Module java.base

Interface ObjectInputFilter.FilterInfo

  • Enclosing interface:

    public static interface ObjectInputFilter.FilterInfo
    FilterInfo provides access to information about the current object being deserialized and the status of the ObjectInputStream.
    • Method Detail

      • serialClass

        Class<?> serialClass​()
        The class of an object being deserialized. For arrays, it is the array type. For example, the array class name of a 2 dimensional array of strings is "[[Ljava.lang.String;". To check the array's element type, iteratively use Class.getComponentType while the result is an array and then check the class. The serialClass is null in the case where a new object is not being created and to give the filter a chance to check the depth, number of references to existing objects, and the stream size.
        class of an object being deserialized; may be null
      • arrayLength

        long arrayLength​()
        The number of array elements when deserializing an array of the class.
        the non-negative number of array elements when deserializing an array of the class, otherwise -1
      • depth

        long depth​()
        The current depth. The depth starts at 1 and increases for each nested object and decrements when each nested object returns.
        the current depth
      • references

        long references​()
        The current number of object references.
        the non-negative current number of object references
      • streamBytes

        long streamBytes​()
        The current number of bytes consumed.
        Implementation Requirements:
        streamBytes is implementation specific and may not be directly related to the object in the stream that caused the callback.
        the non-negative current number of bytes consumed