DeclarationSnippet |
Diag |
Diagnostic information for a Snippet.
ImportSnippet |
Snippet for an import declaration.
JShell |
The JShell evaluation state engine.
JShell.Builder |
Builder for JShell instances.
JShell.Subscription |
Subscription is a token for referring to subscriptions so they can
be unsubscribed.
JShellException |
The superclass of JShell generated exceptions
MethodSnippet |
Snippet for a method definition.
PersistentSnippet |
Grouping for Snippets which persist and influence future code.
Snippet |
A Snippet represents a snippet of Java source code as passed to
JShell.eval .
Snippet.Kind |
Describes the general kind of snippet.
Snippet.Status |
Describes the current state of a Snippet.
Snippet.SubKind |
The detailed variety of a snippet.
SnippetEvent |
A description of a change to a Snippet.
SourceCodeAnalysis |
Provides analysis utilities for source code input.
SourceCodeAnalysis.Completeness |
Describes the completeness of the given input.
SourceCodeAnalysis.CompletionInfo |
The result of analyzeCompletion(String input) .
SourceCodeAnalysis.Documentation |
A documentation for a candidate for continuation of the given user's input.
SourceCodeAnalysis.QualifiedNames |
List of possible qualified names.
SourceCodeAnalysis.SnippetWrapper |
The wrapping of a snippet of Java source into valid top-level Java
SourceCodeAnalysis.Suggestion |
A candidate for continuation of the given user's input.
TypeDeclSnippet |
Snippet for a type definition (a class, interface, enum, or annotation
interface definition).
VarSnippet |
Snippet for a variable definition.