public class AddeURLConnection extends URLConnection
URLs must all have the following format:
where request can be one of the following:
datasetinfo - request for data set information (LWPR)
griddirectory - request for grid directory information (GDIR)
griddata - request for grid data (GGET)
imagedata - request for data in AreaFile format (AGET)
imagedirectory - request for image directory information (ADIR)
pointdata - request for point data (MDKS)
textdata - request to read a text file (TXTG)
wxtext - request to read a weather text file (WTXG)
obtext - request to read a observation text file (OBTG)
There can be any valid combination of the following supported keywords:
-------for any request
group=<groupname> ADDE group name
user=<user_id> ADDE user identification
proj=<proj #> a valid ADDE project number
trace=<0/1> setting to 1 tells server to write debug
trace file
version= ADDE version number, currently 1 except for
griddata requests
debug= set to true to watch the printlns stream by
compress= set to "gzip" if you want to use the GZIP
compression or "compress" if you want to use
transfers in Unix compress format (You need to
have the VisAD package if you want to support
this.) default = none.
port= Socket port to connect on. Overridden by
a port specified in the host
-------for images:
descr=<descriptor> ADDE descriptor name
band=<band> spectral band or channel number
mag=<lmag> <emag> image magnification, postitive for blowup,
negative for blowdown (default = 1, emag=lmag)
(imagedata only)
latlon=<lat> <lon> lat/lon point to center image on (imagedata only)
linele=<lin> <ele> <type> line/element to center image on (imagedata only)
place=<placement> placement of lat/lon or linele points (center
or upperleft (def=center)) (imagedata only)
track<0> tell the ADDE server not to track for this
pos=<position> request an absolute or relative ADDE position
number. May use <start> <end> Default
for <end> is 0 if start<0, or =start otherwise.
size=<lines> <elements> size of image to be returned (imagedata only)
unit=<unit> to specify calibration units other than the
spac=<bytes> number of bytes per data point, 1, 2, or 4
(imagedata only)
doc=<yes/no> specify yes to include line documentation
with image (def=no)
nav=<lalo> include the lat-lon navigation info and not the O&A.
aux=<yes/no> specify yes to include auxilliary information
with image
time=<time1> <time2> specify the time range of images to select
(def=latest image if pos not specified)
day=<day> specify the day of the images to select
(def=latest image if pos not specified)
cal=<cal type> request a specific calibration on the image
(imagedata only)
id=<stn id> radar station id
------ for grids:
descr=<descriptor> ADDE descriptor name
param=<param list> parameter code list
time=<model run time> time in hhmmss format
day=<model run day> day in ccyyddd format
lev=<level list> list of requested levels (value or SFC, MSL
or TRO)
ftime=<forecast time> valid time (hhmmss format) (use with fday)
fday=<forecast day> forecast day (ccyyddd)
fhour=<forecast hours> forecast hours (offset from model run time)
(hhmmss format)
lat=<min lat> <max lat> latitude bounding box (needs lon specified)
lon=<min lon> <max lon> longitude bounding box (needs lat specified)
row=<min row> <max row> row bounding box (needs col specified)
col=<min col> <max col> column bounding box (needs row specified)
skip=<row> <col> skip factors for rows and columns (def = 1 1)
gpro=<pro> grid projection (e.g. TANC)
src=<s1> ... <s2> list of grid sources (ETA, AVN, etc)
drange=<btime> <etime> <inc> range of primary days
that the grid represents (cannot use with
frange=<btime> <etime> <inc> range of forecast times
that the grid represents (cannot use with
fhour=, fday= or ftime=)
trange=<btime> <etime> <inc> range of primary times
that the grid represents (cannot use with time=)
num=<max> maximum number of grids (nn) to return (def=1)
------ for point data:
descr=<descriptor> ADDE descriptor name
pos=<position> request an absolute or relative ADDE
position number
select=<select clause> to specify which data is required
param=<param list> what parameters to return
num=<max> maximum number of obs to return
------ for text data:
descr=<descriptor> ADDE descriptor name
(may also be "descr=FILE=filename")
file=<filename> name of text file to read
------ for weather text data:
group=<group> weather text group (default= RTWXTEXT)
prod=<product> predefind product name
apro=<val1 .. valn> AFOS/AWIPS product headers to match (don't
use with wmo keyword
astn=<val1 .. valn> AFOS/AWIPS stations to match
wmo= <val1 .. valn> WMO product headers to match (don't
use with apro keyword
wstn=<val1 .. valn> WMO stations to match
day=<start end> range of days to search
dtime=<numhours> maximum number of hours to search back (def=96)
match=<match strings> list of character match strings to find from text
num=<num> number of matches to find (def=1)
------ for observational text data:
group=<group> weather text group (default= RTWXTEXT)
descr=<descriptor> weather text subgroup (default=SFCHOURLY)
id=<id1 id2 ... idn> list of station ids
co=<co1 co2 ... con> list of countries
reg=<reg1 reg2..regn> list of regions
newest=<day hour> most recent time to allow in request
(def=current time)
oldest=<day hour> oldest observation time to allow in request
type=<type> numeric value for the type of ob
nhours=<numhours> maximum number of hours to search
num=<num> number of matches to find (def=1)
The following keywords are required:
descr (except datasetinfo)
These are case sensitive. If you prefer to have them automatically upcased,
you can supply a system property on the command line for your application:
or add the "auto-upcase=true" keyword to the URL
An example URL for images might look like:
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static int |
ADIR request type
static int |
AGET request type
static int |
default port transfers
static int |
The default number of elements for an image request
static String |
The default user id
static int |
GDIR request type
static int |
GGET request type
static int |
LWPR request type
static int |
MDKS request type
static int |
OBTG request type
static int |
TXTG request type
static int |
ADDE Version 1 indicator
static int |
WTXG request type
allowUserInteraction, connected, doInput, doOutput, ifModifiedSince, useCaches
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Establishes an ADDE connection using the URL passed to the
StringBuffer |
decodeLWPRString(String uCmd)
Decode the ADDE request for data set information.
StringBuffer |
decodeOBTGString(String uCmd)
Decode the ADDE request for a weather observation text.
StringBuffer |
decodeTXTGString(String uCmd)
Decode the ADDE request for a text file.
StringBuffer |
decodeWTXGString(String uCmd)
Decode the ADDE request for a weather text.
DataInputStream |
returns a reference to DataInputStream established in connect().
int |
Return the number of bytes being sent by the server for the
first record.
InputStream |
returns a reference to InputStream established in connect().
int |
Get the request type
addRequestProperty, getAllowUserInteraction, getConnectTimeout, getContent, getContent, getContentEncoding, getContentLength, getContentLengthLong, getContentType, getDate, getDefaultAllowUserInteraction, getDefaultRequestProperty, getDefaultUseCaches, getDoInput, getDoOutput, getExpiration, getFileNameMap, getHeaderField, getHeaderField, getHeaderFieldDate, getHeaderFieldInt, getHeaderFieldKey, getHeaderFieldLong, getHeaderFields, getIfModifiedSince, getLastModified, getOutputStream, getPermission, getReadTimeout, getRequestProperties, getRequestProperty, getURL, getUseCaches, guessContentTypeFromName, guessContentTypeFromStream, setAllowUserInteraction, setConnectTimeout, setContentHandlerFactory, setDefaultAllowUserInteraction, setDefaultRequestProperty, setDefaultUseCaches, setDoInput, setDoOutput, setFileNameMap, setIfModifiedSince, setReadTimeout, setRequestProperty, setUseCaches, toString
public static final String DEFAULT_USER
public static final int DEFAULT_PROJ
public static final int DEFAULT_PORT
public static final int VERSION_1
public static final int AGET
public static final int ADIR
public static final int LWPR
public static final int GDIR
public static final int GGET
public static final int MDKS
public static final int TXTG
public static final int WTXG
public static final int OBTG
public void connect() throws IOException, AddeURLException
An example URL might look like:
in class URLConnection
public int getRequestType()
public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException
in class URLConnection
public DataInputStream getDataInputStream() throws IOException
public int getInitialRecordSize()
public StringBuffer decodeTXTGString(String uCmd)
there can be any valid combination of the following supported keywords: file=<filename> the text file name on the server descr=<dataset> the dataset name on the server group=<group> the ADDE group name for this TEXT the following keywords are required: file or descr an example URL might look like: adde://viper/text?group=textdata&file=myfile.txt
public StringBuffer decodeWTXGString(String uCmd)
there can be any valid combination of the following supported keywords: group=<group> weather text group (default= RTWXTEXT) prod=<product> predefind product name apro=<val1 .. valn> AFOS/AWIPS product headers to match (don't use with wmo keyword astn=<val1 .. valn> AFOS/AWIPS stations to match wmo= <val1 .. valn> WMO product headers to match (don't use with apro keyword wstn=<val1 .. valn> WMO stations to match day=<start end> range of days to search (def = current) dtime=<numhours> maximum number of hours to search back (def=96) match=<match strings> list of character match strings to find from text num=<num> number of matches to find (def=1) the following keywords are required: day (should default to current, but there's a bug) apro, astn or wstn an example URL might look like: adde://viper/text?group=textdata&file=myfile.txt
public StringBuffer decodeOBTGString(String uCmd)
there can be any valid combination of the following supported keywords: group=<group> weather text group (default= RTWXTEXT) descr=<descriptor> weather text subgroup (default=SFCHOURLY) id=<id1 id2 ... idn> list of station ids co=<co1 co2 ... con> list of countries reg=<reg1 reg2..regn> list of regions newest=<day hour> most recent time to allow in request (def=current time) oldest=<day hour> oldest observation time to allow in request type=<type> numeric value for the type of ob nhours=<numhours> maximum number of hours to search num=<num> number of matches to find (def=1) the following keywords are required: group descr id, co, or reg an example URL might look like: adde://
public StringBuffer decodeLWPRString(String uCmd)
there can be any valid combination of the following supported keywords: group=<groupname> ADDE group name type=<datatype> ADDE data type. Must be one of the following: IMAGE, POINT, GRID, TEXT, NAV the default is the IMAGE type. the following keywords are required: group an example URL might look like: adde://viper/datasetinfo?group=gvar&type=image
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