Annotation Type ConstructorParameters

  • @Documented
    public @interface ConstructorParameters

    An annotation on a constructor that shows how the parameters of that constructor correspond to the constructed object's getter methods. For example:

             public class MemoryUsage {
                 // standard JavaBean conventions with getters
                 @ConstructorParameters({"init", "used", "committed", "max"})
                 public MemoryUsage(long init, long used,
                                    long committed, long max) {...}
                 public long getInit() {...}
                 public long getUsed() {...}
                 public long getCommitted() {...}
                 public long getMax() {...}

    The annotation shows that the first parameter of the constructor can be retrieved with the getInit() method, the second one with the getUsed() method, and so on. Since parameter names are not in general available at runtime, without the annotation there would be no way of knowing which parameter corresponds to which property.

    If a constructor is annotated by the both @java.beans.ConstructorProperties and annotations the JMX introspection will give an absolute precedence to the latter one.

    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element Description
      String[] value
      The getter names.
    • Element Detail

      • value

        String[] value

        The getter names.

        the getter names corresponding to the parameters in the annotated constructor.