 * Java 3D configuration file for single fullscreen desktop configuration.
 * A view platform behavior is created and configured here as well.

(NewScreen center 0)
(ScreenProperty center WindowSize NoBorderFullScreen)

(NewView view0)
(ViewProperty view0 Screen center)

// Create a view platform behavior.  Here we use OrbitBehavior, although any
// concrete subclass of the abstract ViewPlatformBehavior with a parameterless
// constructor could be used.  The logical name to assign to this behavior is
// specified by the 2nd argument to the NewViewPlatformBehavior command, while
// the 3rd argument is the name of the ViewPlatformBehavior subclass.  It is
// instantiated through introspection.
(NewViewPlatformBehavior vpb org.scijava.java3d.utils.behaviors.vp.OrbitBehavior)

// Set the scheduling bounds to be a BoundingSphere with its center at 
// (0.0 0.0 0.0) and an infinite radius.
(ViewPlatformBehaviorProperty vpb SchedulingBounds
                                  (BoundingSphere (0.0 0.0 0.0) infinite))

// Set properties specific to OrbitBehavior.  All arguments following the
// method name are wrapped and passed to the specified method as an array of
// Objects.  Strings "true" and "false" get turned into Boolean, and number
// strings get turned into Double.  Constructs such as (0.0 1.0 2.0) and
// ((0.0 1.0 2.0 0.5) (3.0 4.0 5.0 1.0) (6.0 7.0 8.0 0.0)) get converted to
// Point3d and Matrix4d respectively. Note that last row of a Matrix4d doesn't
// need to be specified; it is implicitly (0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0).
// The REVERSE_ALL flags are usually passed to the OrbitBehavior constructor.
// Since it is being instantiated with its parameterless constructor the
// reverse flags are set here explicitly.
(ViewPlatformBehaviorProperty vpb ReverseTranslate true)
(ViewPlatformBehaviorProperty vpb ReverseRotate    true)
(ViewPlatformBehaviorProperty vpb ReverseZoom      true)

// Create a new view platform and set the view platform behavior.
(NewViewPlatform vp)
(ViewPlatformProperty vp ViewPlatformBehavior vpb)

// Attach the view to the view platform.
(ViewProperty view0 ViewPlatform vp)