options
org.ojalgo - package org.ojalgo
org.ojalgo.access - package org.ojalgo.access
org.ojalgo.algebra - package org.ojalgo.algebra
org.ojalgo.array - package org.ojalgo.array
org.ojalgo.array.blas - package org.ojalgo.array.blas
org.ojalgo.concurrent - package org.ojalgo.concurrent
org.ojalgo.constant - package org.ojalgo.constant
org.ojalgo.function - package org.ojalgo.function
org.ojalgo.function.aggregator - package org.ojalgo.function.aggregator
org.ojalgo.function.multiary - package org.ojalgo.function.multiary
org.ojalgo.function.polynomial - package org.ojalgo.function.polynomial
org.ojalgo.machine - package org.ojalgo.machine
org.ojalgo.matrix - package org.ojalgo.matrix
org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition - package org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition
org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.function - package org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.function
org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry - package org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry - package - package
Contents in this package loosely corresponds to BLAS.
org.ojalgo.matrix.task - package org.ojalgo.matrix.task
org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative - package org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative
org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation - package org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation
org.ojalgo.netio - package org.ojalgo.netio
This package loosely corresponds to (extends) the packages:*, java.nio.*,* and*
org.ojalgo.optimisation - package org.ojalgo.optimisation
org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex - package org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex
org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer - package org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer
org.ojalgo.optimisation.linear - package org.ojalgo.optimisation.linear
org.ojalgo.random - package org.ojalgo.random
org.ojalgo.random.process - package org.ojalgo.random.process
org.ojalgo.scalar - package org.ojalgo.scalar
org.ojalgo.series - package org.ojalgo.series
org.ojalgo.series.function - package org.ojalgo.series.function
org.ojalgo.series.primitive - package org.ojalgo.series.primitive
org.ojalgo.tensor - package org.ojalgo.tensor
org.ojalgo.type - package org.ojalgo.type
org.ojalgo.type.context - package org.ojalgo.type.context
org.ojalgo.type.format - package org.ojalgo.type.format
org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue - package org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue
orthes(double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.EvD1D
orthes(double[][], double[][], double[]) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.EvD2D
OS_MEMORY_PAGE_SIZE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.machine.Hardware
Practically all architectures/Os:s have a page size of 4k (one notable exception is Solaris/SPARC that have 8k)


parameter(int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.ParameterFunction
Turns this parameter function into a unary function with the parameter fixed/locked to the specified value.
parameter(String, String) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.ResourceLocator
ParameterFunction<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.function
ParameterFunction.FixedParameter<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.function
A ParameterFunction with a set/fixed parameter.
parameters() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.ResourceLocator
parse(String) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.netio.BasicParser
Parse one line into some custom object.
parse(File, Consumer<T>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.netio.BasicParser
Will parse this file, line by line, passing the reulting objects (1 per line) to the supplied consumer.
parse(Reader, Consumer<T>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.netio.BasicParser
parse(String) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.LineSplittingParser
parse(CharSequence) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.TemporalContext
parse(CharSequence) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.type.context.TypeContext
parse(String, ParsePosition) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.format.TransformationFormat
parseObject(String, ParsePosition) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.format.BinaryFormat
parseObject(String, ParsePosition) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.format.BooleanFormat
parseObject(String, ParsePosition) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.format.StringFormat
partitions(int, int[]) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.random.RandomUtils
Password - Class in org.ojalgo.netio
Password() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.netio.Password
path(String) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.ResourceLocator
PERCENT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
Precision: 7 Scale: 4 Rounding Mode: RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN Locale: JVM Default Style: NumberStyle.PERCENT
percent(Locale) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
performIteration() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
permutations(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.random.RandomUtils
PETA - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigPrefix
PETA - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitivePrefix
phase() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
physical() - Method in class
physical() - Method in class
physical() - Method in class
physical() - Method in interface
physical() - Method in class
physical() - Method in class
physical() - Method in class
physical() - Method in class
physical() - Method in class
PhysicalStore<N extends Number> - Interface in
PhysicalStore:s, as opposed to MatrixStore:s, are mutable.
PhysicalStore.Factory<N extends Number,I extends PhysicalStore<N>> - Interface in
PI - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
PI - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
PICO - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigPrefix
PICO - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitivePrefix
plain() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.TimeIndex
plain(CalendarDate.Resolution) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.TimeIndex
plus(long, TemporalUnit) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
point(long, long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.HouseholderReference
Poisson - Class in org.ojalgo.random
The Poisson distribution is a discrete probability distribution that expresses the probability of a given number of events occurring in a fixed interval of time and/or space if these events occur with a known average rate and independently of the time since the last event.
Poisson() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.Poisson
Poisson(double) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.Poisson
PoissonProcess - Class in org.ojalgo.random.process
A Poisson process is a stochastic process which counts the number of events in a given time interval.
PoissonProcess(double) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.process.PoissonProcess
PolynomialFunction<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.function.polynomial
port(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.ResourceLocator
The default (null) value is -1.
POSITIVE_INFINITY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
POSITIVE_INFINITY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
POSITIVE_INFINITY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
POW - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
pow() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
POW - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
pow() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
pow() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
POW - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
pow() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
POW - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
pow() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
POW - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
pow() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
POWER - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
power() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
POWER - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
power() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
power() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
POWER - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
power() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
POWER - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
power() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
POWER - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
power() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
powerOf2Larger(long) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
powerOf2Smaller(long) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
POWERS_OF_2 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
preallocate(Structure2D) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.HermitianEvD
preallocate(Structure2D, Structure2D) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.HermitianEvD
preallocate(Structure2D) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.AbstractInverter
preallocate(int, int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.task.InverterTask
preallocate(Structure2D) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.task.InverterTask
Will create a PhysicalStore instance suitable for use with InverterTask.invert(Access2D, PhysicalStore).
preallocate(int, int, int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.task.SolverTask
preallocate(Structure2D, Structure2D) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.task.SolverTask
Will create a PhysicalStore instance suitable for use with SolverTask.solve(Access2D, Access2D, PhysicalStore).
PREDEFINED - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.machine.Hardware
Should contain all available hardware in ascending "power" order.
premultiply(Access1D<N>) - Method in interface
The premultiply method differs from multiply in 3 ways: The matrix positions are swapped - left/right. It does NOT return a MatrixStore but an ElementsSupplier instead. It accepts an Access1D as the argument left matrix.
premultiply(Access1D<N>) - Method in class
Presolver(int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel.Presolver
Presolvers - Class in org.ojalgo.optimisation
Presolvers() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Presolvers
previous() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Access1D.ElementView
previous() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.ElementView
previous() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.ColumnView
previous() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.ElementView1D
previous() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Iterator1D
previous() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.RowView
previous(T) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure1D.IndexMapper
This default implementation assumes that the index is decremented by 1 when decrementing the key to the previous value.
previous() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray.NonzeroView
previousIndex() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.ElementView1D
previousIndex() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Iterator1D
PRICE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
Price or conversion rate (foreign exchange rate).
PRIMITIVE - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Bidiagonal
PRIMITIVE - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Cholesky
PRIMITIVE - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Eigenvalue
PRIMITIVE - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Hessenberg
PRIMITIVE - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.LDL
PRIMITIVE - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.LU
PRIMITIVE - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.QR
PRIMITIVE - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.SingularValue
PRIMITIVE - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Tridiagonal
PRIMITIVE - Static variable in interface
PRIMITIVE - Static variable in class
PRIMITIVE - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.task.DeterminantTask
PRIMITIVE - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.task.InverterTask
PRIMITIVE - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.task.SolverTask
Primitive(Householder<Double>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Primitive
Primitive(int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Primitive
Primitive(int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Primitive
Primitive(int, int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Primitive
Primitive(int, int, double, double) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Primitive
Primitive(Rotation<Double>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Primitive
PRIMITIVE32 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
PRIMITIVE32 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
PRIMITIVE32 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
Primitive32Array - Class in org.ojalgo.array
A one- and/or arbitrary-dimensional array of double.
Primitive32Array(float[]) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
Array not copied! No checking!
Primitive32Array(int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
Primitive32Matrix2 - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry
Primitive32Matrix2() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix2
Primitive32Matrix2(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix2
Primitive32Matrix3 - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry
Primitive32Matrix3() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix3
Primitive32Matrix3(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix3
Primitive32Matrix4 - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry
Primitive32Matrix4() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix4
Primitive32Matrix4(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix4
Primitive32Vector2 - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry
Primitive32Vector2() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Vector2
Primitive32Vector2(float, float) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Vector2
Primitive32Vector3 - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry
Primitive32Vector3() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Vector3
Primitive32Vector3(float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Vector3
Primitive32Vector4 - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry
Primitive32Vector4() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Vector4
PRIMITIVE64 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
PRIMITIVE64 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
PRIMITIVE64 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
Primitive64Array - Class in org.ojalgo.array
A one- and/or arbitrary-dimensional array of double.
Primitive64Array(double[]) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
Array not copied! No checking!
Primitive64Array(int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
Primitive64Matrix2 - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry
Primitive64Matrix2() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix2
Primitive64Matrix3 - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry
Primitive64Matrix3() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix3
Primitive64Matrix3(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix3
Primitive64Matrix4 - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry
Primitive64Matrix4() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix4
Primitive64Matrix4(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix4
Primitive64Vector2 - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry
Primitive64Vector2() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Vector2
Primitive64Vector2(double, double) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Vector2
Primitive64Vector3 - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry
Primitive64Vector3() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Vector3
Primitive64Vector3(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Vector3
Primitive64Vector4 - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry
Primitive64Vector4() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Vector4
Primitive64Vector4(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Vector4
PrimitiveAggregator - Class in org.ojalgo.function.aggregator
PrimitiveArray - Class in org.ojalgo.array
PrimitiveDenseStore - Class in
A Double (actually double) implementation of PhysicalStore.
PrimitiveDenseStore.PrimitiveMultiplyBoth - Interface in
PrimitiveDenseStore.PrimitiveMultiplyLeft - Interface in
PrimitiveDenseStore.PrimitiveMultiplyNeither - Interface in
PrimitiveDenseStore.PrimitiveMultiplyRight - Interface in
PrimitiveFunction - Class in org.ojalgo.function
Only the primitive parameter (double) methods are actually implemented.
PrimitiveFunction.Binary - Interface in org.ojalgo.function
PrimitiveFunction.Parameter - Interface in org.ojalgo.function
PrimitiveFunction.Unary - Interface in org.ojalgo.function
PrimitiveMath - Class in org.ojalgo.constant
PrimitiveMatrix - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix
PrimitivePolynomial - Class in org.ojalgo.function.polynomial
PrimitivePolynomial(int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.PrimitivePolynomial
PrimitivePrefix - Class in org.ojalgo.constant
PrimitiveScalar - Class in org.ojalgo.scalar
PrimitiveScalar() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
PrimitiveSeries - Class in org.ojalgo.series.primitive
PrimitiveSeries() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveSeries
PrimitiveSubtype - Enum in org.ojalgo.array
PrimitiveTimeSeries - Class in org.ojalgo.series.primitive
PrimitiveTimeSeries(PrimitiveSeries) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveTimeSeries
print(char) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.AppendablePrinter
print(char[]) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.AppendablePrinter
print(String) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.AppendablePrinter
print(char) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.Printer
print(char[]) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.Printer
print(String) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.Printer
print(boolean) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.Printer
print(double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.Printer
print(float) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.Printer
print(int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.Printer
print(long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.Printer
print(Object) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.Printer
print(String, Object...) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.Printer
print(boolean) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintStreamPrinter
print(char) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintStreamPrinter
print(char[]) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintStreamPrinter
print(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintStreamPrinter
print(float) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintStreamPrinter
print(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintStreamPrinter
print(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintStreamPrinter
print(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintStreamPrinter
print(String) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintStreamPrinter
print(String, Object...) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintStreamPrinter
print(boolean) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintWriterPrinter
print(char) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintWriterPrinter
print(char[]) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintWriterPrinter
print(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintWriterPrinter
print(float) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintWriterPrinter
print(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintWriterPrinter
print(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintWriterPrinter
print(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintWriterPrinter
print(String) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintWriterPrinter
print(String, Object...) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintWriterPrinter
print() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.TableData
print - Variable in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Options
For display only!
printf(Locale, String, Object...) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.AppendablePrinter
printf(String, Object...) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.AppendablePrinter
printf(Locale, String, Object...) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.Printer
printf(String, Object...) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.Printer
printf(Locale, String, Object...) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintStreamPrinter
printf(String, Object...) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintStreamPrinter
printf(Locale, String, Object...) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintWriterPrinter
printf(String, Object...) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintWriterPrinter
println() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.AppendablePrinter
println() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.Printer
println(boolean) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.Printer
println(char) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.Printer
println(char[]) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.Printer
println(double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.Printer
println(float) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.Printer
println(int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.Printer
println(long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.Printer
println(Object) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.Printer
println(String) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.Printer
println(String, Object...) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.Printer
println() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintStreamPrinter
println(boolean) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintStreamPrinter
println(char) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintStreamPrinter
println(char[]) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintStreamPrinter
println(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintStreamPrinter
println(float) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintStreamPrinter
println(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintStreamPrinter
println(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintStreamPrinter
println(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintStreamPrinter
println(String) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintStreamPrinter
println(String, Object...) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintStreamPrinter
println() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintWriterPrinter
println(boolean) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintWriterPrinter
println(char) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintWriterPrinter
println(char[]) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintWriterPrinter
println(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintWriterPrinter
println(float) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintWriterPrinter
println(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintWriterPrinter
println(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintWriterPrinter
println(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintWriterPrinter
println(String) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintWriterPrinter
println(String, Object...) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintWriterPrinter
printmtrx(String, Access2D<?>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.Printer
printmtrx(String, Access2D<?>, NumberContext) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.Printer
printmtrx(String, Access2D<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintStreamPrinter
printmtrx(String, Access2D<?>, NumberContext) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintStreamPrinter
printmtrx(String, Access2D<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintWriterPrinter
printmtrx(String, Access2D<?>, NumberContext) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintWriterPrinter
PrintStreamPrinter(PrintStream) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintStreamPrinter
PrintWriterPrinter(PrintWriter) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.netio.BasicLogger.PrintWriterPrinter
ProcessInputStream - Class in org.ojalgo.netio
ProcessInputStream(Process, String) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.netio.ProcessInputStream
ProcessOutputStream - Class in org.ojalgo.netio
ProcessOutputStream(Process) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.netio.ProcessOutputStream
product() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.AggregatorSet
Running product
PRODUCT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.BigAggregator
product() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.BigAggregator
PRODUCT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.ComplexAggregator
product() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.ComplexAggregator
PRODUCT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.PrimitiveAggregator
product() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.PrimitiveAggregator
PRODUCT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.QuaternionAggregator
product() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.QuaternionAggregator
PRODUCT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.RationalAggregator
product() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.RationalAggregator
product2() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.AggregatorSet
Running product of squares
PRODUCT2 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.BigAggregator
product2() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.BigAggregator
PRODUCT2 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.ComplexAggregator
product2() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.ComplexAggregator
PRODUCT2 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.PrimitiveAggregator
product2() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.PrimitiveAggregator
PRODUCT2 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.QuaternionAggregator
product2() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.QuaternionAggregator
PRODUCT2 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.RationalAggregator
product2() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.RationalAggregator
ProgrammingError - Exception in org.ojalgo
Incorrect use of the API.
ProgrammingError(String) - Constructor for exception org.ojalgo.ProgrammingError
ProgrammingError(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.ojalgo.ProgrammingError
progress(Class<? extends Optimisation.Solver>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Options
Will configure high level (low volume) progress logging
prune() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CoordinationSet
prune(CalendarDateUnit) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CoordinationSet
Will prune and resample the data
prune(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveSeries
A positive valued shift will prune that many elements off the head of the series.
put(long, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap
put(long, N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap
put(Long, N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap
put(R, String, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.TableData
put(long, double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries.NaturallySequenced
put(long, V) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries.NaturallySequenced
put(K, double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries
put(K, V) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries
Some implementations may specify an accumulator function to be used with subsequent put operation with the same key.
put(Calendar, N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CalendarDateSeries
put(CalendarDate, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CalendarDateSeries
Will only work if values are types as Double.
put(CalendarDate, N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CalendarDateSeries
put(Date, N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CalendarDateSeries
put(long, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CalendarDateSeries
put(long, N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CalendarDateSeries
put(CalendarDateSeries<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CoordinationSet
Vill use the series' name as the key.
put(N, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.NumberSeries
putAll(LongToNumberMap<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap
putAll(Map<? extends Long, ? extends N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap
putAll(Collection<? extends KeyValue<? extends K, ? extends V>>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries
putAll(Map<? extends CalendarDate, ? extends N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CalendarDateSeries


QAMAX - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.array.blas.BLAS1
QR<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition
QR: [A] = [Q][R] Decomposes [this] into [Q] and [R] where: [Q] is an orthogonal matrix (orthonormal columns).
QR.Factory<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition
quadratic() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.CompoundFunction
quadratic() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.multiary.MultiaryFunction.Quadratic
quadratic() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.QuadraticFunction
QuadraticFunction<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.function.multiary
[x]T[Q][x] + c
quantifyContribution() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Variable
QUANTITY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
Precision: 16 Scale: 6 Rounding Mode: RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN Locale: JVM Default Style: NumberStyle.GENERAL Typically you have StandardType.QUANTITY x StandardType.PRICE = StandardType.AMOUNT, an alternative is StandardType.QUANTITY x StandardType.PRICE = StandardType.QUANTITY.
QUARTER - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
QUARTER - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
QUATERNION - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
QUATERNION - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
QUATERNION - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
QUATERNION - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Bidiagonal
QUATERNION - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Cholesky
QUATERNION - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Eigenvalue
QUATERNION - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Hessenberg
QUATERNION - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.LDL
QUATERNION - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.LU
QUATERNION - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.QR
QUATERNION - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.SingularValue
QUATERNION - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Tridiagonal
QUATERNION - Static variable in class
QUATERNION - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.task.DeterminantTask
QUATERNION - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.task.InverterTask
QUATERNION - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.task.SolverTask
Quaternion - Class in org.ojalgo.scalar
Quaternion() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
Quaternion.RotationAxis - Enum in org.ojalgo.scalar
Quaternion.Versor - Class in org.ojalgo.scalar
QuaternionAggregator - Class in org.ojalgo.function.aggregator
QuaternionArray - Class in org.ojalgo.array
A one- and/or arbitrary-dimensional array of Quaternion.
QuaternionArray(int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.QuaternionArray
QuaternionArray(Quaternion[]) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.QuaternionArray
QuaternionFunction - Class in org.ojalgo.function
QuaternionFunction.Binary - Interface in org.ojalgo.function
QuaternionFunction.Parameter - Interface in org.ojalgo.function
QuaternionFunction.Unary - Interface in org.ojalgo.function
QuaternionMatrix - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix
quotients() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ExplicitTimeSeries
quotients(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ExplicitTimeSeries
quotients() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ImplicitTimeSeries
quotients(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ImplicitTimeSeries
quotients() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveSeries
period == 1
quotients(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveSeries


RAMAX - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.array.blas.BLAS1
random(int, int) - Static method in class
Generate matrix with random elements
random() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Random1D
random() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.RandomNumber
random() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.ColourData
Random1D - Class in org.ojalgo.random
Random1D(Access2D<?>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.Random1D
Random1D(int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.Random1D
If the variables are uncorrelated.
randomInteger(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.random.Uniform
randomInteger(int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.random.Uniform
randomInteger(long) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.random.Uniform
RandomNumber - Class in org.ojalgo.random
RandomNumber() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.RandomNumber
RandomProcess<D extends Distribution> - Interface in org.ojalgo.random.process
A random/stochastic process is a collection of random variables representing the evolution of some random value over "time".
RandomProcess.SimulationResults - Class in org.ojalgo.random.process
RandomUtils - Class in org.ojalgo.random
rank() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD
rank() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
rank() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.tensor.Tensor
RATIONAL - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
RATIONAL - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
RATIONAL - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
RATIONAL - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Bidiagonal
RATIONAL - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Cholesky
RATIONAL - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Eigenvalue
RATIONAL - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Hessenberg
RATIONAL - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.LDL
RATIONAL - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.LU
RATIONAL - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.QR
RATIONAL - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.SingularValue
RATIONAL - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Tridiagonal
RATIONAL - Static variable in class
RATIONAL - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.task.DeterminantTask
RATIONAL - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.task.InverterTask
RATIONAL - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.task.SolverTask
rational(double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
RationalAggregator - Class in org.ojalgo.function.aggregator
RationalArray - Class in org.ojalgo.array
A one- and/or arbitrary-dimensional array of RationalNumber.
RationalArray(int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.RationalArray
RationalArray(RationalNumber[]) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.RationalArray
RationalFunction - Class in org.ojalgo.function
RationalFunction.Binary - Interface in org.ojalgo.function
RationalFunction.Parameter - Interface in org.ojalgo.function
RationalFunction.Unary - Interface in org.ojalgo.function
RationalMatrix - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix
RationalNumber - Class in org.ojalgo.scalar
RationalPolynomial - Class in org.ojalgo.function.polynomial
RationalPolynomial(int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.RationalPolynomial
Raw1D - Class in org.ojalgo.array
Raw1D() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.Raw1D
Raw2D - Class in org.ojalgo.array
Raw2D() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.Raw2D
RawAnyD - Class in org.ojalgo.array
RawAnyD() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.RawAnyD
RawStore - Class in
Uses double[][] internally.
RawStore(Access2D<?>) - Constructor for class
RawStore(double[], int) - Constructor for class
Construct a matrix from a one-dimensional packed array
RawStore(double[][]) - Constructor for class
Construct a matrix from a 2-D array.
RawStore(double[][], int, int) - Constructor for class
Construct a matrix quickly without checking arguments.
RawStore(int, int) - Constructor for class
Construct an m-by-n matrix of zeros.
RawStore(int, int, double) - Constructor for class
Construct an m-by-n constant matrix.
RCB - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.netio.ASCII
read(BufferedReader) - Static method in class
Read a matrix from a stream.
read(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.BufferedParsingReader
readByteAsChar() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.ProcessInputStream
readByteAsInt() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.ProcessInputStream
reconstruct(Bidiagonal<N>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Bidiagonal
reconstruct() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Bidiagonal
reconstruct(Cholesky<N>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Cholesky
reconstruct() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Cholesky
reconstruct(Eigenvalue<N>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Eigenvalue
reconstruct() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Eigenvalue
reconstruct(Hessenberg<N>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Hessenberg
reconstruct() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Hessenberg
reconstruct(LDL<N>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.LDL
reconstruct() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.LDL
reconstruct(LU<N>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.LU
reconstruct() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.LU
reconstruct() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.MatrixDecomposition
reconstruct(QR<N>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.QR
reconstruct() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.QR
reconstruct(Schur<N>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Schur
reconstruct() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Schur
reconstruct(SingularValue<N>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.SingularValue
reconstruct() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.SingularValue
reconstruct(Tridiagonal<N>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Tridiagonal
reconstruct() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Tridiagonal
RecoverableCondition - Exception in org.ojalgo
Something that potentially could go wrong, actually did go wrong.
recreateCache() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.TypeCache
reduce(int, Aggregator, Mutate1D) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.AccessAnyD.Aggregatable
reduce(int, Aggregator) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD.ReducibleTo1D
reduce(int, int, Aggregator) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD.ReducibleTo2D
reduce(int, Aggregator) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
reduce(int, int, Aggregator) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
reduceColumns(Aggregator, Mutate1D) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.Aggregatable
reduceColumns(Aggregator) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D.ReducibleTo1D
reduceColumns(Aggregator) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
reduceColumns(Aggregator) - Method in interface
reduceRows(Aggregator, Mutate1D) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.Aggregatable
reduceRows(Aggregator) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D.ReducibleTo1D
reduceRows(Aggregator) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
reduceRows(Aggregator) - Method in interface
reference - Variable in class org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD.IntReference
reference - Variable in class org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD.LongReference
reference(long, long[]) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD
reference(K) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries.TimeSeriesBuilder
ReferenceMapper(StructureAnyD, Structure1D.IndexMapper<Object>[]) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD.ReferenceMapper
ReferenceTypeArray<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.array
A one- and/or arbitrary-dimensional array of Number.
regionByColumns(int...) - Method in class
regionByColumns(int...) - Method in class
regionByColumns(int...) - Method in class
regionByColumns(int...) - Method in interface
regionByColumns(int...) - Method in class
regionByColumns(int...) - Method in class
regionByColumns(int...) - Method in class
regionByColumns(int...) - Method in class
regionByLimits(int, int) - Method in class
regionByLimits(int, int) - Method in class
regionByLimits(int, int) - Method in class
regionByLimits(int, int) - Method in interface
regionByLimits(int, int) - Method in class
regionByLimits(int, int) - Method in class
regionByLimits(int, int) - Method in class
regionByLimits(int, int) - Method in class
regionByOffsets(int, int) - Method in class
regionByOffsets(int, int) - Method in class
regionByOffsets(int, int) - Method in class
regionByOffsets(int, int) - Method in interface
regionByOffsets(int, int) - Method in class
regionByOffsets(int, int) - Method in class
regionByOffsets(int, int) - Method in class
regionByOffsets(int, int) - Method in class
regionByRows(int...) - Method in class
regionByRows(int...) - Method in class
regionByRows(int...) - Method in class
regionByRows(int...) - Method in interface
regionByRows(int...) - Method in class
regionByRows(int...) - Method in class
regionByRows(int...) - Method in class
regionByRows(int...) - Method in class
regionByTransposing() - Method in class
regionByTransposing() - Method in class
regionByTransposing() - Method in class
regionByTransposing() - Method in interface
regionByTransposing() - Method in class
regionByTransposing() - Method in class
regionByTransposing() - Method in class
regionByTransposing() - Method in class
regionByTransposing() - Method in class
relax(boolean) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
relax() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Variable
remove() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.ColumnView
remove() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.ElementView1D
remove() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Iterator1D
remove() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.RowView
remove(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap
remove(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap
remove(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
remove(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
remove(Equation) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.MutableSolver
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
removeColumn(int) - Method in class
removeIntegration(ExpressionsBasedModel.Integration<?>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
removePresolver(ExpressionsBasedModel.Presolver) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
removeRow(int) - Method in class
repetition(int, CalendarDateUnit) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.ScheduleBuilder
resample(CalendarDate.Resolution) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries.NaturallySequenced
resample(K, K, CalendarDate.Resolution) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries.NaturallySequenced
resample(CalendarDate, CalendarDate, CalendarDate.Resolution) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CalendarDateSeries
resample(CalendarDate.Resolution) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CalendarDateSeries
resample(CalendarDateUnit) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CoordinationSet
reset() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate1D
Reset this mutable structure to some standard (all zeros) initial state.
reset() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
reset() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.PrimitiveArray
reset() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
reset() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
reset() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.AggregatorFunction
reset() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.HermitianEvD
reset() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.MatrixDecomposition
Delete computed results, and resets attributes to default values
reset() - Method in class
reset() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver.Builder
reset() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.SampleSet
If the underlying Access1D of samples is modified you must reset the sample set before using.
reset(K) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.KeyCounter
reset() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.Stopwatch
Reset the start-instant
resetIterationsCount() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.GenericSolver
resolution(CalendarDate.Resolution) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries.TimeSeriesBuilder
resolution() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ImplicitTimeSeries
resolve(List<Equation>, PhysicalStore<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.ConjugateGradientSolver
resolve(List<Equation>, PhysicalStore<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.GaussSeidelSolver
resolve(PhysicalStore<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.MutableSolver
A variation of MutableSolver.solve(Access2D, Access2D, PhysicalStore) where you do not supply the equation system body.
ResourceLocator - Class in org.ojalgo.netio
ResourceLocator - it's a URI/URL builder.
ResourceLocator(String) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.netio.ResourceLocator
Result(Optimisation.State, Access1D<?>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Result
Result(Optimisation.State, double, Access1D<?>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Result
Result(Optimisation.State, Optimisation.Result) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Result
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
revertLastExclusion() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.IndexSelector
revertLastInclusion() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.IndexSelector
right(int) - Method in class
right(MatrixStore<N>...) - Method in class
right(N...) - Method in class
Ring<S> - Interface in org.ojalgo.algebra
A ring is a commutative group (addition operation) with a second binary operation (multiplication) that is distributive over the commutative group operation and is associative.
RINT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
rint() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
RINT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
rint() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
rint() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
RINT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
rint() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
RINT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
rint() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
RINT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
rint() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
ROOT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
root() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
ROOT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
root() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
root() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
ROOT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
root() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
ROOT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
root() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
ROOT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
root() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
ROT - Class in org.ojalgo.array.blas
Given two complex vectors x and y, each vector element of these vectors is replaced as follows: xi = c*xi + s*yi yi = c*yi - s*xi
ROT() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.blas.ROT
RotateLeft - Class in
RotateRight - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.function
rotateRight(int, int, double, double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.function.RotateRight
rotateRight(int, int, double, double) - Method in class
rotateRight(int, int, double, double) - Method in class
rotateRight(int, int, double, double) - Method in class
RotateRight - Class in
rotateRight(int, int, double, double) - Method in class
Rotation<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation
Rotation(int, int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation
Rotation.Big - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation
Rotation.Complex - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation
Rotation.Generic<N extends Number & Scalar<N>> - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation
Rotation.Primitive - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation
ROTG - Class in org.ojalgo.array.blas
Given the Cartesian coordinates (a, b) of a point, these routines return the parameters c, s, r, and z associated with the Givens rotation.
ROTG() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.blas.ROTG
ROTM - Class in org.ojalgo.array.blas
Given two vectors x and y, each vector element of these vectors is replaced as follows: for i=1 to n, where H is a modified Givens transformation matrix whose values are stored in the param[1] through param[4] array.
ROTM() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.blas.ROTM
ROTMG - Class in org.ojalgo.array.blas
Given Cartesian coordinates (x1, y1) of an input vector, these routines compute the components of a modified Givens transformation matrix H that zeros the y-component of the resulting vector:
ROTMG() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.blas.ROTMG
round(Calendar) - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
round(Date) - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
row() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.ElementView
row() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.ElementView2D
row() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.RowView
row - Variable in class org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D.IntRowColumn
row - Variable in class org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D.LongRowColumn
row(int, int) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D
row(int, int[]) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D
row(long, int) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D
row(long, long) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D
row(long, long[]) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D
row - Variable in class org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D.RowColumnKey
row(int...) - Method in class
RowColumnKey(R, C) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D.RowColumnKey
RowColumnMapper(Structure2D, Structure1D.IndexMapper<R>, Structure1D.IndexMapper<C>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D.RowColumnMapper
rows() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D
rows(Access1D<?>...) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Factory2D
rows(double[]...) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Factory2D
rows(List<? extends Number>...) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Factory2D
rows(Number[]...) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Factory2D
rows(Access1D<?>...) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D.Factory
rows(double[]...) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D.Factory
rows(List<? extends Number>...) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D.Factory
rows(Number[]...) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D.Factory
RowsRegion(ElementsConsumer<N>, ElementsConsumer.FillByMultiplying<N>, int...) - Constructor for class
RowsSupplier<N extends Number> - Class in
RowView<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.access
RowView(Access2D<N>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.access.RowView
runningProduct(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ExplicitTimeSeries
runningProduct(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ImplicitTimeSeries
runningProduct(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveSeries
runningSum(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ExplicitTimeSeries
runningSum(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ImplicitTimeSeries
runningSum(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveSeries


sample(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveSeries
SampleSet - Class in org.ojalgo.random
SCAL - Class in org.ojalgo.array.blas
The ?scal routines perform a vector operation defined as x = a*x where: a is a scalar, x is an n-element vector.
SCAL() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.blas.SCAL
scalar() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D.Factory
scalar() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D.Factory
scalar() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD.Factory
scalar() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BasicArray.Factory
scalar() - Method in interface
scalar() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
Scalar<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.scalar
A Scalar is:
Scalar.Factory<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.scalar
ScalarArray<N extends Number & Scalar<N>> - Class in org.ojalgo.array
A one- and/or arbitrary-dimensional array of Scalar.
ScalarArray(DenseArray.Factory<N>, int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.ScalarArray
ScalarArray(DenseArray.Factory<N>, N[]) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.ScalarArray
ScalarOperation - Interface in org.ojalgo.algebra
ScalarOperation.Addition<T,N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.algebra
ScalarOperation.Division<T,N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.algebra
ScalarOperation.Multiplication<T,N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.algebra
ScalarOperation.Subtraction<T,N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.algebra
SCALE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
scale() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
SCALE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
scale() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
scale() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
SCALE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
scale() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
SCALE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
scale() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
SCALE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
scale() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
schedule(Timer) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.ScheduleBuilder
ScheduleBuilder - Class in org.ojalgo.type
ScheduleBuilder(TimerTask) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.ScheduleBuilder
scheme(String) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.ResourceLocator
Protocol The default value is "https"
Schur<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition
v43 Use Eigenvalue instead
SDOT - Class in org.ojalgo.array.blas
The ?sdot routines compute the inner product of two vectors with double precision.
SDOT() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.blas.SDOT
searchAscending(Double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
searchAscending(Double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
searchAscending(Double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
searchAscending(N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
second(double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.BinaryFunction
second(N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.BinaryFunction
Turns this binary function into a unary function with the second argument fixed/locked to the specified value.
SecondOrderApproximation<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.function.multiary
SecondOrderApproximation(MultiaryFunction.TwiceDifferentiable<N>, Access1D<N>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.SecondOrderApproximation
selectColumns(int...) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.BasicMatrix
selectColumns(int[]) - Method in class
selectRows(int...) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.BasicMatrix
selectRows(int[]) - Method in class
SEMICOLON - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.netio.ASCII
sendBatch(List<Message>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.ProcessOutputStream
sendMessage(Message) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.ProcessOutputStream
SeriesExtrapolator<K extends Comparable<? super K>> - Class in org.ojalgo.series.function
An extrapolator produces new data points to existing series.
SeriesExtrapolator(BasicSeries<K, ? extends Number>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.series.function.SeriesExtrapolator
SeriesExtrapolator(Map<String, ? extends BasicSeries<K, ? extends Number>>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.series.function.SeriesExtrapolator
SeriesForecaster - Class in org.ojalgo.series.function
A forecaster is restricted to CalendarDate keys and is intended to predict something related to future keys/dates.
SeriesForecaster(CalendarDateSeries<? extends Number>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.series.function.SeriesForecaster
SeriesForecaster(CoordinationSet<? extends Number>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.series.function.SeriesForecaster
SeriesFunction<K extends Comparable<? super K>> - Class in org.ojalgo.series.function
A function that maps from a (collection of) series and one or more keys to a series of numbers.
SeriesFunction(BasicSeries<K, ? extends Number>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.series.function.SeriesFunction
SeriesFunction(Map<String, ? extends BasicSeries<K, ? extends Number>>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.series.function.SeriesFunction
SeriesInterpolator<K extends Comparable<? super K>> - Class in org.ojalgo.series.function
An interpolator produces new data points to existing series, inbetween existing keys.
SeriesInterpolator(BasicSeries<K, ? extends Number>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.series.function.SeriesInterpolator
SeriesInterpolator(Map<String, ? extends BasicSeries<K, ? extends Number>>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.series.function.SeriesInterpolator
SeriesInterpolator - Class in org.ojalgo.series
SeriesInterpolator() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.series.SeriesInterpolator
SeriesInterpolator(NumberContext) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.series.SeriesInterpolator
set(N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Iterator1D
set(long, double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate1D
set(long, Number) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate1D
set(long, double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D
set(long, long, double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D
set(long, long, Number) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D
set(long, Number) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate2D
set(long, double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.MutateAnyD
set(long, Number) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.MutateAnyD
set(long[], double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.MutateAnyD
set(long[], Number) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.MutateAnyD
set(int, Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
set(long, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
set(long, Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
set(long, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
set(long, long, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
set(long, long, Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
set(long, Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
set(long, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
set(long, Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
set(long[], double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
set(long[], Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
set(int, Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
set(int, N) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
set(long, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
set(long, Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
set(int, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
set(int, Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
set(int, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
set(int, Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
set(int, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
set(int, Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
set(long, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
set(long, Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
set(Access1D<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.BigPolynomial
set(Access1D<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.ComplexPolynomial
set(Access1D<?>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.PolynomialFunction
set(int, double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.PolynomialFunction
set(int, N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.PolynomialFunction
set(Access1D<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.PrimitivePolynomial
set(Access1D<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.polynomial.RationalPolynomial
set(int, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Vector2
set(int, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Vector3
set(int, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Vector4
set(int, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Vector2
set(int, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Vector3
set(int, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Vector4
set(long, long, double) - Method in class
set(long, long, Number) - Method in class
set(long, long, double) - Method in class
set(long, long, Number) - Method in class
set(long, long, double) - Method in class
set(long, long, Number) - Method in class
set(long, long, double) - Method in class
set(long, long, Number) - Method in class
set(long, long, double) - Method in class
set(long, long, Number) - Method in class
set(long, long, double) - Method in class
set(long, long, Number) - Method in class
set(long, long, double) - Method in class
set(long, long, Number) - Method in class
set(long, long, double) - Method in class
set(long, long, Number) - Method in class
set(long, long, double) - Method in class
set(long, long, Number) - Method in class
set(long, long, double) - Method in class
set(long, long, Number) - Method in class
set(long, long, double) - Method in class
set(long, long, Number) - Method in class
set(long, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.Equation
set(long, Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.Equation
set(int, int, Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.DelimitedData
The row and column must already exist.
set(int, int, Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
set(int, Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
set(Structure1D.IntIndex, Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
set(Structure2D.IntRowColumn, Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
set(Variable, Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
set(Variable, Variable, Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
set(K, int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.KeyCounter
setAccuracyContext(NumberContext) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.MutableSolver
setAllOperationThresholds(int) - Static method in class
Sets all matrix size operation thresholds to precisly this value.
setColumn(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.ColumnView
setCompoundFactorsOffset(List<Variable>, Access1D<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
Will set the quadratic and linear factors to an expression that measures (the square of) the distance from the given point.
setConfigurator(Object) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Options
setConstant(Number) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.multiary.MultiaryFunction.Constant
setDebugPrinter(BasicLogger.Printer) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.MutableSolver
setFullSize(boolean) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.MatrixDecomposition.EconomySize
v45.1.1 Property now set in constructor (final)
setInteger(boolean) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Variable
setIterationsLimit(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.MutableSolver
setLinearFactors(List<Variable>, Access1D<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
setLinearFactorsSimple(List<Variable>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
Will set the linear factors to a simple sum expression - all factors equal 1.0.
setQuadraticFactors(List<Variable>, Access2D<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
setRow(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.RowView
setSeed(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.LogNormal
setSeed(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Random1D
setSeed(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.RandomNumber
setState(Optimisation.State) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.GenericSolver
setThresholdsMaxValue(int) - Static method in class
Will make sure no matrix size operation thresholds are larger than the supplied value.
setThresholdsMinValue(int) - Static method in class
Will make sure all matrix size operation thresholds are at least as large as the supplied value.
setToIdentity(int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.DecompositionStore
setToIdentity(int) - Method in class
setToIdentity(int) - Method in class
setToIdentity(int) - Method in class
setToIdentity(int) - Method in class
SETUP - Static variable in class
SETUP - Static variable in class
SETUP - Static variable in class
SETUP - Static variable in class
SETUP - Static variable in class
SETUP - Static variable in class
SETUP - Static variable in class
SETUP - Static variable in class
SETUP - Static variable in class
SETUP - Static variable in class
SETUP - Static variable in class
SETUP - Static variable in class
SETUP - Static variable in class
SETUP - Static variable in class
SETUP - Static variable in class
SETUP - Static variable in class
SETUP - Static variable in class
SETUP - Static variable in class
SETUP - Static variable in class
SETUP - Static variable in class
SETUP - Static variable in class
SETUP - Static variable in class
SETUP - Static variable in class
setValue(Number) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Variable
setValue(V) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.MapEntry
SEVEN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
SEVEN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
SEVENTH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
SEVENTH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
shape(StructureAnyD) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD
shape() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD
shape() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
shortValue() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.AccessScalar
shrink() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.IndexSelector
Randomly exclude 1 of the currently included
shuffle() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.IndexSelector
Randomly exclude 1 of the currently included and include 1 of the excluded
signum() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.algebra.NormedVectorSpace
this == this.signum().multiply(this.norm())
SIGNUM - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
signum() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
SIGNUM - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
signum() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
signum() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
SIGNUM - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
signum() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
SIGNUM - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
signum() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
SIGNUM - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
signum() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
signum() - Method in interface
signum() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.BigScalar
signum() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber.Normalised
signum() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
signum() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
signum() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
signum() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
SimplexSolver - Class in org.ojalgo.optimisation.linear
LinearSolver solves optimisation problems of the (LP standard) form:
simplify(Expression, Set<Structure1D.IntIndex>, BigDecimal, Function<Structure1D.IntIndex, Variable>, NumberContext) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel.Presolver
simplify() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
simulate(int, int, double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.random.process.RandomProcess
SimulationResults(double, Array2D<Double>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.process.RandomProcess.SimulationResults
SIN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
sin() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
SIN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
sin() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
sin() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
SIN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
sin() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
SIN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
sin() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
SIN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
sin() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
sin - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Big
sin - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Complex
sin - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Generic
sin - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation.Primitive
SingularValue<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition
Singular Value: [A] = [Q1][D][Q2]T Decomposes [this] into [Q1], [D] and [Q2] where: [Q1] is an orthogonal matrix.
SingularValue.Factory<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition
SINH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
sinh() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
SINH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
sinh() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
sinh() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
SINH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
sinh() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
SINH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
sinh() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
SINH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
sinh() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
SIX - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
SIX - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
SIXTH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
SIXTH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
size() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
size() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
size() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap
size() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
size() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
size() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
size() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
size() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.MutableSolver
size() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Result
size() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.Random1D
size() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.SampleSet
size() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.CoordinatedSet
size() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.DataSeries
size() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveSeries
size() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveTimeSeries
size() - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
size() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.IndexSelector
sliceColumn(long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.Sliceable
sliceColumn(long, long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.Sliceable
sliceColumn(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
sliceColumn(long, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
sliceColumn(long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.DecompositionStore
sliceColumn(long, long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.DecompositionStore
sliceColumn(long, long) - Method in class
sliceColumn(long, long) - Method in class
sliceColumn(long, long) - Method in class
sliceColumn(long, long) - Method in interface
sliceColumn(long, long) - Method in class
sliceDiagonal(long, long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.Sliceable
sliceDiagonal(long, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
sliceDiagonal(long, long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.DecompositionStore
sliceDiagonal(long, long) - Method in class
sliceDiagonal(long, long) - Method in class
sliceDiagonal(long, long) - Method in class
sliceDiagonal(long, long) - Method in interface
sliceDiagonal(long, long) - Method in class
sliceRange(long, long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access1D.Sliceable
sliceRange(long, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
sliceRange(long, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
sliceRange(long, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
sliceRange(long, long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.DecompositionStore
sliceRange(long, long) - Method in class
sliceRange(long, long) - Method in class
sliceRange(long, long) - Method in class
sliceRange(long, long) - Method in interface
sliceRange(long, long) - Method in class
sliceRow(long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.Sliceable
sliceRow(long, long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.Sliceable
sliceRow(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
sliceRow(long, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
sliceRow(long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.DecompositionStore
sliceRow(long, long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.DecompositionStore
sliceRow(long, long) - Method in class
sliceRow(long, long) - Method in class
sliceRow(long, long) - Method in class
sliceRow(long, long) - Method in interface
sliceRow(long, long) - Method in class
sliceSet(long[], int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.AccessAnyD.Sliceable
sliceSet(long[], int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
smallest() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.AggregatorSet
Smallest non-zero absolute value
SMALLEST - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.BigAggregator
smallest() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.BigAggregator
SMALLEST - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.ComplexAggregator
smallest() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.ComplexAggregator
SMALLEST - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.PrimitiveAggregator
smallest() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.PrimitiveAggregator
SMALLEST - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.QuaternionAggregator
smallest() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.QuaternionAggregator
SMALLEST - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.RationalAggregator
smallest() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.RationalAggregator
solution - Variable in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Options
Used when copying the solver's solution back to the model (converting from double to BigDecimal).
solve(Access2D<?>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.BasicMatrix
This method solves a system of linear equations: [this][X]=[aRHS].
solve(Access2D<?>, Access2D<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.HermitianEvD
solve(Access2D<?>, Access2D<?>, PhysicalStore<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.HermitianEvD
solve(Access2D<?>, Access2D<?>, PhysicalStore<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.ConjugateGradientSolver
solve(Access2D<?>, Access2D<?>, PhysicalStore<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.GaussSeidelSolver
solve(Access2D<?>, Access2D<?>, PhysicalStore<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.JacobiSolver
solve(Access2D<?>, Access2D<?>, PhysicalStore<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.MutableSolver
solve(Access2D<?>, Access2D<?>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.task.SolverTask
[A][X]=[B] or [body][return]=[rhs]
solve(Access2D<?>, Access2D<?>, PhysicalStore<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.task.SolverTask
Exactly how (if at all) a specific implementation makes use of preallocated is not specified by this interface.
solve(Optimisation.Result) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
solve(Optimisation.Result) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
The general recommendation is to NOT call this method directly.
solve(Optimisation.Result) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.NewIntegerSolver
solve(Optimisation.Result) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.OldIntegerSolver
solve(ConvexSolver.Builder, Optimisation.Options) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.linear.LinearSolver
solve(Optimisation.Result) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.linear.SimplexSolver
solve() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.MathProgSysModel
If the OBJSENSE was specified in the file it is used otherwise the default is to minimise.
solve() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Solver
solve(Optimisation.Result) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Solver
solveFullKKT(PhysicalStore<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
solveLP() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
SolverTask<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.task
SolverTask.Factory<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.matrix.task
sort(long[], double[]) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Raw1D
sort(long[], Object[]) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Raw1D
sortAscending() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate1D.Sortable
sortAscending() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
sortAscending() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BigArray
sortAscending() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
sortAscending() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
sortAscending() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
sortAscending() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ScalarArray
sortDescending() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Mutate1D.Sortable
sortDescending() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
sortDescending() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BigArray
sortDescending() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
sortDescending() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
sortDescending() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
sortDescending() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ScalarArray
SP - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.netio.ASCII
SparseArray<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.array
Only stores nonzero elements and/or elements specifically set by the user.
SparseArray.NonzeroView<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.array
SparseArray.SparseFactory<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.array
SparseStore<N extends Number> - Class in
SparseStore.Factory<N extends Number> - Interface in
spliterator() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
spliterator() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
spliterator() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
SQL_DATE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
SQL_DATETIME - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
SQL_TIME - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
SQRT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
sqrt() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
SQRT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
sqrt() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
sqrt() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
SQRT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
sqrt() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
SQRT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
sqrt() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
SQRT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
sqrt() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
SQRT1PX2 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
sqrt1px2() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
SQRT1PX2 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
sqrt1px2() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
sqrt1px2() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
SQRT1PX2 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
sqrt1px2() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
SQRT1PX2 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
sqrt1px2() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
SQRT1PX2 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
sqrt1px2() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
SQRT_PI - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
SQRT_PI - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
SQRT_TWO - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
SQRT_TWO - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
SQRT_TWO_PI - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
SQRT_TWO_PI - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
StandardType - Class in org.ojalgo.type
StandardType() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
start(Date) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.ScheduleBuilder
start(int, CalendarDateUnit) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.ScheduleBuilder
step() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.ElementView1D
step(int[], int) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD
step(int[], int[]) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD
A more complex/general version of StructureAnyD.step(int[], int).
step(long[], int) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD
How does the index change when stepping to the next dimensional unit (next row, next column.
step(long[], long[]) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD
A more complex/general version of StructureAnyD.step(int[], int).
step(double, double, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.process.GaussianProcess
step(double, double, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.process.GeometricBrownianMotion
step(double, double, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.process.PoissonProcess
step(double, double, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.process.WienerProcess
step(K) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries.NaturallySequenced
step(CalendarDate) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CalendarDateSeries
step(CalendarDateDuration) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
Only steps with the int part of CalendarDateDuration.measure .
step(CalendarDateUnit) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
step(int, CalendarDateUnit) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
step(Calendar) - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
step(Calendar, int) - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
step(Date) - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
step(Date, int) - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
step(long) - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
step(long, int) - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
stop() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.Stopwatch
This method can be called repeatedly without resetting (doesn't actually stop the timing process)
stop(CalendarDateUnit) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.Stopwatch
Stopwatch - Class in org.ojalgo.type
This stopwatch is always running.
Stopwatch() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.Stopwatch
stream(boolean) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access1D
stream(boolean) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.ElementView1D
stream(boolean) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
Stream1D<N extends Number,A extends Access1D<N>,R extends Mutate1D.Receiver<N>,P extends Stream1D<N,A,R,P>> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
Stream2D<N extends Number,A extends Access2D<N>,R extends Mutate2D.Receiver<N>,P extends Stream2D<N,A,R,P>> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
StreamAnyD<N extends Number,A extends AccessAnyD<N>,R extends MutateAnyD.Receiver<N>,P extends StreamAnyD<N,A,R,P>> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
string(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
STRING_1 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
STRING_3 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
STRING_9 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
STRING_M - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
StringContext - Class in org.ojalgo.type.context
StringContext() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.context.StringContext
StringContext(Format, int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.context.StringContext
StringContext(int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.context.StringContext
StringFormat - Class in org.ojalgo.type.format
StringFormat() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.format.StringFormat
StringToDouble - Class in org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue
StringToDouble(String, double) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.StringToDouble
StringToInt - Class in org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue
StringToInt(String, int) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.StringToInt
StringToObject<V> - Class in org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue
StringToObject(String, V) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.StringToObject
Structure1D - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
A (fixed size) 1-dimensional data structure.
Structure1D.BasicMapper<T> - Class in org.ojalgo.access
Structure1D.IndexCallback - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
Structure1D.IndexMapper<T> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
Structure1D.IntIndex - Class in org.ojalgo.access
Structure1D.LongIndex - Class in org.ojalgo.access
Structure1D.LoopCallback - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
Structure2D - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
A (fixed size) 2-dimensional data structure.
Structure2D.IntRowColumn - Class in org.ojalgo.access
Structure2D.LongRowColumn - Class in org.ojalgo.access
Structure2D.ReducibleTo1D<R extends Structure1D> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
Structure2D.RowColumnCallback - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
Structure2D.RowColumnKey<R,C> - Class in org.ojalgo.access
Structure2D.RowColumnMapper<R,C> - Class in org.ojalgo.access
StructureAnyD - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
A (fixed size) any-dimensional data structure.
StructureAnyD.IntReference - Class in org.ojalgo.access
StructureAnyD.LongReference - Class in org.ojalgo.access
StructureAnyD.ReducibleTo1D<R extends Structure1D> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
StructureAnyD.ReducibleTo2D<R extends Structure2D> - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
StructureAnyD.ReferenceCallback - Interface in org.ojalgo.access
StructureAnyD.ReferenceMapper - Class in org.ojalgo.access
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
subMap(long, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap
subMap(Long, Long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap
subMap(CalendarDate, boolean, CalendarDate, boolean) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CalendarDateSeries
subMap(CalendarDate, CalendarDate) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CalendarDateSeries
subSequence(int, int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharacterRing
subSequence(int, int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharArraySegment
subsets(int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.random.RandomUtils
substituteBackwards(Access2D<BigDecimal>, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
substituteBackwards(Access2D<ComplexNumber>, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
substituteBackwards(Access2D<N>, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
SubstituteBackwards - Class in
substituteBackwards(Access2D<N>, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface
Will solve the equation system [A][X]=[B] where: [body][this]=[this] is [A][X]=[B] ("this" is the right hand side, and it will be overwritten with the solution). [A] is upper/right triangular
substituteBackwards(Access2D<Double>, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
substituteBackwards(Access2D<Double>, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
substituteForwards(Access2D<BigDecimal>, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
substituteForwards(Access2D<ComplexNumber>, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
substituteForwards(Access2D<N>, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
SubstituteForwards - Class in
substituteForwards(Access2D<N>, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface
Will solve the equation system [A][X]=[B] where: [body][this]=[this] is [A][X]=[B] ("this" is the right hand side, and it will be overwritten with the solution). [A] is lower/left triangular
substituteForwards(Access2D<Double>, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
substituteForwards(Access2D<Double>, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
subtract(T) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.algebra.Operation.Subtraction
subtract(double) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.algebra.ScalarOperation.Subtraction
subtract(N) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.algebra.ScalarOperation.Subtraction
SUBTRACT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
subtract() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
SUBTRACT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
subtract() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
subtract() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
SUBTRACT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
subtract() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
SUBTRACT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
subtract() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
SUBTRACT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
subtract() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
subtract(MatrixStore<N>) - Method in interface
subtract(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.BigScalar
subtract(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.BigScalar
subtract(ComplexNumber) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
subtract(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
subtract(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
subtract(Double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
subtract(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
subtract(Quaternion) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
subtract(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
subtract(RationalNumber) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
subtract(Scalar<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.scalar.Scalar
subtract(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ExplicitTimeSeries
subtract(PrimitiveSeries) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ExplicitTimeSeries
subtract(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ImplicitTimeSeries
subtract(PrimitiveSeries) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.ImplicitTimeSeries
subtract(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveSeries
subtract(PrimitiveSeries) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveSeries
subtractFrom(Temporal) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateDuration
sum() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.AggregatorSet
Running sum
SUM - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.BigAggregator
sum() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.BigAggregator
SUM - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.ComplexAggregator
sum() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.ComplexAggregator
SUM - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.PrimitiveAggregator
sum() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.PrimitiveAggregator
SUM - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.QuaternionAggregator
sum() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.QuaternionAggregator
SUM - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.RationalAggregator
sum() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.RationalAggregator
sum2() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.AggregatorSet
Running sum of squares
SUM2 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.BigAggregator
sum2() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.BigAggregator
SUM2 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.ComplexAggregator
sum2() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.ComplexAggregator
SUM2 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.PrimitiveAggregator
sum2() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.PrimitiveAggregator
SUM2 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.QuaternionAggregator
sum2() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.QuaternionAggregator
SUM2 - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.RationalAggregator
sum2() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.RationalAggregator
superimpose(int, int, MatrixStore<N>) - Method in class
superimpose(int, int, Number) - Method in class
superimpose(MatrixStore<N>) - Method in class
supplyNonZerosTo(Mutate1D) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
supplyTo(R) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access1D.Collectable
supplyTo(double[]) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access1D
supplyTo(R) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.Collectable
supplyTo(R) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.AccessAnyD.Collectable
supplyTo(ElementsConsumer<BigDecimal>) - Method in class
supplyTo(ElementsConsumer<N>) - Method in class
supplyTo(ElementsConsumer<ComplexNumber>) - Method in class
supplyTo(ElementsConsumer<N>) - Method in class
supplyTo(ElementsConsumer<N>) - Method in class
supplyTo(ElementsConsumer<N>) - Method in interface
supplyTo(ElementsConsumer<Double>) - Method in class
supplyTo(ElementsConsumer<Double>) - Method in class
supplyTo(ElementsConsumer<N>) - Method in class
supplyTo(ElementsConsumer<N>) - Method in class
supplyTo(Mutate2D.Receiver<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
supplyTo(Mutate2D.Receiver<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
SWAP - Class in org.ojalgo.array.blas
Given two vectors x and y, the ?swap routines return vectors y and x swapped, each replacing the other.
SWAP() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.array.blas.SWAP
swap(Access1D<?>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.SampleSet
Replace the underlying samples and reset the sample set.
SystemProcess - Class in org.ojalgo.netio
SystemProcess(String[], String) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.netio.SystemProcess


TableData<R> - Class in org.ojalgo.netio
TableData(Structure1D.IndexMapper<R>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.netio.TableData
tailMap(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap
tailMap(Long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap
tailMap(CalendarDate) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CalendarDateSeries
tailMap(CalendarDate, boolean) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CalendarDateSeries
TAN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
tan() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
TAN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
tan() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
tan() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
TAN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
tan() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
TAN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
tan() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
TAN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
tan() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
TANH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
tanh() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
TANH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
tanh() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
tanh() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
TANH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
tanh() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
TANH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
tanh() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
TANH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
tanh() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
TemporalContext<T extends Temporal> - Class in org.ojalgo.type.context
An implementation of TypeContext that is implemented in terms of DateTimeFormatter and TemporalAdjuster.
TEN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
TEN - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
Tensor<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.tensor
TENTH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
TENTH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
TERA - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigPrefix
TERA - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitivePrefix
terminate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.SystemProcess
TEXT - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
THIRD - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
THIRD - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
THOUSAND - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
THOUSAND - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
THOUSANDTH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
THOUSANDTH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
threads - Variable in class org.ojalgo.machine.BasicMachine
THREE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
THREE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
THRESHOLD - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.array.blas.AXPY
THRESHOLD - Static variable in class
threshold() - Method in class
THRESHOLD - Static variable in class
threshold() - Method in class
THRESHOLD - Static variable in class
threshold() - Method in class
THRESHOLD - Static variable in class
threshold() - Method in class
THRESHOLD - Static variable in class
threshold() - Method in class
THRESHOLD - Static variable in class
2013-10-22: Was set to 128 (based on calibration) but I saw a dip in relative performance (java matrix benchmark) at size 200.
threshold() - Method in class
THRESHOLD - Static variable in class
threshold() - Method in class
THRESHOLD - Static variable in class
threshold() - Method in class
THRESHOLD - Static variable in class
threshold() - Method in class
THRESHOLD - Static variable in class
threshold() - Method in class
threshold() - Method in class
THRESHOLD - Static variable in class
threshold() - Method in class
THRESHOLD - Static variable in class
threshold() - Method in class
threshold() - Method in class
THRESHOLD - Static variable in class
threshold() - Method in class
THRESHOLD - Static variable in class
threshold() - Method in class
THRESHOLD - Static variable in class
threshold() - Method in class
THRESHOLD - Static variable in class
threshold() - Method in class
THRESHOLD - Static variable in class
threshold() - Method in class
THRESHOLD - Static variable in class
threshold() - Method in class
THRESHOLD - Static variable in class
threshold() - Method in class
THRESHOLD - Static variable in class
threshold() - Method in class
THRESHOLD - Static variable in class
threshold() - Method in class
THRESHOLD - Static variable in class
threshold() - Method in class
throwForIllegalInvocation() - Static method in exception org.ojalgo.ProgrammingError
For hidden, not-to-be-used, constructors and methods.
throwForTryingToModifyAnImmutableObject() - Static method in exception org.ojalgo.ProgrammingError
throwForUnsupportedOptionalOperation() - Static method in exception org.ojalgo.ProgrammingError
throwIfMultiplicationNotPossible(Access2D<?>, Access2D<?>) - Static method in exception org.ojalgo.ProgrammingError
throwIfNotEqualColumnDimensions(Access2D<?>, Access2D<?>) - Static method in exception org.ojalgo.ProgrammingError
throwIfNotEqualDimensions(Access2D<?>, Access2D<?>) - Static method in exception org.ojalgo.ProgrammingError
throwIfNotEqualRowDimensions(Structure2D, Structure2D) - Static method in exception org.ojalgo.ProgrammingError
throwIfNotSquare(Structure2D) - Static method in exception org.ojalgo.ProgrammingError
throwIfNull(Object) - Static method in exception org.ojalgo.ProgrammingError
throwIfNull(Object...) - Static method in exception org.ojalgo.ProgrammingError
throwIfNull(Object, Object) - Static method in exception org.ojalgo.ProgrammingError
throwIfNull(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in exception org.ojalgo.ProgrammingError
throwWithMessage(String, Object...) - Static method in exception org.ojalgo.ProgrammingError
TIME - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
time_abort - Variable in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Options
The maximmum number of millis allowed for the solve() command.
time_suffice - Variable in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Options
Calculations will be terminated after this amount of time if a feasible solution has been found.
TimeIndex<T extends Comparable<? super T>> - Class in org.ojalgo.type
TimeIndex() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.TimeIndex
TINY - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
toArray() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
toBigDecimal() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.BigScalar
toBigDecimal() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
toBigDecimal() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
toBigDecimal() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
toBigDecimal() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
toBigDecimal() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.scalar.Scalar
toBigDecimal(double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
Will create an "enforced" BigDecimal instance.
toBigDecimal(Number) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.TypeUtils
If the input Number is a BigDecimal it is passed through unaltered.
toBigDecimal(Number, NumberContext) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.TypeUtils
toCalendar(Instant) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
toCalendar(Instant, Locale) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
toCalendar(Instant, TimeZone) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
toCalendar(Instant, TimeZone, Locale) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
toCalendar() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
toCalendar(Locale) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
toCalendar(TimeZone) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
toCalendar(TimeZone, Locale) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
toColumnKey(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D.RowColumnMapper
toComplexMatrix() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
toDataSeries() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveSeries
toDate(Instant) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
toDate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
toDurationInMillis() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate.Resolution
toDurationInMillis() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateDuration
toDurationInMillis() - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
toDurationInNanos() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate.Resolution
toDurationInNanos() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateDuration
toDurationInNanos() - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
toFirstOrderApproximation(Access1D<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.multiary.MultiaryFunction.TwiceDifferentiable
toFormat(DatePart, DateStyle, Locale) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.DateContext
toFormat(NumberStyle, Locale) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
toFunction() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Expression
toHexString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.ColourData
toHexString(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.TypeUtils
The way colours are specified in html pages.
toIndex(T) - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Structure1D.BasicMapper
toIndex(T) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure1D.IndexMapper
toIndex(R, C) - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D.RowColumnMapper
toIndex(Structure2D.RowColumnKey<R, C>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D.RowColumnMapper
toIndex(int, T) - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD.ReferenceMapper
toIndex(Object[]) - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD.ReferenceMapper
toInstant() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
toKey(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Structure1D.BasicMapper
toKey(long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Structure1D.IndexMapper
toKey(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D.RowColumnMapper
toKey(int, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD.ReferenceMapper
toKey(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD.ReferenceMapper
toKey(long, int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD.ReferenceMapper
toLocalDate(Instant, ZoneId) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
toLocalDate(ZoneOffset) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
toLocalDateTime(Instant, ZoneId) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
toLocalDateTime(ZoneOffset) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
toLocalizedPattern() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext.FormatPattern
toLocalizedPattern() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
Works with DecimalFormat and NumberContext.FormatPattern implementations.
toLocalTime(Instant, ZoneId) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
toLocalTime(ZoneOffset) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
toLowercase(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.netio.ASCII
If aChar is an uppercase character it is converted to the corresponding lowercase character.
toModelState(Optimisation.Result, ExpressionsBasedModel) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel.Integration
toModelState(Optimisation.Result, ExpressionsBasedModel) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.IntegerSolver.ModelIntegration
toModelState(Optimisation.Result, ExpressionsBasedModel) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.linear.LinearSolver.ModelIntegration
toModelState(Optimisation.Result, M) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Integration
Convert solver state to model state.
toMultiplicationMatrix() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
toMultiplicationMatrix() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
toMultiplicationVector() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
toMultiplicationVector() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
toOffsetDateTime(Instant, ZoneId) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
toOffsetDateTime(Instant, ZoneId, Instant) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
toOffsetDateTime(Instant, ZoneOffset) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
toOffsetDateTime(ZoneOffset) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
toPattern() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext.FormatPattern
toPattern() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
Works with DecimalFormat and NumberContext.FormatPattern implementations.
toPlainString(NumberContext) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.scalar.Scalar
toPrintable(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.netio.ASCII
toRawCopy1D() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access1D
toRawCopy2D() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D
toRotationMatrix() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
toRotationMatrix() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
toRotationMatrix() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion.Versor
toRowKey(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D.RowColumnMapper
toScalar() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.AggregatorFunction
toScalar(long, long) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.BasicMatrix
Extracts one element of this matrix as a Scalar.
toScalar(long, long) - Method in class
toScalar(long, long) - Method in class
toScalar(long, long) - Method in class
toScalar(long, long) - Method in interface
toScalar(long, long) - Method in class
toScalar(long, long) - Method in class
toSecondOrderApproximation(Access1D<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.function.multiary.MultiaryFunction.TwiceDifferentiable
toSolverState(Optimisation.Result, ExpressionsBasedModel) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel.Integration
toSolverState(Optimisation.Result, ExpressionsBasedModel) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.IntegerSolver.ModelIntegration
toSolverState(Optimisation.Result, ExpressionsBasedModel) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.linear.LinearSolver.ModelIntegration
toSolverState(Optimisation.Result, M) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Integration
Convert model state to solver state.
toSqlDate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
toSqlTime() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
toSqlTimestamp() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
toString(Access2D<?>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Structure1D.IntIndex
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Structure1D.LongIndex
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D.IntRowColumn
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Structure2D.LongRowColumn
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD.IntReference
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.StructureAnyD.LongReference
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BasicArray
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.FirstOrderApproximation
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.multiary.SecondOrderApproximation
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.machine.BasicMachine
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.machine.Hardware
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.machine.VirtualMachine
toString(int, int) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.BasicMatrix
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix2
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix3
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix4
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix2
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix3
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix4
toString(Access2D<?>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.MatrixUtils
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.task.iterative.Equation
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Big
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Complex
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Generic
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Primitive
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.Batch
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharacterRing
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharArraySegment
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.DelimitedData
toString() - Method in enum org.ojalgo.netio.LineTerminator
toString(List<Message>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.netio.Message
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.Message
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.ResourceLocator
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver.Builder
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.NewIntegerSolver
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.OldIntegerSolver
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.MathProgSysModel
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Result
toString() - Method in exception org.ojalgo.ProgrammingError
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.RandomNumber
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.random.SampleSet
toString() - Method in exception org.ojalgo.RecoverableCondition
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.BigScalar
toString(NumberContext) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.BigScalar
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
toString(NumberContext) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
toString(NumberContext) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
toString(NumberContext) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
toString(NumberContext) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
toString(NumberContext) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.scalar.Scalar
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CalendarDateSeries
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.CoordinationSet
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveSeries
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateDuration
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.context.NumberContext
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.IndexSelector
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.IntCount
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.KeyCounter
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.ComparableToDouble
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.ComparableToObject
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.IntToDouble
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.IntToObject
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.LongToDouble
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.LongToObject
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.MapEntry
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.MethodToAtomicLong
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.StringToDouble
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.StringToInt
toString() - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.StringToObject
toTimeInMillis(CalendarDateUnit) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
toTimeInMillis(Calendar) - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
toTimeInMillis(Date) - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
toTimeInMillis(long) - Method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
toUppercase(int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.netio.ASCII
If aChar is a lowercase character it is converted to the corresponding uppercase character.
toZonedDateTime(Instant, ZoneId) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
toZonedDateTime(ZoneOffset) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
transform(Primitive32Vector2) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix2
transform(Primitive32Vector2, float) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix3
transform(Primitive32Vector3) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix3
transform(Primitive32Vector3, float) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix4
transform(Primitive32Vector4) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix4
transform(Primitive64Vector2) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix2
transform(Primitive64Vector2, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix3
transform(Primitive64Vector3) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix3
transform(Primitive64Vector3, double) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix4
transform(Primitive64Vector4) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix4
transform(PhysicalStore<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder
transform(PhysicalStore<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Rotation
transform(T) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.TransformationMatrix
transform(TransformationMatrix<N, T>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.TransformationMatrix.Transformable
transform(PhysicalStore<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber.Normalised
transform(PhysicalStore<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
transform(PhysicalStore<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
transform(PhysicalStore<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion.Versor
TransformationFormat<N extends Number> - Class in org.ojalgo.type.format
TransformationFormat(UnaryFunction<N>, NumberFormat, UnaryFunction<N>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.format.TransformationFormat
TransformationMatrix<N extends Number,T extends TransformationMatrix.Transformable<N>> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation
Represents an in-place vector transformation – the matrix/vector operated on is mutated.
TransformationMatrix.Transformable<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation
transformLeft(Householder<BigDecimal>, int) - Method in class
transformLeft(Rotation<BigDecimal>) - Method in class
transformLeft(Householder<ComplexNumber>, int) - Method in class
transformLeft(Rotation<ComplexNumber>) - Method in class
transformLeft(Householder<N>, int) - Method in class
transformLeft(Rotation<N>) - Method in class
transformLeft(Householder<N>, int) - Method in interface
transformLeft(Rotation<N>) - Method in interface
As in MatrixStore.premultiply(Access1D) where the left/parameter matrix is a plane rotation.
transformLeft(Householder<Double>, int) - Method in class
transformLeft(Rotation<Double>) - Method in class
transformLeft(Householder<Double>, int) - Method in class
transformLeft(Rotation<Double>) - Method in class
transformRight(Householder<BigDecimal>, int) - Method in class
transformRight(Rotation<BigDecimal>) - Method in class
transformRight(Householder<ComplexNumber>, int) - Method in class
transformRight(Rotation<ComplexNumber>) - Method in class
transformRight(Householder<N>, int) - Method in class
transformRight(Rotation<N>) - Method in class
transformRight(Householder<N>, int) - Method in interface
transformRight(Rotation<N>) - Method in interface
As in MatrixStore.multiply(MatrixStore) where the right/parameter matrix is a plane rotation.
transformRight(Householder<Double>, int) - Method in class
transformRight(Rotation<Double>) - Method in class
transformRight(Householder<Double>, int) - Method in class
transformRight(Rotation<Double>) - Method in class
transformSymmetric(Householder<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.DecompositionStore
transformSymmetric(Householder<BigDecimal>) - Method in class
transformSymmetric(Householder<ComplexNumber>) - Method in class
transformSymmetric(Householder<N>) - Method in class
transformSymmetric(Householder<Double>) - Method in class
transpose() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Stream2D
transpose() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.BasicMatrix
Transposes this matrix.
transpose(Primitive32Matrix2) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix2
transpose(Primitive32Matrix3) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix3
transpose(Primitive32Matrix4) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Matrix4
transpose(Primitive64Matrix2) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix2
transpose(Primitive64Matrix3) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix3
transpose(Primitive64Matrix4) - Method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Matrix4
transpose() - Method in class
transpose() - Method in class
transpose() - Method in interface
transpose() - Method in class
transpose() - Method in class
transpose() - Method in interface
transpose(BigDecimal[], int, int, int, Access2D<?>) - Static method in class
transpose(double[], int, int, int, Access2D<?>) - Static method in class
transpose(N[], int, int, int, Access2D<?>, Scalar.Factory<N>) - Static method in class
transpose(Access2D<?>) - Method in interface
transpose() - Method in class
transpose() - Method in class
RawStore transpose.
TransposedRegion(ElementsConsumer<N>, ElementsConsumer.FillByMultiplying<N>) - Constructor for class
tred2(BasicArray<N>, BasicArray<N>, boolean) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.DecompositionStore
tred2(BasicArray<BigDecimal>, BasicArray<BigDecimal>, boolean) - Method in class
tred2(BasicArray<ComplexNumber>, BasicArray<ComplexNumber>, boolean) - Method in class
tred2(BasicArray<N>, BasicArray<N>, boolean) - Method in class
tred2(BasicArray<Double>, BasicArray<Double>, boolean) - Method in class
tred2j(double[], double[], double[], boolean) - Static method in class
Ursprung JAMA men refactored till ojAlgos egna strukturer
tred2nr(double[], double[], double[], boolean) - Static method in class
Ursprung Numerical Recipies.
triangular(boolean, boolean) - Method in class
Tridiagonal<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition
Tridiagonal: [A] = [Q][D][Q]H Any square symmetric (hermitian) matrix [A] can be factorized by similarity transformations into the form, [A]=[Q][D][Q]-1 where [Q] is an orthogonal (unitary) matrix and [D] is a real symmetric tridiagonal matrix.
tridiagonal() - Method in class
Tridiagonal.Factory<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition
tryAdvance(Consumer<? super V>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.ElementView1D
tryAdvance(Consumer<? super SparseArray.NonzeroView<N>>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray.NonzeroView
trySplit() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Access1D.ElementView
trySplit() - Method in class org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.ElementView
trySplit() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.ElementView1D
trySplit() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.ElementView2D
trySplit() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray.NonzeroView
TWELFTH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
TWELFTH - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
TWELVE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
TWELVE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
TWO - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
TWO - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
TWO - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
TWO - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
TWO_PI - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
TWO_PI - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
TypeCache<T> - Class in org.ojalgo.type
TypeCache(long, CalendarDateUnit) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.TypeCache
TypeContext<T> - Interface in org.ojalgo.type.context
A type context provides two basic services: It enforces some sort of rule/limit regarding size, accuracy or similar.
TypeParser - Class in org.ojalgo.netio
TypeParser() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.netio.TypeParser
TypeUtils - Class in org.ojalgo.type
TypeUtils() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.type.TypeUtils
TYPICAL - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.MatrixDecomposition


UnaryFunction<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.function
UNDERSCORE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.netio.ASCII
Uniform - Class in org.ojalgo.random
Certain waiting times.
Uniform() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.Uniform
Uniform(double, double) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.Uniform
unit() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
unit - Variable in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateDuration
until(Temporal, TemporalUnit) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
UPPERCASE_A - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.netio.ASCII
UPPERCASE_Z - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.netio.ASCII


v0 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Vector2
The vector elements
v0 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Vector3
The vector elements
v0 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Vector4
The vector elements
v0 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Vector2
The vector elements
v0 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Vector3
The vector elements
v0 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Vector4
The vector elements
v1 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Vector2
The vector elements
v1 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Vector3
The vector elements
v1 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Vector4
The vector elements
v1 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Vector2
The vector elements
v1 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Vector3
The vector elements
v1 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Vector4
The vector elements
v2 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Vector3
The vector elements
v2 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Vector4
The vector elements
v2 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Vector3
The vector elements
v2 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Vector4
The vector elements
v3 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive32Vector4
The vector elements
v3 - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.geometry.Primitive64Vector4
The vector elements
validate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver.Builder
validate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.convex.ConvexSolver
Should validate the solver data/input/structue.
validate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
This methods validtes model construction only.
validate(Access1D<BigDecimal>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
validate(Access1D<BigDecimal>, NumberContext) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
validate(Access1D<BigDecimal>, NumberContext, BasicLogger.Printer) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
validate(Access1D<BigDecimal>, BasicLogger.Printer) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
validate(NumberContext) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
validate(NumberContext, BasicLogger.Printer) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
validate(BasicLogger.Printer) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
validate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.IntegerSolver
Should validate the solver data/input/structue.
validate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.NewIntegerSolver
validate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.OldIntegerSolver
validate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.linear.SimplexSolver
validate() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.MathProgSysModel
validate(Access1D<BigDecimal>, NumberContext) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.MathProgSysModel
validate() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Model
validate - Variable in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.Options
If true models and solvers will validate data at various points.
validate(BigDecimal, NumberContext, BasicLogger.Printer) - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Variable
VALUE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
value() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.BigFunction
VALUE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
value() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.ComplexFunction
value() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.FunctionSet
VALUE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
value() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.PrimitiveFunction
VALUE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
value() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.QuaternionFunction
VALUE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
value() - Method in class org.ojalgo.function.RationalFunction
value - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Eigenvalue.Eigenpair
value(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.DataSeries
value(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveSeries
value(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveTimeSeries
value - Variable in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.ComparableToDouble
value - Variable in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.ComparableToObject
value - Variable in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.IntToDouble
value - Variable in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.IntToObject
value - Variable in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.LongToDouble
value - Variable in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.LongToObject
value - Variable in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.MethodToAtomicLong
value - Variable in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.StringToDouble
value - Variable in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.StringToInt
value - Variable in class org.ojalgo.type.keyvalue.StringToObject
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.ojalgo.array.PrimitiveSubtype
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.Aggregator
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.ojalgo.machine.JavaType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(char[]) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharArraySegment
valueOf(char[], int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharArraySegment
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.ojalgo.netio.LineTerminator
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.BigScalar
valueOf(Number) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.BigScalar
valueOf(double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
valueOf(Number) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
valueOf(double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
valueOf(Number) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion.RotationAxis
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
valueOf(Number) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
valueOf(double) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
valueOf(long) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
valueOf(Number) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
valueOf(Instant) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.ColourData
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.ojalgo.type.format.DatePart
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.ojalgo.type.format.DateStyle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.ojalgo.type.format.NumberStyle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.ojalgo.type.Operation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap
values(long, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.LongToNumberMap
Should return the same elements/values as first calling LongToNumberMap.subMap(Long, Long) and then LongToNumberMap.values() but this method does not create any copies.
values() - Static method in enum org.ojalgo.array.PrimitiveSubtype
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.ojalgo.function.aggregator.Aggregator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.ojalgo.machine.JavaType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.ojalgo.netio.LineTerminator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.ojalgo.optimisation.Optimisation.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion.RotationAxis
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveSeries
values() - Static method in enum org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDateUnit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.ojalgo.type.format.DatePart
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.ojalgo.type.format.DateStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.ojalgo.type.format.NumberStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.ojalgo.type.Operation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Variable - Class in org.ojalgo.optimisation
Variable(String) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Variable
Variable(Variable) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Variable
variables() - Method in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
variations(int, int) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.random.RandomUtils
vector - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.decomposition.Eigenvalue.Eigenpair
vector - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Big
vector - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Complex
vector - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Generic
vector - Variable in class org.ojalgo.matrix.transformation.Householder.Primitive
vector() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
VectorSpace<V,F extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.algebra
A vector space is a set of objects called vectors, where a vector is a tuple of fields/scalars/numbers.
versor() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
versor() - Method in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion.Versor
VERY_NEGATIVE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
VERY_POSITIVE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
virtualise() - Method in class org.ojalgo.machine.Hardware
VirtualMachine - Class in org.ojalgo.machine
visit(long, long, long, VoidFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BasicArray
visit(int, int, int, VoidFunction<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
visit(int, int, int, VoidFunction<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
visit(int, int, int, VoidFunction<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
visit(double[], DoubleConsumer) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Raw1D
visit(double[], int, int, DoubleConsumer) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Raw1D
visit(int, int, int, VoidFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
visit(long, long, long, VoidFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
visit(AggregatorFunction<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.DataSeries
visitAll(VoidFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access1D.Visitable
visitAll(VoidFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
visitAll(VoidFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
visitAll(VoidFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
visitAll(VoidFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BasicArray
visitAll(double[][], DoubleConsumer) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Raw2D
visitAll(VoidFunction<Double>) - Method in class
visitColumn(long, long, VoidFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.Visitable
visitColumn(long, VoidFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.Visitable
visitColumn(long, long, VoidFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
visitColumn(double[][], int, int, DoubleConsumer) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Raw2D
visitColumn(long, long, VoidFunction<BigDecimal>) - Method in class
visitColumn(long, long, VoidFunction<ComplexNumber>) - Method in class
visitColumn(long, long, VoidFunction<N>) - Method in class
visitColumn(long, long, VoidFunction<Double>) - Method in class
visitColumn(long, long, VoidFunction<Double>) - Method in class
visitDiagonal(long, long, VoidFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.Visitable
visitDiagonal(VoidFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.Visitable
visitDiagonal(long, long, VoidFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
visitDiagonal(double[][], int, int, DoubleConsumer) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Raw2D
visitDiagonal(long, long, VoidFunction<BigDecimal>) - Method in class
visitDiagonal(long, long, VoidFunction<ComplexNumber>) - Method in class
visitDiagonal(long, long, VoidFunction<N>) - Method in class
visitDiagonal(long, long, VoidFunction<Double>) - Method in class
visitDiagonal(long, long, VoidFunction<Double>) - Method in class
visitOne(long, VoidFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access1D.Visitable
visitOne(long, long, VoidFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.Visitable
visitOne(long, VoidFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.Visitable
visitOne(long[], VoidFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.AccessAnyD.Visitable
visitOne(long, VoidFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
visitOne(long, long, VoidFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
visitOne(long, VoidFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
visitOne(long, VoidFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
visitOne(long[], VoidFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
visitOne(int, VoidFunction<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
visitOne(long, VoidFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.NumberList
visitOne(int, VoidFunction<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
visitOne(int, VoidFunction<Double>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
visitOne(int, VoidFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ReferenceTypeArray
visitOne(long, VoidFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.SparseArray
visitOne(long, long, VoidFunction<N>) - Method in interface
visitRange(long, long, VoidFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access1D.Visitable
visitRange(long, long, VoidFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D
visitRange(long, long, VoidFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
visitRange(long, long, VoidFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
visitRange(long, long, VoidFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BasicArray
visitRange(double[][], int, int, DoubleConsumer) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Raw2D
visitRange(long, long, VoidFunction<Double>) - Method in class
visitRow(long, long, VoidFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.Visitable
visitRow(long, VoidFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D.Visitable
visitRow(long, long, VoidFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array2D
visitRow(double[][], int, int, DoubleConsumer) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Raw2D
visitRow(long, long, VoidFunction<BigDecimal>) - Method in class
visitRow(long, long, VoidFunction<ComplexNumber>) - Method in class
visitRow(long, long, VoidFunction<N>) - Method in class
visitRow(long, long, VoidFunction<Double>) - Method in class
visitRow(long, long, VoidFunction<Double>) - Method in class
visitSet(int, long, VoidFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.AccessAnyD.Visitable
visitSet(long[], int, VoidFunction<N>) - Method in interface org.ojalgo.access.AccessAnyD.Visitable
visitSet(int, long, VoidFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
visitSet(long[], int, VoidFunction<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.ArrayAnyD
VoidFunction<N extends Number> - Interface in org.ojalgo.function


Weibull - Class in org.ojalgo.random
Useful as length of life distribution in reliability theory.
Weibull() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.Weibull
Weibull(double, double) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.Weibull
WHITE - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.type.ColourData
wholePercentage() - Static method in class org.ojalgo.type.StandardType
Wiener1D - Class in org.ojalgo.random.process
Wiener1D(Access2D<?>, List<? extends WienerProcess>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.process.Wiener1D
Wiener1D(List<? extends WienerProcess>) - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.process.Wiener1D
WienerProcess - Class in org.ojalgo.random.process
WienerProcess() - Constructor for class org.ojalgo.random.process.WienerProcess
with(TemporalField, long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.type.CalendarDate
workers() - Method in class
wrap(double[]) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access1D
wrap(List<? extends N>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access1D
wrap(N[]) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access1D
wrap(double[][]) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D
wrap(N[][]) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D
wrap(BasicArray<N>) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.Array1D.Factory
wrap(BigDecimal...) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.BigArray
wrap(DoubleBuffer) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
wrap(FloatBuffer) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.BufferArray
wrap(ComplexNumber...) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.ComplexArray
wrap(float...) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive32Array
wrap(double...) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.Primitive64Array
wrap(double...) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.PrimitiveArray
wrap(float...) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.PrimitiveArray
wrap(Quaternion...) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.QuaternionArray
wrap(RationalNumber...) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.array.RationalArray
wrap(Access1D<?>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.random.SampleSet
wrap(double[]) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.DataSeries
wrap(Access1D<?>) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.series.primitive.PrimitiveSeries
wrapAccess1D(double[]) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access1D
v45 Use Access1D.wrap(double[]) instead
wrapAccess1D(List<? extends N>) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access1D
wrapAccess1D(N[]) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access1D
v45 Use #wrap(N[]) instead
wrapAccess2D(double[][]) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D
wrapAccess2D(N[][]) - Static method in interface org.ojalgo.access.Access2D
v45 Use #wrap(N[][]) instead
wrapBigAccess2D(BasicMatrix) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.MatrixUtils
wrapComplexAccess2D(BasicMatrix) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.MatrixUtils
wrapInArray1D() - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BasicArray
A utility facade that conveniently/consistently presents the BasicArray as a one-dimensional array.
wrapInArray2D(long) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BasicArray
A utility facade that conveniently/consistently presents the BasicArray as a two-dimensional array.
wrapInArrayAnyD(long[]) - Method in class org.ojalgo.array.BasicArray
A utility facade that conveniently/consistently presents the BasicArray as a multi-dimensional array.
wrapPrimitiveAccess2D(BasicMatrix) - Static method in class org.ojalgo.matrix.MatrixUtils
write(int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharacterRing.OutputStreamBuffer
write(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.ojalgo.netio.CharacterRing.WriterBuffer


YOCTO - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigPrefix
YOCTO - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitivePrefix
YOTTA - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigPrefix
YOTTA - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitivePrefix


ZEPTO - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigPrefix
ZEPTO - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitivePrefix
ZERO - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigMath
ZERO - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitiveMath
ZERO - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.BigScalar
ZERO - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.ComplexNumber
ZERO - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.PrimitiveScalar
ZERO - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.Quaternion
ZERO - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.scalar.RationalNumber
zero() - Method in interface org.ojalgo.scalar.Scalar.Factory
ZERO_ONE_TWO - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.optimisation.Presolvers
Looks for constraint expressions with 0, 1 or 2 non-fixed variables.
ZETTA - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.BigPrefix
ZETTA - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.constant.PrimitivePrefix
ZONED_DATE_TIME - Static variable in interface org.ojalgo.series.BasicSeries
ZONED_DATE_TIME - Static variable in class org.ojalgo.type.TimeIndex
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