Module java.corba

Class ServantActivatorPOA

    • Constructor Detail

      • ServantActivatorPOA

        public ServantActivatorPOA​()
    • Method Detail

      • _invoke

        public OutputStream _invoke​(String $method,
                                    InputStream in,
                                    ResponseHandler $rh)
        Description copied from interface: InvokeHandler
        Invoked by the ORB to dispatch a request to the servant. ORB passes the method name, an InputStream containing the marshalled arguments, and a ResponseHandler which the servant uses to construct a proper reply. Only CORBA SystemException may be thrown by this method. The method must return an OutputStream created by the ResponseHandler which contains the marshalled reply. A servant must not retain a reference to the ResponseHandler beyond the lifetime of a method invocation. Servant behaviour is defined as follows:

        1. Determine correct method, and unmarshal parameters from InputStream.

        2. Invoke method implementation.

        3. If no user exception, create a normal reply using ResponseHandler.

        4. If user exception occurred, create exception reply using ResponseHandler.

        5. Marshal reply into OutputStream returned by ResponseHandler.

        6. Return OutputStream to ORB.

        Specified by:
        _invoke in interface InvokeHandler
        $method - The method name.
        in - The InputStream containing the marshalled arguments.
        $rh - The ResponseHandler which the servant uses to construct a proper reply
        The OutputStream created by the ResponseHandler which contains the marshalled reply
      • _all_interfaces

        public String[] _all_interfaces​(POA poa,
                                        byte[] objectId)
        Description copied from class: Servant
        Used by the ORB to obtain complete type information from the servant.
        Specified by:
        _all_interfaces in class Servant
        poa - POA with which the servant is associated.
        objectId - is the id corresponding to the object associated with this servant.
        list of type information for the object.