Class RegistryFactory


public final class RegistryFactory extends Object
Use this class to create or obtain an extension registry.

The following methods can be used without OSGi running:

This class is not intended to be subclassed or instantiated.

org.eclipse.equinox.registry 3.2
This class is not intended to be instantiated by clients.
  • Constructor Details

    • RegistryFactory

      public RegistryFactory()
  • Method Details

    • createRegistry

      public static IExtensionRegistry createRegistry(RegistryStrategy strategy, Object masterToken, Object userToken)
      Creates a new extension registry based on the given set of parameters.

      The strategy is an optional collection of methods that supply additional registry functionality. Users may pass in null for the strategy if default behavior is sufficient.

      The master token is stored by the registry and later used as an identifier of callers who are allowed full control over the registry functionality. Users may pass in null as a master token.

      The user token is stored by the registry and later used as an identifier of callers who are allowed to control registry at the user level. For instance, users attempting to modify dynamic contributions to the registry have to use the user token. Users may pass in null as a user token.

      strategy - registry strategy or null
      masterToken - the token used for master control of the registry or null
      userToken - the token used for user control of the registry or null
      the new extension registry
    • getRegistry

      public static IExtensionRegistry getRegistry()
      Returns the default extension registry specified by the registry provider. May return null if the provider has not been set or if the registry has not been created.
      existing extension registry or null
    • createOSGiStrategy

      public static RegistryStrategy createOSGiStrategy(File[] storageDirs, boolean[] cacheReadOnly, Object token)
      Creates a registry strategy that can be used in an OSGi container. The strategy uses OSGi contributions and contributors for the registry processing and takes advantage of additional mechanisms available through the OSGi library.

      The OSGi registry strategy sequentially checks the array of storage directories to discover the location of the registry cache formed by previous invocations of the extension registry. Once found, the location is used to store registry cache. If this value is null then caching of the registry content is disabled.

      The cache read-only array is an array the same length as the storage directory array. It contains boolean values indicating whether or not each storage directory is read-only. If the value at an index is true then the location at the corresponding index in the storage directories array is read-only; if false then the cache location is read-write. The array can be null if the storageDirs parameter is null.

      The master token should be passed to the OSGi registry strategy to permit it to perform contributions to the registry.

      storageDirs - array of file system directories or null
      cacheReadOnly - array of read only attributes or null
      token - control token for the registry
      registry strategy that can be used in an OSGi container
      See Also:
    • setDefaultRegistryProvider

      public static void setDefaultRegistryProvider(IRegistryProvider provider) throws CoreException
      Use this method to specify the default registry provider. The default registry provider is immutable in the sense that it can be set only once during the application runtime. Attempts to change the default registry provider will cause an exception to be thrown.

      The given registry provider must not be null.

      provider - extension registry provider
      CoreException - if a default registry provider was already set for this application
      See Also: