Interface HttpResponse.BodyHandler<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - the response body type
    Enclosing class:
    Functional Interface:
    This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

    public static interface HttpResponse.BodyHandler<T>
    A handler for response bodies.
    Incubating Feature. Will be removed in a future release.

    This is a function that takes two parameters: the response status code, and the response headers, and which returns a HttpResponse.BodySubscriber. The function is always called just before the response body is read. Its implementation may examine the status code or headers and must decide, whether to accept the response body or discard it, and if accepting it, exactly how to handle it.

    Some pre-defined implementations which do not utilize the status code or headers (meaning the body is always accepted) are defined:

    These implementations return the equivalent HttpResponse.BodySubscriber. Alternatively, the handler can be used to examine the status code or headers and return different body subscribers as appropriate.

    Examples of handler usage

    The first example uses one of the predefined handler functions which ignores the response headers and status, and always process the response body in the same way.

          HttpResponse<Path> resp = HttpRequest
    Note, that even though these pre-defined handlers ignore the status code and headers, this information is still accessible from the HttpResponse when it is returned.

    In the second example, the function returns a different subscriber depending on the status code.

          HttpResponse<Path> resp1 = HttpRequest
                      (status, headers) -> status == 200
                          ? BodySubscriber.asFile(Paths.get("/tmp/f"))
                          : BodySubscriber.discard(Paths.get("/NULL")));
    • Method Detail

      • apply

        HttpResponse.BodySubscriber<T> apply​(int statusCode,
                                             HttpHeaders responseHeaders)
        Returns a BodySubscriber considering the given response status code and headers. This method is always called before the body is read and its implementation can decide to keep the body and store it somewhere, or else discard it by returning the BodySubscriber returned from discard.
        statusCode - the HTTP status code received
        responseHeaders - the response headers received
        a body subscriber
      • fromSubscriber

        static HttpResponse.BodyHandler<Void> fromSubscriber​(Flow.Subscriber<? super List<ByteBuffer>> subscriber)
        Returns a response body handler that returns a BodySubscriber<Void> obtained from HttpResponse.BodySubscriber.fromSubscriber(Subscriber), with the given subscriber.

        The response body is not available through this, or the HttpResponse API, but instead all response body is forwarded to the given subscriber, which should make it available, if appropriate, through some other mechanism, e.g. an entry in a database, etc.

        API Note:
        This method can be used as an adapter between BodySubscriber and Flow.Subscriber.

        For example:

          TextSubscriber subscriber = new TextSubscriber();
          HttpResponse<Void> response = client.sendAsync(request,
        subscriber - the subscriber
        a response body handler
      • fromSubscriber

        static <S extends Flow.Subscriber<? super List<ByteBuffer>>,T> HttpResponse.BodyHandler<T> fromSubscriber​(S subscriber,
                                                                                                                  Function<S,T> finisher)
        Returns a response body handler that returns a BodySubscriber<T> obtained from HttpResponse.BodySubscriber.fromSubscriber(Subscriber, Function), with the given subscriber and finisher function.

        The given finisher function is applied after the given subscriber's onComplete has been invoked. The finisher function is invoked with the given subscriber, and returns a value that is set as the response's body.

        API Note:
        This method can be used as an adapter between BodySubscriber and Flow.Subscriber.

        For example:

         TextSubscriber subscriber = ...;  // accumulates bytes and transforms them into a String
         HttpResponse<String> response = client.sendAsync(request,
             BodyHandler.fromSubscriber(subscriber, TextSubscriber::getTextResult)).join();
         String text = response.body();
        Type Parameters:
        S - the type of the Subscriber
        T - the type of the response body
        subscriber - the subscriber
        finisher - a function to be applied after the subscriber has completed
        a response body handler
      • discard

        static <U> HttpResponse.BodyHandler<U> discard​(U value)
        Returns a response body handler which discards the response body and uses the given value as a replacement for it.
        Type Parameters:
        U - the response body type
        value - the value of U to return as the body, may be null
        a response body handler
      • asFileDownload

        static HttpResponse.BodyHandler<Path> asFileDownload​(Path directory,
                                                             OpenOption... openOptions)
        Returns a BodyHandler<Path> that returns a BodySubscriber<Path> where the download directory is specified, but the filename is obtained from the Content-Disposition response header. The Content-Disposition header must specify the attachment type and must also contain a filename parameter. If the filename specifies multiple path components only the final component is used as the filename (with the given directory name).

        When the HttpResponse object is returned, the body has been completely written to the file and HttpResponse.body() returns a Path object for the file. The returned Path is the combination of the supplied directory name and the file name supplied by the server. If the destination directory does not exist or cannot be written to, then the response will fail with an IOException.

        directory - the directory to store the file in
        openOptions - open options
        a response body handler
        SecurityException - If a security manager has been installed and it denies write access to the file. The checkDelete method is invoked to check delete access if the file is opened with the DELETE_ON_CLOSE option.
      • asString

        static HttpResponse.BodyHandler<String> asString()
        Returns a BodyHandler<String> that returns a BodySubscriber<String> obtained from BodySubscriber.asString(Charset). The body is decoded using the character set specified in the Content-encoding response header. If there is no such header, or the character set is not supported, then UTF_8 is used.

        When the HttpResponse object is returned, the body has been completely written to the string.

        a response body handler