Package org.joml

Class Vector2i

  • All Implemented Interfaces:,, java.lang.Cloneable, Vector2ic

    public class Vector2i
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements, java.lang.Cloneable, Vector2ic
    Represents a 2D vector with single-precision.
    RGreenlees, Kai Burjack, Hans Uhlig
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      int x
      The x component of the vector.
      int y
      The y component of the vector.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Create a new Vector2i and initialize its components to zero.
      Vector2i​(double x, double y, int mode)
      Create a new Vector2i and initialize its component values and round using the given RoundingMode.
      Vector2i​(float x, float y, int mode)
      Create a new Vector2i and initialize its component values and round using the given RoundingMode.
      Vector2i​(int s)
      Create a new Vector2i and initialize both of its components with the given value.
      Vector2i​(int[] xy)
      Create a new Vector2i and initialize its two components from the first two elements of the given array.
      Vector2i​(int x, int y)
      Create a new Vector2i and initialize its components to the given values.
      Vector2i​(int index, java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
      Create a new Vector2i and read this vector from the supplied ByteBuffer starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.
      Vector2i​(int index, java.nio.IntBuffer buffer)
      Create a new Vector2i and read this vector from the supplied IntBuffer starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.
      Vector2i​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
      Create a new Vector2i and read this vector from the supplied ByteBuffer at the current buffer position.
      Vector2i​(java.nio.IntBuffer buffer)
      Create a new Vector2i and read this vector from the supplied IntBuffer at the current buffer position.
      Vector2i​(Vector2dc v, int mode)
      Create a new Vector2i and initialize its components to the rounded value of the given vector.
      Vector2i​(Vector2fc v, int mode)
      Create a new Vector2i and initialize its components to the rounded value of the given vector.
      Vector2i​(Vector2ic v)
      Create a new Vector2i and initialize its components to the one of the given vector.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Vector2i absolute()
      Set this vector's components to their respective absolute values.
      Vector2i absolute​(Vector2i dest)
      Compute the absolute of each of this vector's components and store the result into dest.
      Vector2i add​(int x, int y)
      Increment the components of this vector by the given values.
      Vector2i add​(int x, int y, Vector2i dest)
      Increment the components of this vector by the given values and store the result in dest.
      Vector2i add​(Vector2ic v)
      Add v to this vector.
      Vector2i add​(Vector2ic v, Vector2i dest)
      Add the supplied vector to this one and store the result in dest.
      java.lang.Object clone()  
      double distance​(int x, int y)
      Return the distance between this vector and (x, y).
      static double distance​(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
      Return the distance between (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).
      double distance​(Vector2ic v)
      Return the distance between this Vector and v.
      long distanceSquared​(int x, int y)
      Return the square of the distance between this vector and (x, y).
      static long distanceSquared​(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
      Return the squared distance between (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).
      long distanceSquared​(Vector2ic v)
      Return the square of the distance between this vector and v.
      Vector2i div​(float scalar)
      Divide all components of this Vector2i by the given scalar value.
      Vector2i div​(float scalar, Vector2i dest)
      Divide all components of this Vector2i by the given scalar value and store the result in dest.
      Vector2i div​(int scalar)
      Divide all components of this Vector2i by the given scalar value.
      Vector2i div​(int scalar, Vector2i dest)
      Divide all components of this Vector2i by the given scalar value and store the result in dest.
      boolean equals​(int x, int y)
      Compare the vector components of this vector with the given (x, y) and return whether all of them are equal.
      boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)  
      int get​(int component)
      Get the value of the specified component of this vector.
      java.nio.ByteBuffer get​(int index, java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
      Store this vector into the supplied ByteBuffer starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.
      java.nio.IntBuffer get​(int index, java.nio.IntBuffer buffer)
      Store this vector into the supplied IntBuffer starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.
      java.nio.ByteBuffer get​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
      Store this vector into the supplied ByteBuffer at the current buffer position.
      java.nio.IntBuffer get​(java.nio.IntBuffer buffer)
      Store this vector into the supplied IntBuffer at the current buffer position.
      Vector2ic getToAddress​(long address)
      Store this vector at the given off-heap memory address.
      long gridDistance​(int x, int y)
      Return the grid distance in between (aka 1-Norm, Minkowski or Manhattan distance) (x, y).
      long gridDistance​(Vector2ic v)
      Return the grid distance in between (aka 1-Norm, Minkowski or Manhattan distance) (x, y).
      int hashCode()  
      double length()
      Return the length of this vector.
      static double length​(int x, int y)
      Get the length of a 2-dimensional single-precision vector.
      long lengthSquared()
      Return the length squared of this vector.
      static long lengthSquared​(int x, int y)
      Get the length squared of a 2-dimensional single-precision vector.
      Vector2i max​(Vector2ic v)
      Set the components of this vector to be the component-wise maximum of this and the other vector.
      Vector2i max​(Vector2ic v, Vector2i dest)
      Set the components of dest to be the component-wise maximum of this and the other vector.
      int maxComponent()
      Determine the component with the biggest absolute value.
      Vector2i min​(Vector2ic v)
      Set the components of this vector to be the component-wise minimum of this and the other vector.
      Vector2i min​(Vector2ic v, Vector2i dest)
      Set the components of dest to be the component-wise minimum of this and the other vector.
      int minComponent()
      Determine the component with the smallest (towards zero) absolute value.
      Vector2i mul​(int scalar)
      Multiply all components of this Vector2i by the given scalar value.
      Vector2i mul​(int x, int y)
      Multiply the components of this vector by the given values.
      Vector2i mul​(int x, int y, Vector2i dest)
      Multiply the components of this vector by the given values and store the result in dest.
      Vector2i mul​(int scalar, Vector2i dest)
      Multiply all components of this Vector2ic by the given scalar value and store the result in dest.
      Vector2i mul​(Vector2ic v)
      Add the supplied vector by this one.
      Vector2i mul​(Vector2ic v, Vector2i dest)
      Multiply the supplied vector by this one and store the result in dest.
      Vector2i negate()
      Negate this vector.
      Vector2i negate​(Vector2i dest)
      Negate this vector and store the result in dest.
      void readExternal​( in)  
      Vector2i set​(int s)
      Set the x and y components to the supplied value.
      Vector2i set​(int[] xy)
      Set the two components of this vector to the first two elements of the given array.
      Vector2i set​(int x, int y)
      Set the x and y components to the supplied values.
      Vector2i set​(int index, java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
      Read this vector from the supplied ByteBuffer starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.
      Vector2i set​(int index, java.nio.IntBuffer buffer)
      Read this vector from the supplied IntBuffer starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.
      Vector2i set​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
      Read this vector from the supplied ByteBuffer at the current buffer position.
      Vector2i set​(java.nio.IntBuffer buffer)
      Read this vector from the supplied IntBuffer at the current buffer position.
      Vector2i set​(Vector2dc v)
      Set this Vector2i to the values of v using RoundingMode.TRUNCATE rounding.
      Vector2i set​(Vector2dc v, int mode)
      Set this Vector2i to the values of v using the given RoundingMode.
      Vector2i set​(Vector2fc v, int mode)
      Set this Vector2i to the values of v using the given RoundingMode.
      Vector2i set​(Vector2ic v)
      Set this Vector2i to the values of v.
      Vector2i setComponent​(int component, int value)
      Set the value of the specified component of this vector.
      Vector2i setFromAddress​(long address)
      Set the values of this vector by reading 2 integer values from off-heap memory, starting at the given address.
      Vector2i sub​(int x, int y)
      Decrement the components of this vector by the given values.
      Vector2i sub​(int x, int y, Vector2i dest)
      Decrement the components of this vector by the given values and store the result in dest.
      Vector2i sub​(Vector2ic v)
      Subtract the supplied vector from this one and store the result in this.
      Vector2i sub​(Vector2ic v, Vector2i dest)
      Subtract the supplied vector from this one and store the result in dest.
      java.lang.String toString()
      Return a string representation of this vector.
      java.lang.String toString​(java.text.NumberFormat formatter)
      Return a string representation of this vector by formatting the vector components with the given NumberFormat.
      void writeExternal​( out)  
      int x()  
      int y()  
      Vector2i zero()
      Set all components to zero.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • x

        public int x
        The x component of the vector.
      • y

        public int y
        The y component of the vector.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Vector2i

        public Vector2i()
        Create a new Vector2i and initialize its components to zero.
      • Vector2i

        public Vector2i​(int s)
        Create a new Vector2i and initialize both of its components with the given value.
        s - the value of both components
      • Vector2i

        public Vector2i​(int x,
                        int y)
        Create a new Vector2i and initialize its components to the given values.
        x - the x component
        y - the y component
      • Vector2i

        public Vector2i​(float x,
                        float y,
                        int mode)
        Create a new Vector2i and initialize its component values and round using the given RoundingMode.
        x - the x component
        y - the y component
        mode - the RoundingMode to use
      • Vector2i

        public Vector2i​(double x,
                        double y,
                        int mode)
        Create a new Vector2i and initialize its component values and round using the given RoundingMode.
        x - the x component
        y - the y component
        mode - the RoundingMode to use
      • Vector2i

        public Vector2i​(Vector2ic v)
        Create a new Vector2i and initialize its components to the one of the given vector.
        v - the Vector2ic to copy the values from
      • Vector2i

        public Vector2i​(Vector2fc v,
                        int mode)
        Create a new Vector2i and initialize its components to the rounded value of the given vector.
        v - the Vector2fc to round and copy the values from
        mode - the RoundingMode to use
      • Vector2i

        public Vector2i​(Vector2dc v,
                        int mode)
        Create a new Vector2i and initialize its components to the rounded value of the given vector.
        v - the Vector2dc to round and copy the values from
        mode - the RoundingMode to use
      • Vector2i

        public Vector2i​(int[] xy)
        Create a new Vector2i and initialize its two components from the first two elements of the given array.
        xy - the array containing at least three elements
      • Vector2i

        public Vector2i​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
        Create a new Vector2i and read this vector from the supplied ByteBuffer at the current buffer position.

        This method will not increment the position of the given ByteBuffer.

        In order to specify the offset into the ByteBuffer at which the vector is read, use Vector2i(int, ByteBuffer), taking the absolute position as parameter.

        buffer - values will be read in x, y order
        See Also:
        Vector2i(int, ByteBuffer)
      • Vector2i

        public Vector2i​(int index,
                        java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
        Create a new Vector2i and read this vector from the supplied ByteBuffer starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.

        This method will not increment the position of the given ByteBuffer.

        index - the absolute position into the ByteBuffer
        buffer - values will be read in x, y order
      • Vector2i

        public Vector2i​(java.nio.IntBuffer buffer)
        Create a new Vector2i and read this vector from the supplied IntBuffer at the current buffer position.

        This method will not increment the position of the given IntBuffer.

        In order to specify the offset into the IntBuffer at which the vector is read, use Vector2i(int, IntBuffer), taking the absolute position as parameter.

        buffer - values will be read in x, y order
        See Also:
        Vector2i(int, IntBuffer)
      • Vector2i

        public Vector2i​(int index,
                        java.nio.IntBuffer buffer)
        Create a new Vector2i and read this vector from the supplied IntBuffer starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.

        This method will not increment the position of the given IntBuffer.

        index - the absolute position into the IntBuffer
        buffer - values will be read in x, y order
    • Method Detail

      • x

        public int x()
        Specified by:
        x in interface Vector2ic
        the value of the x component
      • y

        public int y()
        Specified by:
        y in interface Vector2ic
        the value of the y component
      • set

        public Vector2i set​(int s)
        Set the x and y components to the supplied value.
        s - scalar value of both components
      • set

        public Vector2i set​(int x,
                            int y)
        Set the x and y components to the supplied values.
        x - the x component
        y - the y component
      • set

        public Vector2i set​(Vector2ic v)
        Set this Vector2i to the values of v.
        v - the vector to copy from
      • set

        public Vector2i set​(Vector2dc v)
        Set this Vector2i to the values of v using RoundingMode.TRUNCATE rounding.

        Note that due to the given vector v storing the components in double-precision, there is the possibility to lose precision.

        v - the vector to copy from
      • set

        public Vector2i set​(Vector2dc v,
                            int mode)
        Set this Vector2i to the values of v using the given RoundingMode.

        Note that due to the given vector v storing the components in double-precision, there is the possibility to lose precision.

        v - the vector to copy from
        mode - the RoundingMode to use
      • set

        public Vector2i set​(Vector2fc v,
                            int mode)
        Set this Vector2i to the values of v using the given RoundingMode.

        Note that due to the given vector v storing the components in double-precision, there is the possibility to lose precision.

        v - the vector to copy from
        mode - the RoundingMode to use
      • set

        public Vector2i set​(int[] xy)
        Set the two components of this vector to the first two elements of the given array.
        xy - the array containing at least two elements
      • set

        public Vector2i set​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
        Read this vector from the supplied ByteBuffer at the current buffer position.

        This method will not increment the position of the given ByteBuffer.

        In order to specify the offset into the ByteBuffer at which the vector is read, use set(int, ByteBuffer), taking the absolute position as parameter.

        buffer - values will be read in x, y order
        See Also:
        set(int, ByteBuffer)
      • set

        public Vector2i set​(int index,
                            java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
        Read this vector from the supplied ByteBuffer starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.

        This method will not increment the position of the given ByteBuffer.

        index - the absolute position into the ByteBuffer
        buffer - values will be read in x, y order
      • set

        public Vector2i set​(java.nio.IntBuffer buffer)
        Read this vector from the supplied IntBuffer at the current buffer position.

        This method will not increment the position of the given IntBuffer.

        In order to specify the offset into the IntBuffer at which the vector is read, use set(int, IntBuffer), taking the absolute position as parameter.

        buffer - values will be read in x, y order
        See Also:
        set(int, IntBuffer)
      • set

        public Vector2i set​(int index,
                            java.nio.IntBuffer buffer)
        Read this vector from the supplied IntBuffer starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.

        This method will not increment the position of the given IntBuffer.

        index - the absolute position into the IntBuffer
        buffer - values will be read in x, y order
      • setFromAddress

        public Vector2i setFromAddress​(long address)
        Set the values of this vector by reading 2 integer values from off-heap memory, starting at the given address.

        This method will throw an UnsupportedOperationException when JOML is used with `-Djoml.nounsafe`.

        This method is unsafe as it can result in a crash of the JVM process when the specified address range does not belong to this process.

        address - the off-heap memory address to read the vector values from
      • get

        public int get​(int component)
                throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Description copied from interface: Vector2ic
        Get the value of the specified component of this vector.
        Specified by:
        get in interface Vector2ic
        component - the component, within [0..1]
        the value
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if component is not within [0..1]
      • setComponent

        public Vector2i setComponent​(int component,
                                     int value)
                              throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Set the value of the specified component of this vector.
        component - the component whose value to set, within [0..1]
        value - the value to set
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if component is not within [0..1]
      • get

        public java.nio.ByteBuffer get​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
        Description copied from interface: Vector2ic
        Store this vector into the supplied ByteBuffer at the current buffer position.

        This method will not increment the position of the given ByteBuffer.

        In order to specify the offset into the ByteBuffer at which the vector is stored, use Vector2ic.get(int, ByteBuffer), taking the absolute position as parameter.

        Specified by:
        get in interface Vector2ic
        buffer - will receive the values of this vector in x, y order
        the passed in buffer
        See Also:
        Vector2ic.get(int, ByteBuffer)
      • get

        public java.nio.ByteBuffer get​(int index,
                                       java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
        Description copied from interface: Vector2ic
        Store this vector into the supplied ByteBuffer starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.

        This method will not increment the position of the given ByteBuffer.

        Specified by:
        get in interface Vector2ic
        index - the absolute position into the ByteBuffer
        buffer - will receive the values of this vector in x, y order
        the passed in buffer
      • get

        public java.nio.IntBuffer get​(java.nio.IntBuffer buffer)
        Description copied from interface: Vector2ic
        Store this vector into the supplied IntBuffer at the current buffer position.

        This method will not increment the position of the given IntBuffer.

        In order to specify the offset into the IntBuffer at which the vector is stored, use Vector2ic.get(int, IntBuffer), taking the absolute position as parameter.

        Specified by:
        get in interface Vector2ic
        buffer - will receive the values of this vector in x, y order
        the passed in buffer
        See Also:
        Vector2ic.get(int, IntBuffer)
      • get

        public java.nio.IntBuffer get​(int index,
                                      java.nio.IntBuffer buffer)
        Description copied from interface: Vector2ic
        Store this vector into the supplied IntBuffer starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.

        This method will not increment the position of the given IntBuffer.

        Specified by:
        get in interface Vector2ic
        index - the absolute position into the IntBuffer
        buffer - will receive the values of this vector in x, y order
        the passed in buffer
      • getToAddress

        public Vector2ic getToAddress​(long address)
        Description copied from interface: Vector2ic
        Store this vector at the given off-heap memory address.

        This method will throw an UnsupportedOperationException when JOML is used with `-Djoml.nounsafe`.

        This method is unsafe as it can result in a crash of the JVM process when the specified address range does not belong to this process.

        Specified by:
        getToAddress in interface Vector2ic
        address - the off-heap address where to store this vector
      • sub

        public Vector2i sub​(Vector2ic v)
        Subtract the supplied vector from this one and store the result in this.
        v - the vector to subtract
      • sub

        public Vector2i sub​(Vector2ic v,
                            Vector2i dest)
        Description copied from interface: Vector2ic
        Subtract the supplied vector from this one and store the result in dest.
        Specified by:
        sub in interface Vector2ic
        v - the vector to subtract
        dest - will hold the result
      • sub

        public Vector2i sub​(int x,
                            int y)
        Decrement the components of this vector by the given values.
        x - the x component to subtract
        y - the y component to subtract
      • sub

        public Vector2i sub​(int x,
                            int y,
                            Vector2i dest)
        Description copied from interface: Vector2ic
        Decrement the components of this vector by the given values and store the result in dest.
        Specified by:
        sub in interface Vector2ic
        x - the x component to subtract
        y - the y component to subtract
        dest - will hold the result
      • lengthSquared

        public long lengthSquared()
        Description copied from interface: Vector2ic
        Return the length squared of this vector.
        Specified by:
        lengthSquared in interface Vector2ic
        the length squared
      • lengthSquared

        public static long lengthSquared​(int x,
                                         int y)
        Get the length squared of a 2-dimensional single-precision vector.
        x - The vector's x component
        y - The vector's y component
        the length squared of the given vector
      • length

        public double length()
        Description copied from interface: Vector2ic
        Return the length of this vector.
        Specified by:
        length in interface Vector2ic
        the length
      • length

        public static double length​(int x,
                                    int y)
        Get the length of a 2-dimensional single-precision vector.
        x - The vector's x component
        y - The vector's y component
        the length squared of the given vector
      • distance

        public double distance​(Vector2ic v)
        Description copied from interface: Vector2ic
        Return the distance between this Vector and v.
        Specified by:
        distance in interface Vector2ic
        v - the other vector
        the distance
      • distance

        public double distance​(int x,
                               int y)
        Description copied from interface: Vector2ic
        Return the distance between this vector and (x, y).
        Specified by:
        distance in interface Vector2ic
        x - the x component of the other vector
        y - the y component of the other vector
        the euclidean distance
      • distanceSquared

        public long distanceSquared​(Vector2ic v)
        Description copied from interface: Vector2ic
        Return the square of the distance between this vector and v.
        Specified by:
        distanceSquared in interface Vector2ic
        v - the other vector
        the squared of the distance
      • distanceSquared

        public long distanceSquared​(int x,
                                    int y)
        Description copied from interface: Vector2ic
        Return the square of the distance between this vector and (x, y).
        Specified by:
        distanceSquared in interface Vector2ic
        x - the x component of the other vector
        y - the y component of the other vector
        the square of the distance
      • gridDistance

        public long gridDistance​(Vector2ic v)
        Description copied from interface: Vector2ic
        Return the grid distance in between (aka 1-Norm, Minkowski or Manhattan distance) (x, y).
        Specified by:
        gridDistance in interface Vector2ic
        v - the other vector
        the grid distance
      • gridDistance

        public long gridDistance​(int x,
                                 int y)
        Description copied from interface: Vector2ic
        Return the grid distance in between (aka 1-Norm, Minkowski or Manhattan distance) (x, y).
        Specified by:
        gridDistance in interface Vector2ic
        x - the x component of the other vector
        y - the y component of the other vector
        the grid distance
      • distance

        public static double distance​(int x1,
                                      int y1,
                                      int x2,
                                      int y2)
        Return the distance between (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).
        x1 - the x component of the first vector
        y1 - the y component of the first vector
        x2 - the x component of the second vector
        y2 - the y component of the second vector
        the euclidean distance
      • distanceSquared

        public static long distanceSquared​(int x1,
                                           int y1,
                                           int x2,
                                           int y2)
        Return the squared distance between (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).
        x1 - the x component of the first vector
        y1 - the y component of the first vector
        x2 - the x component of the second vector
        y2 - the y component of the second vector
        the euclidean distance squared
      • add

        public Vector2i add​(Vector2ic v)
        Add v to this vector.
        v - the vector to add
      • add

        public Vector2i add​(Vector2ic v,
                            Vector2i dest)
        Description copied from interface: Vector2ic
        Add the supplied vector to this one and store the result in dest.
        Specified by:
        add in interface Vector2ic
        v - the vector to add
        dest - will hold the result
      • add

        public Vector2i add​(int x,
                            int y)
        Increment the components of this vector by the given values.
        x - the x component to add
        y - the y component to add
      • add

        public Vector2i add​(int x,
                            int y,
                            Vector2i dest)
        Description copied from interface: Vector2ic
        Increment the components of this vector by the given values and store the result in dest.
        Specified by:
        add in interface Vector2ic
        x - the x component to add
        y - the y component to add
        dest - will hold the result
      • mul

        public Vector2i mul​(int scalar)
        Multiply all components of this Vector2i by the given scalar value.
        scalar - the scalar to multiply this vector by
      • mul

        public Vector2i mul​(int scalar,
                            Vector2i dest)
        Description copied from interface: Vector2ic
        Multiply all components of this Vector2ic by the given scalar value and store the result in dest.
        Specified by:
        mul in interface Vector2ic
        scalar - the scalar to multiply this vector by
        dest - will hold the result
      • mul

        public Vector2i mul​(Vector2ic v)
        Add the supplied vector by this one.
        v - the vector to multiply
      • mul

        public Vector2i mul​(Vector2ic v,
                            Vector2i dest)
        Description copied from interface: Vector2ic
        Multiply the supplied vector by this one and store the result in dest.
        Specified by:
        mul in interface Vector2ic
        v - the vector to multiply
        dest - will hold the result
      • mul

        public Vector2i mul​(int x,
                            int y)
        Multiply the components of this vector by the given values.
        x - the x component to multiply
        y - the y component to multiply
      • mul

        public Vector2i mul​(int x,
                            int y,
                            Vector2i dest)
        Description copied from interface: Vector2ic
        Multiply the components of this vector by the given values and store the result in dest.
        Specified by:
        mul in interface Vector2ic
        x - the x component to multiply
        y - the y component to multiply
        dest - will hold the result
      • div

        public Vector2i div​(float scalar)
        Divide all components of this Vector2i by the given scalar value.
        scalar - the scalar to divide by
        a vector holding the result
      • div

        public Vector2i div​(float scalar,
                            Vector2i dest)
        Description copied from interface: Vector2ic
        Divide all components of this Vector2i by the given scalar value and store the result in dest.
        Specified by:
        div in interface Vector2ic
        scalar - the scalar to divide by
        dest - will hold the result
      • div

        public Vector2i div​(int scalar)
        Divide all components of this Vector2i by the given scalar value.
        scalar - the scalar to divide by
        a vector holding the result
      • div

        public Vector2i div​(int scalar,
                            Vector2i dest)
        Description copied from interface: Vector2ic
        Divide all components of this Vector2i by the given scalar value and store the result in dest.
        Specified by:
        div in interface Vector2ic
        scalar - the scalar to divide by
        dest - will hold the result
      • zero

        public Vector2i zero()
        Set all components to zero.
      • writeExternal

        public void writeExternal​( out)
        Specified by:
        writeExternal in interface
      • readExternal

        public void readExternal​( in)
        Specified by:
        readExternal in interface
      • negate

        public Vector2i negate()
        Negate this vector.
      • negate

        public Vector2i negate​(Vector2i dest)
        Description copied from interface: Vector2ic
        Negate this vector and store the result in dest.
        Specified by:
        negate in interface Vector2ic
        dest - will hold the result
      • min

        public Vector2i min​(Vector2ic v)
        Set the components of this vector to be the component-wise minimum of this and the other vector.
        v - the other vector
      • min

        public Vector2i min​(Vector2ic v,
                            Vector2i dest)
        Description copied from interface: Vector2ic
        Set the components of dest to be the component-wise minimum of this and the other vector.
        Specified by:
        min in interface Vector2ic
        v - the other vector
        dest - will hold the result
      • max

        public Vector2i max​(Vector2ic v)
        Set the components of this vector to be the component-wise maximum of this and the other vector.
        v - the other vector
      • max

        public Vector2i max​(Vector2ic v,
                            Vector2i dest)
        Description copied from interface: Vector2ic
        Set the components of dest to be the component-wise maximum of this and the other vector.
        Specified by:
        max in interface Vector2ic
        v - the other vector
        dest - will hold the result
      • maxComponent

        public int maxComponent()
        Description copied from interface: Vector2ic
        Determine the component with the biggest absolute value.
        Specified by:
        maxComponent in interface Vector2ic
        the component index, within [0..1]
      • minComponent

        public int minComponent()
        Description copied from interface: Vector2ic
        Determine the component with the smallest (towards zero) absolute value.
        Specified by:
        minComponent in interface Vector2ic
        the component index, within [0..1]
      • absolute

        public Vector2i absolute()
        Set this vector's components to their respective absolute values.
      • absolute

        public Vector2i absolute​(Vector2i dest)
        Description copied from interface: Vector2ic
        Compute the absolute of each of this vector's components and store the result into dest.
        Specified by:
        absolute in interface Vector2ic
        dest - will hold the result
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)
        equals in class java.lang.Object
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(int x,
                              int y)
        Description copied from interface: Vector2ic
        Compare the vector components of this vector with the given (x, y) and return whether all of them are equal.
        Specified by:
        equals in interface Vector2ic
        x - the x component to compare to
        y - the y component to compare to
        true if all the vector components are equal
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Return a string representation of this vector.

        This method creates a new DecimalFormat on every invocation with the format string "0.000E0;-".

        toString in class java.lang.Object
        the string representation
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString​(java.text.NumberFormat formatter)
        Return a string representation of this vector by formatting the vector components with the given NumberFormat.
        formatter - the NumberFormat used to format the vector components with
        the string representation
      • clone

        public java.lang.Object clone()
                               throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException
        clone in class java.lang.Object