Package org.jgrapht.alg.color
Graph coloring algorithms.
Class Summary Class Description BrownBacktrackColoring<V,E> Brown graph coloring algorithm.ChordalGraphColoring<V,E> Calculates a minimum vertex coloring for a chordal graph.ColorRefinementAlgorithm<V,E> Color refinement algorithm that finds the coarsest stable coloring of a graph based on a givenalpha
coloring as described in the following paper: C.GreedyColoring<V,E> The greedy coloring algorithm.LargestDegreeFirstColoring<V,E> The largest degree first greedy coloring algorithm.RandomGreedyColoring<V,E> The greedy coloring algorithm with a random vertex ordering.SaturationDegreeColoring<V,E> The Dsatur greedy coloring algorithm.SmallestDegreeLastColoring<V,E> The smallest degree last greedy coloring algorithm.