Uses of Interface
Packages that use StructureProducer
Uses of StructureProducer in weka.gui.beans
Classes in weka.gui.beans that implement StructureProducerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Bean that wraps around weka.associations.class
Bean that assigns a class attribute to a data set.class
Bean for splitting instances into training ant test sets according to a cross validationclass
A bean that splits incoming instances (or instance streams) according to the evaluation of a logical expression.class
Loads data sets using weka.core.converter classesclass
Sorts incoming instances in ascending or descending order according to the values of user specified attributes.class
Bean that accepts data sets and produces test setsclass
Bean that accepts a data sets and produces a training setclass
Bean that accepts data sets, training sets, test sets and produces both a training and test set by randomly spliting the data