Uses of Package
Packages that use weka.knowledgeflow.steps
Classes in weka.knowledgeflow.steps used by weka.gui.knowledgeflow
Classes in weka.knowledgeflow.steps used by weka.gui.knowledgeflow.stepsClassDescriptionInterface for something that wants to be informed of rendering progress updatesClient API for Knowledge Flow steps.StripChartInteractiveView implements this in order to receive data points.Interface for listeners of textual results
Classes in weka.knowledgeflow.steps used by weka.knowledgeflow
Classes in weka.knowledgeflow.steps used by weka.knowledgeflow.stepsClassDescriptionAbstract base class for simple data visualization steps that just collect data sets for visualization.Base class for implementations of Step to use.A minimal set of methods, duplicated from the Step interface, that a simple subclass of BaseStep would need to implement in order to function as a start and/or main processing step in the Knowledge Flow.Interface for something that wants to be informed of rendering progress updatesAuxiliary interface for steps that collect data results of some type - e.g.Abstract base class for parts of a boolean expression.KFStep class annotationAnnotation for properties that should not be persistedA helper class that Step implementations can use when processing paired data (e.g.Interface for processors of paired data to implement.Client API for Knowledge Flow steps.StripChartInteractiveView implements this in order to receive data points.Interface for listeners of textual resultsA step that wraps a class of standard Weka algorithm (e.g.