Interface ILogicalStructureProvider

public interface ILogicalStructureProvider
Provides logical structure types applicable to a raw implementation value from a debug model. Associated with a logical structure provider extension.

The following is an example of a logical structure provider extension:

  <extension point="org.eclipse.debug.core.logicalStructureProviders">

In the example above, the specified logical structure provider will be consulted for alternative logical structures for values from the com.example.debug.model debug model as they are displayed in the variables view.

Clients contributing logical structure providers must implement this interface.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getLogicalStructureTypes

      ILogicalStructureType[] getLogicalStructureTypes(IValue value)
      Returns the logical structure types which are applicable to the given value.
      value - value for which logical structure types are being requested
      the logical structure types which are applicable to the given value