Uses of Package
Packages that use weka.clusterers
Classes in weka.clusterers used by weka.attributeSelection
Classes in weka.clusterers used by weka.clusterersClassDescriptionAbstract clusterer.Abstract clustering model that produces (for each test instance) an estimate of the membership in each cluster (ie.Cluster data using the capopy clustering algorithm, which requires just one pass over the data.Interface for clusterers.Inner class handling node operations for Cobweb.Interface for clusterers that can estimate the density for a given instance.Interface to a clusterer that can generate a requested number of clustersAbstract utility class for handling settings common to randomizable clusterers.Abstract utility class for handling settings common to randomizable clusterers.Meta-clusterer for enhancing a base clusterer.Interface to incremental cluster models that can learn using one instance at a time.
Classes in weka.clusterers used by weka.experimentClassDescriptionInterface for clusterers that can estimate the density for a given instance.
Classes in weka.clusterers used by weka.filters.unsupervised.attributeClassDescriptionInterface for clusterers.Interface for clusterers that can estimate the density for a given instance.
Classes in weka.clusterers used by weka.gui.beans
Classes in weka.clusterers used by weka.gui.explorerClassDescriptionInterface for clusterers.Class for evaluating clustering models.
Classes in weka.clusterers used by weka.knowledgeflow.steps