Module java.desktop
Package javax.swing

Interface UIDefaults.ActiveValue

  • Enclosing class:

    public static interface UIDefaults.ActiveValue
    This class enables one to store an entry in the defaults table that's constructed each time it's looked up with one of the getXXX(key) methods. Here's an example of an ActiveValue that constructs a DefaultListCellRenderer:
      Object cellRendererActiveValue = new UIDefaults.ActiveValue() {
          public Object createValue(UIDefaults table) {
              return new DefaultListCellRenderer();
      uiDefaultsTable.put("MyRenderer", cellRendererActiveValue);
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • createValue

        Object createValue​(UIDefaults table)
        Creates the value retrieved from the UIDefaults table. The object is created each time it is accessed.
        table - a UIDefaults table
        the created Object