Interface IPresentationEngine

public interface IPresentationEngine
The presentation engine is used to translate the generic workbench model into widgets. Implementations of this service are responsible for creating or destroying widgets corresponding to model elements, as well as for running any event loop required for handling user events on those widgets.
This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final String
    This is the tag name that indicates that the model element is active.
    static final String
    This is a Tag that when applied to an MUILabel element will cause whatever Image is to be shown to be adorned with the 'pinned' affordance.
    static final String
    not supported in the Eclipse platform anymore
    static final String
    This is a persistedState 'key' whose value is expected to be the URI of a subclass of ABstractPartRenderer that is to be used to render the element
    static final String
    This key should be used to add an optional String to an element that is a URI to the elements disabled icon.
    static final String
    This is the tag name that enables the DND support for the element.
    static final String
    This tag can be used by the renderer implementation to decide that the user interface element has been hidden.
    static final String
    When added to an element's 'tags' this should cause the presentation to minimize all other presentation elements.
    static final String
    When applied to an MArea causes it to behave like a MPartSashContainer allowing the different parts to be minimized/maximized separately.
    static final String
    When added to an element's 'tags' this should cause the presentation to move that element to the trim.
    static final String
    This tag should be applied to any element that had its MINIMIZED tag set due to a different element going maximized.
    static final String
    Don't remove the element from the display even if it has no displayable children
    static final String
    When applied as a tag to an MPlaceholder inhibits the display of the close affordance.
    static final String
    When applied as a tag to an MUIElement inhibits detaching the element (ie.
    static final String
    When applied as a tag to an MUIElement inhibits moving the element (ie. through DnD...
    static final String
    When applied as a tag to an MPartDescriptor marks the part as not restorable.
    static final String
    When applied as a tag to an MUILabel inhibits the display of the label text
    static final String
    This tag can be applied to an element as a hint to the renderers that the element would prefer to be horizontal.
    static final String
    This tag can be applied to an element as a hint to the renderers that the element would prefer to be vertical.
    static final String
    This key should be used to add an optional to an elements TRANSIENTDATA.
    static final String
    This key should be used to add an optional String to an elements TRANSIENTDATA.
    static final String
    This key can be used , if the model element does not have a parent and a parent needs to be specified for the renderer to create the widget.
    static final String
    The ID to access the service in the IEclipseContext
    static final String
    This tag can be applied to an element (usually an MPart) to indicate that the element should be split with the result being side by side.
    static final String
    This tag can be applied to an element (usually an MPart) to indicate that the element should be split with the result being one above the other.
    static final String
    Declare the stack as containing a singe 'standalone' view.
    static final String
    This key is used to store information in the 'persistentData' map which will be used to override the initial style of an element at rendering time.
    static final String
    When applied to an MWindow causes the renderer to maximize the resulting control.
    static final String
    When applied to an MWindow causes the renderer to minimize the resulting control.
    static final String
    When applied to an MWindow causes the renderer to render the resulting control as a top level window
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Creates and returns the UI element corresponding to the given model element.
    createGui(MUIElement element, Object parentWidget, IEclipseContext parentContext)
    Creates and returns the UI element for the given model element.
    Attempts to set the UI focus onto the given element.
    Remove the UI element created for this model element.
    Run the UI.
    Shuts down the presentation engine
  • Field Details


      static final String SERVICE_NAME
      The ID to access the service in the IEclipseContext
    • NO_TITLE

      static final String NO_TITLE
      When applied as a tag to an MUILabel inhibits the display of the label text
      See Also:
    • NO_CLOSE

      static final String NO_CLOSE
      When applied as a tag to an MPlaceholder inhibits the display of the close affordance. This allows a part to be closeable in one perspective but not in a different one. NOTE: If you are not using perspectives then use the MPart's 'isCloseable' attribute to control the affordance.
      See Also:

      static final String STANDALONE
      Declare the stack as containing a singe 'standalone' view. These stacks will not allow either dragging the view out of the stack nor dragging other views in.
      See Also:

      static final String NO_AUTO_COLLAPSE
      Don't remove the element from the display even if it has no displayable children
      See Also:
    • NO_MOVE

      static final String NO_MOVE
      When applied as a tag to an MUIElement inhibits moving the element (ie. through DnD...
      See Also:

      static final String NO_DETACH
      When applied as a tag to an MUIElement inhibits detaching the element (ie. through DnD...
      See Also:

      static final String HIDDEN_EXPLICITLY
      This tag can be used by the renderer implementation to decide that the user interface element has been hidden.
      See Also:

      static final String STYLE_OVERRIDE_KEY
      This key is used to store information in the 'persistentData' map which will be used to override the initial style of an element at rendering time. For example the SWT renderer will expect to see an integer (as a string) which defines the initial SWT style bits.
      See Also:

      static final String WINDOW_MINIMIZED_TAG
      When applied to an MWindow causes the renderer to minimize the resulting control.
      See Also:

      static final String WINDOW_MAXIMIZED_TAG
      When applied to an MWindow causes the renderer to maximize the resulting control.
      See Also:

      When applied to an MArea causes it to behave like a MPartSashContainer allowing the different parts to be minimized/maximized separately.
      See Also:

      static final String WINDOW_TOP_LEVEL
      When applied to an MWindow causes the renderer to render the resulting control as a top level window
      See Also:

      static final String MINIMIZED
      When added to an element's 'tags' this should cause the presentation to move that element to the trim. In the default implementation you can only apply this tag to an MPartStack or the MPlaceholder of the MArea.
      See Also:

      static final String MAXIMIZED
      When added to an element's 'tags' this should cause the presentation to minimize all other presentation elements. In the default implementation you can only apply this tag to an MPartStack or the MPlaceholder of the MArea.
      See Also:

      static final String MINIMIZED_BY_ZOOM
      This tag should be applied to any element that had its MINIMIZED tag set due to a different element going maximized. This allows the restore operation to only restore elements that the user did not explicitly minimize.
      See Also:

      static final String ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL
      This tag can be applied to an element as a hint to the renderers that the element would prefer to be horizontal. For an MPart this could be used both as a hint to how to show the view when it's in the trim but could also be used when picking a stack to add a newly opening part to. It could also be used for example to control where the tabs appear on an MPartStack.
      See Also:

      static final String ORIENTATION_VERTICAL
      This tag can be applied to an element as a hint to the renderers that the element would prefer to be vertical. For an MPart this could be used both as a hint to how to show the view when it's in the trim but could also be used when picking a stack to add a newly opening part to. It could also be used for example to control where the tabs appear on an MPartStack.
      See Also:

      static final String SPLIT_HORIZONTAL
      This tag can be applied to an element (usually an MPart) to indicate that the element should be split with the result being side by side.
      See Also:

      static final String SPLIT_VERTICAL
      This tag can be applied to an element (usually an MPart) to indicate that the element should be split with the result being one above the other.
      See Also:

      static final String DISABLED_ICON_IMAGE_KEY
      This key should be used to add an optional String to an element that is a URI to the elements disabled icon. This is used, for example, by Toolbar Items which, in Eclipse SDK, provide a unique icon for disabled tool items that look better than the OS default graying on the default icon. There is a strong argument to be made that this disabledIconURI actually be part of the model
      See Also:

      static final String OVERRIDE_ICON_IMAGE_KEY
      This key should be used to add an optional to an elements TRANSIENTDATA. If present, the image will be used to override that elements iconURI. An example is drawing the error icon on a minimized problems view stack. NOTE: This image must be checked to ensure that it hasn't been disposed on retrieval.
      See Also:

      static final String OVERRIDE_TITLE_TOOL_TIP_KEY
      This key should be used to add an optional String to an elements TRANSIENTDATA. If present, the string will be used to override the elements TitleToolTip. An example is setting the ToolTip of a minimized problems view stack to the number of errors and warnings in the view.
      See Also:

      static final String ADORNMENT_PIN
      This is a Tag that when applied to an MUILabel element will cause whatever Image is to be shown to be adorned with the 'pinned' affordance.
      See Also:

      static final String ANIMATIONS_ENABLED
      not supported in the Eclipse platform anymore
      This is a Boolean preference used to control animations in the application
      See Also:

      static final String CUSTOM_RENDERER_KEY
      This is a persistedState 'key' whose value is expected to be the URI of a subclass of ABstractPartRenderer that is to be used to render the element
      See Also:

      static final String RENDERING_PARENT_KEY
      This key can be used , if the model element does not have a parent and a parent needs to be specified for the renderer to create the widget.
      See Also:

      static final String DRAGGABLE
      This is the tag name that enables the DND support for the element. The element's tags list has to be updated with the tag in order to enable the DND processing.
      See Also:
    • ACTIVE

      static final String ACTIVE
      This is the tag name that indicates that the model element is active.
      See Also:

      static final String NO_RESTORE
      When applied as a tag to an MPartDescriptor marks the part as not restorable.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • createGui

      Object createGui(MUIElement element, Object parentWidget, IEclipseContext parentContext)
      Creates and returns the UI element for the given model element.
      element - the model element
      parentWidget - the parent
      parentContext - the context within which this element is being rendered
      the created UI element
    • createGui

      Object createGui(MUIElement element)
      Creates and returns the UI element corresponding to the given model element. The resulting UI element sits at the top of a widget hierarchy
      element - the model element
      the create UI element
    • removeGui

      void removeGui(MUIElement element)
      Remove the UI element created for this model element.
      element - the model element whose UI element should removed
    • focusGui

      void focusGui(MUIElement element)
      Attempts to set the UI focus onto the given element. By default we delegate this to the elements implementation's @Focus method (if any). If no such method exists we delegate the the renderer's 'forceFocus' method.
      element - the element to set UI focus on
    • run

      Object run(MApplicationElement uiRoot, IEclipseContext appContext)
      Run the UI. This method is responsible for creating the initial UI and (if necessary) spinning the event loop for the life of the application.
      uiRoot - the root gui element
      appContext - application context
      The application's return value
    • stop

      void stop()
      Shuts down the presentation engine