interface |
ArrayAccessTree |
A tree node for an array access expression.
interface |
ArrayLiteralTree |
Represents ECMAScript array literal expression.
interface |
AssignmentTree |
A tree node for an assignment expression.
interface |
BinaryTree |
A tree node for a binary expression.
interface |
BlockTree |
A tree node for a statement block.
interface |
BreakTree |
A tree node for a 'break' statement.
interface |
CaseTree |
A tree node for a 'case' in a 'switch' statement.
interface |
CatchTree |
A tree node for a 'catch' block in a 'try' statement.
interface |
ClassDeclarationTree |
interface |
ClassExpressionTree |
interface |
CompilationUnitTree |
Represents the abstract syntax tree for compilation units (source
interface |
CompoundAssignmentTree |
A tree node for compound assignment operator.
interface |
ConditionalExpressionTree |
A tree node for the conditional operator ?
interface |
ConditionalLoopTree |
A mixin for conditional "loop" statements.
interface |
ContinueTree |
A tree node for a 'continue' statement.
interface |
DebuggerTree |
A tree node for a 'debugger' statement.
interface |
DoWhileLoopTree |
A tree node for a 'do' statement.
interface |
EmptyStatementTree |
A tree node for an empty (skip) statement.
interface |
ErroneousTree |
A tree node to stand in for a malformed expression.
interface |
ExportEntryTree |
interface |
ExpressionStatementTree |
A tree node for an expression statement.
interface |
ExpressionTree |
A tree node used as the base class for the different types of
interface |
ForInLoopTree |
A tree node for statement
For example:
interface |
ForLoopTree |
A tree node for a basic 'for' loop statement.
interface |
ForOfLoopTree |
interface |
FunctionCallTree |
A tree node for a function call expression.
interface |
FunctionDeclarationTree |
interface |
FunctionExpressionTree |
interface |
GotoTree |
A tree node for a statement that jumps to a target.
interface |
IdentifierTree |
A tree node for an identifier expression.
interface |
IfTree |
A tree node for an 'if' statement.
interface |
ImportEntryTree |
interface |
InstanceOfTree |
A tree node for an 'instanceof' expression.
interface |
LabeledStatementTree |
A tree node for a labeled statement.
interface |
LiteralTree |
A tree node for a literal expression.
interface |
LoopTree |
A mixin for "loop" statements.
interface |
MemberSelectTree |
A tree node for a member access expression.
interface |
ModuleTree |
interface |
NewTree |
A tree node to declare a new instance of a class.
interface |
ObjectLiteralTree |
Represents ECMAScript object literal expression.
interface |
ParenthesizedTree |
A tree node for a parenthesized expression.
interface |
PropertyTree |
To represent property setting in an object literal tree.
interface |
RegExpLiteralTree |
Represents regular expression literal in the source code.
interface |
ReturnTree |
A tree node for a 'return' statement.
interface |
SpreadTree |
A tree node for spread operator in array elements, function call arguments.
interface |
StatementTree |
A tree node used as the base class for the different kinds of
interface |
SwitchTree |
A tree node for a 'switch' statement.
interface |
TemplateLiteralTree |
interface |
ThrowTree |
A tree node for a 'throw' statement.
interface |
TryTree |
A tree node for a 'try' statement.
interface |
UnaryTree |
A tree node for postfix and unary expressions.
interface |
VariableTree |
interface |
WhileLoopTree |
A tree node for a 'while' loop statement.
interface |
WithTree |
A tree node for a 'with' statement.
interface |
YieldTree |