 * Java 3D configuration file for single fullscreen stereo desktop
 * configuration with no head tracking.

(NewScreen center 0)
(ScreenProperty center WindowSize NoBorderFullScreen)

// Define the physical body.
// The head origin is halfway between the eyes, with X extending to the right,
// Y up, and positive Z extending into the skull.
(NewPhysicalBody SiteUser)

// Set the interpupilary distance.  This sets the LeftEyePosition and
// RightEyePosition to offsets of half this distance along both directions of
// the X axis.
(PhysicalBodyProperty SiteUser StereoEyeSeparation 0.066)

// Create a view using the defined screen and physical body.
(NewView view0)
(ViewProperty view0 Screen       center)
(ViewProperty view0 PhysicalBody SiteUser)

// Enable stereo viewing.
(ViewProperty view0 StereoEnable true)