 * Java 3D configuration file for 3 screens.  Left and right screens are
 * rotated 45 degrees from the center screen.

// Create new screen objects and associate them with logical names and numbers.
// These numbers are used as indices to retrieve the AWT GraphicsDevice from
// the array that GraphicsEnvironment.getScreenDevices() returns.
// NOTE: The GraphicsDevice order in the array is specific to the local
// site and display system.
(NewScreen left   0)
(NewScreen center 1)
(NewScreen right  2)

// Set the available image areas for full screens.  
(ScreenProperty left   PhysicalScreenWidth  0.360)
(ScreenProperty left   PhysicalScreenHeight 0.288)

(ScreenProperty center PhysicalScreenWidth  0.360)
(ScreenProperty center PhysicalScreenHeight 0.288)

(ScreenProperty right  PhysicalScreenWidth  0.360)
(ScreenProperty right  PhysicalScreenHeight 0.288)

// Specify full screen windows.
(ScreenProperty left   WindowSize NoBorderFullScreen)
(ScreenProperty center WindowSize NoBorderFullScreen)
(ScreenProperty right  WindowSize NoBorderFullScreen)

// Set the TrackerBaseToImagePlate transforms for these screens.
// The tracker base and center of coexistence are set here to the middle of the
// center screen. The basis vectors are aligned with the center screen image
// plate.  The left and right screens are rotated 45 degrees toward each other
// about their shared edges with the center screen.
(ScreenProperty center TrackerBaseToImagePlate
                        (Translate 0.180000    0.144000 0.000000))

// cos(45) * 0.360 * 0.5 = 0.127279; 0.360 + 0.127279 = 0.487279
(ScreenProperty left  TrackerBaseToImagePlate
		        (Rotate     0.000000 -45.000000 0.000000)
                        (Translate  0.487279   0.144000 0.127279)))

// cos(45) * 0.360 * 0.5 = 0.127279
(ScreenProperty right TrackerBaseToImagePlate
		        (Rotate     0.000000  45.000000 0.000000)
                        (Translate -0.127279   0.144000 0.127279)))

// Create a view using the defined screens.
(NewView      view0)
(ViewProperty view0 Screen left)
(ViewProperty view0 Screen center)
(ViewProperty view0 Screen right)
(ViewProperty view0 CenterEyeInCoexistence (0.0 0.0 0.5))