See: Description
Interface | Description |
SSCellListener |
Interface for listeners of SSCell changes.
Class | Description |
BasicSSCell |
BasicSSCell represents a single spreadsheet display cell.
FancySSCell |
FancySSCell is an extension of BasicSSCell with extra options, such
as a file loader dialog and a dialog to set up ScalarMaps.
MappingDialog |
MappingDialog is a dialog that lets the user create ScalarMaps.
SpreadSheet |
SpreadSheet is a user interface for VisAD that supports
multiple 3-D displays (FancySSCells).
SSCellChangeEvent |
Event class for SSCell changes.
SSCellData |
Class for encapsulating all needed information
about a Data object present in a BasicSSCell.
SSCellImpl |
A VisAD Cell which updates an SSCell
when one of its Data objects change.
SSLayout |
SSLayout is the layout manager for the SpreadSheet's cells and their labels.
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