Interface CallbackNotifierDelegate

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultCallbackNotifierDelegate, DelayedCallbackNotifierDelegate

public interface CallbackNotifierDelegate
Interface to something that can notify a Step that a Task submitted by ExecutionEnvironment.submitTask() has finished. The default implementation notifies the Step as soon as the task has completed. Other implementations might delay notification (e.g. if a task gets executed on a remote machine then we will want to delay notification until receiving the result back over the wire.
$Revision: $
Mark Hall (mhall{[at]}pentaho{[dot]}com)
  • Method Details

    • notifyCallback

      void notifyCallback(StepTaskCallback callback, StepTask taskExecuted, ExecutionResult result) throws Exception
      Notify the supplied callback
      callback - the callback to notify
      taskExecuted - the StepTask that was executed
      result - the ExecutionResult that was produced
      Exception - if a problem occurs