Uses of Class
Packages that use Extension
Uses of Extension in weka.core.pmml.jaxbbindings
Methods in weka.core.pmml.jaxbbindings that return ExtensionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionObjectFactory.createExtension()
Create an instance ofExtension
Methods in weka.core.pmml.jaxbbindings that return types with arguments of type ExtensionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAggregate.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Alternate.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Anova.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.AnovaRow.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.AntecedentSequence.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.AnyDistribution.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Application.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Apply.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.AssociationRule.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Attribute.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.BaseCumHazardTables.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Baseline.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.BaselineCell.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.BaselineStratum.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.BayesInput.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.BayesInputs.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.BayesOutput.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.BinarySimilarity.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.BoundaryValueMeans.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.BoundaryValues.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.CategoricalPredictor.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Categories.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Category.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Characteristic.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Characteristics.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Chebychev.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.ChildParent.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.CityBlock.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.ClassLabels.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Cluster.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.ClusteringField.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Coefficient.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Coefficients.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.ComparisonMeasure.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Comparisons.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.CompoundPredicate.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.CompoundRule.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Con1.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.ConfusionMatrix.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.ConsequentSequence.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Constraints.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.ContStats.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.CorrelationFields.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.CorrelationMethods.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Correlations.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.CorrelationValues.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Counts.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.COUNTTABLETYPE.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Covariances.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.CovariateList.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.DataDictionary.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.DataField.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Decision.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Decisions.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.DecisionTree.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.DefineFunction.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Delimiter.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.DerivedField.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Discretize.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.DiscretizeBin.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.DiscrStats.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.DocumentTermMatrix.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Euclidean.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.EventValues.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.FactorList.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.False.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.FieldColumnPair.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.FieldRef.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.FieldValue.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.FieldValueCount.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.GaussianDistribution.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Header.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.InlineTable.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.InstanceField.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.InstanceFields.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Interval.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Item.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.ItemRef.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Itemset.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Jaccard.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.KNNInput.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.KNNInputs.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.KohonenMap.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.LiftData.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.LiftGraph.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.LinearKernelType.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.LinearNorm.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.LocalTransformations.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.MapValues.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.MiningBuildTask.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.MiningField.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.MiningSchema.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Minkowski.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.MissingValueWeights.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.ModelExplanation.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.ModelLiftGraph.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.ModelStats.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.ModelVerification.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.MultivariateStat.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.MultivariateStats.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.NeuralInput.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.NeuralInputs.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.NeuralLayer.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.NeuralOutput.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.NeuralOutputs.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Neuron.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.NormContinuous.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.NormDiscrete.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.NumericInfo.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.NumericPredictor.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.OptimumLiftGraph.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Output.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.OutputField.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.PairCounts.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Parameter.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.ParameterList.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.ParamMatrix.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Partition.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.PartitionFieldStats.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.PCell.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.PCovCell.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.PCovMatrix.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.PMML.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.PoissonDistribution.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.PolynomialKernelType.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.PPCell.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.PPMatrix.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.PredictiveModelQuality.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Predictor.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.PredictorTerm.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Quantile.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.RadialBasisKernelType.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.RandomLiftGraph.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Regression.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.RegressionTable.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.ResultField.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.ROC.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.ROCGraph.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.RuleSelectionMethod.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.RuleSet.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.ScoreDistribution.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Segment.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Segmentation.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Sequence.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.SequenceReference.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.SetPredicate.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.SetReference.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.SigmoidKernelType.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.SimpleMatching.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.SimplePredicate.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.SimpleRule.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.SimpleSetPredicate.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.SquaredEuclidean.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.SupportVector.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.SupportVectorMachine.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.SupportVectors.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.TableLocator.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Tanimoto.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Target.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Targets.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.TargetValue.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.TargetValueCount.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.TargetValueCounts.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Taxonomy.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.TestDistributions.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.TextCorpus.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.TextDictionary.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.TextDocument.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.TextModelNormalization.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.TextModelSimiliarity.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Time.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.TrainingInstances.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.TransformationDictionary.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.True.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.UniformDistribution.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.UnivariateStats.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.Value.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.VectorDictionary.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.VectorFields.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.VectorInstance.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.VerificationField.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.VerificationFields.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.XCoordinates.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.YCoordinates.getExtension()
Gets the value of the extension property.