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Package inra.ijpb.algo

Several classes for managing progress of algorithms.

See: Description

Package inra.ijpb.algo Description

Several classes for managing progress of algorithms. Sample code usage:

        // create ImageJ instance and open an image
        new ImageJ();
        ImagePlus imagePlus = IJ.openImage("");"Input");
        // Create an operator (here a structuring element operation)
        Strel strel = SquareStrel.fromDiameter(21);
        // uses default listener. This will display progress in ImageJ progress bar
        // and display status in ImageJ status bar
        // run the operator on input image
        ImageProcessor image = imagePlus.getProcessor();
        ImageProcessor result = Morphology.dilation(image, strel);
        ImagePlus resultPlus = new ImagePlus("Result", result);"Result");
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