Package | Description |
javafx.scene.control |
The JavaFX User Interface Controls (UI Controls or just Controls) are
specialized Nodes in the JavaFX Scenegraph especially suited for reuse in
many different application contexts.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static Callback<TreeTableView,Boolean> |
The default
sort policy that this TreeTableView
will use if no other policy is specified. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TreeTableView<S> |
Returns the TreeTableView upon which the edit took place.
TreeTableView<S> |
Returns the TreeTableView upon which the resize operation is occurring.
TreeTableView<S> |
Gets the value of the property treeTableView.
TreeTableView<S> |
Gets the value of the property treeTableView.
TreeTableView<S> |
Returns the
TableView passed in to the constructor. |
TreeTableView<S> |
Returns the TableView upon which this event occurred.
TreeTableView<S> |
The TreeTableView that this TreeTablePosition is related to.
TreeTableView<T> |
Returns the TreeTableView associated with this TreeTableCell.
TreeTableView<S> |
Returns the TreeTableView instance that this selection model is installed in.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
EventHandler<SortEvent<TreeTableView<S>>> |
Gets the value of the property onSort.
Callback<TreeTableView<S>,TreeTableRow<S>> |
Gets the value of the property rowFactory.
Callback<TreeTableView<S>,Boolean> |
Gets the value of the property sortPolicy.
ObjectProperty<EventHandler<SortEvent<TreeTableView<S>>>> |
Called when there's a request to sort the control.
ObjectProperty<Callback<TreeTableView<S>,TreeTableRow<S>>> |
A function which produces a TreeTableRow.
ObjectProperty<Callback<TreeTableView<S>,Boolean>> |
The sort policy specifies how sorting in this TreeTableView should be performed.
ReadOnlyObjectProperty<TreeTableView<S>> |
The TreeTableView associated with this TreeTableCell.
ReadOnlyObjectProperty<TreeTableView<S>> |
The TreeTableView that this TreeTableColumn belongs to.
ReadOnlyObjectProperty<TreeTableView<T>> |
A TreeTableCell is explicitly linked to a single
TreeTableView instance,
which is represented by this property. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
TreeTableCell.updateTreeTableView(TreeTableView<S> tv)
Updates the TreeTableView associated with this TreeTableCell.
void |
TreeTableRow.updateTreeTableView(TreeTableView<T> treeTable)
Updates the TreeTableView associated with this TreeTableCell.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
TreeTableView.setOnSort(EventHandler<SortEvent<TreeTableView<S>>> value)
Sets the value of the property onSort.
void |
TreeTableView.setRowFactory(Callback<TreeTableView<S>,TreeTableRow<S>> value)
Sets the value of the property rowFactory.
void |
TreeTableView.setSortPolicy(Callback<TreeTableView<S>,Boolean> callback)
Sets the value of the property sortPolicy.
Constructor and Description |
CellDataFeatures(TreeTableView<S> treeTableView,
TreeTableColumn<S,T> tableColumn,
TreeItem<S> value)
Instantiates a CellDataFeatures instance with the given properties
set as read-only values of this instance.
CellEditEvent(TreeTableView<S> table,
TreeTablePosition<S,T> pos,
EventType<TreeTableColumn.CellEditEvent<S,T>> eventType,
T newValue)
Creates a new event that can be subsequently fired to the relevant listeners.
EditEvent(TreeTableView<S> source,
EventType<? extends TreeTableView.EditEvent> eventType,
TreeItem<S> treeItem,
S oldValue,
S newValue)
Creates a new EditEvent instance to represent an edit event.
ResizeFeatures(TreeTableView<S> treeTable,
TreeTableColumn<S,?> column,
Double delta)
Creates an instance of this class, with the provided TreeTableView,
TreeTableColumn and delta values being set and stored in this immutable
TreeTablePosition(TreeTableView<S> treeTableView,
int row,
TreeTableColumn<S,T> tableColumn)
Constructs a TreeTablePosition instance to represent the given row/column
position in the given TreeTableView instance.
TreeTableViewFocusModel(TreeTableView<S> treeTableView)
Creates a default TableViewFocusModel instance that will be used to
manage focus of the provided TableView control.
TreeTableViewSelectionModel(TreeTableView<S> treeTableView)
Builds a default TreeTableViewSelectionModel instance with the provided
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