Module java.desktop

Class NimbusLookAndFeel

    • Constructor Detail

      • NimbusLookAndFeel

        public NimbusLookAndFeel​()
        Create a new NimbusLookAndFeel.
    • Method Detail

      • getStyle

        public static NimbusStyle getStyle​(JComponent c,
                                           Region r)
        Gets the style associated with the given component and region. This will never return null. If an appropriate component and region cannot be determined, then a default style is returned.
        c - a non-null reference to a JComponent
        r - a non-null reference to the region of the component c
        a non-null reference to a NimbusStyle.
      • getName

        public String getName​()
        Return a short string that identifies this look and feel. This String will be the unquoted String "Nimbus".
        getName in class SynthLookAndFeel
        a short string identifying this look and feel.
      • getID

        public String getID​()
        Return a string that identifies this look and feel. This String will be the unquoted String "Nimbus".
        getID in class SynthLookAndFeel
        a short string identifying this look and feel.
      • getDescription

        public String getDescription​()
        Returns a textual description of this look and feel.
        getDescription in class SynthLookAndFeel
        textual description of this look and feel.
      • shouldUpdateStyleOnAncestorChanged

        public boolean shouldUpdateStyleOnAncestorChanged​()
        Returns whether or not the UIs should update their SynthStyles from the SynthStyleFactory when the ancestor of the JComponent changes. A subclass that provided a SynthStyleFactory that based the return value from getStyle off the containment hierarchy would override this method to return true.
        shouldUpdateStyleOnAncestorChanged in class SynthLookAndFeel
      • shouldUpdateStyleOnEvent

        protected boolean shouldUpdateStyleOnEvent​(PropertyChangeEvent ev)
        Returns whether or not the UIs should update their styles when a particular event occurs.

        Overridden to return true when one of the following properties change:

        • "Nimbus.Overrides"
        • "Nimbus.Overrides.InheritDefaults"
        • "JComponent.sizeVariant"
        shouldUpdateStyleOnEvent in class SynthLookAndFeel
        ev - a PropertyChangeEvent
        whether or not the UIs should update their styles
      • register

        public void register​(Region region,
                             String prefix)

        Registers a third party component with the NimbusLookAndFeel.

        Regions represent Components and areas within Components that act as independent painting areas. Once registered with the NimbusLookAndFeel, NimbusStyles for these Regions can be retrieved via the getStyle method.

        The NimbusLookAndFeel uses a standard naming scheme for entries in the UIDefaults table. The key for each property, state, painter, and other default registered in UIDefaults for a specific Region will begin with the specified prefix

        For example, suppose I had a component named JFoo. Suppose I then registered this component with the NimbusLookAndFeel in this manner:

             laf.register(NimbusFooUI.FOO_REGION, "Foo");

        In this case, I could then register properties for this component with UIDefaults in the following manner:

             UIManager.put("Foo.background", new ColorUIResource(Color.BLACK));
             UIManager.put("Foo.Enabled.backgroundPainter", new FooBackgroundPainter());

        It is also possible to register a named component with Nimbus. For example, suppose you wanted to style the background of a JPanel named "MyPanel" differently from other JPanels. You could accomplish this by doing the following:

             laf.register(Region.PANEL, "\"MyPanel\"");
             UIManager.put("\"MyPanel\".background", new ColorUIResource(Color.RED));
        region - The Synth Region that is being registered. Such as Button, or ScrollBarThumb, or NimbusFooUI.FOO_REGION.
        prefix - The UIDefault prefix. For example, could be ComboBox, or if a named components, "MyComboBox", or even something like ToolBar."MyComboBox"."ComboBox.arrowButton"
      • getDisabledIcon

        public Icon getDisabledIcon​(JComponent component,
                                    Icon icon)
        Description copied from class: LookAndFeel
        Returns an Icon with a disabled appearance. This method is used to generate a disabled Icon when one has not been specified. For example, if you create a JButton and only specify an Icon via setIcon this method will be called to generate the disabled Icon. If null is passed as icon this method returns null.

        Some look and feels might not render the disabled Icon, in which case they will ignore this.

        getDisabledIcon in class LookAndFeel
        component - JComponent that will display the Icon, may be null
        icon - Icon to generate the disabled icon from
        disabled Icon, or null if a suitable Icon can not be generated
      • getDerivedColor

        public Color getDerivedColor​(String uiDefaultParentName,
                                     float hOffset,
                                     float sOffset,
                                     float bOffset,
                                     int aOffset,
                                     boolean uiResource)
        Get a derived color, derived colors are shared instances and is color value will change when its parent UIDefault color changes.
        uiDefaultParentName - The parent UIDefault key
        hOffset - The hue offset
        sOffset - The saturation offset
        bOffset - The brightness offset
        aOffset - The alpha offset
        uiResource - True if the derived color should be a UIResource, false if it should not be
        The stored derived color
      • getDerivedColor

        protected final Color getDerivedColor​(Color color1,
                                              Color color2,
                                              float midPoint,
                                              boolean uiResource)
        Decodes and returns a color, which is derived from an offset between two other colors.
        color1 - The first color
        color2 - The second color
        midPoint - The offset between color 1 and color 2, a value of 0.0 is color 1 and 1.0 is color 2;
        uiResource - True if the derived color should be a UIResource
        The derived color
      • getDerivedColor

        protected final Color getDerivedColor​(Color color1,
                                              Color color2,
                                              float midPoint)
        Decodes and returns a color, which is derived from a offset between two other colors.
        color1 - The first color
        color2 - The second color
        midPoint - The offset between color 1 and color 2, a value of 0.0 is color 1 and 1.0 is color 2;
        The derived color, which will be a UIResource