Class ComboBoxPopupControl<T>

    • Constructor Detail

      • ComboBoxPopupControl

        public ComboBoxPopupControl​(ComboBoxBase<T> control)
        Creates a new instance of ComboBoxPopupControl, although note that this instance does not handle any behavior / input mappings - this needs to be handled appropriately by subclasses.
        control - The control that this skin should be installed onto.
    • Method Detail

      • getPopupContent

        protected abstract Node getPopupContent()
        This method should return the Node that will be displayed when the user clicks on the ComboBox 'button' area.
        the Node that will be displayed when the user clicks on the ComboBox 'button' area
      • getEditor

        protected abstract TextField getEditor()
        Subclasses are responsible for getting the editor. This will be removed in FX 9 when the editor property is moved up to ComboBoxBase with JDK-8130354 Note: ComboBoxListViewSkin should return null if editable is false, even if the ComboBox does have an editor set.
        the editor
      • getConverter

        protected abstract StringConverter<T> getConverter()
        Subclasses are responsible for getting the converter. This will be removed in FX 9 when the converter property is moved up to ComboBoxBase with JDK-8130354.
        the string converter