Uses of Package
Packages that use weka.gui.beans
Classes in weka.gui.beans used by weka.guiClassDescriptionInterface to something that can be notified of a successful startup
Classes in weka.gui.beans used by weka.gui.beansClassDescriptionAbstract class for objects that store instances to some destination.Bean info class for the AbstractDataSinkAbstract class for objects that can provide instances from some sourceBean info class for AbstractDataSource.Abstract class for objects that can provide some kind of evaluation for classifier, clusterers etc.Abstract base class for offscreen chart renderers.Abstract class for TestSetProducers that contains default implementations of add/remove listener methods and defualt visual representation.BeanInfo class for AbstractTestSetProducerAbstract base class for TrainAndTestSetProducers that contains default implementations of add/remove listener methods and defualt visual representation.Bean info class for AbstractTrainAndTestSetProducersAbstract class for TrainingSetProducers that contains default implementations of add/remove listener methods and default visual representationBeanInfo class for AbstractTrainingSetProducerClass encapsulating a set of association rules.Interface to something that can process a BatchAssociationRulesEvent.Class encapsulating a built classifier and a batch of instances to test on.Interface to something that can process a BatchClassifierEventClass encapsulating a built clusterer and a batch of instances to test on.Interface to something that can process a BatchClustererEventInterface specifying routines that all weka beans should implement in order to allow the bean environment to exercise some control over the bean and also to allow the bean to exercise some control over connections.Class for encapsulating a connection between two beans.Extends java.beans.Customizer and provides a method to register a listener interested in notification about whether the customizer has modified the object that it is customizing.Interface for something that is interested in the modified status of a source object (typically a BeanCustomizer that is editing an object)Class that manages a set of beans.BeanVisual encapsulates icons and label for a given bean.Event encapsulating info for plotting a data point on the StripChartInterface to something that can process a ChartEventMatching event for ConfigurationListener.Matching listener for ConfigurationEvent.Marker interface for components that can share their configuration.Customizers who want to be able to close the customizer window themselves can implement this window.Listener interface that customizer classes that are interested in data format changes can implement.Event encapsulating a data setIndicator interface to something that can store instances to some destinationInterface to something that is capable of being a source for data - either batch or incremental dataInterface to something that can accept DataSetEventsBean that encapsulates weka.gui.visualize.VisualizePanelDeprecated.Interface for objects that want to be able to specify at any given time whether their current configuration allows a particular event to be generated.Event for graphsDescribe interface
here.Interface for Knowledge Flow components that (typically) provide an interactive graphical visualization to implement.Event that encapsulates an ImageInterface to something that can process an ImageEventClass encapsulating an incrementally built classifier and current instanceInterface to something that can process a IncrementalClassifierEventEvent that encapsulates a single instance or header information onlyInterface to something that can accept instance eventsOptional annotation for plugin beans in the Knowledge Flow.Main GUI class for the KnowledgeFlow.Interface for perspectives.Main Knowledge Flow perspectiveInterface to something that can render certain types of charts in headless mode.Interface to something that is a start point for a flow and can be launched programatically.Interface to something that can be notified of a successful startupInterface for something that can describe the structure of what is encapsulated in a named event type as an empty set of Instances (i.e.Inner class encapsulating the logic for matchingInner class encapsulating the logic for matching and replacing.Event encapsulating a test setInterface to something that can accpet test set eventsInterface to something that can produce test setsEvent that encapsulates some textual informationInterface to something that can process a TextEventEvent encapsulating classifier performance data based on varying a threshold over the classifier's predicted probabilitiesInterface to something that can accept ThresholdDataEventsEvent encapsulating a training setInterface to something that can accept and process training set eventsInterface to something that can produce a training setInterface to something that can accept requests from a user to perform some actionInterface to something that has a visible (via BeanVisual) reprentationEvent encapsulating error information for a learning scheme that can be visualized in the DataVisualizerInterface to something that can accept VisualizableErrorEventsInterface to something that can wrap around a class of Weka algorithms (classifiers, filters etc). -
Classes in weka.gui.beans used by weka.gui.filtersClassDescriptionExtends java.beans.Customizer and provides a method to register a listener interested in notification about whether the customizer has modified the object that it is customizing.Interface for something that is interested in the modified status of a source object (typically a BeanCustomizer that is editing an object)Extends BeanCustomizer.