Interface | Description |
Contingent |
A contingency that may hold, or not, depending on the circumstances.
Environmental |
An interface for objects which have an
OpEnvironment . |
Initializable |
Interface for objects which can be initialized.
Namespace |
A namespace is a collection of ops with related functions.
NamespaceService |
Interface for services that manage Ops
Namespace s. |
Op |
An op is an operation that computes a result in a deterministic and
consistent way.
OpEnvironment |
An op environment is the top-level entry point into op execution.
OpMatchingService | |
Ops.Coloc.Costes |
Base interface for "costes" operations.
Ops.Coloc.ICQ |
Base interface for "icq" operations.
Ops.Coloc.KendallTau |
Base interface for "kendallTau" operations.
Ops.Coloc.Manders |
Base interface for "manders" operations.
Ops.Coloc.MaxTKendallTau |
Base interface for "maxTKendallTau" operations.
Ops.Coloc.Pearsons |
Base interface for "pearsons" operations.
Ops.Coloc.PValue |
Base interface for "pValue" operations.
Ops.Coloc.Spearman |
Base interface for "spearman" operations.
Ops.Convert.Bit |
Base interface for "bit" operations.
Ops.Convert.Cfloat32 |
Base interface for "cfloat32" operations.
Ops.Convert.Cfloat64 |
Base interface for "cfloat64" operations.
Ops.Convert.Clip |
Base interface for "clip" operations.
Ops.Convert.Copy |
Base interface for "copy" operations.
Ops.Convert.Float32 |
Base interface for "float32" operations.
Ops.Convert.Float64 |
Base interface for "float64" operations.
Ops.Convert.ImageType |
Base interface for "imageType" operations.
Ops.Convert.Int16 |
Base interface for "int16" operations.
Ops.Convert.Int32 |
Base interface for "int32" operations.
Ops.Convert.Int64 |
Base interface for "int64" operations.
Ops.Convert.Int8 |
Base interface for "int8" operations.
Ops.Convert.NormalizeScale |
Base interface for "normalizeScale" operations.
Ops.Convert.Scale |
Base interface for "scale" operations.
Ops.Convert.Uint12 |
Base interface for "uint12" operations.
Ops.Convert.Uint128 |
Base interface for "uint128" operations.
Ops.Convert.Uint16 |
Base interface for "uint16" operations.
Ops.Convert.Uint2 |
Base interface for "uint2" operations.
Ops.Convert.Uint32 |
Base interface for "uint32" operations.
Ops.Convert.Uint4 |
Base interface for "uint4" operations.
Ops.Convert.Uint64 |
Base interface for "uint64" operations.
Ops.Convert.Uint8 |
Base interface for "uint8" operations.
Ops.Copy.Img |
Base interface for "img" operations.
Ops.Copy.ImgLabeling |
Base interface for "imgLabeling" operations.
Ops.Copy.ImgPlus |
Base interface for "imgPlus" operations.
Ops.Copy.IterableInterval |
Base interface for "iterableInterval" operations.
Ops.Copy.LabelingMapping |
Base interface for "labelingMapping" operations.
Ops.Copy.RAI |
Base interface for "rai" operations.
Ops.Copy.Type |
Base interface for "type" operations.
Ops.Create.Img |
Base interface for "img" operations.
Ops.Create.ImgFactory |
Base interface for "imgFactory" operations.
Ops.Create.ImgLabeling |
Base interface for "imgLabeling" operations.
Ops.Create.ImgPlus |
Base interface for "imgPlus" operations.
Ops.Create.IntegerType |
Base interface for "integerType" operations.
Ops.Create.Kernel |
Base interface for "kernel" operations.
Ops.Create.Kernel2ndDerivBiGauss |
Base interface for "kernel2ndDerivBiGauss" operations.
Ops.Create.KernelBiGauss |
Base interface for "kernelBiGauss" operations.
Ops.Create.KernelDiffraction |
Base interface for "kernelDiffraction" operations.
Ops.Create.KernelGabor |
Base interface for "kernelGabor" operations.
Ops.Create.KernelGauss |
Base interface for "kernelGauss" operations.
Ops.Create.KernelLog |
Base interface for "kernelLog" operations.
Ops.Create.KernelSobel |
Base interface for "kernelSobel" operations.
Ops.Create.LabelingMapping |
Base interface for "labelingMapping" operations.
Ops.Create.NativeImg |
Base interface for "nativeImg" operations.
Ops.Create.NativeType |
Base interface for "nativeType" operations.
Ops.Create.Object |
Base interface for "object" operations.
Ops.Create.Type |
Base interface for "type" operations.
Ops.Deconvolve.Accelerate |
Base interface for "accelerate" operations.
Ops.Deconvolve.FirstGuess |
Base interface for "firstGuess" operations.
Ops.Deconvolve.NormalizationFactor |
Base interface for "normalizationFactor" operations.
Ops.Deconvolve.RichardsonLucy |
Base interface for "richardsonLucy" operations.
Ops.Deconvolve.RichardsonLucyCorrection |
Base interface for "richardsonLucyCorrection" operations.
Ops.Deconvolve.RichardsonLucyTV |
Base interface for "richardsonLucyTV" operations.
Ops.Deconvolve.RichardsonLucyUpdate |
Base interface for "richardsonLucyUpdate" operations.
Ops.Eval |
Base interface for "eval" operations.
Ops.Filter.AddNoise |
Base interface for "addNoise" operations.
Ops.Filter.AddPoissonNoise |
Base interface for "addPoissonNoise" operations.
Ops.Filter.AllPartialDerivatives |
Base interface for "allPartialDerivatives" operations.
Ops.Filter.Bilateral |
Base interface for "bilateral" operations.
Ops.Filter.Convolve |
Base interface for "convolve" operations.
Ops.Filter.Correlate |
Base interface for "correlate" operations.
Ops.Filter.CreateFFTOutput |
Base interface for "createFFTOutput" operations.
Ops.Filter.DerivativeGauss |
Base interface for "derivativeGauss" operations.
Ops.Filter.DoG |
Base interface for "dog" operations.
Ops.Filter.FFT |
Base interface for "fft" operations.
Ops.Filter.FFTSize |
Base interface for "fftSize" operations.
Ops.Filter.FrangiVesselness |
Base interface for "frangiVesselness" operations.
Ops.Filter.Gauss |
Base interface for "gauss" operations.
Ops.Filter.Hessian |
Base interface for "hessian" operations.
Ops.Filter.IFFT |
Base interface for "ifft" operations.
Ops.Filter.LinearFilter |
Base interface for "linearFilter" operations.
Ops.Filter.Max |
Base interface for "max" operations.
Ops.Filter.Mean |
Base interface for "mean" operations.
Ops.Filter.Median |
Base interface for "median" operations.
Ops.Filter.Min |
Base interface for "min" operations.
Ops.Filter.PaddingIntervalCentered |
Base interface for "paddingIntervalCentered" operations.
Ops.Filter.PaddingIntervalOrigin |
Base interface for "paddingIntervalOrigin" operations.
Ops.Filter.PadFFTInput |
Base interface for "padFFTInput" operations.
Ops.Filter.PadInput |
Base interface for "padInput" operations.
Ops.Filter.PadShiftFFTKernel |
Base interface for "padShiftFFTKernel" operations.
Ops.Filter.PartialDerivative |
Base interface for "partialDerivative" operations.
Ops.Filter.Sigma |
Base interface for "sigma" operations.
Ops.Filter.Sobel |
Base interface for "sobel" operations.
Ops.Filter.Tubeness |
Base interface for "tubeness" operations.
Ops.Filter.Variance |
Base interface for "variance" operations.
Ops.Geometric.Boundary |
Base interface for "boundary" operations.
Ops.Geometric.BoundaryConvexHull |
Base interface for "boundaryConvexHull" operations.
Ops.Geometric.BoundarySize |
Base interface for "boundarySize" operations.
Ops.Geometric.BoundarySizeConvexHull |
Base interface for "boundarySizeConvexHull" operations.
Ops.Geometric.BoundingBox |
Base interface for "boundingBox" operations.
Ops.Geometric.Boxivity |
Base interface for "boxivity" operations.
Ops.Geometric.CenterOfGravity |
Base interface for "centerOfGravity" operations.
Ops.Geometric.Centroid |
Base interface for "centroid" operations.
Ops.Geometric.Circularity |
Base interface for "circularity" operations.
Ops.Geometric.Compactness |
Base interface for "compactness" operations.
Ops.Geometric.Contour |
Base interface for "contour" operations.
Ops.Geometric.ConvexHull |
Base interface for "convexHull" operations.
Ops.Geometric.Convexity |
Base interface for "convexity" operations.
Ops.Geometric.Eccentricity |
Base interface for "eccentricity" operations.
Ops.Geometric.FeretsAngle |
Base interface for "feretsAngle" operations.
Ops.Geometric.FeretsDiameter |
Base interface for "feretsDiameter" operations.
Ops.Geometric.MainElongation |
Base interface for "mainElongation" operations.
Ops.Geometric.MajorAxis |
Base interface for "majorAxis" operations.
Ops.Geometric.MarchingCubes |
Base interface for "marchingCubes" operations.
Ops.Geometric.MaximumFeret |
Base interface for "maximumFeret" operations.
Ops.Geometric.MaximumFeretsAngle |
Base interface for "maximumFeretsAngle" operations.
Ops.Geometric.MaximumFeretsDiameter |
Base interface for "maximumFeretsDiameter" operations.
Ops.Geometric.MedianElongation |
Base interface for "medianElongation" operations.
Ops.Geometric.MinimumFeret |
Base interface for "minimumFeret" operations.
Ops.Geometric.MinimumFeretsAngle |
Base interface for "minimumFeretsAngle" operations.
Ops.Geometric.MinimumFeretsDiameter |
Base interface for "minimumFeretsDiameter" operations.
Ops.Geometric.MinorAxis |
Base interface for "minorAxis" operations.
Ops.Geometric.Roundness |
Base interface for "roundness" operations.
Ops.Geometric.SecondMoment |
Base interface for "secondMoment" operations.
Ops.Geometric.Size |
Base interface for "size" operations.
Ops.Geometric.SizeConvexHull |
Base interface for "sizeConvexHull" operations.
Ops.Geometric.SmallestEnclosingBoundingBox |
Base interface for "smallestEnclosingBoundingBox" operations.
Ops.Geometric.Solidity |
Base interface for "solidity" operations.
Ops.Geometric.Spareness |
Base interface for "spareness" operations.
Ops.Geometric.Sphericity |
Base interface for "sphericity" operations.
Ops.Geometric.VertexInterpolator |
Base interface for "vertexInterpolator" operations.
Ops.Geometric.VerticesCount |
Base interface for "verticesCount" operations.
Ops.Geometric.VerticesCountConvexHull |
Base interface for "verticesCountConvexHull" operations.
Ops.Geometric.Voxelization |
Base interface for "voxelization" operations.
Ops.Haralick.ASM |
Base interface for "asm" operations.
Ops.Haralick.ClusterPromenence |
Base interface for "clusterPromenence" operations.
Ops.Haralick.ClusterShade |
Base interface for "clusterShade" operations.
Ops.Haralick.Contrast |
Base interface for "contrast" operations.
Ops.Haralick.Correlation |
Base interface for "correlation" operations.
Ops.Haralick.DifferenceEntropy |
Base interface for "differenceEntropy" operations.
Ops.Haralick.DifferenceVariance |
Base interface for "differenceVariance" operations.
Ops.Haralick.Entropy |
Base interface for "entropy" operations.
Ops.Haralick.ICM1 |
Base interface for "icm1" operations.
Ops.Haralick.ICM2 |
Base interface for "icm2" operations.
Ops.Haralick.IFDM |
Base interface for "ifdm" operations.
Ops.Haralick.MaxProbability |
Base interface for "maxProbability" operations.
Ops.Haralick.SumAverage |
Base interface for "sumAverage" operations.
Ops.Haralick.SumEntropy |
Base interface for "sumEntropy" operations.
Ops.Haralick.SumVariance |
Base interface for "sumVariance" operations.
Ops.Haralick.TextureHomogeneity |
Base interface for "textureHomogeneity" operations.
Ops.Haralick.Variance |
Base interface for "variance" operations.
Ops.Help |
Base interface for "help" operations.
Ops.HoG.HistogramOfOrientedGradients |
Base interface for "hog" operations.
Ops.Identity |
Base interface for "identity" operations.
Ops.Image.ASCII |
Base interface for "ascii" operations.
Ops.Image.CooccurrenceMatrix |
Base interface for "cooccurrenceMatrix" operations.
Ops.Image.DistanceTransform |
Base interface for "distancetransform" operations.
Ops.Image.Equation |
Base interface for "equation" operations.
Ops.Image.Fill |
Base interface for "fill" operations.
Ops.Image.Histogram |
Base interface for "histogram" operations.
Ops.Image.Integral |
Base interface for "integral" operations.
Ops.Image.Invert |
Base interface for "invert" operations.
Ops.Image.Normalize |
Base interface for "normalize" operations.
Ops.Image.SquareIntegral |
Base interface for "squareIntegral" operations.
Ops.Image.Watershed |
Base interface for "watershed" operations.
Ops.ImageMoments.CentralMoment00 |
Base interface for "centralMoment00" operations.
Ops.ImageMoments.CentralMoment01 |
Base interface for "centralMoment01" operations.
Ops.ImageMoments.CentralMoment02 |
Base interface for "centralMoment02" operations.
Ops.ImageMoments.CentralMoment03 |
Base interface for "centralMoment03" operations.
Ops.ImageMoments.CentralMoment10 |
Base interface for "centralMoment10" operations.
Ops.ImageMoments.CentralMoment11 |
Base interface for "centralMoment11" operations.
Ops.ImageMoments.CentralMoment12 |
Base interface for "centralMoment12" operations.
Ops.ImageMoments.CentralMoment20 |
Base interface for "centralMoment20" operations.
Ops.ImageMoments.CentralMoment21 |
Base interface for "centralMoment21" operations.
Ops.ImageMoments.CentralMoment30 |
Base interface for "centralMoment30" operations.
Ops.ImageMoments.HuMoment1 |
Base interface for "huMoment1" operations.
Ops.ImageMoments.HuMoment2 |
Base interface for "huMoment2" operations.
Ops.ImageMoments.HuMoment3 |
Base interface for "huMoment3" operations.
Ops.ImageMoments.HuMoment4 |
Base interface for "huMoment4" operations.
Ops.ImageMoments.HuMoment5 |
Base interface for "huMoment5" operations.
Ops.ImageMoments.HuMoment6 |
Base interface for "huMoment6" operations.
Ops.ImageMoments.HuMoment7 |
Base interface for "huMoment7" operations.
Ops.ImageMoments.Moment00 |
Base interface for "moment00" operations.
Ops.ImageMoments.Moment01 |
Base interface for "moment01" operations.
Ops.ImageMoments.Moment10 |
Base interface for "moment10" operations.
Ops.ImageMoments.Moment11 |
Base interface for "moment11" operations.
Ops.ImageMoments.NormalizedCentralMoment02 |
Base interface for "normalizedCentralMoment02" operations.
Ops.ImageMoments.NormalizedCentralMoment03 |
Base interface for "normalizedCentralMoment03" operations.
Ops.ImageMoments.NormalizedCentralMoment11 |
Base interface for "normalizedCentralMoment11" operations.
Ops.ImageMoments.NormalizedCentralMoment12 |
Base interface for "normalizedCentralMoment12" operations.
Ops.ImageMoments.NormalizedCentralMoment20 |
Base interface for "normalizedCentralMoment20" operations.
Ops.ImageMoments.NormalizedCentralMoment21 |
Base interface for "normalizedCentralMoment21" operations.
Ops.ImageMoments.NormalizedCentralMoment30 |
Base interface for "normalizedCentralMoment30" operations.
Ops.Join |
Base interface for "join" operations.
Ops.Labeling.CCA |
Base interface for "cca" operations.
Ops.Labeling.Merge |
Base interface for "merge" operations.
Base interface for "lbp2D" operations.
Ops.LinAlg.Rotate |
Base interface for "rotate" operations.
Ops.Logic.And |
Base interface for "and" operations.
Ops.Logic.Bool |
Base interface for "bool" operations.
Ops.Logic.Conditional |
Base interface for "conditional" operations.
Ops.Logic.Equal |
Base interface for "equal" operations.
Ops.Logic.GreaterThan |
Base interface for "greaterThan" operations.
Ops.Logic.GreaterThanOrEqual |
Base interface for "greaterThanOrEqual" operations.
Ops.Logic.LessThan |
Base interface for "lessThan" operations.
Ops.Logic.LessThanOrEqual |
Base interface for "lessThanOrEqual" operations.
Ops.Logic.Not |
Base interface for "not" operations.
Ops.Logic.NotEqual |
Base interface for "notEqual" operations.
Ops.Logic.Or |
Base interface for "or" operations.
Ops.Logic.Xor |
Base interface for "xor" operations.
Ops.Lookup |
Base interface for "op" operations.
Ops.Loop |
Base interface for "loop" operations.
Ops.Map |
Base interface for "map" operations.
Ops.Math.Abs |
Base interface for "abs" operations.
Ops.Math.Add |
Base interface for "add" operations.
Ops.Math.And |
Base interface for "and" operations.
Ops.Math.Arccos |
Base interface for "arccos" operations.
Ops.Math.Arccosh |
Base interface for "arccosh" operations.
Ops.Math.Arccot |
Base interface for "arccot" operations.
Ops.Math.Arccoth |
Base interface for "arccoth" operations.
Ops.Math.Arccsc |
Base interface for "arccsc" operations.
Ops.Math.Arccsch |
Base interface for "arccsch" operations.
Ops.Math.Arcsec |
Base interface for "arcsec" operations.
Ops.Math.Arcsech |
Base interface for "arcsech" operations.
Ops.Math.Arcsin |
Base interface for "arcsin" operations.
Ops.Math.Arcsinh |
Base interface for "arcsinh" operations.
Ops.Math.Arctan |
Base interface for "arctan" operations.
Ops.Math.Arctanh |
Base interface for "arctanh" operations.
Ops.Math.Assign |
Base interface for "assign" operations.
Ops.Math.Ceil |
Base interface for "ceil" operations.
Ops.Math.Complement |
Base interface for "complement" operations.
Ops.Math.ComplexConjugateMultiply |
Base interface for "complexConjugateMultiply" operations.
Ops.Math.Cos |
Base interface for "cos" operations.
Ops.Math.Cosh |
Base interface for "cosh" operations.
Ops.Math.Cot |
Base interface for "cot" operations.
Ops.Math.Coth |
Base interface for "coth" operations.
Ops.Math.Csc |
Base interface for "csc" operations.
Ops.Math.Csch |
Base interface for "csch" operations.
Ops.Math.CubeRoot |
Base interface for "cubeRoot" operations.
Ops.Math.Divide |
Base interface for "divide" operations.
Ops.Math.Exp |
Base interface for "exp" operations.
Ops.Math.ExpMinusOne |
Base interface for "expMinusOne" operations.
Ops.Math.Floor |
Base interface for "floor" operations.
Ops.Math.Gamma |
Base interface for "gamma" operations.
Ops.Math.Invert |
Base interface for "invert" operations.
Ops.Math.LeftShift |
Base interface for "leftShift" operations.
Ops.Math.Log |
Base interface for "log" operations.
Ops.Math.Log10 |
Base interface for "log10" operations.
Ops.Math.Log2 |
Base interface for "log2" operations.
Ops.Math.LogOnePlusX |
Base interface for "logOnePlusX" operations.
Ops.Math.Max |
Base interface for "max" operations.
Ops.Math.Min |
Base interface for "min" operations.
Ops.Math.Multiply |
Base interface for "multiply" operations.
Ops.Math.NearestInt |
Base interface for "nearestInt" operations.
Ops.Math.Negate |
Base interface for "negate" operations.
Ops.Math.Or |
Base interface for "or" operations.
Ops.Math.Power |
Base interface for "power" operations.
Ops.Math.RandomGaussian |
Base interface for "randomGaussian" operations.
Ops.Math.RandomUniform |
Base interface for "randomUniform" operations.
Ops.Math.Reciprocal |
Base interface for "reciprocal" operations.
Ops.Math.Remainder |
Base interface for "remainder" operations.
Ops.Math.RightShift |
Base interface for "rightShift" operations.
Ops.Math.Round |
Base interface for "round" operations.
Ops.Math.Sec |
Base interface for "sec" operations.
Ops.Math.Sech |
Base interface for "sech" operations.
Ops.Math.Signum |
Base interface for "signum" operations.
Ops.Math.Sin |
Base interface for "sin" operations.
Ops.Math.Sinc |
Base interface for "sinc" operations.
Ops.Math.SincPi |
Base interface for "sincPi" operations.
Ops.Math.Sinh |
Base interface for "sinh" operations.
Ops.Math.Sqr |
Base interface for "sqr" operations.
Ops.Math.Sqrt |
Base interface for "sqrt" operations.
Ops.Math.Step |
Base interface for "step" operations.
Ops.Math.Subtract |
Base interface for "subtract" operations.
Ops.Math.Tan |
Base interface for "tan" operations.
Ops.Math.Tanh |
Base interface for "tanh" operations.
Ops.Math.Ulp |
Base interface for "ulp" operations.
Ops.Math.UnsignedRightShift |
Base interface for "unsignedRightShift" operations.
Ops.Math.Xor |
Base interface for "xor" operations.
Ops.Math.Zero |
Base interface for "zero" operations.
Ops.Morphology.BlackTopHat |
Base interface for "blackTopHat" operations.
Ops.Morphology.Close |
Base interface for "close" operations.
Ops.Morphology.Dilate |
Base interface for "dilate" operations.
Ops.Morphology.Erode |
Base interface for "erode" operations.
Ops.Morphology.ExtractHoles |
Base interface for "extractHoles" operations.
Ops.Morphology.FillHoles |
Base interface for "fillHoles" operations.
Ops.Morphology.FloodFill |
Base interface for "floodFill" operations.
Ops.Morphology.Open |
Base interface for "open" operations.
Ops.Morphology.Outline |
Base interface for "outline" operations.
Ops.Morphology.ThinGuoHall |
Base interface for "thinGuoHall" operations.
Ops.Morphology.ThinHilditch |
Base interface for "thinHilditch" operations.
Ops.Morphology.ThinMorphological |
Base interface for "thinMorphological" operations.
Ops.Morphology.ThinZhangSuen |
Base interface for "thinZhangSuen" operations.
Ops.Morphology.TopHat |
Base interface for "topHat" operations.
Ops.Run |
Base interface for "run" operations.
Ops.Segment.DetectJunctions |
Base interface for "detectJunctions" operations.
Ops.Segment.DetectRidges |
Base interface for "detectRidges" operations.
Ops.Slice |
Base interface for "slice" operations.
Ops.Stats.GeometricMean |
Base interface for "geometricMean" operations.
Ops.Stats.HarmonicMean |
Base interface for "harmonicMean" operations.
Ops.Stats.IntegralMean |
Base interface for "integralMean" operations.
Ops.Stats.IntegralSum |
Base interface for "integralSum" operations.
Ops.Stats.IntegralVariance |
Base interface for "integralVariance" operations.
Ops.Stats.Kurtosis |
Base interface for "kurtosis" operations.
Ops.Stats.LeastSquares |
Base interface for "leastSquares" operations.
Ops.Stats.Max |
Base interface for "max" operations.
Ops.Stats.Mean |
Base interface for "mean" operations.
Ops.Stats.Median |
Base interface for "median" operations.
Ops.Stats.Min |
Base interface for "min" operations.
Ops.Stats.MinMax |
Base interface for "minMax" operations.
Ops.Stats.Moment1AboutMean |
Base interface for "moment1AboutMean" operations.
Ops.Stats.Moment2AboutMean |
Base interface for "moment2AboutMean" operations.
Ops.Stats.Moment3AboutMean |
Base interface for "moment3AboutMean" operations.
Ops.Stats.Moment4AboutMean |
Base interface for "moment4AboutMean" operations.
Ops.Stats.Percentile |
Base interface for "percentile" operations.
Ops.Stats.Quantile |
Base interface for "quantile" operations.
Ops.Stats.Size |
Base interface for "size" operations.
Ops.Stats.Skewness |
Base interface for "skewness" operations.
Ops.Stats.StdDev |
Base interface for "stdDev" operations.
Ops.Stats.Sum |
Base interface for "sum" operations.
Ops.Stats.SumOfInverses |
Base interface for "sumOfInverses" operations.
Ops.Stats.SumOfLogs |
Base interface for "sumOfLogs" operations.
Ops.Stats.SumOfSquares |
Base interface for "sumOfSquares" operations.
Ops.Stats.Variance |
Base interface for "variance" operations.
Ops.Tamura.Coarseness |
Base interface for "coarseness" operations.
Ops.Tamura.Contrast |
Base interface for "contrast" operations.
Ops.Tamura.Directionality |
Base interface for "directionality" operations.
Ops.Thread.Chunker |
Base interface for "chunker" operations.
Ops.Threshold.Apply |
Base interface for "apply" operations.
Ops.Threshold.Huang |
Base interface for "huang" operations.
Ops.Threshold.IJ1 |
Base interface for "ij1" operations.
Ops.Threshold.Intermodes |
Base interface for "intermodes" operations.
Ops.Threshold.IsoData |
Base interface for "isoData" operations.
Ops.Threshold.Li |
Base interface for "li" operations.
Ops.Threshold.LocalBernsenThreshold |
Base interface for "localBernsenThreshold" operations.
Ops.Threshold.LocalContrastThreshold |
Base interface for "localContrastThreshold" operations.
Ops.Threshold.LocalMeanThreshold |
Base interface for "localMeanThreshold" operations.
Ops.Threshold.LocalMedianThreshold |
Base interface for "localMedianThreshold" operations.
Ops.Threshold.LocalMidGreyThreshold |
Base interface for "localMidGreyThreshold" operations.
Ops.Threshold.LocalNiblackThreshold |
Base interface for "localNiblackThreshold" operations.
Ops.Threshold.LocalPhansalkarThreshold |
Base interface for "localPhansalkarThreshold" operations.
Ops.Threshold.LocalSauvolaThreshold |
Base interface for "localSauvolaThreshold" operations.
Ops.Threshold.MaxEntropy |
Base interface for "maxEntropy" operations.
Ops.Threshold.MaxLikelihood |
Base interface for "maxLikelihood" operations.
Ops.Threshold.Mean |
Base interface for "mean" operations.
Ops.Threshold.MinError |
Base interface for "minError" operations.
Ops.Threshold.Minimum |
Base interface for "minimum" operations.
Ops.Threshold.Moments |
Base interface for "moments" operations.
Ops.Threshold.Otsu |
Base interface for "otsu" operations.
Ops.Threshold.Percentile |
Base interface for "percentile" operations.
Ops.Threshold.RenyiEntropy |
Base interface for "renyiEntropy" operations.
Ops.Threshold.Rosin |
Base interface for "rosin" operations.
Ops.Threshold.Shanbhag |
Base interface for "shanbhag" operations.
Ops.Threshold.Triangle |
Base interface for "triangle" operations.
Ops.Threshold.Yen |
Base interface for "yen" operations.
Ops.Topology.BoxCount |
Base interface for "boxCount" operations.
Ops.Topology.EulerCharacteristic26N |
Base interface for "eulerCharacteristic26N" operations.
Ops.Topology.EulerCharacteristic26NFloating |
Base interface for "eulerCharacteristic26NFloating" operations.
Ops.Topology.EulerCorrection |
Base interface for "eulerCorrection" operations.
Ops.Transform.AddDimensionView |
Base interface for "addDimensionView" operations.
Ops.Transform.CollapseNumericView |
Base interface for "collapseNumericView" operations.
Ops.Transform.CollapseRealView |
Base interface for "collapseRealView" operations.
Ops.Transform.CollapseView |
Base interface for "collapseView" operations.
Ops.Transform.ConcatenateView |
Base interface for "concatenateView" operations.
Ops.Transform.Crop |
Base interface for "crop" operations.
Ops.Transform.DropSingletonDimensionsView |
Base interface for "dropSingletonDimensionsView" operations.
Ops.Transform.ExtendBorderView |
Base interface for "extendBorderView" operations.
Ops.Transform.ExtendMirrorDoubleView |
Base interface for "extendMirrorDoubleView" operations.
Ops.Transform.ExtendMirrorSingleView |
Base interface for "extendMirrorSingleView" operations.
Ops.Transform.ExtendPeriodicView |
Base interface for "extendPeriodicView" operations.
Ops.Transform.ExtendRandomView |
Base interface for "extendRandomView" operations.
Ops.Transform.ExtendValueView |
Base interface for "extendValueView" operations.
Ops.Transform.ExtendView |
Base interface for "extendView" operations.
Ops.Transform.ExtendZeroView |
Base interface for "extendZeroView" operations.
Ops.Transform.FlatIterableView |
Base interface for "flatIterableView" operations.
Ops.Transform.HyperSliceView |
Base interface for "hyperSliceView" operations.
Ops.Transform.InterpolateView |
Base interface for "interpolateView" operations.
Ops.Transform.IntervalView |
Base interface for "intervalView" operations.
Ops.Transform.InvertAxisView |
Base interface for "invertAxisView" operations.
Ops.Transform.IterableView |
Base interface for "iterableView" operations.
Ops.Transform.OffsetView |
Base interface for "offsetView" operations.
Ops.Transform.PermuteCoordinatesInverseView |
Base interface for "permuteCoordinatesInverseView" operations.
Ops.Transform.PermuteCoordinatesView |
Base interface for "permuteCoordinatesView" operations.
Ops.Transform.PermuteView |
Base interface for "permuteView" operations.
Ops.Transform.Project |
Base interface for "project" operations.
Ops.Transform.RasterView |
Base interface for "rasterView" operations.
Ops.Transform.RotateView |
Base interface for "rotateView" operations.
Ops.Transform.ScaleView |
Base interface for "scaleView" operations.
Ops.Transform.ShearView |
Base interface for "shearView" operations.
Ops.Transform.StackView |
Base interface for "stackView" operations.
Ops.Transform.SubsampleView |
Base interface for "subsampleView" operations.
Ops.Transform.TranslateView |
Base interface for "translateView" operations.
Ops.Transform.UnshearView |
Base interface for "unshearView" operations.
Ops.Transform.ZeroMinView |
Base interface for "zeroMinView" operations.
Ops.Zernike.Magnitude |
Base interface for "magnitude" operations.
Ops.Zernike.Phase |
Base interface for "phase" operations.
OpService |
Interface for services that manage and execute
Op s. |
Parallel |
Base interface for
Op s that run across multiple threads. |
Threadable |
Interface for objects intended to be reused across multiple threads
Class | Description |
AbstractNamespace |
Abstract base class for
Namespace implementations. |
AbstractOp |
Abstract superclass for
Op implementations. |
CustomOpEnvironment |
A customized op execution environment.
DefaultNamespaceService |
Interface for services that manage Ops
Namespace s. |
DefaultOpMatchingService |
Default service for finding
Op s which match a request. |
DefaultOpService |
Default service for managing and executing
Op s. |
Main |
Launches a console-based, Ops-driven expression evaluator.
MetadataUtil |
Utility class that allows to copy Metadata.
NamespacePreprocessor |
PreprocessorPlugin implementation that looks up requested
Namespace implementations, obtaining their singleton instance handled
by the NamespaceService . |
OpCandidate |
Container class for a possible operation match between an
OpRef and
an OpInfo , as computed by the OpMatchingService . |
OpEnvironmentPreprocessor |
A preprocessor plugin that injects an
OpEnvironment into Op
instances. |
OpInfo |
Metadata about a particular
Op implementation. |
OpMatchingUtil |
Utility class for
OpMatchingService . |
OpRef |
Data structure which identifies an op by name and/or type(s) and/or argument
type(s), along with a list of input arguments.
Ops |
Static utility class containing built-in op interfaces.
Ops.Coloc |
Built-in op interfaces of the coloc namespace.
Ops.Convert |
Built-in op interfaces of the convert namespace.
Ops.Copy |
Built-in op interfaces of the copy namespace.
Ops.Create |
Built-in op interfaces of the create namespace.
Ops.Deconvolve |
Built-in op interfaces of the deconvolve namespace.
Ops.Filter |
Built-in op interfaces of the filter namespace.
Ops.Geometric |
Built-in op interfaces of the geom namespace.
Ops.Haralick |
Built-in op interfaces of the haralick namespace.
Ops.HoG |
Built-in op interfaces of the hog namespace.
Ops.Image |
Built-in op interfaces of the image namespace.
Ops.ImageMoments |
Built-in op interfaces of the imagemoments namespace.
Ops.Labeling |
Built-in op interfaces of the labeling namespace.
Ops.LBP |
Built-in op interfaces of the lbp namespace.
Ops.LinAlg |
Built-in op interfaces of the linalg namespace.
Ops.Logic |
Built-in op interfaces of the logic namespace.
Ops.Math |
Built-in op interfaces of the math namespace.
Ops.Morphology |
Built-in op interfaces of the morphology namespace.
Ops.Segment |
Built-in op interfaces of the segment namespace.
Ops.Stats |
Built-in op interfaces of the stats namespace.
Ops.Tamura |
Built-in op interfaces of the tamura namespace.
Ops.Thread |
Built-in op interfaces of the thread namespace.
Ops.Threshold |
Built-in op interfaces of the threshold namespace.
Ops.Topology |
Built-in op interfaces of the topology namespace.
Ops.Transform |
Built-in op interfaces of the transform namespace.
Ops.Zernike |
Built-in op interfaces of the zernike namespace.
OpUtils |
Utility methods for working with ops.
Enum | Description |
OpCandidate.StatusCode |
Annotation Type | Description |
OpMethod |
Annotation for methods that delegate to a specific
Op implementation. |
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