Module jdk.jshell
Package jdk.jshell

Class Diag

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static long NOPOS
      Used to signal that no position is available.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      abstract String getCode()
      Returns a diagnostic code indicating the type of diagnostic.
      abstract long getEndPosition()
      Returns the character offset from the beginning of the file associated with this diagnostic that indicates the end of the problem.
      abstract String getMessage​(Locale locale)
      Returns a localized message for the given locale.
      abstract long getPosition()
      Returns a character offset from the beginning of the source object associated with this diagnostic that indicates the location of the problem.
      abstract long getStartPosition()
      Returns the character offset from the beginning of the file associated with this diagnostic that indicates the start of the problem.
      abstract boolean isError()
      Indicates whether this diagnostic is an error (as opposed to a warning or note).
    • Field Detail

      • NOPOS

        public static final long NOPOS
        Used to signal that no position is available.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • isError

        public abstract boolean isError()
        Indicates whether this diagnostic is an error (as opposed to a warning or note).
        true if this diagnostic is an error; otherwise false
      • getPosition

        public abstract long getPosition()
        Returns a character offset from the beginning of the source object associated with this diagnostic that indicates the location of the problem. In addition, the following must be true:

        getStartPostion() <= getPosition()

        getPosition() <= getEndPosition()

        character offset from beginning of source; NOPOS if the position is not available.
      • getStartPosition

        public abstract long getStartPosition()
        Returns the character offset from the beginning of the file associated with this diagnostic that indicates the start of the problem.
        offset from beginning of file; NOPOS if and only if getPosition() returns NOPOS
      • getEndPosition

        public abstract long getEndPosition()
        Returns the character offset from the beginning of the file associated with this diagnostic that indicates the end of the problem.
        offset from beginning of file; NOPOS if and only if getPosition() returns NOPOS
      • getCode

        public abstract String getCode()
        Returns a diagnostic code indicating the type of diagnostic. The code is implementation-dependent and might be null.
        a diagnostic code
      • getMessage

        public abstract String getMessage​(Locale locale)
        Returns a localized message for the given locale. The actual message is implementation-dependent. If the locale is null use the default locale.
        locale - a locale; might be null
        a localized message