Uses of Package

Provides support for the runtime platform, core utility methods and the extension registry.
Provides the Equinox resolver API.
  • Class
    Framework service which allows bundle programmers to inspect the bundles and packages known to the Framework.
  • Class
    This class represents a base description object for a state.
    BundleDeltas represent the changes related to an individual bundle between two states.
    This class represents a specific version of a bundle in the system.
    A representation of one bundle import constraint as seen in a bundle manifest and managed by a state and resolver.
    A disabled info represents a policy decision to disable a bundle which exists in a State.
    This class represents a specific version of an exported package in the system.
    A description of a generic capability.
    A specification which depends on a generic capability
    A representation of one host bundle constraint as seen in a bundle manifest and managed by a state and resolver.
    A representation of one package import constraint as seen in a bundle manifest and managed by a state and resolver.
    This class represents a native code description.
    This class represents a native code specification.
    An implementation of a resolver which resolves the constraints of the bundles in a system.
    ResolverErrors represent a single error that prevents a bundle from resolving in a State object. *
    A runtime exception thrown by a resolver to indicate that a resolver hook threw an unexpected exception and the resolve operation terminated.
    The state of a system as reported by a resolver.
    A state delta contains all the changes to bundles within a state.
    A helper class that provides convenience methods for manipulating state objects.
    A factory for states and their component objects.
    A state wire represents a decision made by a resolver to wire a requirement to a capability.
    VersionConstraints represent the relationship between two bundles (in the case of bundle requires) or a bundle and a package (in the case of import/export).
    This class represents a version range.