Uses of Interface
Packages that use BeanCommon
Uses of BeanCommon in weka.gui.beans
Classes in weka.gui.beans that implement BeanCommonModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Abstract class for objects that store instances to some destination.class
Abstract class for objects that can provide some kind of evaluation for classifier, clusterers etc.class
Abstract class for TestSetProducers that contains default implementations of add/remove listener methods and defualt visual representation.class
Abstract base class for TrainAndTestSetProducers that contains default implementations of add/remove listener methods and defualt visual representation.class
Abstract class for TrainingSetProducers that contains default implementations of add/remove listener methods and default visual representationclass
A bean that appends multiple incoming data connections into a single data set.class
Bean that wraps around weka.associations.class
Bean that encapsulates displays bar graph summaries for attributes in a data set.class
Bean that assigns a class attribute to a data set.class
Bean that wraps around weka.classifiersclass
A bean that evaluates the performance of batch trained classifiersclass
Bean that wraps around weka.clusterersclass
A bean that evaluates the performance of batch trained clusterersclass
Bean that aids in analyzing cost/benefit tradeoffs.class
Bean for splitting instances into training ant test sets according to a cross validationclass
Bean that encapsulates weka.gui.visualize.VisualizePanelclass
A wrapper bean for Weka filtersclass
A bean that splits incoming instances (or instance streams) according to the evaluation of a logical expression.class
Component that can accept ImageEvents and save their encapsulated images to a file.class
A KF component that can accept imageEvent connections in order to display static images in a popup windowclass
Bean that evaluates incremental classifiersclass
Bean that converts an instance stream into a (batch) data set.class
Loads data sets using weka.core.converter classesclass
A meta bean that encapsulates several other regular beans, useful for grouping large KnowledgeFlows.class
Bean that can be used for displaying threshold curves (e.g.class
Bean that can can accept batch or incremental classifier events and produce dataset or instance events which contain instances with predictions appended.class
Saves data sets using weka.core.converter classesclass
Bean that encapsulates weka.gui.visualize.MatrixPanel for displaying a scatter plot matrix.class
A bean that saves serialized modelsclass
Sorts incoming instances in ascending or descending order according to the values of user specified attributes.class
Bean that can display a horizontally scrolling strip chart.class
A bean that finds matches in string attribute values (using either substring or regular expression matches) and labels the instance (sets the value of a new attribute) according to the supplied label for the matching rule.class
A bean that can replace substrings in the values of string attributes.class
Bean that accepts data sets and produces test setsclass
Simple component to save the text carried in text events out to a fileclass
Bean that collects and displays pieces of textclass
Bean that accepts a data sets and produces a training setclass
Bean that accepts data sets, training sets, test sets and produces both a training and test set by randomly spliting the data